White Demon (Not smutty if I’m being honest)

A band of raiders, about ten or twelve, crested the hill but only barely. Heads cloaked with the skinned heads of dire wolves peering over the curve of the hill they looked on at the settlement. It was a modest thing. A small handful of people, maybe three family groups, four at the most, with about as many thatch huts arranged in a rough circle from the center of which rose a thin line of smoke.

“The men are gone.” Came the voice of one of the raiders in the center of the batch. There were lines in his face and the white lines of the Wise One sat in his temples.

“Thank you for your knowledge Wise One.” The rest of the raiders murmered and stroked a line from their temple to the back of their heads.

“Let us go.” The one in the center rose to his feet. The head of the wolf on his head trailed down his back. His torso was left exposed, decorated only by a loose rope that crossed from hip to shoulder and held a short spear, topped by a sharpened rock. He wore a rough tunic that saw better days. His feet were wrapped in something that looked like it belonged on a small animal. The rest of the pack were similarly dressed.

He roared something meaningless and started running down the hill spear waving in the air above him. The rest of raiders followed him down, their own clubs and rocks in hand.

It was short.

It was crude.

The raiders got what they wanted. It was a small settlement but there was a lot of food there. Enough for a few weeks. The women there were fine as well. Heavy chests and wide hips. The raiders dragged them all to one of the houses in the center of the village. Two of the older raiders stood guard at the doorway. The head of the pack poked his head through the doorframe. “A decent harvest this time.” He said with a cruel laugh. The others agreed with him.

There was the sound of a scuffle and a young raider, one who’s voice dropped five or six winters ago rounded a corner. His shoulders were bare of wolfskin, something coarse instead covering his chest. There was tall girl in his grasp. Hair the color of wheat in the morning and eyes blue as the sky. She was covered by something about as rough as what he wore. It couldn’t hide her frame. Her chest was something to marvel at and her legs were long and perfectly shaped.

She tried to pull her arm from his grasp. She dug her bare heels into the dirt. The young raider struggled slightly but kept moving forward.

“This one is mine.” He said as he approached the center of the settlement.

The leader of the raider walked over. He only saw the girl. “Try again Pup.”

Pup pulled her behind him. “This one is one.” He looked up at the leader. The older one looked down at him.

He struck the younger one with an open hand across the face. The surprise sent the young one flying. “Learn your place!” The old one barked. He forced the girl up. Dire Wolf pulled her towards the hut at the center. He pushed her in and then went in.

Touched by Wise One went to the pup. “You can not win like this.” He helped Pup to his feet. “You need to be wait for the moment to strike. Don’t keep doing this.”

Pup pulled his arm away from the man. “I saw something hidden behind that hill.” He got up and headed away. The other raiders prepared for their turn in the hut.

Over the hill there was nothing. Pup walked towards it anyone. A black dog appeared from a dip in the ground. A bad omen. It peered at him. Its eyes were drawn to something behind him. It bound towards it. Pup barely moved from where he stood in time.

He turned around to find the dog at the heels of its master. A pale woman, hair black as the night and eyes that matched. Black lines started at her feet and circled her bare body, stopping just at her neck. She held a long wooden stick in her hand. It was taller than her and it curved in on itself. Its wood was cracked in the same pattern as the stripes on her body.

“Evil One.” Pup made a warding gesture with his hand, fingers in a curving claw and pushed it towards her. She shook, as if a strong wind passed through her, then stood still.

“I mean you no harm.” She said, opening her arms. A nod from her sent the black dog bounding away, heading towards something on the horizon. Pup did not change his expression. “I can give you what you want.”

“What is it that I want?” He asked. He placed his hand on the shaft of his axe.

The Evil One noticed his movement. “Come now,” She almost tutted. “We can both help each other here.” She planted her staff firmly in the ground and sat on the ground, a few feet away from it. She gestured at the ground in front of her for the young man to sit. Pup looked at her suspiciously before sitting down in front of her.

“What do you want?”

“I want my name to be known. I want a champion who can spill blood in my name.” She talked about this the same way a starving man talks about a King’s banquet. “I want someone who will kill and sow havoc. Someone to raise temples of blood in my name. Someone who will stain rivers red for me.” Her eyes lit up but stayed black as the darkest night. “Someone who will break bones and draw blood. End lives and all hopes. Someone who will raise me to the highest of heights. Someone to ensure that my name will always be remembered.”

Pup remained silent.

“I’ve been watching you.” She leaned in close. “They call you Pup don’t they?” He grunted. “I can make them fear your name. They don’t know it but you are the one who should be in that hut right now. To have someone like yourself leading them is something that they could only wish for.”

“Touched by the Wise One says the same thing.” Pup ran his finger from temple to the back of his head.

She grinned. “But I can offer you what he can’t. They force their women. Fight in my name and they will beg for you. You won’t have to hunt for them or drag them screaming. They will find you and wish for you.”

Pup’s eyes grew wide. Evil One smiled. “Bring me blood and I bring you your heart’s desire?”

Pup nodded. She smirked and placed a cold palm on his chest. Pup felt himself changing. His heart began to beat faster; his muscles felt tighter; the tunic he wore felt coarser; the sky looked brighter; the mountains far away became sharper; the noises from the village became clearer.

He looked down at himself and saw himself changing color from pale to unnaturally pale, the same color of the Evil One. “I feel like I could fell mountains.” He said with the smile of a child with a new toy.

“You aren’t quite at mountain level yet.” The Evil One said. “Straight with the fools back there.”

He plucked his axe from its place, tossing it in the air with a spin. He caught it in his palm, spinning it idly. “You’ll uphold your end of the bargain.”

She nodded. “There is one more thing.”

“What is it?”

“Pup. No one will fear that name.” He looked at her curiously. “You need a new name. Demon.” She smiled to herself as she whistled for her pet. The hound appeared out of the shadows, rubbing himself against Demon as he passed him. “Yes. That suits you. Now, go forth White Demon.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/aox6hx/white_demon_not_smutty_if_im_being_honest