Me [F] and my boyfriend [M] make each other cum ❤️ UPDATE to: getting eaten out for the first time

Hi everybody!

Sooo a yesterday I (20F) posted the story of my boyfriend (20M) going down on me for the first time. It was originally an update post so I didn’t make it too graphic, so when it got deleted off of r/sex (I didn’t know you couldn’t post updates!) I kept it as it was but posted it here. You guys were so nice about it and told me to be even more graphic so here I am with another new sexual story thing that makes me blush to write.

So bit of background about my boyfriend and I: we’ve been together for a few months now, and while he’s extremely experienced (started having sex when he was 14, has had multiple partners, threesomes etc.) I am the total opposite (I’m a virgin, haven’t done anything besides oral (from him) and didn’t even get my first orgasm until I was almost 19). We’ve known each other for a really long time but only got together at university where we both currently go. I’m not going to say my actual name, but it starts with a T so I’m just going to say it’s Tessa for these purposes cause that’s kinda close (hope that’s ok!!).

So last time I posted he had given me head for the first time (if you don’t want to read – I loved it) and I wanted to do something for him. He’s eaten me out twice now, and both times he’s gotten hard and gone to the bathroom to finish himself off. I’m a bit nervous about touching him or giving him head because we haven’t really discussed it and he knows how nervous I am. All I want to be is a good girlfriend for him so I want to be ready for when it does happen, which is why tonight we took things (kinda) slower.

So tonight he picked me up from work and drove us back to his place (he lives off campus in an apartment, I live on campus in a dorm). The drive is about 20 minutes and we were talking normally before my curious as heck mouth which does not think said:

“After you go down there on me you always go to the bathroom and I think I know what you’re doing but also you might just be using the bathroom so I was wondering which one was it”

I went tomato red and he laughed and kept his hand on my thigh which he does whenever we get into the car, and he said

“What do you think I go in there to do, Tessa?”

He has this thing where he makes me say things that make me uncomfortable (like telling me to ask him to take my panties off and to be more sexually explicit) – to a certain extent. It gets me out of my comfort zone because he’s a very open/dominant person sexually. I’m okay with it and it kinda turns me on a little bit too with being told what do to but I just shook my head because I didn’t want to say it. I know I sound a lot younger than 20 right now, but I’m a super shy person naturally and didn’t have a lot of sex education growing up so I’m not great at talking about sex (but this helps me get better at it! Plus he said he likes to see me squirm).
He asked again, and I looked down hard at the floor of the car and said

“I think that you maybe, touch”,

it’s the most I could say without being completely embarrassed because I was too shy to say masturbating. He didn’t laugh but squeezed my leg until I looked up at him and saw he was smiling (we were at a red light) and he lent over, kissed my forehead and said

“Good girl”.

I think I died at this point.

So we drove home pretty much in silence (but the good kind of silence) and he parked and we went up to his apartment. Again, I mentioned in my last story that when we get to his place or my dorm (I live in a single dorm) we usually don’t wear a lot. It was about 7:00 (I work at a library that closes late for students) so he pulled his clothes off down to his boxers and went to his bedroom to lie down. I followed him in and found a shirt of his to put on and wore that with my panties still on.

I was going to climb into bed with him, but I had been out all day so asked if minded if I took a shower. He ran into the bathroom, stripped and jumped in and said
“Only if I can join”
We’ve see each other naked before with showering after he ate me out for the first time, but I still get insecure about my body. He could tell I was nervous so he closed his eyes with his hands, said “okay you’ve got 10 seconds to get that spankable butt in here” (this made me blush to high heavens) and didn’t open his eyes until I was pressed up against him in the shower.

ANYWAY I hopped into the shower with him and we just cuddled for a while in there standing up. It made me sopping wet and him hard, but he knows how inexperienced I am so we didn’t act on it. He washed my hair, washed all of me really, and then we got out and he sat on his bed.

Anyway, I came up besides him in a t shirt and undies and we turned Netflix on and we cuddled for a bit. I always try to not look at his crotch area out of politeness I guess? But tonight he was kinda hard after the shower (I think it’s called a semi) and I was trying to pay attention to the screen but I kept looking over. Whenever I am almost naked like I was then, he gets hard. The first time it happened he asked if it bothered me but honestly it gets me so wet I’m surprised he doesn’t notice a puddle between my legs. I ended up staring at his, well, his dick, curious as all hell.

He noticed and said “Tessa, what are you looking at?”

All I did was make a noise and point down at it, to which he just grinned and we started kissing.

Y’all wanted me to be more graphic, so here it is. He pulled me over on top of him. He kissed slowly, deliberate, moving from my mouth down to my neck, sucking and biting. He found out when we first started dating that kissing my neck is super sensitive for me, so my head fell back and I think I said his name, to which he looked at me and then we started kissing fast. He held my hips and pushed them down harder onto his lap, so I nervously started to move them (usually he does this when he’s on top).

“Fuck”, he said and stopped the kiss for a moment. I was so shy to initiate anything like this, and it was a huge confidence boost!! So I kept going, and I decided to kiss his neck too. I tried to copy what he did to me, and stay with moving my hips and butt on him, which left him with a lot of “Shit’s”, “Goooood girl’s” and “Far out’s” (take note people, little words like this make a huge difference). His hands were on my hips making me press harder into his lap and would move up under the shirt to touch my nipples which get super sensitive, hence more moaning and whimpering from me. All of him was pressed up against my down there region, and I looked down and the head of him was sticking up out of his boxer shorts. We kept going like this for maybe 10 minutes before he said

“Okay stop stop stop”.

I now know why he said it, but at the time already nervous and shy Tess bolted off of him like no one could stop me and started apologising. I was so scared that I’d done something wrong, or that I’d hurt him, or that he wanted to just not do this at all.

I was on the other side of his bed and he walked around while I was still saying sorry and how I shouldn’t have gotten so carried away.
He knelt down in front of me (he’s 6’6 and I’m 5’5 so him kneeling is still us face to face) and I stopped talking.

“Don’t apologise, don’t.” He kissed me again.

“It’s just that felt really good, and I needed a second to think about what we want to do next. I shouldn’t have worded it that way.” I nodded and told him that it was okay.

“Trust me, fucking hell I want to do everything with you. I want to show you how it feels and what to do and how good you make me feel, but I also don’t want to scare the fuck out of you. I mean, fuck, we’ve done a lot in the past 24 hours, and we can just keep doing that until you want to do something else.”

Soooo being the turned on 20 year old girlfriend I am, I said,

“What if I did want to do something else? Now?”

I don’t think his eyes have ever gone wider and he looked about as shocked as I normally do when he says something sexual.

“What do you want to do, Tess?”

I looked at him, face already starting to blush and moving my hands over his.

“Can I see what you do? When you, you know, leave after you go down on me? Please?”
I knew that I wanted to do something, but this was the best I could say. He stood up, taking his shirt off of me.
“Lie back” he said, before walking round to his side of the bed again, lying down and pressing up close to me. We were both on our backs and he lent over and started kissing me again. He moved down to my neck, to my breasts, making me moan. I felt brave and before I thought about it too much I moved my hand and touched his lower stomach. He stopped kissing me and went still.

“Is this okay?” I asked him

“Damn right it is” he said and we laughed because, well, we’re cheesy. We kept kissing, I was playing with the waistband of his boxers and he was touching me over my panties.

“Could you maybe, please, if it’s okay, take them off?” I asked him, pulling at his boxers.

“Are you sure?” He looked at me, trying to tell if I was really ready for this.

“Please”, and so he lent back, and took them off.
I’ve seen a bit of him in the shower, but I’ve never had the courage to look for longer than a few seconds. He was thick and long and freaking perfect and it was pressed up against his stomach, which I didn’t know that they could do (i thought it was kind of a 90 degree situation) It was a kind of pink colour, and all of a sudden it twitched a little which made me giggle.

“That’s not going to fit in me. Like, at all” I told him, smiling. He said
“Let’s cross that bridge when you’re ready, okay?” I nodded and he smiled before trailing his hand down his torso.
“Plus, I can’t really think about burying myself in you right now or I’m not going to last” he said chuckling and I covered my face with my hands before he took them off.

“Do you want me to show you?” I nodded as hard as I could before he grabbed my hand and put it over my panties.

“I’ll show you, if you show me”. I’ve never really had much luck getting off without a vibrator by myself, but I would do anything to watch him so I slipped my panties off and opened my legs.

That’s when he started touching, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything hotter. Period. He was stroking, and sometimes he’d touch his balls I think with his other hand, but a lot of it was him with his free hand over mine helping me touch myself. I saw him push two fingers inside of me and when he pulled it out he put my wetness on him and used it (as lube I think?) and I almost came then and there.

Also side note I’m writing this absolutely dripping because thinking of it is making me crazy.

When he made a noise, it made me make a noise. We were both looking at each other touching, him telling me what to do, where to touch my self, how fast to go. He’d look at me with my hand between my legs and go faster, and when I closed my eyes he’d tell me to open and look at what he was doing. I never thought I’d feel like I was close with my fingers, but I could this time (omg??!!). I don’t last long, so I started speeding up and he noticed.

“Don’t pop yet” he told me, which made me stop.

“What??” I asked

“Don’t come yet, I want to come with you and I want to say when you can pop.” As I said in my previous post, he loved dirty talk, but this was a whole other level for me. Also, he sometimes calls cumming ‘popping’ or to ‘pop’

So what did I do? I begged. I was so close and had never felt so turned on and at this point shyness was out the window for me.
“Please, please please” I started kissing his neck and watching him move up and down, rubbing his thumb on the top of it and flexing his hand to squeeze sometimes. I’d never seen a guy do it before and I know it sounds weird but it was kind of mesmerising.
“Okay start again. Good girl, that’s my good girl” he said as I started touching again.
I was a moaning whimpering mess at this point and i swear I must have left a puddle beneath me I was so wet. I kept begging which I’ve never done but I just kept asking and pleading to cum.


One word and I lost it, hips moving and my head lolled back.
I heard him swear and I looked over to him looking at me, moving his hand faster and faster before it throbbed in his hand and he came. His legs tensed up a bit, and he stopped for a second before slowly starting to stroke again, a little more come coming out onto his stomach. His eyes were closed but I rolled over on top of him, and I was so freaking happy.
I had cum not only with just my fingers, but with him, and I had seen him and seen him cum? Your girl was flipping happy. He told me that he’s never had a girl watch him do that and he wants to do it again!!

Anyway, pleaseeee don’t shoot me in the comments for bad writing or descriptions or anything, I’ve never really read stories like this before so I’m just trying to repeat what happened in writing – this is real life folkssss!! I am not trying to be an erotic writer at all, a lot of people just wanted an update and I’m cool with writing one! Also, yes he knows that I’m on here writing about things, but I’m not letting him read them (yet). I wrote this very hurriedly (like 15 minutes) and it’s by no means good, I’m just sharing what happened cause you guys liked my last one so much!

He’s currently out making dinner and I’m still in bed with probably wet thighs and a very curious mind as to what will happen next.

Lots of love




  1. You are officially completely adorable… and you worry far too much about your writing. Trust me, when it comes across as so genuine and with such enthusiasm it’s a joy to read.

    And, yeah, also hot ;)

    Delighted to hear you’re having such fun – you seem to click so well together and I suspect you’re going to have an incredible time experimenting together and finding all the things that really work for you both.

    And wasn’t it fun to find that as experienced as he might be, you’re the first person who’d ever got to watch him getting himself off? A fun memory to be sure and its awesome you enjoyed it :) Obviously he enjoyed watching you too… you may find it fun some time to tell him to -just- watch you as you get yourself off, and see how deliciously turned on and frustrated you can get him (though fair warning, he might do the same back ;) ).

    And I’m sure we’re all curious as to what will happen next…

  2. You are so cute, i hope you have a long healthy relationship with him and only death shall part you.

    I recommend you try touching his penis, just once, and see how you feel about that.

  3. Ugh love reading your updates!!! This guy sounds like a keeper and you two remind me of the innocent days ☺️☺️ just relax and enjoy the ride (especially the wet ones ?)

  4. The hint of innocence makes it so hot, thank you for sharing, and don’t be too mindful with your writing, I’ve read worst hahaha, anyway continue updating us if that’s ok with you, and kudos to him for respecting you and you’re sexuality. Ok have a good one

  5. Please document your whole relationship. You are so fun and adorable to read about!

  6. No need to worry; you write very cutely and I can tell you’re well on your way to getting comfortable with all this. He sounds like a very patient, accommodating guy. Actually reminds me of my third serious girlfriend. It took her months to open up but once we did we just had more fun every day.

    Don’t doubt yourself so much, ok? :p

  7. I just “pop” at the same time as you and your boyfriend reading this.

    Excellent history, keep us updated!

  8. So hot! My little man is standing at attention! He sounds like a very lucky guy. Hope you can share again soon.

  9. So sweet and cute! I love the details and emotions you share. I can’t wait to read more.

  10. This one and the other story are so cute and wholesome and make my heart very happy ❤️ hope you two continue to enjoy each other and maybe you drop us another story, your writing is great!

  11. Damn get it girl!!! We are adorable when we are shy!!! I love it and that was hot!!!

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