My second Dil[F]

Not too long after my first DILF I ended up in a pretty long term relationship. However, that ended, and I knew I had to go get some good cock somewhere. What made the most sense in my mind? Running away to Europe.

It turns out everyone in Paris is super horny. Quelle surprise. Almost every single guy I swiped right on Tinder matched me back, and they were all dying for some sweet American pussy. I got to have my pick…. so clearly, I went for a nice DILF. He lived closeby to the hotel I was staying at, so we met up outside and went to have dinner together. At this point, I’m 23 and in need of a good rebound, and he is 40, handsome, bald. He had spent a few years in America so his English was very good, and we went to a nice restaurant.

At dinner, we were sitting very close to all of the other tables, and at one point I start talking about *city where I’m from*. The table next to us also happens to be two American women trying to have a conversation with me about how they’re from the same city. I don’t really care. I wonder if they’re examining the age difference between my date and I. They offer us the rest of their bottle of wine, but I’m not drinking so I tell them they can bring it with them.

Anyway, after dinner he asks me if I want to go back to his place. I contemplate it for a second and then I’m like, yeah might as well. Lol. His apartment is a short walk away, so I get a little high to relax on the way over. He puts some music on, but whatever it was was horrible so I crawl into his bed to change it to something I like better. He joins me on the bed and we start kissing. Not too tonguey, just right and with the skill an older man can provide. It doesn’t take long for my clothes to disappear, and suddenly his head is buried between my thighs. After a good while of that, I pull him up because it’s my turn to go down on him.

He lays down while I suck his cock and he is just loving it. I love sucking dick, I always find it quite fun. But what was even more fun was making him moan…. and hearing him talk dirty to me in French. I’m sliding my tongue around and bobbing up and down, and he keeps trying to talk to me in English but then keeps moaning “ohhhh oui” and I almost lost it. Eventually I get up and he grabs a condom and starts fucking me while I’m on my back. I thought he might have been a little bit more aggressive, but he really went more slowly and passionately, like he was trying to make love to me or something. Weird. We switched positions a few times until I was bouncing on top, moaning, and made him cum. We cuddled for a bit and then he got up for a cigarette. I hate cigarettes normally and find them disgusting, but somehow in Europe they’re not as bad to me…. and if there’s ever a time to smoke a cigarette, after sex in Paris is the time. I laughed at the image of myself naked with this man smoking a cigarette, where no one in the world had any idea what I was up to.

He wanted me to stay over, but I fucked again and then left. Fin!


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