Doctors visit, part 2

The Doctor, part 2

Now, skip ahead to yesterday!

The pain did turn out to be nothing, just a sedantary lifestyle which I have since changed, and I did have a problem with my gallbladder, which was removed some time after that appointment. You’ll see in a minute why I keep mentioning that.

I was looking forward to the appointment for quite some time, having never really gotten what happened last year out of my head. I was both unsure of what would happen, and hoping to lay to rest any idea that this was a regular part of an annual exam.

I arrived early as I always do no matter where I’m going, and checked out the new building they just had built…very modern, open floor plan, etc…looks just like a modern college campus building.

The receptionist handed me a tablet instead of the usual pre-visit form you have to fill out, and I clicked through all the questions about my current state, and previous issues, wondering if a question about the pain would come up.

It didn’t.

Thankfully. I was just going to go in and not mention it, have a normal annual visit and we would all be over it.

Being the first to arrive, a nurse (not the NP) called me in as I was clicking through the last few questions. Relieved that “the issue” was now well behind me, I was in a chipper mood and jokes with her about what I assume every one does: gaining to much weight, the weather is unusual, etc etc.

Blood pressure, check.

Weight, check.

Height, check.

“Ok, the doctor will be in shortly.”

She said “doctor”, not NP. Would I not get to see those shoes again?

They say if you can’t make a decision you should flip a coin, because in that moment, you will either be happy you got what you really wanted, or sad you didn’t get what you really wanted. Either way, you would now know which choice was truely correct.

When she said “doctor”, I knew right away what I wanted, and this wasn’t it. I wouldn’t get to see those shoes. See that lab coat that made it appear as if she was wearing nothing at all. I wouldn’t get to see her, and well, any prospect. You get the point.

The nurse told me to strip down again, slip into the gown and she left me in the room with my thoughts: maybe she’s a doctor now? Maybe she’d see my name or chart outside and peak her head in if only to defuse what might be. Maybe, maybe.

Alas, no. I’ll admit to you now that I didn’t get to see her again, not in the room nor floating around in the halls as I left, and wondered around a bit more than required.

But it was for the best, I’m sure and a weight did lift a bit. I was relieved and now back in a fun mood. I truely have gotten on better without my gallbladder, and I suggest to everyone that they have theirs removed, too!

A sat for a few minutes alone, knowing that doctors and lawyers and important people never show up on time proving just how much more important they are, but soon a tap on the door and a quiet little voice asks to come in (not HER voice for sure).

I really think I’ve only met my actual doctor once in the past. My problems are usually handled by nurses or NP’s, and I had forgotten just how cute my doctor is.

I suspect we are about the same age, though I might be slightly older than her. She probably stands about a foot shorter than me, and for her weight, well…let’s get to that.

Being as relaxed as I was, I answered her routine questions with my typical wry banter, and she responded in kind, dropping as many swears in as I, myself, let slip.

We talked about why I was in this room and not the other, and I said that I heard the scale was broken in there so I was led in here, but then I asked how they knew this one was correct?

She went along with the joke, and to prove it, she got up on the scale, while hiding the digital readout from me, tossing me a look over her shoulder to see if I was trying to see. I was.

She said it was accurate and took pains to clear the screen before turning back around to me.

Honestly, this may have been the best “date” I have ever been on. She asked personal questions of me, and I answered, inviting her to enquire more. Asked about my family history, how I was feeling and what may have changed in my life.

She then asked how I was doing after the gallbladder was removed and I told her that I’ve never felt better. I can eat what ever I want without concern, so much so that I’ve gained weight because of it!

“In fact”, I said, “you should have yours removed”, as I tell everyone.

“Really? Why do you say that?”

I explain why, and say “you should. I bet it’s pink (not knowing what color a gallbladder really is) and healthy and crazy adorable, just like you”.

I don’t know what color a gallbladder should be, but I have no doubt I turned at least 6 shades of it as I realized what just came out of my mouth.

Her mouth, luckily, curled up into this ear to ear grin that would put the Grinch to shame.

“Crazy adorable, heh?”

“I…I would just assume”.

“And why is that?”

Neither one of us can stop grinning as I now feel completely naked even with this ridiculous gown covering me. I look around for a place to hide but find nothing.

She turns back to the screen trying to be professional, but fight as she will, that grin doesn’t leave her adorable face.

Continuing to read through my history, she asks a few more questions and asks me then to “hop up” onto the bench so she can continue doing her job.

Reluctantly, I slide over to the bench and she slides up next to me, puts her hand on my shoulder to steady herself as she uses her foot to adjust the height of the bench.

This has now also become the weirdest “date” i have ever been on.

She circles around me, grabs a proder or a poker, and checks this and checks that on me, constantely asking me questions, constantly smiling and giggling her way through the process.

“Deep breath…in…out. Again. Again.” She asks for deeper and deeper breaths each time, but I notice she barely touches me with her stethiscope.

“How do you feel?”

I bit light headed really, and good. Very relaxed.

“Fine”, is all I respond to her.

“Good. Now lay back.”

For an instant I panic, but realize this is normally what happens during an exam. I’ve always wonder what exactly they are pressing into my abdomen looking for.

Instinctively I put my hands on my stomach, just naturally letting them lay there.

She throws me this sly little smirk and I’m now smitten! You know that sideways look girls give you when they like you but you’ve some how done wrong? Yeah, THAT look.

She takes my wrists and places both my hands above my head, wrist over wrist and leaves her hand there as she leans in, very close to look me in the eyes. She places her right hand firmly on my chest.

“I did not spend 6 years in medical school to be called *”adorable”* by you”.

She stares deep into my eyes and there is a smolder behind her cuteness, and now having thought about it for a few days I realize what has happened: her adorableness has betrayed her, probably her entire adult life.

From being an adult, to a med student and now a doctor, people never gave her the respect her hard work has earned her, always taken a little less seriously, a little less smart, a little less worth the struggle she has put in to overcome this.

At the time, I thought of none of this, but read in her face and tone that, while she was taken back a bit by my comment, she was still enjoying herself on this date.

Still staring at me, our lips inches from each other, I crane my neck and reach to kiss her but she stayed just out of reach no matter how I moved. She mimics my motion, up, down, keeping herself just far enough away.

“How bad do you want this”, she asks. “Show me. Reach. Show me how much you desire to kiss me, and taste me on your lips. Earn it.”

Try as I might, she keeps her distance, mere centimeters from me, always dodging, always pulling away. Still her hands keep my arms pinned and my chest down.

Of course I could pull away, but I play her game. She wants to be thought of as powerful, in control, NOT adorable. And in this moment she is all of that.

“Hmmm…” she says as she releases my wrists and stands upright, still leaving her hand on my chest.


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