Oh, just some fucking nerds [FM] part 1?

It’s been 5 years since I posted, but I’m back again to document the encounters with another coworker. Maybe I shouldn’t be screwing people at work, I wonder? And at the same time, I type this up in the office, which is open plan, my screen visible to anyone walking past…


So I’m interviewing for a new job in tech, for context. I wasn’t surprised when my primary and sole interview was conducted over video call, as it involved a small coding test. My interviewer, who would become my manager should they accept me, apologises that his video feed wasn’t working, but I could still hear him over audio and we mostly screenshared for the coding part anyway. We spoke about the position for an hour and 45 minutes, made jokes about the industry, somehow got onto the topic of our favourite characters in Super Smash Bros (video game, for the muggles out there). I thought I’d done pretty well in the interview, especially well with the code test. But more importantly, I enjoyed talking to him and thought he sounded like he’d make an excellent team member. He is clever, witty, and had a deep, confident voice. In his early 30’s I estimate. And the best part was that he had an accent. Who doesn’t fucking love an accent?

I remember that evening thinking to myself, “I really hope they hire me. I think I’d really like to work under him…”

Weeks past. I sign a contract, and on my first day in the building, I go straight to training & onboarding with a group of other new hires. The HR manager tells us, at 1 our managers will retrieve us and take us to our desks and respective departments. I realise that I have no idea what my manager looks like – only ever heard his adorable accent. So as managers come in and pick their hires out, I am scanning them wondering, “Which one of these people is most likely to be a Donkey Kong?” Eventually, a young man walks in and I thought, “Him? Nah, he’s too pretty to play as Donkey King… Look at that jawline, it could cut glass. He’s too pretty to be a gamer at all, I reckon. Ah, shit – you’ve been starting for too long and now he’s bee-lining towards you…”

He waves at me while walking, which of course distracts him and caused him to trip, almost landing on top of me. He caught himself on my chair, rocking me back for a second before getting back on balance. As he bends over me, I smell him, something between citrus and vanilla, some body wash I reckon, but instantly my favourite scent. I realise how tall he is – over 6 feet, easily, and pretty lanky in that nerdy way, and his hair is a bit shaggy, but of stubble over that sharp jawline. He smiles up at me sheepishly, and says, as his cheeks turn crimson, “Ah shit, so much for a good first impression.” I cannot express how fucking endearing and adorable he was almost falling on top of me the first time I see him. The charming, awkward, nerdy boy-next-door vibes are strong and I’m not usually into it but let me tell you, I am totally into it now…


So after 2 weeks, I evaluate that he’s a good manager, the totally un-biased me decides. And let me tell you, in those weeks, I’m a freaking good employee. For some reason, I’m extremely motivated. I come in early, I stay late, I work at home, on weekends. I produce heaps of code, I over-analyse all the features I’m making, polish them. I’ve never been THIS motivated in my career, or for anything ever basically. But I just want to do well… normal right?

Every Wednesday is a social evening for work, where we drink and play video games on our switches. We usually play Smash or Mario Kart, sometimes Overcooked. He invites me, and always saves a seat next to himself – I mean that’s only polite, right? My favourite part of those evenings is when we knock everyone else out of the running and just scream at each other over the controllers… Pretty standard friend stuff, right?

We stay together most evenings and play games “because we are working late anyway”. Yesterday, he came in with a new haircut. It looks SO cute! I didn’t want to be weird and comment about it, but I find it very flattering on his face. All day though he kept pushing his hair out of his eyes, tucking it behind his ear and touching his face all day long. I’ve never him act like that, shielding his eyes from me and hiding behind his hair, so I naturally ask him if he’s okay. “Oh,” he says, “It’s just a nervous tick…” I ask him what he’s nervous about he tells me, “you…” and, caught off-guard and also a professional idiot, my clueless ass is like, “are you nervous that I’ll crush you in Smash again?”

Immediate shyness is dropped once I’ve challenged him and he’s all, “Fuck that!” I am teasing him, just as you do: “I’ll destroy you.” And he says, “Prove it. Just the 2 of us tonight, one on one match. Let’s see who lasts the longest.” I’m like sure no problem, and we spent the rest of the workday making those “I see you, I’m gonna get you” eyes at each other.

Once everyone leaves work, we head to the meeting room, plug switches into the monitor (and he chooses for some reason to use the smaller joycon controllers rather than the large gamecube controllers) and we start playing. Almost immediately, we are screaming shit at each other (‘you suck’, ‘fucking n00b’, other ridiculous shit to just rile each other up, I swear that we are actually both 28 even though we sounded 12…). At one point, he grabs my controller from my lap, grinning. I shout at him and immediately leap on top of him to get it back, as he holds it over his hand, dangling it out of my reach. I’m yelling profanities at him when I suddenly realise… I’ve mounted him. I’m sitting in his lap. I start to pull away, but he lowers his arms and puts his free hand on my lower back, pulling me closer in to him. I’m mounting him and facing him and I can feel his breath on my forehead. I can feel his gaze on me, his eyes travelling up and down my body, my breasts pressed up against his chest. I can feel the warmth of him between my thighs even through his jeans and my leggings. I sense a blush turning my cheeks red, and then my mouth says the stupidest fucking thing before I can stop myself: “So… Is that a PS Move controller, or are you happy to see me?” (google the playstation move controllers, it looks just like a dildo, also my brain is broken, idk what to tell you, folks).

Bet he laughed. “Game on?” he asked, with eyebrows and all.

So I leaned in to whisper “You fucking nerd….” before I grabbed the joycon controller out of his hand and jump off of him. As much as my body was throbbing, there were loads of thoughts running through my head about my job, workplace appropriateness. My job. Also about taking him home and fucking him in every room of my house. Also about not losing my job. Goddamnit.

We continued playing like nothing had happened, but I couldn’t stop thinking about him. And then we were acting a little different. We were scooting closer to each other, his arm brushing against me, his thigh pressed against mine. And before I knew it, our ankles touched, and then his knee was beneath mine, and then I was just sliding into his lap again, this time facing away from him. Given how tall he is, and how relatively short I am, it was easy for us to keep playing, although he was holding the controller on top of my head. At one point, I scooched further back into him until he was holding the controller across my chest, my breasts acting as a shelf. This felt amazing, because each time we attacked each other (in game), I could feel the controller vibrate against my breasts, his fingers pressing keys and sliding just centimetres from my nipples. I begin grinding against him instinctively, just happily wiggling my butt into him. I could feel his dick pressing hard against my ass, and it made me warm in the best possible way, and I keep thinking about it, what it looks like, how big it will be… It’s quite hard to tell from inside jeans and I’m eager to find out!

At one point, I win a battle and he grunts, “this isn’t fair! you’re cheating!” I look up at him over my shoulder like, “who me?” as I position myself deeper against him, slowly grinding back and forth on top of him. I see when the idea pops into his head – and the look on his face gets me so excited… He repositioned us, pulls me closer against his body, so that I’m straddling him. He spreads my legs and places both his hands AND the about-to-be vibrating joycon around me, wrapped around me and resting against my pussy. And we start playing like that, his fingers moving over the vibrating controller pressing against the top of my pussy. Not going to lie, I am pretty quickly losing focus as I try to continue to play, straddling and grinding against him. It was so fucking hot… Occasionally, while we were between load screens, he would rest one hand on my abdomen and trace the edge of the leggings, sliding just a finger or two beneath the fabric, never quite entering me but getting so close. We played a few games like that, growing less and less focussed, until he’s just straight up grinding this joycon controller against me as I grind against him.

At one point, he convulsed against me, dropping the controller to the floor and grabbing me around the waist. The convulsions are always pretty telling. As I climb off him, he’s like, “shit, these pants are ruined,” and I’m like “so round 2 tomorrow?”

So. That’s why it’s part 1 with a question mark. I cannot fucking wait…. I am really hoping he puts the controller inside me this time. Is that dangerous? Wish us nerds luck…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/anhwlc/oh_just_some_fucking_nerds_fm_part_1


  1. Very hot development of the relationship and tension (and release of tension). I’m looking forward to hearing how you two work things out.

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