[MM] Revenge plan for being raped Fun personal Story. Part 4

[Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/amyvip/mm_revenge_plan_for_being_raped_fun_personal/) For part 3

Put on your seat belts. This will be wild, with a lot of roll coasters.


After the last hard fucking that i have received, we had to take a break for couple of months, my decision. It was just to much and at the end of the day i was still not okay with what i was doing. You know how when you are horny and sometimes you get those weird kinks that you want to try, but than you cum and you ask yourself “what in the unholy was i thinking of trying?”. That was me pretty much the day after such sexual actions, i hated my self for being used like that and for being easy to take advantage. I wasn’t suicidal or depressed, just sad. After a while i ended up not caring at all cause its in the past anyway so i kept moving forward with my life. Until Frank would come along and suggest something new. I would always saying no at first, but secretly i was always curious to some degree in what he wanted to do next.

This time he said he will give me a huge adrenaline rush. But he didn’t tell me what he will do or where he would take me.

He told my parents that he needed some help from 6 pm until 11 pm unloading some enterprise printers from a building. Me being so smart i said the same thing. So at 6 pm he came and picked me up and his car, and we started driving, but he didn’t tell me where we were going. After 20 minutes i started to feel the adrenaline rush coming over me a little by little. 10 minutes later we arrived in a ghetto place at a motel he rented for the night. He went inside the motel first to check how things were and told me to wait in the car. This made me even more nerves. 5 minutes later he comes out and tells me to wear this blindfold. Now i was freaking out a little, but i decided to go with it. I had no idea what was awaiting me inside. Frank started to guide me towards the room and before we entered, he told me to put my hands behind my back. Scared a little, i did as he told me. He handcuffed me and pushed me inside the room. Both blindfolded and handcuffed. I was so scared and i felt my heart beating through the chest. But i didn’t dare to do anything else other than what he told me. When i got into the room i started to hear some men whispering. Oooh i cant even explain what a high i got from the adrenaline rush that was flowing through my blood.

I was very hesitant with each step that i took. Slower and slower he pushed me towards the bed, and slammed me down on the bed face first. Took my pants and underwear off, and than he uncuffed my hands for a second so he could remove my shirt, than hand cuffed me back. And i just kept hearing people whispering in the background. Than he told me to get in the position for anal cleaning, the normal procedure before butt sex :D.

After the cleaning we proceeded back to the session. He made me stand up and just stay with the back towards the wall. Than he told me not to move no matter what happens. This scared me even more, i didn’t know what was going on around me at all. I felt a little dizzy and disorientated, but i kept standing there. Than after some time, whachaaa, i felt a whip on my lower thigh, the sting was radiating on my leg a little. Than he raised his voice and told me not to move. He started to stroke my cock while standing. Still being in that fight or flight mind state, i couldn’t get hard. Than i hear a little laughter in the background. But i didn’t move at all. I didn’t care, i just focused on him and i kept trying to guess what he will do next. While stroking me, lightly i felt something hot on my shoulders. It was hot wax being poured down on me, i flinched a little from not expecting that. He said he will punish me for flinching. He said ” Because you moved i will use this torture device, and the more you move while i will use this device the more i will use it on you.” I was already preparing my self for the worst, i started completely ignoring my surroundings and started to focus on my mind. Ignored my body feelings.

Than he said ” Prepare for the torture, it will hurt if you don’t do as i say”. I nodded to show my understanding to the instructions. He than told me to take 2 steps forward and to turn around where i was facing the wall now. Frank” now relax”. than he violently pushed me down. I started to fall, i didn’t even know where i was falling or on what. Being taken by this surprised i lost my air in the lungs in mid fall and was gasping for air, panicking while falling. Than whoosh, i landed on something soft. I landed on the bed on my back. And i lied there without moving a muscle and trying to process what is going on right now, what his torture device will be. Than i feel it a really soft touch on my feet and than rising slowly towards my penis. After couple of seconds i realized he was using a feather, trying to tickle me. To his surprise i didn’t react to the tickling from being in such a shock of all the things that he put me through. He soon realized because i was not moving or resisting at all. And in the background i hear again some people being surprised, and whispering between them. But i just kept blocking that, i started to not care what they were thinking, and not caring what i think they were thinking. At this point i understood that my mind was against me, it just kept scarring me by picturing whatever i would be put through into being much worse than it was. I told my self, that if wanted to get through this i had to start enjoying my self until i would be in my world of pleasure.

Frank threw away the feather and started to oil me up, and massaging me. With each hand movement that Frank would make on my oily body i would make my mind to feel the pleasure and i started to intensify the pleasure on my own by faking it at first, than after couple of minutes. I truly started to feel such huge pleasure from each stroke he would do on my body. He saw that and to test me, he poured some hot wax on my penis and belly. Instead of flinching i raised my back and moaned a little from the pleasure. At this point, i managed to transform pain into pleasure. He than whipped my thigh and belly couple of times, and the pain started to feel into pleasure with each blow. I started to get hard and moaning a little. Frank now said “You passed the test, and i am proud of you”. I was like, “Whatttt?? What test??”

He than took the blindfold off and uncuffed me. And i was really surprised now. There was no one in the room, just some registered voiced that he would play to play with my mind.

I was shocked by this. But i still knew that to get through this i had to transform everything into pleasure and just enjoy it.

Frank than said” Okay now you take initiative, and direct how we should proceed next”. And once again i was shocked again. I didn’t know what to do. I am shy i like to be controlled most of the time, and i didn’t want to be the one directing this session now. I didn’t plan for this. My plan was to just sit and enjoy. The game has changed now.

With the state of shock that i was in, i took his dick in my hand and i started to stroke it slowly, thinking what should i do next. Than it hit me, that i should maybe suck his dick. Now know that i never done this before. And sucking dick was never on my list to do. I was very repulsed by this. But slowly i move my lips towards his dick and i take him inside of me. He said ” wow! didn’t expect you to do that”. And let me tell you, that the dick has an interesting texture to it. The head both feels hard and soft to the touch, when you lick it. I kind of liked it, it was a unique thing. I started to suck on it really hard and fast than slow, up and down. I felt sooo dirty, like a whore that just cant live without sucking dick. I started to really enjoy the idea of sucking. And i asked my self, is this how it feels for girls to suck dick? The feeling of feeling like a slut made me hard and super horny. I deep throated him. The more crazy things i did that were FAR FAR FAR from my comfortable zone, the more i seemed to enjoy it. Than After some time, i told Frank to put his dick inside my ass and fuck me.

He started fucking me hard, and the idea of having a dick that i just sucked being in my ass turned me on a lot. I started moaning with each stroke that he would thrust in me. Matching his rhythm, we both started to really enjoy it, he started it enjoy it so much that he said he was close and he was about to cum. I moaned to him that he need to cum inside my little ass. The moment he released his sperm inside of me, i felt happy and euphoric again. I felt the sperm sitting there up my ass while he was removing himself from me.

Than he told me, its my turn to fuck him in his ass. I made him bent over the bed and i inserted my dick for the first time inside someone else. It was my first time fucking someone ever. It felt tight but, the oil made the friction feel amazing. Being my first time, i was awkward at moving my hips into him. I was so slow and he was so tight that after a while i lost my erection. Than i knew i had to do something so i could finish, i did what any other straight guy would do. I closed my eyes and i started to imagine that i was fucking a chick in the ass instead. Immediate erection lol. :D And after couple of more minutes i finally was able to cum inside his ass.

Man i was tired from that session, we both just lied down on bed, and we chilled for couple of minutes. I still felt his cum inside me, it felt weird, but good lol. It was already 11 pm and started cleaning the place up. That motel room looked like SWAT raided the place. Than we started to drive home. I was still kind of processing what has happened that day, and still was in some kind of shock. On the way home he told me, that FBI or CIA used to use such torture techniques as training to see which people would crack under pressure. Idk if its true or not!!!! Still curious if it is tho lol.

I arrived home and told my parents how we unloaded the printers. They didn’t suspect anything. And than i went to sleep in my room thinking about what i learned and how the mind is such a powerful thing.

In the next update i will tell you about a new person joined the party.

I hope you enjoyed this session, like i did.

By the way, i am okay now, that i was raped. I really don’t care. I have an awesome plan to take my revenge which i will maybe start mentioning in the update 6 or 7. Stay tuned :D


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/anar16/mm_revenge_plan_for_being_raped_fun_personal

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