[MF] [FF] [MMF] [Group] My History of Sharing

To be honest I really do not recall a time when I wasn’t sharing R. To put it into perspective we met in high school band in ’98. Much like other kids our age we were a raging ball of hormones and the experimentation of youth. Even before R and I had officially started dating I knew she was “fooling around” with her best friend during sleep overs. I was OK with it because we were also fooling around a bit after school as well and she would tell me about it. We always had an understanding that there is (for us) a separation of physical attraction and intimate romantic feelings. When they both combine it is amazing but for us they can be equally enjoyed.

So when we did realize we also had deep romantic interest in each other we didn’t see a reason that had to be mutually exclusive with her girl time sleepovers as long as she continued to tell me about it and that she promised to tell me if she was getting more romantically involved than physically involved. I even found that it was almost as erotic for me knowing that they were probably nude in bed together at that very moment while I few houses down was playing playstation in a heightened state of arousal.

The next kinda step we took was in college. My friend/room mate who really knew my philosophy of separation of sex and love asked R if she would take his virginity. She was unsure at first as by this point we were engaged and while we were never ones to turn down a game of strip poker while drinking had not done much more. After talking it over a few times and coming to the conclusion that this might be the only chance for R to have a new experience with another guy we decided why the hell not. R and my friend were intimate together probably less than a dozen times and it got awkward because he got feelings for her and was trying to talk her out of marrying me. That obviously crossed a line we had a messy break up with our room mate over it and cooled off our swinging a bit. Fast forward a couple years and R and I are married. The best man at my wedding and his girl friend ask us if we still swing from time to time. After a great drunken discussion it comes out that she has always wanted to be with another girl but never had that safe space to experiment. Well my wife was more than willing to show her the ropes and to let us watch. We had 3-4 encounters with them like this that lead to some full swaps and group play. It did not end as dramatically as our last encounter we just drifted away because at that point in our lives they were drinking every night and my wife and I were more in with the hippie crowd and the two worlds just didn’t collide enough to stay in each others minds.

I think this was really the turning point where we realized we could play with people, have it not get emotional on any side. We actually still keep in touch and while we have not fooled around in over a decade we are still great friends. Still though living in Idaho does not offer too many opportunities. I don’t even remember how many years ago we threw a birthday party for my best friend from my childhood. I will call him G. There were 5 of us at the party and drinking games turned into strip poker which turned into truth or dare which turned into WAY WAY too drunken group play. It was a blast though 3 guys 2 girls. A lot of it was breaking boundaries for one of the girls and for G who was still a virgin. G did not end up losing his V card that night, but got pretty much everything else with both girls.

Again nothing much came over it it was just a one night thing no drama. R surprised me one birthday by convincing G to drive across state and to come visit us for a weekend. I was stoked because G had been my best friend since we were 6 and to this day still is my best friend. Well talking one night while he was over we were reminiscing how much fun his birthday had been and since it was my birthday we decided to do it again! This time as a mfm. Well we kinda had a chemistry because again with enough expectation setting and open talk about it no one developed inappropriate feelings . To such a point as he is still our friend with benefits. Gradually it has escalated over the years starting with us all celebrating each birthday together (R gets the spankings no matter who’s birthday we are celebrating) to other casual encounters. I am not sure if you are familiar with the Hotwife fetish, but I found that that original feeling of sexual excitement when I know my wife is with someone else. I would encourage them to start without me. I would be excited to come home from a late shift and find them in bed. In fact tomorrow G is taking R out pantie shopping for her birthday then he is going to take her back to his place to model them for him and will bring her back when he is done. This was all my idea for her birthday!

Aside from what is above in this story we only had one more encounter with a long time friend of ours. He had gotten over a painful breakup. We had been meaning to hook up with him for a while but he was always in a relationship when it was convenient for us (kids and living now across state) and our rule is we will not play with a member of a couple unless we have verbal confirmation from the other half that it is OK even if they are not involved. Well when it finally worked it was great he came over for a long weekend and my mom took the kids. That will always go down as one of the best weekends of my life!

**Reddit** This is a story I wrote quite a while ago to soul search and explain my kink to a potential swinging partner. If you like it I have a couple more I can share.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/anhf4o/mf_ff_mmf_group_my_history_of_sharing


  1. Holy shit. Another person from Idaho here. Well, I never …


    If you’re ever looking for a new playmate …

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