Doctors visit, part 1

The doctors visit

I went in for my annual physical today and things…well, things happened.

But let me back up to last year first:

I had gone in last year and met with the NP (nurse practitioner) to talk about 2 unique and separate pains I was having, a normal one, and an embarrassing one.

The normal pain turned out to be a gallbladder issue, which I eventually had removed, and the embarrassing one turned out to be nothing, but the search for the problem caused more issues than the problem itself.

Without going into extreme details, I had a pain in my right nut that extended into my leg, which again turned out to be nothing.

When I told her, she was nothing but professional and asked me to stand up and drop my shorts (I was already in the little gown thing).

This was about 25 minutes into the routine exam of poking and prodding, but more importantly, me staring at this young, busty NP, who for some unholy reason was wearing these shoes which I just fell in love with, and have thought about for the past year or so.

While she was seated I could see she was wearing a skirt, but when she first walked in the coat was much longer and thus covering up anything she might be wearing. I immediately thought of a movie where a lady came into a room with a trench coat on, and nothing else underneath. As soon as the door slammed (in the scene in my head), she opened her coat revealing herself in all her nakedness!

So since the moment she walked into the room with me, my thoughts were far from a medical exam and I was almost to the point of not mentioning it, but the pain was pretty serious so I did my best to compose myself.

“Come on…hop up and let me look”…she said, but really meant *feel* as after I pulled my shorts down to my knees, she reached up under my gown without looking, and following my thigh up with her hand, found what I think is my adductor muscle, which leads into my right nut.

And as soon as she found it I instantly twitched.

“Does that hurt”? It didn’t.

“Not at all”, I must have moaned because I could see her smiling even though her face was turned away from my body at the time.

She continued to explore (professionally) and I let her, as professionally as I could but make no mistake: this did not hurt in anyway — the pain turned out to just be a cramp from sitting on my ass (and balls!) all day in front of a computer for the past 20 years.

By now she must have noticed my breathing had changed because I noticed it a long time ago, and I couldn’t help thinking to myself: “The area isn’t all the big…what is she still looking for”?

But she did. Her hands explored the other side I’m guessing to compare left to right, and with each flick of her fingers or movement of her hands, the gown would rub against my cock, and well…I’m not that old yet so it was definitely interested in what was going on.

She had since turned her face back towards my crotch, staring through the cloth to where her hands might explore next, so there is no doubt she could see, and obviously feel me getting harder.

“Well, at least we know *that* still works”, which I honestly believe she said to lighten the mood as she removed her hands by sliding them down my legs quite far, then slid her chair back a bit.

“I don’t feel anything out of the ordinary, but you might know better. Have you felt something down there unusual?”

I hadn’t so I said “no” while I stood there in a gown, cock still pretty proud with this young and very attractive NP staring at me, often straight at it, but I couldn’t yet tell if she was professionally curious about what might be wrong, or somewhat drawn to the growing cock she had produced.

“When does the pain happen most?”

I flushed red, and she knew with out me saying anything (during sex unfortunately).

“Ah. Well, there is one more thing we can try…” she said but then immediately followed with “and no, not that. However…

If you’re willing, I see you have a bit of an erection. If you’re willing, we could see if the pain comes back with a full erection?”

The pain itself (at the time) was troubling, and though I’m no prude, I am not an exhibitionist either.

“Go on, lay down. This is obviously a problem for you or you would not have brought it up to me. It’s fine, just lay down and let me examine you like this”, and as she was saying this she stood up, click the door locked and came over to encourage me to lay back on the bench.

Adjusting my pillow for me and pulling out the slide for my feet, she very gently pushed me down.

She went into the cabinet for something (lotion or lube or some smooth liquid I could feel one she touched me) and stood by my right side.

“Comfortable? No? Bend your knees, and put your feet up. That will relieve the pressure and give me access.”

As I did so, she pulled the gown out from under me and out sprung my semi-erect cock.

She said nothing at first, first warming the lotion in her hand, then re-exploring the area I explained the pain was in.

With one hand, the examined the spot, but the other wrapped itself around the base of my shaft and squeezed tightly.

“I need you to relax. I can’t tell what might be broken if you keep fighting my touch”, she said and slowly began sliding her warm, lubed hand up my cock, now completely engourged and swollen with this complete stranger stroking it for me, all the while exploring the inside of my thigh.

As a professional, I must assume she had a very deep understanding of the male body and sexuality because this was one of the best hand jobs I have ever received. Warm, soft but firm, and with her need to delay my completion so she could finish her exam, this was nearly an edging session which I was both winning and losing.

“I know…I think I feel something. Just a minute more. Does this hurt yet”?

It did. There is a twing of pain before the big pain comes, so I told her in my gasped breath.

Then it stopped. All of it. She took her medical hand away from the muscle and her warm smooth hand off my now completely edged dick.

I was not shy in my disappointment, lost in the sensation and not wanting it to end. With my head still back and my eyes still closed, I let a desperate “please” escape my lips, forgetting where I was and who might be doing this to me.

“I cannot, as a professional, finish you off, I’m sorry. I do think I found something so I will send you to a colleague.

I do understand, however, what that must feel like, so, if you’d like, I don’t mind if you finish yourself, yourself, if you need to?

Please, it must be very frustrating for you. Go ahead, but I’ll need to stay in the room if you don’t mind.”

She took my hand, and warming it and filling it with the lotion, place my hand on my cock, and moved it up and down as she bent over to whisper in my ear:

“I’m sorry. This was probably a bit more unprofessional than required, but I had become a bit turned on myself and lost my focus. Forgive me.

Now, cum for me….cum for me now and we can forget about this whole incident. Cuumm…”

And I did as instructed, and with pleasure and a desire in me that hadn’t been there in a while. As I did, she returned her hand to my balls and cupping them gently in an attempt to avoid the pain she was supposed to be diagnosing. It worked as there was no pain and I shot my load much further than other of us expected, splashing a bit on both of our faces.

She stayed close to my ear through the waves and giggled a bit as I came down, and I laughed with her.

Composing herself, she let me go and found us both towels as she quickly washed up in the sink.

Coming to my senses, I too, clumsily climbed out off of the bench and started cleaning myself up, gathering my clothes and getting dressed.

Neither one of us knew what to do next, so I looked at her and smiled, and ask what she had found.

Giving us both something else to focus on, we fell back into our rolls as doctor and patient and set up a follow up appointment and an ultrasound (for my ghal bladder).

Having now finished the appointment, she thanked me and wished me luck as we shook hands. “Oh. And would you mind terribly taking that gown with you? I can’t imagine what might happen if someone found it in that condition”, which she said with a pretty big smile!



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