Trials of the Buxom Trio – Chapter 7 (busty, thicc, hardcore sex, orcs, adventure throughout)

“We can take them.” Merella said as her eyes looked around at the guardians. Jenessa did not share that assessment. The area they were in provided little in the way that could reinforce their chances of success. There was crates and a few trash pots but other than that there was just many armed men.

            “Don’t be stupid. We have three and they have a dozen and more coming.” The redhead said as she saw more guardians approaching.

            Sylora looked around and a hand raised up almost nervously to run through her bright golden hair. “Perhaps we should just go with them.” She said quietly as the guardians started to form a smaller perimeter around the trio.

            Jenessa thought much the same and yet she did not like the looks of the men around them. There was no friendliness, only a cold expression devoid of anything beyond some poorly hidden lust. She didn’t think that going with them was the right idea but then there did not appear to be any good idea here. Turning to Insera she leaned in quickly.

            “Cast as much smoke around the area and get Sylora out of here. Then at night come find me. I doubt they mean to kill me or they would have attacked already.” The redhead warrior as she looked at the men around her. She hoped that they didn’t mean to kill her or the others and merely to capture them, of course that led to other potential problems.

            “We’re not going to leave you..” Merella protested and then her friend turned back to her. Even more than Sylora the two had an underlying bond that no argument could truly fracture. Sure enough Jenessa still felt the sting of Merella’s comments about the her secret desire to be fucked by monster because of what happened with *him* but at that moment Jenessa didn’t need to focus on that. She needed the mage to listen to her now more than ever.

            “Just do it. Trust me Merella and I will see you soon enough.” Jenessa said as her eyes stared into Merella’s. Relunctantly the raven haired mage slowly nodded.

            “Guys? What are we going to… yiieaaah!” Sylora said as suddenly Merella snapped her fingers and the air around them erupted in a brilliant and blinding flash before smoke appeared out of thin air. It covered the wagon in a billowing cloud of smoke before Merella grabbed Sylora. The elf would have yelped again but she realized what the rough idea was as the two sprang off of the wagon and made a run for it.

            Jenessa sprang off the wagon soon enough but she didn’t use her blades on the guardians knowing that as soon as she attacked they would reply in kind and she felt that they did not truly intend to hurt them, only restrain them but that possibility had its own issues. Her best chance was to escape and get their focus off the other two and then eventually meet back.  Moving as quickly as she wished she had Sylora’s catlike nimbleness. Pushing through the field of heavy smoke and shoving past a surprised guardian she felt her hands brush against a pile of crates which she upturned and hurled back hoping it would delay her pursuers more. Her eyes spotted an alleyway nearby and she ducked inside or at least attempted to. As she got a foot inside the lip of the passageway something heavy and strong pressed down on her shoulder.

            “Niaggh! Let me go!” She said as she turned and struggled but as she turned she saw that ther captor was not one of the guardians but a hulking brutish figure in bulky armor. Badges inlaid on his shoulder pauldrons and chest identified him as belonging to the baron’s staff and his hold on her seemed a direct correlation to the baron’s hold on the larger situation around her. She struggled and hammered at his grip but he never let up and instead just hurled her against the wall. The force of hitting the wall so roughly knocked the redheaded warrior heroine in one moment and the bulky mysterious foe simply bent down and plucked her up with one arm. Returning to the throng of guardians the helmeted figure turned slightly towards Handly.

            The guardian straightened up when he saw the lumbering brute. “Ah very good. I did not realize that the Baron’s top man was on the scene. We’re very… grateful.” The guardian said as the brute simply pushed past him on his way towards the main road to the keep. Handly looked on after the man and then muttered a curse before he looked to his subordinates.

            “Find the other two immediately! Specifically the mage! We can’t have any sort of rogue minister on the loose no matter what else is going on.” He urged them on with a shove before he followed in the wake of the tall warrior hauling up the unconscious redhead.

                “We should go…” Sylora said quietly in the darkness of an inn’s back room. With a simple charm Merella had been able to capture the attention of a  stockboy and he’d quickly told them to just hide inside the backroom of the inn where it would be safe. But for how long remained to be seen. The raven haired mage knew that soon enough the guardians would start moving house to house in search of them. She had enough spells to keep them hidden for some time if the worst happens but they would have to move soon.

            “Just stay close Sylora, and don’t be afraid to put on as cute an act as possible if they find us. Distraction will help me out a lot if I need to cast spells.” Merella said, her tone sharp and resolute. Every minute that they weren’t actively searching for Jenessa felt like a slight betrayel. She still didn’t even want to admit how much she felt she had failed the three of them by having to abandon her but the redhead had been adamant. ‘She just has to be as stubborn as I can be in this situation.’ Merella thought before she moved out of the space in the inn. The streets had quieted and the mage had made sure to cast a glimmer spell on them that would work to keep them undetected; at least at a distance. It was not long before they heard some guards talking about how the supremely busty redhead had been captured by one of the guards named Hothgar. Curiously enough the guards she heard talking about the guard seemed to have a strange fear of the man.

They walked along and soon enough they were able to get a clearer line of sight with Evecroft’s most central structure, the massive keep at the northwest corner of the city. Said to have been built by an order of master craftsman the keep as dominating sight that stretched out from where it touched the walls of the city and occupied nearly half a quarter of the cities space. Beyond being the main centerpiece for the city Merella knew from experience hunting deserters and other criminals from the city that the dungeons were located there. They would just need a little bit of luck to get inside when Jenessa was being held there, provided that was her destination.


  Once the guards realized that Jenessa really did not have much in the way of clothes at the moment they dressed her in a frumpy tan frock. It wasn’t really her size and her breasts stretched out the bodice so much that one of the guards chuckled as he cut some of the cords loose to allow her to breathe more easily though he did not leave till he got a nice squeeze of her enormous breast through the fabric. The redhead just glared at him through the whole process before she was dragged from a holding room and then into a large hall. Resting at one side sitting on a high backed throne chair was Baron Sulrak Gaderson himself. She had met with the baron on a few occasions but in this situation she was truly repulsed. He was old and did not have the same grace with age as her mother did. His ears hung from his head and his big full lips seemed to bubble and bounce as he spoke in a crumbling tone that at one point may have been intimidating but no only appeared to amuse her.

            “Ah the infamous Jenessa! Welcome welcome I must say I was surprised to find you being brought here by my guards.” The baron chortled and looked for a moment at the same armored brute that had knocked Jenessa out as she tried to make her escape.

            “I do not know why you thought it so important to try to run from my men? You have something to hide from us my dear?” The baron asked her as his slug like head inched forward slightly from his perch.

            Jenessa almost scoffed at that. “I don’t have anything to hide but I feel that you do governor. My home village was nearly destroyed by an orc horde larger than any we’ve seen before. I half expected to see Evecroft burnt to the ground or under siege and yet here I find you, sitting there while making sure to keep refugees from coming into your city. Is it not your mandate to welcome anyone into the walls who needs a safe haven?” She asked him as her eyes narrowed on the figure settled comfortably back into his throne.

            “Those orcs out there would never dare threaten Evecroft. The destruction of the village was unfortunate but we must bide our time and strength before attacking this menace my dear. Leave the tactics of overcoming such a large threat to men like me, not every enemy of the region can be dispatched by the charms and … assests of the Buxom Trio.” The baron and many of his guards laughed.

            “So you let the horde just move by the walls of your city and sent no aide or warning to the villages paying your levies. I wouldn’t want you in control of cleaning up manure!” At that the ugly baron seemed to get truly irritated. He rose up from his chair and the guards nearby reached for their weapons. Jenessa was more than a little surprised. She knew those men should be egging for a fight but the fact that when their master got angry they immediately went for their blades made Jenessa fear whoever had come to the throne room in recent times.

            “How dare you! You are nothing more than some whore’s whelm whose is remembered fondly only because of how many men got to fuck her!” The baron shouted and heat flared along Jenessa’s neck. If she had anything, even a shard of glass she knew she would have hurled it at the man’s wobbling throat. “Guards seize her!” Jenessa was not surprised by this however and as the guards held her securely she just looked on defiantly at the baron. Given the next opportunity she felt in her heart that she would not rest until Evecroft had a new ruler.

            The baron stood and looked at her with utter menace in his eyes. “I had thought you would be smarter than that you redhead slut.” He growled at her. “But instead I see you are just one more dissident working with the orcs to undermine our security. Fear not… my guards know all about how to take care of such rebellious treason. Take her away and throw her in the black cells.” He grumbled out before turning to slowly shuffle back to his throne as Jenessa was dragged out of the throne room moments before a black smelly bag was dragged over her face. A muffled scream of defiance tinged with a hint of fear filled the throne room before the heavy doors closed.

            Inside the cell Jenessa huddles against the rags of her clothing. Once more she was barely covered and the cold air of the cell made her nipples harden immediately. She had thought for sure her body would be raped and tortured because of the Baron’s words but it appeared that there was some hope that he had not completely lost it. If word got out that his men captured and raped a hero such as her there would be repercussions… she hoped. She heard something in the cell next to her and she snuffled forward slightly.

            “I know you….” A whisper of a male voice said to her. He couldn’t see much in the dark but she spotted one … no two figures in the cell next to her.

            “Possibly, I can hardly see who you are in this darkness.” She said back to the shadowy person obscured in the darkness. She wondered how he could see her when she could barely make out him.

            “Hehe.. when you live most of your life in the dark forests and sleep under the night sky your eyes get used to seeing in the dark.” The voice said and then the form moved closer. “You’re Jenessa, one of the Buxom Trio.” The man said as she saw his hands rest against the bars. Her green eyes still struggled to make out any detail but she nodded all the same.

            “Well not so much part of a trio right now. I’m hoping the others escaped since I haven’t seen them.” She said as she still remembered the lingering shame of her argument with Merella. It had been wrong to bring up such issues, let her frustration win over especially when they were supposed to be on task. She closed her eyes and worked to let the anger melt away from her mind.
“The baron tossed me in here when I asked too many questions about the orc horde that destroyed my village.” She said as she put her knees forward to cover up her body and also allow her to rest her breasts and head for the moment.

            The man in the cell laughed at her. “Then it won’t be hard to convince you to help me. He tossed me in here for trying to answer some of those questions. Worse thing is I found them out and as soon as he can convince the councilors of my guilt I’ll be headed for a short drop and a sudden stop.” He said with a grumble as she saw his hands flex against the bars. “My name is Seris Isther, first ranger of Evecroft. For ten years it’s been my duty to find and eliminate all threats to the city. But when the orc tribes started to rally around a new chief I asked the baron for men to kill him before he became an issue. The baron said it was too dangerous and that he could not afford to lose men to a threat that may happen. ‘They’re just mindless orcs my dear Isther.. they’ll soon have a fight between the chief and another and they’ll go back to fighting themselves.’” The obscured face turned to her. “You can guess how that worked out.”

            She nodded slowly to him. “What did you find out about them? You said you had found answers.” The redheaded warrior said quietly as she heard the footsteps of a guard approaching. Looking at the bars she saw the barest glimpse of a smile.

            “Help get the key from the guard and I’ll tell you everything I know.” The man said before he retreated back. Jenessa gave him a look of irritation but she knew there was no sense denying that she needed to get out of here if she was to do any good. Cryptic as the man was she felt in her gut that he could help her. Standing up slowly she moved forward, shuffling some of the cloth tatters that covered her body away to expose her breasts as she pressed her body up against the bars.

            “Guard please.. I … I need to use the restroom.” She said to him as her green eyes concentrated on helping give off an innocent and naïve look. No one would have sympathy for a defiant adventurer but the poor trapped girl who bit off more than she could chew, well she might escape yet.

            The guard just laughed at her. “What do you think that bucket’s for slut.” He said with another chuckle as he remained in front of her. The guard was thankfully young and hopefully not full of zealous vigor for the baron’s rule. She saw him looking over the exposed flesh of her breast. She pretended to just notice and she retreated a bit from the bars and moved her hands over her nipples but she tried to look scared, rather than disgusted.

            “Please… I need my own privacy. I can’t just go in a bucket…” She said and then slowly moved back towards the bars and left only one hand on her breasts. When the guard took a small step forward she fought back a sly smile. “I’ll do anything… Just hurry please and let me go.” The guard’s mouth formed into a sharp smile as he moved closer, but not close enough to reach.

            “Hmmm. Why don’t you kneel down and open your mouth wide. And keep your hands behind your back or you’ll wish you hadn’t.” The guard grunted coarsely. Jenessa played up the lost girl act and her eyes looked down for a moment in shame that was still half real before she knelt down and moved her hands behind her back. Opening up her mouth wide she made a play with her tongue as she looked up at him. Her pink muscle slowly made a circular track around her lips as her green eyes remained a hundred percent focused on him.

 The guard gave a chuckle and greedily moved closer after shifting open his trousers slightly. Jenessa heard the jingle of keys but dared not take her eyes off the throbbing and rapidly stiffening cock that was being propped towards her mouth. She had no choice but to move forward and she dared not try anything with her mouth rather than suck and massage the cock there with her tongue. Stupid or not she didn’t think she could drag the man up against the bars by simple suction alone. However while the guard closed his eyes from the pleasure she was giving him she shifted slightly and unfolded her leg to move forward and through the bars. She sucked particularly hard when she saw his eyes threatening to open and perhaps give away her ploy and she even moved forward along his cock every inch she could before her face was being braced against the bars. Finally when her foot was extended out near his leg she moved to act. Swift as vengeance she pushed his leg forward as hard as she could while letting go of his cock. In the following shock and surprise the guard lost his balance as Jenessa slowly rose up. As he fell she grabbed him by the tufts of his hide leather and she slammed him forward against the bars.

“Alaaarrrrghhhh…” Was all he managed to get out before his eyes closed for a long time and she quickly searched out the key attached to his belt. Moving quickly she let the guard’s body fell she moved her hand outside the bars and quickly made the most of the key. Shuffling the guard into her cell she quickly donned his clothes to at least have something sturdier than her tattered remnants. Then she looked at her adjoining cell after she heard a low appreciative whistle. She had almost forgotten about the ranger. Moving forward she idly held the key in her hand and then moved it forward into the lock but did not turn it.
“What’s the information about the Baron. We’ll need it to bring any councilors not loyal to him to our own side.” She said as she saw the ranger’s dark eyes appear in the shadows.

“The orc hordes have been using captured humans to help breed their army. But that’s not the worse of it. They ran out of villages and small hamlets to raid months ago. To keep the orcs from attacking Evecroft the Baron has been giving them any female prisoners or refugees he can get his hands on. I think someone else realized this as well and so he stopped allowing in the refugees saying it’s for the safety and security of the city. He’s painted me as a terrorist trying to incite rebellion.” Seris told her as he stood right before the bars. It was the first time she could really see him. He was tall and lean with dark brown hair that was kept about shoulder length. He wore various beads and tokens through his mangy hair and he had a coarse beard that extended from his cheeks and chin as well. His eyes were dark blue, almost the color of a sunset’s edges.
He turned the key and then opened up the door and noticed his cellmate rising up as well. The man was very tall and muscular and then she noticed that what she had thought must be a pack or some piece of gear was actually another head.

“An Ettin?” Jenessa said as she stood her ground but debated closing the doors. She had not exactly had good relationships with the two headed creatures. Her green eyes sharpened themselves on Seris.
“It’s no worries, Malic has been my ally for years. I tried to tell the big brute to leave me when I realized the baron’s goons got wind of my snooping but he wouldn’t budge. Might be stubborn but I’m sure we’ll need his help.” Jenessa nodded and then slowly she turned towards the nearest door before she froze. The door appeared to be glowing. A red aura was radiating off the door and she looked closer at it before she realized the glow was turning from red to a burning yellow blaze.

“Back!” She yelled and pushed her body in against Seris. The ranger smelled of mildew and dried sweat but as she looked over his sharp features she found part of her didn’t mind the closeness. When he was about to open his mouth to ask what was going on there was suddenly a loud bang and then the trio heard the heavy door crashing against the walls of the prison as it smashed this way and that like an errant missile. Suddenly it came to a rest at far wall and Jenessa pulled back from Seris’ chest and looked down the hallway.

With a look of surprise on her features Merella and Sylora’s sudden appearance seemed comical to Jenessa as she moved forward and hugged her adopted sisters firmly in her arms.

     “You guys were taking so long I decided to free myself.” Jenessa said with a short giggle. Merella rolled her eyes and then gave her a nod.

       “I see…” Then her gaze landed on Seris and Malic as they exited out their cell. “And who are your friends?” Merella asked before giving the two a sultry wave as she smiled coyly.

        “Never mind them we have a job to do. Come on!” Jenssa said as she accepted a captured blade that Sylora extended to her.

       “What do you mean Jenessa?” The blonde elf asked before moving to follow the redhead out.

          “We’re either going to incite a rebellion and save the city or die trying. Either way Baron Gaderson is going to find out why you do not insult the Buxom Trio or their mentor!” Jenessa growled without even looking back as she led them back into the halls of the keep with her two newest associates following quickly behind Merella and Sylora.
