Hotel [humiliation]

Breathing heavily and sweating, Martin finally arrived to his hotel room. Twelve flights of stairs thanks to a broken elevator had left him winded after a long day and the bizarre setup of the hotel didn’t help; the hotel stairs didn’t connect at every level but rather alternated at each end of the floor so Martin had to walk down each hallway to get to the next flight. He shook his head at his luck, having had to stay at this hotel because all the others were booked thanks to a college cheerleading competition.

Martin opened the door to his room and got ready to take a shower. As he waited for the shower to warm up he heard the room phone ring and went to answer it.


“Sir you need to evacuate your room immediately! We just learned the previous guest in your room had contracted a deadly virus. Get out now!”

With a chill running down his spine, Martin dashed for the door and left his room. It wasn’t until he was already outside that he stopped long enough to realize he had left without his hotel key… or wearing any clothes. He turned around right as his door clicked shut.

“Ohhh nice buns sweetie,” he heard a voice behind him say. Martin froze. “You better be careful, you might catch a deadly cold walking around like that.”

The lights turned on in Martin’s head; there was no virus. How could he be so stupid?

“I guess you got my message huh sweet cheeks? I saw you huffing and puffing up the steps and thought I’d call your room for a little fun. I just figured we’d get to chat a little, but this worked out even better than I could have hoped. Why don’t you turn around and say hello?”

Slowly, Martin turned around. He knew his ass had been exposed already, but he made sure to cover his manhood so his prank caller wouldn’t see. The woman across the hall was dressed in a silk robe that stopped at her mid thigh to reveal long slender legs. Ample cleavage spilled out of her robe enough to let Martin know she was not wearing a bra. He guessed she was in her early 40s. She adjusted her robe ever so slightly and Martin could feel himself needing to adjust his hands in turn. It was becoming challenging to hide his arousal.

“Sorry cutie. Let me introduce myself, my name is Charlotte. I hope you’re not too mad about my little trick.”

“Please can I use your phone to call down to the front desk? I’m locked out.”

“Oh sure thing, I’ll even give you a big ol’ t-shirt to help with your… big ol’ predicament but you’ve got to come a little closer baby.”

Martin shuffled over to her door as quickly as he could to try and avoid the sight of the other rooms. He stood right next to the woman and was now able to see even further down the front of her robe. His nervousness at the situation mixed with his excitement of the view and he knew it was becoming pointless to hide his modesty. He started to rush into her room, but was stopped right in the doorway as Charlotte moved in front of him.

“There’s one thing though sweetie. If you’re going to use my phone and take my t-shirt, I’m afraid I need a little payment. You have to let me put the shirt on you.”

Martin didn’t understand at first. Then Charlotte raised her arms in demonstration with a smirk and he got the message. Embarrassed, but realizing his hands weren’t hiding much anyway, he complied. Up went his arms to get ready for Charlotte to put on the shirt and up went the rest of him as well.

“OH! Very nice!”

All of the sudden, Martin felt his arms fly behind his back in a quick motion. Charlotte’s hands moved with furious speed wrapping the shirt she held around his arms and tying it tight. Before he knew it, his arms were tied behind his back and despite his struggle, the knots would not come undone.

“Thanks for the show cutie. Let me go get my camera so I can remember this lovely evening.” and with that Charlotte spun him around, patted Martin on the ass, and closed her door. Martin now found himself completely alone in the hallway, naked, with no way of covering his butt or raging hard-on.

What am I going to do? I can’t let her take my picture like this! Martin tried to think of a solution but he was completely helpless and completely on display in every way. He knew he had to get down to the first floor to talk to the front desk so he could get back into his room. The longer he stood in this hallway, the longer he risked Charlotte coming back. He ran to the stairs as fast as he could, realizing he must look ridiculous with his appendage swinging as he ran. He finally made it to the end of the hall and turned his back to the door so he could grab the handle. With one last look back to his room, he saw Charlotte standing there, her robe completely open and a camera in her hand. Martin knew in his gut that she had gotten a video of his streak as she blew him a kiss goodbye.

“Say hi to the girls for me!” Charlotte called as Martin darted behind the door. She might have gotten a video, but at least I was too far away for her to see my face he thought. She wanted me to say hi to “the girls” and Martin had to admit, he enjoyed seeing them. Even from that distance he knew they were a nice pair of double Ds. The sight of them was not helping him downstairs.

Speaking of downstairs, Martin began the descent to the next level of the hotel. He could only pray that the guests had all turned in for the evening. He got down to the next door and pushed it open.

“There he is!” Martin heard a voice shout. He could not believe his luck. It’s like they were waiting for me! He realized Charlotte’s glorious breasts were not “the girls” she had meant. Three women around Charlotte’s age charged down the hallway at Martin. He tried to turn around, but the cougars were upon him in no time.

“Oh my lord. Charlotte was right! What a cock!” One of the women squealed.

Martin felt many hands move up and down his body as he was dragged away from the door.

“Look at those buns Cynthia!”

He was pushed to the middle of the hallway and he felt himself fondled in every area but his most sensitive. Special attention was paid to his butt as he felt each cheek squeezed and lifted. He could feel himself become sticky with precum at the teasing. The women immediately noticed this to their delight.

“Look ladies, he’s about ready to blow,” Cynthia said. She made a sexy cooing noise as she knelt down next to him.

“Oh poor baby.” said another.

“I just got a wicked idea! Let’s have a competition, see which one of us can give him some release. Only one rule, no touching, I’ve got a feeling he’s got a short trigger at this point!”

“You’re awful Shannon. I love it!”

Martin tried to protest but the other women pushed on his chest to keep him in place as Shannon took her turn first. She rubbed her chest slowly and pulled her top down to expose the tops of her breasts. Martin tried to think about something else but his mind kept coming back to the dance in front of him. Next was Linda, who thrust her groin in his direction and lifted her skirt to flash lacey black panties at him. Martin didn’t think he could last much longer. Finally Cynthia went and dropped her body low and stuck her plump ass in the air wiggling it around. Martin could see the outline of a thong through her black leggings.

“I bet you’d love this tight asshole.” Cynthia whispered.

That was all it took. Martin shot his load through the air and it landed right on Cynthia’s left butt cheek. The women cackled with glee.
“Did you see that?” Shannon cheered. “I think someone likes a little anal play. Right as you started talking about your hole, off he goes!”

Cynthia wiped the cum off her ass and lifted it in the air like a trophy. “Looks like I win. I know just the prize too.”

Cynthia disappeared into her room and came back out behind Martin. He tried to turn around but the other women kept him facing forward. He felt her grab his butt and massage it for a few minutes. Soon, he felt cool air between his cheeks as Cynthia lifted and separated them; a single finger went in a circle around his hole and then something wet was applied. Martin felt Cynthia slip something small right inside.

“A little toy for our new boy.” Cynthia said. She walked around to face him, holding a remote attached by a wristband. “He’s still looking pretty excited but I’ve got a theory I’d like to test.” She pushed the button on the remote and Martin felt vibration from the device. It was true, he was still hard despite cumming and as soon as he felt the vibration, it started to build again. Pretty shortly after the button had been pressed Martin felt the release for a second time.

“Atta boy sweetie!” Linda cheered and patted his behind.

Cynthia walked over and placed the wristband around Martin’s neck like a necklace. The remote dangled at his chest. “Have a safe journey,” Cynthia teased as she pushed him towards the next door. She opened it for him and kissed him on the butt as he walked through.

Martin could not believe he was still rock hard after cumming twice. He knew he had come this far and couldn’t turn back now, but he felt the device inside him with every step he took. Thankfully the next few floors were actually silent. He managed to run across each of them with no more surprise visitors. He had one more hallway left until the main floor and he was so relieved to be in the clear soon. With a deep breath, he opened the last door only to be met with the blaring of loud music and a wet feeling at his feet. With his first step, Martin slipped and fell on what felt like a slip n’ slide.

Laying on his back, it was hard to figure out what was going on but he heard the music shut off suddenly and a rippling of gasps spread further and further down the hall. Martin was able to get his bearings and looked to see a throng of young college girls packed into the hallway. They were all dressed in various styles of bikinis and appeared to be drinking from solo cups. He knew at once that he had ended up in the middle of a floor party for an entire college cheerleading team. Over twenty girls were now looking at him lying on his back with his dick pointed straight up to the sky.

Martin wasn’t sure what he heard first, their screams of excitement or the flashing of camera phones. The first four or five girls lifted him to his feet and he saw they had indeed set up a slip n’ slide in the hallway. Martin had to spread his legs wide on either side to avoid slipping again. He had no choice but to move at a painfully slow pace as the girls circled around him, moving their cellphones to capture every intimate angle.

“Oh my God!” “How embarrassing!” “Fucking hot!”

Martin felt dizzy at the noise. There was too much to process. He was aware enough to feel the remote leave his neck though. “What does this do?” he heard one of the girls ask and soon the question was met with an answer as the button was pressed. Martin ejaculated in no time and girls jumped out of the way to avoid his shot.

“Hey let me see that, toss it here,” another girl shouted. Martin watched the remote fly from girl to girl until it landed at the feet of one. She was a short brunette with thick curves. She wore a thong bikini and Martin’s gaze was fixed on her ass as she bent down to pick up the remote. She walked over to him slowly and let her fingers dance across his chest as she stood behind him.

“Mind if I borrow your toy?” she asked. Once again, Martin felt his cheeks part and the device slide out. The empty feeling was replaced by the brief lick of a tongue. He watched the brunette walk in front of him, bend over, move her thong to the side, and slide the vibrator into her own asshole. Martin came yet again.

The girls continued to parade Martin up and down their hall, touching, and licking every inch of him. Some threw off their bikini bottoms and played horseshoes with his cock, others jacked him off to see how far he would shoot his load. They took turns demanding he lick their pussies or eat their assholes. He had his own asshole licked more times than he could count. Still, the kegs were tapped before he was.

Out of beer and out of ideas, the women went to their rooms for the evening. The brunette looked Martin up and down one last time before giving him a final kiss on the cheek.

Alone again, Martin walked to the end of the hall towards the final set of stairs. He gave up worrying about what guests might see him down in the lobby. He stepped onto the cool tile of the main floor and saw the check-in area was empty save for Amanda sitting behind the reception desk. She wore a white blouse and black skirt. , glasses, and her hair was done up in a pony tail. When she saw him come into view, she immediately ran over and untied his arms.

“Thank you.” Martin said, exhausted.

“My pleasure sir. Thank you for giving us a recording of the best video security video footage I’ve ever seen,” she said with a devilish grin. “Charlotte gave me a call after you left her and I made sure to put in my own personal tape for the footage.”

“I don’t suppose I can ask you to delete it?” Martin asked sheepishly.

Amanda then wrapped her hand around Martin’s hard cock and started to lead him back to the stairs.

“Well I’m thinking that depends on how well you lick my asshole. Let’s get you back into your room.”

The End
