So this happened last night [F], [Exhibition], [Short]

My wife is out of town at a business conference. This doesn’t happen often, but when it does we usually talk once a day, close to the end of the day.

So last night we Facetimed. She was in her hotel room, completely nude. Not that unusual, in and of itself. When we’re in a hotel room, we’re naked.

We’re talking, she’s filling me in on her travel day (which was pretty freaking dreadful), what time this conference starts tomorrow … all that banal stuff.

Then I hear the sound of someone knocking on the door.

She says, “Hang on, Honey. COMING!”

She puts the phone down, propped up so I can see her ass walking away from me as she pads over to the door.

She stands on her tiptoes (she’s only 5’2″), looks through the peep hole and says, “Just a sec!”

Then she opened the freaking door and let the guy from room service in!

I couldn’t see the look on his face, but I can imagine it.

He brought the tray over (with a HUGE grin on his face) and put it on the table right next to the phone. As he went past her, she looked at the phone, grinned, and gave an excited little hop. It was adorable.

He handed her the bill, and stared at everything he could possibly stare at while she signed it. When she gave him the tip, somehow the bill ended up on the floor and he had to bend down and pick it up. I don’t know if he did it on purpose or if they fumbled the exchange, but I know I sure as hell would have dropped it on purpose if it had been me. He said something like, “If you need anything at all, just call and I’ll personally bring it up!”

She followed him to the door, closed it behind him, put the lock on, came back over to the phone and said, “Well, my dinner just arrived …” LOL

I said, “Uhhhhh, I see that!”

She grinned like the cat who ate the canary and said, “Didja like that? I thought you might like that.”

She’s just fucking with me now.

EDIT: She took [this exact dress]( to the conference. So this is what made his night.



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