A Game of Depravity: Part 9 (MF, light bondage, public, risky/unprotected)

If they went back into their text messages they would be able to pinpoint who had messaged those three potent words first, but the simple phrase, ‘I miss you,’ shifted how they began to talk with one another. Certainly, there was plenty of exasperated banter as he ranted to her – never about the fans – only about how his handler kept trying to give him coffee, and when that failed, slip him chocolate covered espresso beans. Mina would tease him about not being peppy enough, and late at night they would talk until their breathing grew heavy with sleep. That is what missing each other meant.

It also meant caving and purchasing a ticket to met Daniel across the country. She told him it was to see her mother. They both knew it was mostly to see him. On the plane she thought of little else but how he would smile when he saw her. What she hadn’t accounted for was the thrilled cry that left her lips when saw him waiting for her at the security gate. “Dan!”

“Mina!” He bellowed, taking her into his arms and hugging her tight. When he pulled away it wasn’t far. The temptation to kiss him was overwhelming.

He must have felt the same, his hand tucking some of her hair behind her ear before clearing his throat. “That all you brought? Your mother is going to blame me for letting you come with practically nothing, you know that, right?”

She shouldered her single carryon and smiled as he escorted them to the rental car in the garage. “Better you than me. Tell me, you really okay spending the weekend with me? I’m not interrupting?”

“If you are it’s only because I begged. After the reading tonight, I have a dinner I’d like you to come to, and then, tomorrow an interview for a radio show, which the last time I was on it, funnily enough, was the day we met. I am all yours Sunday until my flight. Or is your flight earlier than mine?”

“Your flights first, I know your schedule. They don’t let you breath on these things, do they? You know, Maybe, if I had turned on the radio that day I wouldn’t have made a complete ass out of myself when I met you. But, I am glad I met you.”

He used the clicker to pop the trunk and load her bag, chuckling, “I don’t think I would have wanted to meet you any other way, it’s so exhausting being the only asshole all the time.”

Again, he should have kissed her then, stood beside each other, but he didn’t.

At the reading, she watched from beside his handler, arms crossed over her chest. He appeared confident – which he was – and clever, which he also was when addressing the rows of fans. After the event finished, they went to dinner, where Daniel spent most of an hour confirming times and locations for his upcoming events with his handler and venting similar frustrations with two other authors Mina knew of by name through the company.

It was late when the two of them packed into the car and started the drive to Mina’s mother’s, a midway point between the current city and the next.

“Not this exit, Dan, not this one,” Mina insisted when the blinker flashed and Daniel pulled off the ramp, turning a few times down empty streets.

He chirped, “I know where I am going.”

“No you don’t. I grew up around here.”

“Trust me, princess.” He reach a hand across the console, placing it on her thigh. Instant sparks ignited at the contact. Too busy looking at his hand, she missed him turning into the empty lot of a train station. He parked far from the tracks, in the shadows.

“What are you doing, come on,” Mina demanded as he turned the car off.

“Giving you a proper hello.”

Daniel was quick to lean forward, hand heavy on her thigh and the other going around the nape of her neck. This kiss had her tense muscles instantly soften and she leaned into the alluring pressure of his lips. Hers parted to give him the greeting she had wanted to at the airport. That she had wanted to give him every morning during their time apart.

“Hi,” she said when she pulled away to catch her breath.

“Hi,” he repeated, gripping her still. “I want you.”

“I’ve wanted you since you left.”

“What have I done. I believe I’ve turned you into a monster,” He rasped and kissed her again until they both parted panting, hands clinging to the layers of clothing protecting them from the chill of autumn.

“You have, now get in the back of the car,” she told him. “Chances are we won’t have space to do anything at my mother’s.”

“That’s all you wanted to see me for.” His words were eclipsed by them getting out and then back into the rear of the rental. “My body. I feel used.”

“You don’t know what used feels like yet,” Mina said, feverish as she slammed the door closed behind her and bowled into Dan. His arms were around her as she pushed him backwards into the seat, straddling him as they got into a familiar position.

“I love how you use words,” Dan muttered, lips working down her neck.

“Coming from you, that’s high praise,” Mina began to undo the buttons of his dress shirt, aggravated her hand came in contact with an undershirt. They would get what they wanted, not what they needed, which was skin against skin. Hours together.

The most he could do was shove off her jacket, pulling aside the collar of her shirt to nip at her shoulder. Not enough, his hands went under her shirt, peeling her bra upwards until he could cup aching breasts and tweak her stiff nipples.

It caused her to roll her hips into the obvious hardness trapped by his jeans. Her own arousal dripping into her panties and causing them to cling to her swollen lips. How desperately she wanted to feel his fingers explore her folds, push inside her. There was no time or space in the cramped back of the vehicle.

Desire persisted.

“I want you right now.” Mina slumped off him and began to pull at her leggings, removing them but not her panties. Those she pulled to the side as she adjusted herself over his throbbing length.

He had pulled his pants down just enough, hand around the thick base of his shaft. Dan held himself in place until the lips of her sex wrapped around his head, and moved down his curved length until she had taken his cock completely. On top she always felt so full, hips shifting to feel him touch the deepest parts of her.

Moaning as she rocked against him, the two kissed with open mouths, sharing grunts and groans. His hands squeezed her ass, giving the panties a tug from behind to draw the material tight over her clit. She yelped loud enough Dan clamped a hand over her mouth.

“Don’t get us caught, princess,” he growled, dropping his hand to force her hips to still as he pistoned into her, making the whole car shake. The world around them disappearing with each stroke of his now soaking cock. The musky scent of sex thick in the small space of the car.

Under her shirt her large breasts bounced, nipples piercing through the material as the bra acted like a faux restraint. They hadn’t played with ropes or ties in too long. There was no space to do that in the backseat of a car, yet she yanked the tie from around his neck and held it close to her mouth. “Sorry, sir. Better make sure I don’t make a sound then.”

His hand gave a sharp slap to her behind, a cry parting her lips. “I’m going to turn that ass bright red, so I better make this tight.”

Doubling over the length of the tie he wedged the material between her lips, pulling tight until her tongue was trapped. He knotted the fabric and gave her face a slap, their eyes connecting in the dark. He gave her cheek another smack before soothing it with kisses, and building back into a primal speed.

Her legs were shaking from being parted so wide, her juices dripping down her pale skin. It was reddened soon enough, each of Daniel’s thrusts were paired with one of his large hand striking her ass. Her skin smarted, prickling. Each smack brought a new level of pain, and with it pleasure. Her sodden sex squeezing around his shaft.

Mina couldn’t tell him she was going to cum, but he felt it in the convulsions of her body as she collapsed into his chest. He grunted a few times, sinking his fingers into the tender skin of her battered bottom before he released. Holding her down as he thrust upwards, filling her with his seed. Yanking down the spit covered tie, he kissed her lips, jawing sweetly aching as she pushed her freed tongue against his.

“That’ll have to hold us over until I’m back in two weeks, won’t it.” He was soft with her after, hands smoothing over her ass and up under her tunic to knead her lower back. Slowly, he still rocked in her, still hard and trapping his seed inside her.

“I doubt it will.”

“When I get back, I promise I’m yours in bed for a week.” He kissed her softly and she agreed to his terms.

The two righted themselves, pulling up pants and adjusting undergarments. They were back on the road and in twenty minutes parked out front of her mother’s, who greeted them with a joyous holler through the screened door. Wearing the scent of liquor on her breath and a thin robe, she hugged them both too tightly before directing Daniel to Mina’s childhood bedroom.

“I would have given you the office but the damn air mattress has a tear in the seam. You’ll have to take the couch, Mimi.”

Mina rolled her eyes at her mother’s childish nickname for her before she shot Daniel a look, “Can do. But I’m regretting inviting you now.”

“Don’t be rude,” her mother chided. “We are very happy to have the Daniel Reed at our house.”

“Your house, mom, I live with the Daniel Reed.”

“The Daniel Reed will take the couch,” Dan offered before her mother could find something negative to say about her sudden move west. It was a touchy subject, but Mina had grown up with a mother who touched and felt her way through enough men that Mina never had the chance to call anyone father.

“What a real man,” her mother cooed and sauntered away, causing the two to silently laugh with hands over their mouths.

“Sure you don’t want this room? It has a lock,” Mina said pointedly.

“Nah, your mom always means well. Didn’t try anything with me the last Christmas we spent here, don’t think she ever will. But speaking of, keep your door unlocked.”

“You will not sneak in here! My mom would freak if she knew.”

“If she knew what, Mina?” He teased, sitting on her childhood bed, pink quilt and purple sheets.

“You know.”

“Do I?”

Her face blushed as crimson as the roses embroidered into the bedding. She whispered, drawing close to him, his seed still soaking her panties from earlier. “That we’re fucking. Happy?”

“Thrilled,” he said with a tired grin.

They behaved themselves the first night. Even the next night, they kept their hands to themselves – for the most part. It wasn’t until Sunday, mere hours before they left for the airport to part ways, that they sat on the floor of her once bedroom, going through a trunk of her old things. A blush was ripe in her cheeks.

Daniel held up a photograph of her barely holding onto a fish she had caught with her grandfather, disgust on her face. “I want to frame this. And this one. Just make a huge collage of Mina in our entryway.”

“Don’t make me text your mother. I can have an arsenal in seconds.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me. Now give those back,” she leaned forward to snatch the photos from his hands.

“Not this one.” He kept one of her as a baby out of reach. “I really want to keep this one.”

“That’s it, I’m texting your mother!” It was his turn to wrestle her phone from her hands, circling her wrists with his superior grip. Caught in the vice of his hand she laughed. “Got you to drop the picture, didn’t I?”

“I still feel like I am victorious here.”

“How’s that?”

What he said next wasn’t funny at all, his tone serious. “I’m here with you.”

“I like you being here.” Her own voice was soft, fading as her throat seized. “I like you.”

“I’m in love with you,” Daniel responded without missing a beat, his odd blue eyes never leaving her. His hands shifted to cup hers. It was a good thing they did, as Mina’s inside began to feel inflated with helium, head spinning as she was tugged away from the moment. His hands held her so she didn’t float away.

“Dan, I-“

“You don’t have to say anything. I thought a lot about this, how I wanted to tell you – and I swore I was going to wait until I got back – but I’ve spent the last five years with you, Mina, and I want to spend another five.”

“Only five?” She smiled, trying to hide how her heart pounded and palms grew slick.

“More than five. But I’m trying not to spook you.”

“Spook me, what about you. You stand in the dark and whisper Bloody Mary three times and get scared, not cause she appears, but because she asks you out.”

“Kay, trying not to spook me either,” he conceded. “To be fair, I just told you I love you. I’m rather anchored to the idea of dating you.”

“You want to date me?” She clarified, gripping his hands a bit tighter.

“I want to date you.” Dan smiled and leaned into kiss her. “And I really don’t want to sleep on couches when we go to visit people.”

“Oh. Ulterior motives, I see.”

“Only motive is getting to call you mine, princess.”

As they kissed again he eased her onto her back, flush with the carpet of her room. His larger form covering hers, arm slipping under her back, cradling her close. Mina raked her fingers through his hair, discovering his shoulders. Their legs tangled as the urgency for one another took root, soon hands were under shirts and skin was touching skin. He cupped between her legs, grinding his palm to her stimulate her clit.

Gasping, Mina said, “We can’t, not here. My mother could come home any second.”

“Jesus, Mina, you’re making me feel awfully young here. We’re not teenagers hiding upstairs. I have a retirement fund, you have your own personal assistant,” he explained, kissing along her neck and making her writhe under him.

“You’re right, plus we’re dating.” Her smile could have split the seams of her face. “We’re dating and, and I love you. I really, really do, Dan.”

Afraid that saying it aloud would completely carry her away, she found it filled her with such a liquid warmth there was little choice but to pool into him. Matching his depth as she sank further, Mina pushed Daniel’s shirt up, and he took it off, then helped her do the same.

“Those are some powerful words,” Dan breathed, once again pulling her close and kissing her until they both were breathless, hearts realized. Full.

Plucking off articles of clothing like petals from a flower until they were scattered about the room, the two were coupled on the bed, hiding under covers at Mina’s insistence. He moved the head of his cock up and down her wet slit, trailing precum over her sex. She spread her legs wider, rocking her hips as she gripped his lower back and pulled him forward. He parted her slick lips and burrowed into her with a few thrusts.

She cried out, burying her head in the crook of his neck. Her legs wrapped over his hips, knees lifted closer to her chest as he began to take her, not with lengthy thrusts, but shallow undulations that kept him buried to the hilt and kept his pelvis nudging into her clit.

It didn’t take Mina long to feel the beginnings of her release. Lips against his, she muttered through kisses. “I like you like this.”

“I like you, I love you,” Dan whispered back. “All of you.”

He made her glow. Her nipples, hard and yearning for attention, dragged over his chest, tickled by hairs and becoming slick with sweat as heat was trapped under the blanket. Daniel didn’t care, sucking a nipple into his mouth. She arched into him. Her fingers slid up his back, arms wrapping around him. Her breathing was hard, his coming out in pants and grunts. Gasps and moans. The bed joining their orchestra of sounds as the headboard knocked against the wall.

He began to pull his full length from her, muttering about how perfectly tight her pussy was, how good she felt wrapped around him. How he’d never tire of having her like this. “I’m going to fill your perfect pussy, princess.”

“Uh huh,” Mina grinned, nodding and snaring his lips back to hers.

“Every night and every morning when I get home.”

“I want you home,” she gasped as he slid into her fully, the speed and vigor of his thrusts accelerating, make embers glow between her legs.

He gripped her thigh and kept her leg bent back. The muscles of her stomach clenched, sensitive walls gripping his cock and promoting him to growl, “Fuck, fuck I’m going to cum. I’m going to cum. Tell me you’re close.”

Mina had never felt safe enough to have sex with someone without a condom, despite being on the pill. She trusted Dan, just as he did her. It hit her then, as she was near her climax, that she had forgotten to pack and take her contraceptive. Mina exclaimed, “Dan you can’t, you can’t cum in me. I didn’t bring my pill.”

Arms tensed as he pulled himself away from her, covers flinging off as he gripped the base of his cock and spilled his seed over her stomach and mound. Panting, he grunted, “Fucking hell, princess, quite a time to tell me.”

“I just….I just remembered,” she said, body disappointed she hadn’t found completion, a hollow ache between her legs. Her head remained planted in the pillow underneath. “I’m sorry, *shit*. And you came in me Friday.”

“Yeah, I did.” He actually sounded proud.

His fingers dragged through the mess he had made, coating his fingers before slipping over her wet mound and curling into her. Mina shot up onto her elbows, eyes wide as she realized what he did. “Dan!”

“Damage control later.” His thumb circled around her nub, pressing into it. His movements had her laying back in the bed, back arching as he brought her back to where she had been. Sloshing between her legs, coating his hands as he made a full mess of her. She gripped the sheets in her hands and gritted her jaw together. She rode his fingers, breasts bouncing.

He pulled his fingers from her. Dan had his cock gripped in his hand. “Look at this, got me all hard again.”

“You got me all worked up, gonna finish what you started?”

He slapped the swollen head against her soaking, sloppy sex. Pushing down, he slid back into her easily, dragging more of his seed into her pussy. Mina wasn’t even thinking of that, she couldn’t think. Only feel as he laid into her with undulating thrusts of his hips, keeping his cock buried in her throbbing cunt. She shifted her hips up with urgency, wanting release.

Her hand went into his dark hair, damp with exertion. Her lips hasty against his, barely able to kiss between her moans of pleasure and heavy gasps for air. The building of her orgasm had her muscles tensed. “So close, so close, so close.”

Then she was there. In a few hard slams of his cock, her walls wrapped around him. Gripping him. Pulling a second release from Dan, who doubled over, cradling her body, his cum filling her as he whispered her name.

She was yelling his, covering the sound of the garage opening, but not that of her mother’s voice calling a greeting out. There was no time to enjoy the afterglow of her release, the two exchanging a look and fumbling into clothing, her stomach still covered in his seed. She threw the covers over the mess on the sheets and swore, cradling her spinning head.

Daniel moved over to her. “Guess your mother will be the first to know we’re dating.”

“Guess so,” she said, unable to stop the smiled from forming, cheeks red from blushing. She gave him a playful wink. “Better than telling her we’re just fucking.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/al4be3/a_game_of_depravity_part_9_mf_light_bondage