Period Sex (M/F, oral sex, menstruation)

I fasten my favorite delicate gold chain around my neck before pushing my feet into shimmery heels, and walk into the living room to get my purse when it happens.
Five minutes before I’m leaving to meet up with Mr. New Booty my pussy drops a glop into my brand new satin underwear.
My period has started a week early.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I say out loud. This is definitely happening and in minutes my jeans will be ruined if I don’t move right now.
I run into the bathroom, wiggling out of my shoes, jeans and underwear. I soak the delicate fabric under a gushing stream of water in the sink, quickly wipe myself with a wad of toilet paper, and put a tampon in.
Mr. New Booty and I had not talked about period sex. I had been with a few guys who weren’t into it. They didn’t like seeing blood all over their cocks. They didn’t like the smell. They didn’t like how messy things got. All I could do was roll my eyes and think, “Fuck blood on your cock. This shit is some magic. Who bleeds for a week and stays alive while going to work, raising kids, and doing life during all that every single month? You should be so lucky to contain the multitudes that is the mystery of being a woman on earth.”
But real talk, I wasn’t planning on this and now I gotta pop three ibuprofens to stave off cramps and hope I don’t bleed out before dessert.
I slip on a pair of black underwear that could double as date underwear while bleeding and finish getting dressed. I send him a quick text to say I might be five minutes late.
It’s our fourth date and I was really hoping to fuck. I generally save the period sex for later in a relationship, after a conversation, after we’ve gotten to know each other. I’ve never had first time sex while bleeding.
“The best thing to do would be to just focus on having fun tonight and not worry about anything.” I tell myself as I get into my car and back out of my driveway.
My mind won’t leave it alone though. The whole drive to the restaurant we’re meeting at for dinner it was going over how to throw this development into the conversation before going back to my place. I also worry about when to change the tampon and when to take more ibuprofen and, and, and…
He’s sitting at the bar, all elegant and beautiful wearing a suit that he probably wore to work when I walk in. He has a drink, something dark on the rocks and gives me a huge smile, standing to hug me as I approach.
“Don’t you look lovely.” he kisses me full on the mouth making me go warm and wet.
“Thank you. I’m sorry I’m a little late.” I say as I take the seat next to him.
“Oh you’re fine. I just got here. What are you drinking?”
“Everything.” I pick up the menu and decide on a glass of merlot.
Our usual exchange and review of our day unfolds. Later, dinner was ordered and consumed along with another glass of wine for me, and scotch for him.
I excuse myself to the bathroom right after he orders a slice of chocolate raspberry cake. I quickly take stock of the situation and change my tampon.
“I want you to come over, but I have to tell you something.” I say after cake and in between kisses as we stand by my car.
“What’s that?”
“My period surprised me right before I came here.” I start. “It’s a week early.”
He looks at me expectantly, and I continue, “I was hoping we’d get down tonight.”
“We can get down tonight. I don’t mind.” he grins.
“You’re not just saying that.” I look up at him, studying his face for traces of apprehension.
“No. Bodies do what they do. Now hurry up. The sooner we get moving, the sooner, well…you know. Text me your address?”
I kiss him and he watches me get into my car and turn it on before waving and walking back to where he parked.
I’m excited and full of desire as I send him the text and drive home. I feel stronger for speaking up and asking for what I wanted, something I wouldn’t have done years ago, being too worried about what he would think of my body doing it’s thing.
He pulls into the spot next to me, seconds after I park and turn off the ignition. Dude is fast. I have zero time to do one more last minute check of my place. I take my time gathering my purse and stepping out. He takes my hand as we walk to my unit.
“It’s small.” I tell him as I take my keys out and open the door, a nervous habit. Some people say “Excuse the mess”, but my place is rarely out of order.
“This is so you.” he smiles, taking off his coat, looking around my living room that opens up to my kitchen.
I take his coat and hang it in the closet. “I don’t know what that means but I’ll take it as a compliment.” I wrap my arms around his waist and he bends down to kiss me. I kiss him harder, tongue playing with his as his hands slide down to take a handful of my ass.
He pushes me against the wall and I wrap a leg around his waist, our breathing becoming hurried, rushed as he brushes the sides of my breasts with his palms. I reach for his cock, squeezing and rubbing it, so excited to have it in my mouth, in my hand, in my pussy in that order.
I undo his belt and he pulls off my sweater. He presses his face to my cleavage before taking off my bra, as I unbutton his shirt.
My cramps are sneaking up on me again and I figure coming will be amazing for that, but start thinking about more ibuprofen because I don’t want any pain to take me out of the moment.
“Come upstairs.” I whisper and up we go, him smacking my ass as we climb the steep staircase.
We walk into my bedroom and resume kissing on my bed, the pain creeping in a little more. “Be naked when I get back.” I tell him and climb off the bed, walking into the bathroom.
I close the door, take some ibuprofen and take off everything but my underwear. I remove the tampon, and grab a towel to lay on the bed. Sure enough, when I come back, he’s on his side , head propped on his hand, cock standing at attention and a look of admiration as I approach and lay the towel down.
“Could you be any more beautiful?” he says as I join him.
“Who are you unicorn man?” I laugh. I can’t think of the last time I felt this adored.
“Apparently I’m Mr. New Booty.” he pokes.
“What? What are you even talking about?” I feel my face getting hot.
“I saw your text earlier from Angela asking how Mr. New Booty was. I hope she was talking about me.”
“So you’re reading my texts now.” I take his cock into my hand, lightly stroking the silky shaft, swirling the pre-cum over the underside of the head.
“Just Angela’s.” He draws little circles around my nipple before taking a handful of my waist.
I watch my hand on his cock, studying how it fits, how it looks against my fingers. He hooks his thumb into the waistband of my underwear and pulls them down. I help slide them off my hips and thighs, tossing them onto the floor as he moves closer to me.
“Is it ok if I touch you here?” he asks with fingertips lightly pushing my pussy lips apart.
I open my legs, inviting his fingers and feeling sensitive, but also turned on by his desire to touch my sticky skin. He kisses my neck while exploring. I work to relax into his touch, into the feel of him
I push my hips up, insinuating I want his fingers inside of me. He licks my nipples as he slips one, then two fingers in. I sit up and watch. He continues playing with my nipple with his tongue as I see his thick fingers slippery with my blood move in and out of me.
I almost forget his cock is in my hand, and I want it in my mouth. He feels so good it’s going to be hard to stop this. The sensations on my nipples and pussy plus seeing him get all messy with me had me wanting to shove him in and fuck him until I couldn’t move.
So I ask for it.
“I’m going to suck you good and long, but right now, I need to feel you inside of me.”
He smiles in a mischievous way that has me wondering if he’s going to tease me or not.
“How about you get it wet for me.” he counters.
“I don’t have enough wetness going on down there?” I joke.
“I just want to feel your mouth on it long enough to give me even more to look forward to after I fuck you.” He takes his fingers out of me and playfully smears blood on my inner thigh.
I get on all fours as he lies on his back and I wrap my lips around him. I slide up and down his shaft, following my mouth with my hand, listening to his pleasure. I love hearing a man enjoy what I’m offering. It turns me on almost as much as being touched.
So does giving head. Having my mouth all over it, savoring him with my tongue and teasing with my hand is one of my favorite ways to express my desire for someone.
“I think it’s time you gave it to me.” I tell him as I kiss my way from base to tip.
“That was quick.” He sits up, kissing me. “How do you want it?”
“I’ll come back, but I want you behind me and playing with my clit. The condoms are in the top drawer over there.” I point to my bedside table and he pulls the drawer open to get one.
When he’s put it on and we’re both on the towel, he gently pushes into me. We move slowly, carefully at first, like we’re both exploring what the other feels like. His thick cock spreads me open and fills me up, the pressure inside of me combined with his fingers rubbing my clit makes me want more. I move rhythmically against him then take him all the way in, pressing my ass to his hips, enjoying the intensity and the feeling of being full while he plays with my clit.
He pulls out a little more, and spreads my ass open with his other hand. I can feel him staring at me, watching as he moves in and out of my juiciness.
“I want to hear you come.” he tells me. “How do I make that happen?”
“Keep doing what you’re doing.” I turn around and look up at him, then lower myself onto my forearms so I can take him deeper.
I spread my legs a little wider while he steadily moves in and out of me. I press my hand to his, feeling him there between my legs. Getting myself messy turns me on more than I expect. Just to let go and be with whatever is going on, to allow myself to not care for once about whatever may or may not be happening down there is just what I need to expand into a big bright glorious orgasm.
I come and come and come in a brand new way. Because I’m allowing myself to ask for what I want and not feel embarrassed by the vulnerability of first time period sex, having an explosive orgasm only shows me more of where I want to expand into.
He eases out of me, his cock wet with my blood, my ass and pussy sticky with the remnants of the same and we smash together.
“That was amazing.” I say after kissing him, rolling the condom off his erection. “What do you think about a shower and coming in my mouth?”
“Sign me up. I’ll race you.” he says as we scramble off the bed and rush into the bathroom for round two.


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