I’m Not His Student Anymore (FM; Masturbation, Fingering, Oral)

I’ve always wanted to write out this fantasy; I love creating stories that are for women, by women! Hope you enjoy it.

1st Person POV fiction

Research Methods Class, Junior Year, Spring 2015 Semester

“Ok, and what do we know about this scenario using the ethical code we talked about last week?” Dr. Marlin’s voice awkwardly dragged on and on. I look around at my 80 some odd classmates all sitting behind their computer screens. Some paying attention, some not. No one had raised their hand yet and so to get it over with, I raised mine. “This scenario is not ethical. Though the patient signed a waiver stating they agree to potentially be given the placebo drug, the clinic did not include in the waiver that they would be given any substance that would intentionally make their patient’s condition worse.” Dr. Marlin stared at me with a blank expression and I watched as his lips pursed together. Ok, had I gotten it wrong? I never knew when answering one of his questions; he always gave an awkwardly long pause before he spoke. Stammering he finally spoke. “Yes Miss Simmons, that is correct.” I smiled and let out a breath. Dr. Marlin looked at his watch and cleared his throat before he resumed speaking. “Looks like that’s all the time we have today. Look out for an email from me regarding our upcoming exam. Otherwise, have a great Friday and weekend.” I hear backpacks zipping and side conversations grow louder as we pack up and make our ways out of the classroom.

“So what’s the plan for this weekend? Red Ln is having a string of parties and I need to know which ones we’re going to. That absolutely determines my outfit.” I turn to my left and listen to my sorority sister, Sarah, go on and on about the parties this weekend. I, for one, am exhausted from the week and want to stay in for tonight. “Well I’ll ask Alex from Lambda Pi who is hosting what and text you. It’s movie night for me!” Sarah turns to me with a disgusted look on her face, “Andrea, listen, it is the end of our junior year and exams aren’t until next month. We need to live it up before all of the real end of the year parties happen and I’m not letting you blow one of our last chances to hang with our senior sisters!” I roll my eyes and look back at her. “I’ll go out tomorrow. Sarah, I have had a capella rehearsals every night this week, choir rehearsals three times, four study groups, 2 group projects, countless initiation prep meetings, and not to mention my 3 jobs and other homework for my classes. I need rest. I need to decompress. You go out and have fun. I will pack my wine and snacks, go to the movies and watch a ridiculous romcom, and then go home, maybe have some me time, if you know what I mean, and then go to sleep. That way, I won’t be a tired, irritated bitch to you when we go out. You know what I’m like when I get tired.” She sighs in defeat and nods. “yea yea, I know. Ok but tomorrow, we are getting SHITFACED!” I nod in compliance and laugh, “Yes, yes, freshman year level shitfaced. Now go have fun and leave me to my old lady night.” We hug and she prances out of the door. I almost make it out when I hear my name called. “Miss Simmons, may I see you for a second?” I turn and see Dr. Marlin waiting for me. I walk over and rest my bag on the floor. “Yea, what’s up?” He clears his throat and blinks a few times. “Well, firstly I wanted to say thank you for always being engaged in my class. You have been a wonderful student this semester.” I smile and straighten my shoulders. “Thank you! I’ve been working hard, trying to get magna cum laude isn’t easy.” He nods and smiles back at me. “Yes, well I have no doubt in your ability.” He waits for my response and nod my thanks. “Was there anything else you needed, Dr. M?” He took a deep breath in and played with his hands a bit. I always wondered what made him so awkward. He was a pretty attractive man if you asked me. He had broad shoulders, semi-muscular build, definitely a former athlete, we wore glasses sometimes but not often, brown curly hair, light brown skin, and a strong jaw line. Damn. It didn’t hurt that he was a good 6 ft 4 tall. I’d climb that. But yet he was a bit shy in his personality. Smart as hell, definitely one of the most difficult professors I’ve ever had but he was kinda nerdy. I mean I’d be into it if he wasn’t, like 35. He’s a whole 14 years my senior! That’s not a bad thing but definitely kind of old for me. I dismiss my thoughts and wait for his reply. “No, that was all. I look forward to seeing you at the final.” I smile and nod, “Yea! See ya then.” I grab my bag and head for the door; turning back I look to see him watching my retreating form. Surprised, I turn so he can see my face and I wink at him. I watch as he blushes and I chuckle to myself. What a funny man.

7pm and I’m already kinda wine drunk. Since about 3 pm, I’ve been eating a bunch of snacks, drinking Riesling, and watching Netflix. It’s been a good, lazy evening but it’s almost time for me to head out for the movie. I call my little into my room and wait as I hear her footsteps come down the house hallway. “Hey, Andy, what’s up?” she says. I smile lazily and giggle. “Can you take me to the movies? It starts at 7:30 and I’ve been drinking since 3pm. I’m ready to go and be insubordinate haha!” Carrie laughs at me and smiles. “Yea sure. Even buzzed, you’re responsible. Good for you! Let’s go, Big.” I grab my wallet and phone and stick them in my small crossbody bag so I don’t have to worry about dropping or losing anything. It’s staring to warm up but I grab a sweater anyway just in case the theatre is cold. I am wearing shorts and a big t-shirt after all. We get to the theatre, I pay for ticket and text my little to be back around 9:45pm. I walk in, buy a popcorn, and head to the showing room when I see Dr. Marlin waiting near the concessions stand. “Mr.-shit! Dr. Marlin!!” I carefully but swiftly walk over to Dr. Marlin and stare up at his surprised expression. I giggle and eat a bit of popcorn. “Are you going to see this movie too?” Still stunned, he grunts and clears his throat. “Uh, yes, Miss Simmons. Miss Simmons, are you ok?” I nod and try to be a bit more serious. “Yea, I’m fine. Soooo are you meeting someone?” His brow raises and breathes out slowly. “Well I was however, my companion, it seems, isn’t able to join me after all.” I blink and realize he was trying to say he was stood up. “That bitch!” Caught off guard, he coughs and his face heats up. “Miss Simmons there’s no need-” “Uh, yea there is! She stood you up. Heartless, damn…” I look up and I watch him trying to hide his smile. “Well I appreciate your concern, Miss Simmons.” I nod and continue munching on my popcorn. “Yea well, if you wanna sit with me you can, Dr. M! I came here by myself. I deserve to be treated after this stupid hard week I’ve had.” Dr. Marlin shifts, appearing to be a little uncomfortable. “I don’t know if that is a good idea, Miss Simmons.” “Andrea, call me Andrea. Besides, class is over except for the final. And I sure as hell don’t need to suck up to you for a better grade haha! May as well relax, Dr. M.” He lets out a breath but continues to ponder what I’ve told him. “It’s completely ethical!” I say to him in a sing-songy kind of way. He laughs this time, uninhibited and nods. “Well sure, I will join you. But please, call me William.” I paused and look back at him. “William?? I thought your name was Andrew???” He paused and watched me as I stood in amazement. At this, he burst into laughter and it was kinda hot. His voice was deep and rumbled his chest. I could feel it standing next to him. I bit my lip absentmindedly and sighed. “Yea, well William, let’s go inside! Of the room, I mean. Inside the room.” I stammer and walk inside to find us seats.

The theatre isn’t very crowded, I guess people go out on Fridays and not to movie theatres. Better odds of finding great seats for us! I lead us to the very center of the theatre and sit in the large, comfy black chairs. They recline too!! I recline my chair back so that I can prop my feet up inside the the huge chair; I’m only 5 ft 3 after all. William sits to my right and sets his drink and popcorn next to him. I smile at him and I thought I saw him blush. Either way, the movie starts and we immediately are focused on the screen in front of us. Half way through the movie, my popcorn runs out. Kind of sad, I turn to Dr. M…I mean William’s bag and see he still has some left. I lean over, close to his ear and whisper, “Can I have some?” I feel him freeze up and watch as he turns his head to face me. Our faces are only a few inches away from each other. “I’m sorry, what?” I blink and lick my lips. “Your popcorn. Can I have some?” He lets out a breath and nods his head. “Oh, um, yes. You can, of course.” I smile and sit back while I reach inside the bag to grab some popcorn. He watches me as I eat each handful. I drop some down my shirt and sigh in frustration. “Ugh, damn! Where did it go?” Without a care in the world, I reach down my shirt in search of the fallen popcorn, adjusting my D-cup chest as I go. Finally I find it and pop it into my mouth. I look over at William and he is staring at me in amazement. I nervously giggle and say, “What? You’ve never seen a girl search her boobs for lost food before?” He laughs, stunned, and shakes his head. “Oddly enough, Andrea, I have not.” I blink back at him in disbelief. “Oh come on, you’re girlfriends have lost food in their bras before.” At this, he turned slightly away. “I have never had a serious girlfriend. Believe it or not, not many women find research methods and ethics to be topics of interest.” I sit back, slightly embarrassed, and smile politely. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you…uh…I mean, I’m sorry.” He gently smiles and pats my arm. “It’s fine, Andrea. There’s no way you would have known that. But now that you do, please don’t- I mean.” I interrupt him and raise my right arm in the air. “I swear! No one knows you’re a virgin!” I grab my mouth in horror, I can’t believe I just said that out loud. He seems to not be too offended and refocuses on the screen in front of us. “Sorry, it just came out. I didn’t mean to say.” “It’s completely fine, Andrea. Besides, I said I’ve never had a girlfriend. I never said I was a virgin.” My eyes open wide, shocked at his confession. I slowly smile and sit back in my seat comfortably. “Way to go, Dr. M!” I hear him chuckle and shake his head.

We finish the movie and I let out a sigh. “That was good! Not Oscar worthy or anything but still a good movie.” I watch William nod and smile in agreement. “Do you need a ride home, Miss Simmons?” he asks. “Andrea” I giggle. He smile and clears his throat. “Andrea.” I think about his offer. No need to make my little drive from campus to here and back. I text my little that I’m catching a ride back the campus and watch as the three little dots pop up. I read:

Little: Big! Who are you riding with??

Me: Little don’t worry! I ran into Dr. Marlin, research methods prof, he offered to take me home.

Little: Oh, Andrew goes to the movies?? I thought he was nerdy? Hot but nerdy?
Me: I mean he’s still hot and nerdy but apparently he has a life too. Oh! And his name is actually William! Who knew?

Little: LOL!! Really? Damn. Well text me back when you’re on campus. Be safe!

Me: Thanks Lil!

Little: Love ya, B!

“Yea sure, I’d love a ride!” I say. We walk out to the parking lot and head to his car. “Nice Cadillac, Dr. M! I mean, William.” He laughs and opens the passenger door for me. “Thank you.” I watch him walk over to the drivers side and notice he has a great butt. Damn…I feel my breath begin to shallow as I watch him. He really is attractive. He opens the car door and sits inside. Turning the car, and me, on, I hear vibe music playing. He lets the windows down and we drive off. I love the feel of wind and I decide to let my hair down. Massive, loose curls fall around me and I close my eyes feeling the wind blow through it. I hum along to the music and out of the corner of my eye, I see William watching me through the rear view mirror. I turn to face him and smile, my curls hanging past my shoulders and framing my face. “Can I ask you something?” He nods and stares ahead at the road. “After our final, you wanna hang out? Go get drinks?” His brows shot up and I watched his full lips ponder my question. “As much as I love you and your friends, I am going to have to say no to that, Andrea.” I giggle and shake my head, “No, I mean just us. Like tonight, it was really fun! Let’s grab drinks, just the two of us.” I watch him closely and he swallows hard, his adams apple bobbing up and down. “Well since you’ll no longer be my student, I don’t see why not.” I smile triumphantly. I look back out of the window and watch the view go by. We get to the campus and he drops me off at the sorority house. “Thanks so much for tonight!” I say. He lifts his eyes and smiles gently. “I am glad we ran into each other. You are…a wonderful young woman, Andrea.” I catch my breath and blink lazily. Quickly remembering himself, I heard William clear his throat and say, “I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable in my saying that.” He apologized. I shook my head and ran around to the driver’s side of the car and leaned into the window. “You’re fine, William! Oh…we’re on campus now. Dr. M.” I giggle. Before I leave, I swiftly lean through the window and kiss the side of his cheek. Caught off guard, his eyes grow wide and he blinks rapidly. I smile and run around the car and down the walkway to our door. I wave and step inside. I text my lil that I’m home and run up to my bedroom.

I turn on some music and sip on some leftover wine I have. I replay the evening over in my head and smile to myself. Listening to the sound of some lo-fi jams, the mood quickly goes from playful to sexy. I sway from side to side and caress my body sensually. My breasts suddenly feel tender and they ache beneath my touch. Smiling, I let my hands wander down the glide over my stomach and then down in between my legs. I feel my lips and they are growing slicker and slicker by the moment. Inserting a finger inside, I feel wetter than I’ve felt in a long time. I don’t touch myself often but when I do, it’s never this wet. Happily, I insert another finger and let it go up towards my clit. The slightest touch, I let out a gasp. It shocks me and I glance over to make sure I locked my door. I rub it gently and a wave of pleasure consumes me. I take out my finger and lick one; kinda sticky, tastes a little sweet too. I remove my clothes until I’m down to my thong and nothing else. I climb onto my bed and lie on my back, my breasts gently bobbing up and down as I get comfortable. I reinsert my fingers and glide one finger along my slit and let the other rub around my clit. I imagine William in my head and do a once over his body and what I think it would look like without clothes. Realizing how odd it is to be fantasizing about my professor, I try to think of something else. Anything else. But he keeps popping into my mind. I decide to let it happen and the more I imagine him, the wetter I get. My body starts to feel hot and my heart beat becomes more pronounced. I completely slide a finger inside of me and moan. The other finger is hovering just about my throbbing clit. My pussy feels so hot to the touch and I almost don’t want to move. It feels so good just to be here in this moment but I keep going. I pull my finger out and then slowly go back in. My finger starts to gently rub my clit; circling around and around, I smile in satisfaction. Finally finding my rhythm, I speed up, pumping my fingers in and out. My breathing becomes shallow and I feel myself about to cum. One last flick of my clit, it send me over the top, my climax finally coming over me completely. I lie in bed, still reeling from the amazing time I just had and I drift into sleep, waiting for the next we saw each other.

1 month later, end of semester

The semester is finally over and I walk over to Dr. M’s office. I knock on the door and hear his voice say to come in. I open the door and see him staring intensely at his computer screen. I smile and lean against the door and cross my arms so my chest rests on top of them. “Hey Dr. M! Ready for drinks?” He turns his gaze to me and stares, stunned. I look down at myself to see if I was out of sorts. Nope, just dressed in my leggings and cotton yoga tank. “Is everything ok?” He nods slowly and swallows hard. “Yes, Miss Sim-Andrea. I, just was surprised you remembered.” Now my turn to look surprised, I walk inside and close the door behind me. “How could I forget? We had so much fun at the movies.” He softly smiled and turned his chair around from the computer. “Yes, well I assumed since you were, a little less than sober, that maybe it was a drunken mistake.” I nervously giggled and rolled my eyes. “Didn’t realize you knew I was uh…” He laughed and I watched his chest rise and fall. “Miss Simmons, I am a college professor. Don’t you think I notice when my students are under the influence?” I laugh too and shake my head. “Well I’m not your student anymore, am I?” I ask. Staring into my eyes, he shakes his head. “No, Andrea, no you’re not.” I smile and bounce over to his desk and sit in the chair across from him. How many times had I sat here? Whether for tutoring or office hour talks, I’d been in his office quite a bit. But somehow, this felt very different. I look up at him and smile, analyzing his every move. “Dr. M, can I ask you something?” He nods, eyes still fixed on me. “Why do you always seem uncomfortable around me? I mean, you don’t seem like the awkward kind, no offense or anything.” He sighed and let his shoulders rise and fall. “Andrea, I- well, no I am not uncomfortable around you. By all means, I am quite pleased to be with- around you. What I mean to say is, you are a…very beautiful young woman and I- Well it’s just that I find you a little distracting is all. I don’t mean that in a negative way! I just…” I watched as my former professor stammered his way through his words. Never before had I heard him so not together! It was almost comical. Was he saying he found me attractive?

I smiled and leaned forward some. “Dr. M, are you saying you…that you’re interested in me?” Flustered, he shifted in his chair and finally looked at me with a serious look in his eye. “I…yes. Yes, I do find you very attractive, Miss Simmons. You have to understand why that makes me a bit unnerved. I can’t have relations with my students and, well, you were my student. Needless to say that I’m a man who is…quite healthy physically and I just found it hard to- No, what I mean is, it was a bit of a struggle having you in my class and not being able to, uh…well…approach you. As just a man. Interested in a woman.” I blinked and held my breath. I felt so many emotions but no, one word quite could describe what I was experiencing. Deciding it was now or never, I got up slightly from my seat and held his gaze as I slowly and softly kissed his lips. His lips were firm and fit so well with mine. I smiled as I ended our kiss and I slowly opened my eyes to watch him. He opened his eyes not too long after me and at first he just blinked at me. Shyly, I was beginning to lose my nerve. Suddenly, his hands were on my face and he gently pulled me back in for another kiss. This time, there was a sense of urgency I’d never felt before. It was hot and urgent and I felt his hand travel from my face to my hair. He gave it a little tug as I went underneath him and kissed him. He let go and I felt dizzy. Our breaths were labored and we simply stared at each other.

“I…that was…incredible.” I said. He chuckled and for once, I saw him relaxed. I could feel the tension coming off in waves from his body and I smiled. I sucked on my lower lip when I suddenly felt myself growing wet. I wasn’t wearing underwear, I never do with leggings and I could feel myself beginning to pool in his office chair. Suddenly self-conscious, I got up and stood. He rose to stand as well and I gazed up as he towered over me. “Dr. M, I have a question.” He leaned against his desk and came in closer to me. “Yes, Andrea?” He almost had a smirk on his face; I guess his confidence was coming out. “I seem to have a bit of a problem.” Raising his brow, he questioned me. “Yes and what seems to be the problem?” I shyly smile, “I seem have grown quite hot and I’m kind of wet.” He was taken aback by my admission at first but he didn’t have to say anything. I glanced down and watch the front of his pants get tighter and tighter. I look back up at him and smirk back at him. “Could you help me out with that, by chance?” His voice grew deeper and husky as he said, “I believe I can help with that.” I watched as he came around his desk to stand mere inches away from me. He grabbed my waist and lifted me onto his desk. His eyes traveled all over me, first to my breasts and then to my tummy then just a little bit lower. He stroked my hair with one hand and readjusted the front of his pants with the other. I giggled and watched him decide what to do next. Then he pushed some of my hair behind my ear and asked, “May I touch you, Andrea? If I may, there’s no telling where this will lead.” I nodded and enthusiastically said yes. He captured my lips in his and I grew drunk on his kiss. We furiously kissed, afraid if we didn’t hang onto each other, the other might disappear. Then, he trailed kisses down my neck and onto my breasts through my shirt. His hands traveled up my shirt and lifted it over my head. The only thing keeping me concealed was my bralette. He stared at me in awe and I had never felt so worshipped before. He pulls one side of my bralette down to reveal my chest and my nipples were perky and at attention, ready to be played with. He put his lips on my left side and sucked. it was a sensation I had never felt before. He tenderly but purposefully licked and pulled at my breasts and let out a sigh of pleasure. He then went to the other side and took care of the right side.

Trailing more kisses over my body, he licked at my stomach and then knelt on the ground to nudge my legs apart. Through my black leggings, he could tell I was soaked through and it only made me more eager to get those damned things off! He lifted his head and began unbuttoning his shirt too. “Equality. Your top is off, mine is too.” I smiled and laughed as I watched him undress. His body was incredible! Broad shoulders and toned muscles, not too much but more than nothing, exactly my type. I licked my lips as I watched him go back down and I leaned back on his massive desk so he could pull my leggings off. Hooking his thumbs at the top of my leggings, he swiftly pulled them off and I was left exposed to him. I watched him smile and lick his lips hungrily. “Andrea, you are incredible. You’re intelligent, have impeccable wit, and you’re stunning. My only regret is that I’m not the young man I once was for you. I’m not exactly in my youth anymore.” I sat up some and placed my hands on the desk in between my legs and leaned forward. “You are an incredible man. I find you quite attractive, William.” Smiling, he kissed me deeply and placed his hand on the small of my back. He laid me down and traced kisses down my neck, breasts, stomach, and then…ugh! I heard myself gasp aloud. I looked down and watched as his head went in between my legs and he kissed my lips. I then felt his tongue lick up my slit and to my clit where he traced circles around and around and around. A wave went through my body and I bit my lower lip in an attempt to not make too much noise. Up, then down, up, then down again. He lapped up every ounce of me and it felt amazing! Then I felt his tongue slide inside of me and I took a deep breath in. His hand came up to caress my inner thigh and my massaged my breasts as he went down on me. Then a finger went in. The pleasure that I felt was intense but I was dedicated to lasting as long as I could before I came. Another finger, he stroked in and out, methodically and gently but with an urgency I’d never felt before. Mainly because, well, he was my first partner ever. I’d always enjoyed my alone time but never had I had a partner before. This was an entirely new experience for me and I was enjoying every moment of it.

He picked up speed with his fingers inside of me, pumping in and out, as his tongue licked and sucked on my clit. I was writhing on the desk and I did my best not to hug his head in between my thighs too much. I didn’t want to suffocate him! Unless he was into that…hmmm. I was getting close to cumming and I breathed in and out ruggedly. “William, I’m going to cum. I-” before I could even finish my sentence, I felt his tongue rapidly flick up and down and he placed his lips securely around my throbbing, swollen clit and with one more pump, I cam. And come to find out (pun intended), I’m a squirter. I came right on his face and my juices were all over him. He licked his lips and gave me one final lick, lapping up whatever he could. He eyes met mine and he trailed kissed back up to me. I kissed him, wanting to taste myself on his lips and there it was again. Sweet and sticky. He held onto me as my body finally began to settle and lazily looked up at him. “Now, Andrea, about those drinks.”

The End.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ajfoqx/im_not_his_student_anymore_fm_masturbation