Sick and Tired. (Intro to a story I’m working on) [cheating]

It had been just over an hour since Tanya’s last text; “just got home, come over?”

We’d met in college, and bonded over the fact that we lived just two towns away from each other. We’d finished our second year, but over the summer, she had developed a fairly serious kidney stone. When it became clear that it was too serious for her to pass on her own, she had to have it surgically removed.

Just over an hour ago, she had finally gotten home and I’d run a couple of empty back road red lights on my way here.

I pulled into the driveway of her parent’s home and knocked softly at the door. Her mother answered.

Mrs. Deckland was the spitting image of her daughter. Tall and slim, with mousey hair and some light freckling that brought a youthful life to her.

“Hi, you must be Eric, I’m Sharon. Come in, Tany was trying to wait up for you, but the pain meds made her a little loopy.

She led me inside and I was impressed by the house. Even in the dark, the outside had a modern look to it, and the inside was beautiful in it’s simplicity. Large windows went from floor to ceiling looking out onto the backyard, but the tour could happen later.

“Can I see her?” I asked.

“Of course. She’s upstairs.”

Tanya’s mom led me up the stairs in the foyer and down a long hallway.

“You know, I hate that this is how Tany’s summer is starting, but I’m glad that she was able to be home. I’d hate to have to worry about her going through this on her own at school.”

I picked up my pace a little bit. “I mean, I would have been there for her.”

She chuckled at that. “I’m sure you would have been. All the same, a mother likes to think she knows what’s best.

She stopped in front of the door at the end of the hallway. Peeling stickers left bright patches on the paint and there was no sound when she knocked.

“I think she’s asleep, but you did come all the way here. Feel free to check on her, of course you’re welcome to stay the night. There’s a couch in there you can sleep on, and I left some blankets. I’m probably going to turn in, but help yourself to anything in the kitchen.”

After an impatient goodnight, and some blind stumbling in the foreign bedroom, I managed to find the bed and there was Tanya. Sweaty, and pained, and beautiful. She’d kicked off the sheets, and as I pulled them back up, she stirred.
“Eric?” She tried to blink away the Demoral fog.

“It’s me babe. I got here as soon as I could. How are you feeling?”

“Is there water in here? Tanya looked around in the dark, and I tried to help search by phone light.

After knocking back the whole glass she took a few deep breaths, and fell back into the pillow.

“How are you feeling, babe?” I tried again.

“Bad.” was all she managed in reply.

The room filled with the rural nighttime symphony of crickets and wind as I found myself at a loss.

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

She flopped over and dropped her phone in my lap. “Can you text Claire and tell her that I’m recovering?”

I was actually shocked that Tanya had texted me before Claire. Sure, we were dating, but Claire was her best friend. I thought that would have superseded everything else.

“Of course,” I said. “I’m glad I was the priority.”

All I got in reply to that was soft snoring. Setting against the bed, I opened the phone and started typing out a message to Claire.

Just as I hit send, a notification popped up at the top of the screen. It was a kik from someone named “Scott ?”. All I could see was the first few words; “you up? I’ve got a ….”

“What the-” I realized I had spoke at full volume and pulled the phone close to my body. The room plunged back into darkness and I waited, tensed, for any sign that I had woken Tanya.

She was still out like a light.

I sat in the dark, weighing my options. Someone that Tanya deemed eggplant worthy was texting her in the middle of the night, asking if she as up. I didn’t want to jump to any conclusions, but I’d seen this before. Hell I’d sent messages like this before. I had to know.

I pulled the phone away from my chest and unlocked it. My face was bathed in an acid white glow. I glanced over at Tanya, shifted my body so that the phone faced away from her and tapped the notification.

Up popped her conversation with “Scott ?”. There hadn’t been much for the last week or two while she’d been hurt, but scrolling up, things got raunchy real fast.

“Just that little pink crop top you like, why?”

“What are you wearing?”

“That dude can’t give you what you need”

“I thought about you during sex. When can I see you again?”

It went on and on, and then there it was. The dick pic.

Now, I like to think that I’m not lacking in any serious way, but Jesus Christ. “Scott ?” did nothing to diminish the pangs of insecurity that most guys feel from time to time. This dude was hung like a fucking horse. It was a pretty classic angle of him on his back, face cropped out, but even tucked up into his waistband he had five or six inches resting on a chiseled stomach.

I stared at that image for I don’t know how long. The room started to spin. My whole life tossed wildly on the roller coaster ride that was Scott’s ?. Eventually I kept scrolling. He hadn’t been the only one to send pictures.

Tanya had always told me that she wasn’t comfortable putting pictures of herself out online, but here she was, bent over in the lacy underwear she had bought for our one year celebration, leaving very little to the imagination. The way she had angled it in the light set a halo around her perfect ass. She stared over her shoulder into the camera. Into my eyes. I felt tears well up. I felt my stiffening penis strain against my underwear. I rubbed my hand over the outside of my pants, but images of Scott kept barging into my mind.

I wonder if the Deckland’s had a bar.

I slipped Tanya’s phone into my pocket and silently made my way out of the room, softly shutting the door so I didn’t wake her or anyone else. I made my way down to the kitchen. In a daze, I rustled through the fridge. I took a beer and set to looking for the bottle opener when I heard the sound of a door close from upstairs. I froze, and listened as steps padded down the stairs. I breathed a sigh of relief when it was only Maddy, Tanya’s younger sister. I guess she was home from school as well.

The resemblance in the Deckland family was uncanny. From the neck up, Maddy shared the same slightly unkempt hair and light freckling as Tanya and their mother. From the neck down was a whole other story.

Tanya had told me before that her sister was a dancer. I’d even seen some pictures of her on Facebook, but here now, standing in front of me, I was floored. She was slightly taller than Tanya, maybe 5’7”, but she was broader. The muscles in her shoulders and arms caught the light from the countertop lights as she reached up to brush her hair away from her face. As she did, my eyes darted from the outline of her perky b-cups to the hint of a six pack under the rise of her shirt. That tight stomach disappeared into a little pair of workout shorts and re-emerged as a taut set of legs. Deeply muscular and impossibly smooth. My face flushed, and for the second time tonight, I could feel the weight of my penis inside my boxers.

I don’t know how long I stood there doing my best startled deer impression, but she eventually pointed to a drawer beside me. “Opener’s in there, man.”

I startled back to life, grateful for a prompt and quickly cracked the beer open, taking a drink. She watched me, bemused, as a I clutched my beer and drank, desperately casual.
“Just a heads up,” she said, “the hard stuff is in the freezer.”

Maddy crossed past me, grazing up against my body and pulled open the freezer, retrieving a bottle of vodka. She poured a shot or two into a glass and leaned back on the counter looking me up and down.

“Anyone ever tell you that you’re not a super interesting guy to talk to?”

I deflated, breathing for the first time in what felt like ages.”

“I’m sorry, it’s just been a rough night.”

She took another drink and shrugged. “Yeah, it’s been rough for a week or so. I hate seeing T all laid up like that. Those pain meds they got her on must be something else. She’d been bitching and moaning all week, and now she’s out like a light.”

“Y-yeah.” I stammered. “I’m glad she got it taken care of. I figured I would stay a few days and make sure she started feeling better.”

Once again, Maddy said nothing. She just took me in. She finished the rest of the vodka in her glass and went to pour another drink. She unscrewed the bottle and the cap fell and rolled across the floor.

“Shit.” she said.

Walking over to where it had stopped, she paused and bent to pick it up. I don’t know if I imagined it in slow motion, or if it was just the controlled bend of someone with intense control over their body, but it gave me a front row seat as her shorts rode up and framed the most perfect ass I’d ever seen. Muscular, but not without a little meat, I swore I was going to pop my zipper right there.

Straightening, Maddy recapped the bottle and moved to put it back in the freezer. She turned to me with her drink.

“You know, you seem like a good dude. I hope that T is treating you right.”

What? My mind went to the weight in my pocket. The phone with “Scott ?” waiting on a reply. Did Maddy know, somehow? Had Tanya done this before?

Maddy was already walking away. “Anyway, it seems like you got a lot on your mind. Try and get some sleep. If you need to talk or anything and T is asleep, just let me know. I’m right down the hall.”

With that and a wink, she was off towards the stairs, hips swinging just the slightest hint of cheek out under the bottom of those too short shorts. I slammed the rest of my beer and grabbed another out of the fridge.

I drank it alone in the kitchen by the glow of the counter lights before heading back upstairs.

I made my way to the end of the hall, but instead of going into Tanya’s room, I kept walking and went into the bathroom. I stood and stared into the mirror, looking from my face, to the strained erection in my pants. Slowly, I unbuttoned the fly and drew it out. He had been through a lot tonight, but I was planning on putting him through one more trial before lights out.

I rummaged around until I found some lotion and sat down on the toilet seat. I began to slowly stroke the length of my shaft. 6.5” was nothing to scoff at, but I couldn’t get the massive member from earlier out of my head. With my free hand, I worked Tanya’s phone from my pocket and pulled up the photo of her in her underwear. The thought briefly crossed my mind that this was a huge invasion of privacy, but as I continued the steady rhythm they disappeared.

Gradually, I built up speed, massaging the head and picturing ripping the underwear off of Tanya and taking her wildly. Animalistic. We were nothing but limbs and sweat. Genitals and flesh gliding and breaking over each other like waves. Only that wasn’t my cock. I was “Scott ?” and the fantasy shattered.

Even in my own mind, I’m falling short.

Time for a different approach.

I put the phone down, closed my eyes, and this time Maddy appeared. She bent over to retrieve something from the ground and I waited for her to stand back up. She looked back over her shoulder after a few moments and call out, grabbing a handful of ass. .

“Um, hello! Do you see this?”

“Y-yes, I see it.”

She bent deeper, if that was even possible, and her shorts spread across her ass, showing just a hint of a smooth pink pussy, dripping in anticipation.

“Good! Let’s get something going here!”

Cutting out all pretense, imagination Maddy slowly worked the pants down over her hips and they peeled back, revealing nothing underneath but a vagina that invited you to explore it. She wiggled her hips back and forth as I fell to my knees. My rhythm quickened as I moved aside the lips and took her into my mouth, nose enveloped in that sculpted ass. She moaned softly and grinded back against my face. My rhythm quickened again, I was bordering on the grand finale.

By the time I pulled my face back, She was soaked and my beard dripped down onto my chest. I stood and lined up with the eager entrance. I tried to enter slowly, but she pushed back into me and I snapped back to the bathroom as 1, 2, 3, 4 strands of cum shot across the bathroom tile and landed in front of the toilet.


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