[MF] The Plot Thickens with my Red-headed neighbor…[Part 2]

[Part 1 For those who missed it](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/aeerpb/mf_i_fucked_my_next_door_redheaded_neighbor_while/)

First of all…Wow, I was shocked to see how many people enjoyed reading about my encounter with Claire. Thank you for all of the compliments. You certainly encouraged me to…shall we say pursue the matter a bit further.

For all who asked… no, I do not have a picture of Claire (for obvious reasons), but I tried to find a close fit from r/redheads. So Here you go. Now just adjust with a few more curves and some freckles, and that’s pretty close. [Claire](https://i.imgur.com/juhmRgw.jpg)

Lastly, for those of you who were wondering what I look like, I’ll do my best to describe. I’m moderately tall (6’2’’) with a thin but athletic build. I have medium length blonde hair, and I usually keep some degree of a beard on my face. Hopefully that is enough to fuel your imaginations.

I’ll pick up right where I left off in order to answer some questions, and then I’ll fast forward to this past week.

Claire went to the bathroom to clean up. I sat on the edge of my bed, still half-hard, flittering back between incredible satisfaction and a heavy guilt. Yes, Claire had reassured me that what we did was her choice too, but it just wasn’t sitting well in my gut.

When she’d finished up in the bathroom, she came back into the room. She was just in her panties, and man did she look sexier than any woman has business being. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and said goodnight. I think she could tell that something was bothering me because as she passed through the door, she turned, smiled, and said “Hey, trust me, there’s nothing to worry about.”

I did my best to take her words to heart, but I just couldn’t stop thinking about Scott pounding on my door when he found out, or the pain that I would cause to their family. As I fell asleep that night, even with worry in my mind, I still found myself wandering back to that picture of Claire slipping out of her panties and running off to my room.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be our secret.” I could only hope those words would turn out to be true.

I accidentally slept in a little the next morning and woke up to a quiet, empty house and a note on my kitchen table. The note was from Claire. It as just a quick, “Thank you for everything” sort of note. Apparently she and Jeremy had snuck out earlier that morning not long after the power had come back on. I felt like I was living in a dream, as if the night before maybe hadn’t really happened.

I spent that day as well as the day after studying for and then taking my exams. During that time I saw Claire the twice when she and Jeremy left the house or came home and I never had the opportunity (unless I wanted to open the window and look like a stalker) to say hello. I passed my exams and that very same night Scott returned home from his trip.

Though I’d certainly been thinking about my experience with Claire, I made up my mind that the risk to benefit ratio was just too high in pursuing her further, plus I didn’t even know if she was interested in anything more than a one night fling. So, though I was still thinking about our night together, I did my best to stop thinking about any form of a future with Claire. It was just the safest choice.

The day after my exams and Scott’s return, I was outside packing my car for a Christmas visit to my family. Scott’s truck pulled up around lunch time. He got out and came over to my driveway. My heart rate picked up a bit, I couldn’t help myself from wondering if he knew.

“Hey,” He said in a neighborly sort of way, “I just wanted to thank you for looking out for Claire and my son. She told me about the power outage. I really appreciate what you did.”

“Don’t even mention it.” I said, feeling a huge wave of relief wash over me with the slightest little pinch of guilt, “That’s what neighbors are for.”

“Well I owe you one. Let me know if there’s anything I can ever do for you.” He said before saying goodbye and heading into his house. I was on the road to visit my family not even an hour later.

Fast forward about ten days. After a nice Christmas visit with my family I still had a little less than two weeks off before class resumed when I pulled into my driveway. It was about 8:00 PM. The lights were on in Scott and Claire’s house, and there was about four inches of crusted snow covering everything.

I unloaded my car, turned the heat back up inside the house, opened a beer, and then went to check the mailbox. Of course it was loaded with mostly junk, a few bills, and some christmas cards. I sat down on the couch, nursed my beer, and started going through it all. Mixed in with all of it was an unstamped card with no return address, no stamp, and only my first name on the front. Inside was a christmas card with none other than Scott, Claire, and Jeremy dressed in Christmas sweaters. I flipped it over and looked at the back just to see a short note.

“Merry Christmas! Hope you had a nice trip wherever you went. Glad to have such a sweet neighbor.”


I wouldn’t have thought much of it except for the fact that she included a phone number below her name. I sat there and just looked at the card for a few minutes. My mind instantly went back to thoughts of Claire stripping next to my couch, telling me to cum inside of her wonderful pussy. Was I misreading the message? It was hard to say with any degree of certainty, but it was enough to give me a brief erection, and enough to send me off into the darker side of reddit later that night. And it was at that time that I first decided to share my experience with Claire on r/gonewildstories.

As I wrote part one, I slowly convinced myself that Claire was indeed reaching out to me. And a few nights after I finally posted part one I finally got up the courage to send a message to Claire’s phone (Assuming it was in fact her phone number that was in the card). It went a little something like this:

“Hi there neighbor. Thanks for the Christmas Card. Hope you had a good Christmas and New Year.”

I reluctantly hit ‘send’ and watched to see if she would send a quick reply. A few seconds later, I could see that someone was typing back.

“Hey you! Christmas was okay… I was hoping that you and I could catch up sometime soon.” She replied.

I asked her what she had in mind and she suggested coffee. I asked her where she wanted to go. She replied, “My house. Tomorrow morning.”

My pulse quickened and my throat felt suddenly dry. “Won’t Scott be there?” I asked.

“No. Scott has work and Jeremy will be at day care. Just you and I. Is that okay?”

“Absolutely. See you tomorrow!” I texted back.

When I put the phone down my heart was racing and I felt like a young boy on Christmas eve. I didn’t want to be too excited, but I also was feeling more and more confident that Claire was interested in me. Thankfully I didn’t have to wait long.

I woke up early the next morning and watched as Scott and Jeremy pulled away in the truck. I waited ten or fifteen minutes (So as not to seem too desperate) and then wandered across my driveway and onto their front porch. I felt a little shaky as I knocked on the door. It was quiet for a moment and then I heard soft footsteps approaching the door. A lock clicked, the door opened, and there was Claire in grey leggings and a long sleeve t-shirt. Her hair was put up in a bun with a few red-orange hairs falling behind her ears. She had an unmistakably pleased grin on her face.

“Hey! How are you? Come on in.” She said, stepping out of the way to let me in and closing the door behind me.

“I’m really good, thanks for inviting me over.” I said (which was very true) as I kicked my shoes off and followed Claire into the living room.

“So this is it,” she said as she looked around the room, “Why don’t you sit down while I grab us both some coffee. How do you like yours?”

“Uhhh thanks. Just black is fine.” I said before sitting down on a leather couch.

Claire slipped off into the kitchen where I could hear the sound of a cupboard open and mugs clinking together. Their house was very clean, but homey. Lots of landscape photographs on the walls, and a huge bookshelf that was bursting with various sized hardcovers. Naturally, I felt a little uncomfortable in there, like an intruder, I began to wonder whether I really was up for this.

Just a second later Claire came out of the kitchen with two large, steaming mugs of coffee. She handed me one and sat down on the couch next to me. I sipped at the coffee, it was still scaldinging. Claire gently blew on hers and then looked at me curiously.

“I’m just going to cut straight to it.” She said, “That night at your house, when the power was out… I wanted it to be a one night thing, but I can’t stop thinking about it. What did you think of it?”

I took another sip in order to buy myself a second to gather my thoughts. “It was amazing. You were amazing. I just didn’t know how to feel about it, you being married and everything. I don’t want to hurt you or your family.”

Claire let out a sigh, “You’re so sweet. Look, things aren’t getting any better for me, but that night with you, that got me through the last month of Scott and all his shit. I don’t know what happened to the guy that I married.” She set her mug on the table next to the couch and started to cry.

“Gosh Claire, I’m so sorry. I mean I knew it was bad, but I didn’t know it was that bad.” I took a longer sip of coffee as it was close to drinkable temperature now. “I want to help you if I can. I don’t know what that means, but I can be there for you if you need anything.”

Claire gathered herself and brushed a tear away with the side of her thumb. She looked at me seriously, “Can we please just be fuck buddies? I mean it, I need it so badly. Nothing complicated, just friends with benefits. What do you think?”

I almost choked on my coffee when she said ‘fuck buddies’, “Ummmm I mean that sounds amazing….” I said and then scooted a little closer to her and putting my hand on her thigh. I could feel her tense up when I touched her.

“Is that a yes?” she asked.

“It’s an absolute yes, but how do we do it? We have to be really careful.” I said.

“You’re right,” Claire said, “Okay, look we can never do it at my house, Scott is paranoid and it’s just way too risky.”

“That’s fine, I live next door.” I reminded her.

“Well duh smartass,” She said as she leaned into me and then kissed me on the cheek.

My heart was racing, and my cock was nearly concrete at this point.

“We can figure the rest out as we go, but let’s do this for now. You can go back over to your house, and how about I’ll be over in five minutes.”

I practically came when she said it. I couldn’t actually belief what was happening. I knew that she could sense my excitement, but it was confirmed when she reached down and grabbed the bulge in my pants.

“Five minutes?” I asked.

“Five minutes.” She winked at me and stood up. “I just need to put something more fun on.”

She didn’t need to tell me twice. I hurried out the door and across the driveway to my house where I hurriedly tidied up and brushed my teeth. My cock was still painfully hard.

A few minutes (or five) later, Claire gently knocked on the door. Only now she was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, and she walked right in the door when I opened it for her.

“From now on,” She said, backing me up to a wall, her lips inches away from mine, “I’ll be coming in the back door. We can’t let the other neighbors catch on can we?”

“Good thinking.”

The words barely escaped my lips before she began passionately kissing me. Her body pressed me back against the wall as our tongues flicked back and forth in each other’s mouths. She tasted vividly like cinnamon. I could feel her pressing her groin up against my cock as she let out a quiet little quiver. I broke the kiss, turned her sideways so that she was backed up against the wall, and went to kissing up and down her neck and behind her ear while I grabbed her ass with one hand. Claire moaned quietly and ran her fingers gently through my hair. It was absolute bliss.

My lips found their way back to hers as we half-drunkenly found our way to the couch. I laid her down gently and pulled the hood off over her head and I was not disappointed. She was wearing a see-through, white, lace bra that wrapped around her beautiful breasts. Her nipples were hard, pointing up from under the fabric. We kissed on the couch for another few minutes before I started working my way down her body. First to her neck, then her chest, then her breasts as she slipped on arm out of the bra. She smelled so sweet, almost tantalizing, and my excitement grew as I kissed down to her belly.

She lifted her hips for me as I pulled her sweatpants off, just to find a matching white thong covering only part of her pussy. I could have stared at her forever, but I went back to kissing her instead. First above the panties as my fingers explored her thighs, and then on the side of her legs. Claire was breathing heavily, lustfully, as I at last slid her thong to the side revealing the most immaculate pussy I’ve ever seen. Her labia were swollen and wet, her clitoris was just peeking out at me. Then I felt her fingers on my head and before I knew it, I was engulfed in her wetness just like our first night.

I was delicate with her. Gently licking circles around her clit, savoring her wetness, feeling her excitement and pleasure pulsing through her body. She was moaning now and arching her back. Her hand pressed me harder into her. It did not take long at all for her to be on the edge of orgasm, and she spasmed just like I remembered her doing our first time together as I slid two fingers inside her and flicked my tongue across her swollen clit.

“Ohhh Fuuuck!” She said, riding the orgasm out, “Fuuck.”

Claire loosed her grip on my head and relaxed back into the couch, breathing heavy. After a short recovery, she sat up, took her bra off, and told me to sit down. I obeyed. She pulled my shirt off and quickly slid my pants off as well. She had this hungry look in her eyes that just made me even harder.

She got down on her knees and went to giving me the most amazing blowjob. She used her hands and her mouth, even taking my balls into her mouth at one point as I sat there helplessly melting into the couch and trying not to cum all over her just yet. After a few minutes, my cock was soaked and Claire was clearly ready to fuck. She stool up, kicked off the little white thong, and straddled my cock.

I sat there and watched as she grabbed my dick and lowered her glistening pussy onto it. My cock slowly disappeared inside of her as I felt the warm wetness wrap around it. Claire sat down on my lap and started kissing me at the same time as she began rhythmically gyrating her hips back and forth. There wasn’t an incredible amount of movement in or out, but there was something else entirely. I tried to focus on her rather than the intense pleasure that was screaming out of my cock. I moved one hand down to her waist and found her clitoris with one finger. She was dripping wet. I could feel the base of my cock gently rocking back and forth, juices gathering where our bodies met.

Claire thrust her head back as I gently circled my finger over her clit. We were both hanging on for dear life, trying to prolong our blissful experience on the edge of orgasm. Then, as if something awakened inside of her, she began rocking her hips up and down on my cock. The change in sensation was overwhelming and I quickly felt my orgasm coming. At the same time, her moans grew louder and she began to spasm on my cock.

I let out some sort of animalistic groan. Claire pushed me back into the couch and began furiously thrusting up and down on my screaming cock. My back arched and my mind erupted as I filled her with cum. Her thrusting slowed. We were both breathing heavily, our bodies wrapped into each other as if in some sort of otherworldly ritual. I could feel my cock still twitching inside of her warmth. Claire looked at me with an exhausted grin.

“Wow… that was good.” she said in between her breaths.

I nodded and took in the beautiful woman sitting on my lap, filled up with my sperm. Claire lifted herself off of me. She smiled as my cum leaked out of her swollen pussy, running down her leg, dripping onto my chest. I felt like I was in some sort of porno as she leaned down, and keeping her eyes on me, licked some of it off of my chest. That sight sent chills strait to my spine.

“So how long are you off of school for?” She said, standing over me naked as the day she was born.

“I’ve got the rest of this week.”

“Perfect.” She said and picked her panties off the floor.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ai6klg/mf_the_plot_thickens_with_my_redheaded


  1. so well written, thank you for sharing your experiences with us and i hope there are more to write about!

  2. This is just astounding man. The whole encounter reads like a chapter from a novel. I can’t wait for part 3.

  3. >From now on, I’ll be coming in the back door

    Feel like you missed a real opportunity there.

  4. Very well written, and enjoyable. :)

    FYI: The post office will hold your mail while you are gone if you fill out a request form.

  5. everyone’s not as lucky as u( not even u!!)
    beware for the next times!
    have fun bud and keep posting

  6. Hopefully Scott doesn’t read gonewildstories. If this is recent as you stay in the story, there’s enough details in here to suspect cheating, assuming the details are true.

  7. ‘This isn’t going to end the way you think.’

    You’ll probably never see this but first off, this was an incredibly well-written story and I second the comment which mentions it reads like a chapter from a novel. This level of craftsmanship is not something a thread such as this on reddit deserves (but it is certainly one it needs right now) so thank you.

    You also seem like a semi-conscious, down-to-earth guy. If this story is true, I dont have to tell you that its reading like a Nicholas Sparks novel. The issue Is this is the real world, not a fantasy. If she needs a ‘fuck buddy’ a week or 2 or 3, fine. I’m trying to save you, dont let it go beyond a month. Beyond that, feelings get involved. Then, this becomes a whole new different ballgame entirely… where the kid will ultimately feel the most pain.

  8. I can’t believe he’s so trustin’
    While I’m right behind you thrustin’

    Scotty doesn’t know ?

  9. The next time we hear of OP is when Scott kills him, and they all wind up on the evening news. Godspeed OP.

  10. Damn dude that was hot but I have one question, what the hell will you do if she gets pregnant?

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