Threesome with my married coworker [FMF]

My last summer before college I got a job at a sporting goods store where I smiled a lot and sold people treadmills they’d never use. It was kind of chill and I got commission on the stuff I sold on top of base pay, so I did okay money wise for a summer job.

My favorite part of the job was my manager, Chase. He was this super clean cut guy who had just got back from the military and was in amazing shape. He was well over six foot and pretty solid muscular-wise. He kept his close shaved military haircut but had started adding tattoos to his arms and legs and drove a really old motorcycle. He was all kinds of sexy to stupid, young me. But, he was married and more than ten years older.

Back then I was very tomboy, almost painfully tomboy. I had very short hair and wore a lot of jeans and t-shirts that weren’t super flattering and I spent all of my time with guys. This was also the summer my uncle died, who had basically raised me since my dad died when I was little, so I was kind of out of control drinking a lot and doing a ton of drugs.

Chase was in a similar place mentally. He didn’t like his wife that much and his mom had just died. So we’d both come into work hungover and complain a lot. We pretty much spent our entire shifts talking to each other and complaining and teasing each other. He’d started giving me rides every day and since he made the schedule, he always scheduled us to work together. We’d go to work, then clock out and go to the gym across the street and workout for an hour, then he’d drop me off at my mom’s house. It became a really solid routine and we got so cozy we were making lunch for each other and sneaking drinks together at work and just getting really friendly.

This carried on for months and one night he invited me to a house party at his friend’s after work. We rode over together on his motorcycle and got to this pretty impressive house in the hills with a ton of very expensive cars parked out front.

His friend, he explained was super loaded and threw massive parties. It was about 9:30 when we got there and it looked like a scene in a high school movie where someone shows up late to a party and there are people throwing up in the bushes and running around crazy, except everyone was in their early 30s.

Inside loud music blared from a stereo and we walked into the kitchen where he pulled beers out of the fridge and passed me one. There were two girls talking and he pointed at them and said, “that’s Sarah,” Sarah was his wife’s name. They turned to us, she was kind of trashy looking, definitely drunk and had a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. Her hair was bright red, but natural looking. Her face was splashed with dark freckles.

“Who the fuck is this?” she asked.

“That’s Cass,” he said. He hadn’t even kissed her hello or hugged her. She had knuckle tattoos that said LOVE and PAIN on them. It was so weirdly cliche and out of place. She looked like a punk rock groupie from thirty years ago. There was a Sid Vicious lock around her neck and she wore an old, ratty Vandals shirt on top of a plaid skirt. It was like someone dressing up for halloween as someone who shops at Hot Topic.

She smiled at me and offered me her cigarette, I declined. I may not have ever felt more awkward at this point in my life. I knew everything about her, or at least what Chase told me about her or complained to me about her. She just looked tired and in 30 seconds, she said a handful of negative things about nothing in particular and was just kind of irritating to be around. Chase walked off, so I followed him.

“Your wife seems nice,” I said.

He just laughed, “sure.”

We walked around, Chase saying hi to everyone with high fives or complicated handshakes. He introduced me to a bunch of them and they seemed to acknowledge who I was. I got a bunch of cheek kisses from girlfriends and then we got fucked up.

I was four beers in before I realized I had to figure out a way to get home because I doubted it was on the back of Chase’s motorcycle. It was around 130 in the morning and I decided I was going to call a cab when Chase said they were going to grab a ride to his apartment and I could crash there if I wanted. I weighed my options and while it seemed awkward, I would rather stay out than go back home, even if it was with my coworker who I had a huge crush on and his wife.

A guy just slightly less drunk than us drove us home. Chase and I sat in the back of his pickup and Sarah sat inside. The roads were pretty abandoned. I could hear Sarah talking loudly through the glass between us. I felt like I was walking myself into a giant fight or tons of awkwardness, but I was fascinated and enjoyed being with Chase. On the truck ride he put his hand on my thigh and smiled at me. I had no fucking clue what was going on.

As soon as we walked in the door Sarah was pouring us all wine and lighting her cigarette. Their place was small and kind of sad. There were no pictures anywhere and all the furniture was Ikea and beat up. I went to the bathroom, which was in the bedroom, and their bed was just a mattress on the floor. I was debating calling a cab anyways and not crashing there.

When I came out of the bathroom Chase was standing there with his wine glass smiling at me, “I think Sarah likes you, and she doesn’t like anyone.”

“She’s a little scary,” I told him. He poured the rest of his wine into my empty glass and walked back out in the other room. I followed and Sarah was sitting on the couch with her legs up on the coffee table, her skirt was folded up a bit and I could see all of her long legs. When she wasn’t sneering, she was pretty and had an amazing body. Chase sat next to her and was running his hands up and down her legs.

“Come relax,” Sarah said tapping on the cushion. I sat next to her, unsure what was happening. “Tell me about yourself,” she was suddenly intimidating.

I talked about school and what was going on in my life and she seemed genuinely interested. Chase was looking at his phone and drinking, leaving me to talk alone to her. Which, I mean it was ok, she was doing all the talking and didn’t ask many questions. She told me all about music she liked and what books I should probably read. It was exhausting.

She stopped talking and leaned in to me, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. “You’re a pretty little thing,” she said, then she kissed me. Open mouth, full tongue, and sudden. I hadn’t expected it. Her mouth tasted strongly of red wine and cigarettes, but kind of sexy. When I opened my eyes Chase was smirking and looked ecstatic.

Sarah stood up and took her shirt off revealing a heavily tattooed chest and stomach. She had a heart tattooed over her heart and something in latin across her stomach over her belly button. She had tiny, dark nipples that were pierced with silver bars and lots of scars all over her sides and stomach from cutting. It was a lot at once, but it was sexy in a weird way. She walked away to their bedroom, dropping her shirt on the floor.

Chase watched her walk away then looked at me. He stood up, and shrugged at me, “any interest?” he asked. I looked back and Sarah was in the bedroom.

“Ok,” I said, knowing this was probably going to end badly.

He pulled me to my feet and kissed me. It wasn’t a casual kiss, it was passionate and amazing. I just wanted to be close to him, as close as possible. He led me to the bedroom, holding my hand. When we turned the corner, Sarah was already naked standing on the bed with her skirt in her hand. Scars covered her thighs and they were hidden slightly by old tattoos. She had a small tuft of red pubic hair.

Sarah held a hand out to me and I stepped onto the mattress. She pulled my work shirt over my head and I was feeling awkward and on display. She kissed me again and unsnapped my bra while we were making out. She pulled back and told me to kiss her nipple. I obeyed and leaned in and licked her pierced nipple, tweaking it with my teeth. I felt her hands on my head. When I came up I looked back and saw Chase had taken off his clothes. His whole body was shaved smooth and I didn’t expect that. I also didn’t expect him to have a thick 8 inch cock.

Sarah leaned in and kissed my neck while Chase pushed against me from behind kissing the back of my neck. It all felt choreographed, but I didn’t care. I reached back and held Chase against me. He unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down, pulling my underwear also, kissing his way up the back of my legs. I could feel his dick pressing against my ass.

Sarah lowered me to my knees and sat down with me, we laid side by side and kissed. She slid her hand down across my body and ran her finger slowly along my pussy lips. We kissed and I felt Chase kiss his way up my thighs. He parted my lips with his tongue and slid it across my clit. It felt amazing, I was a little dizzy.

It had been a long time since someone had gone down on me and I had missed it. I held the back of Chase’s head and felt him slide his tongue in me. Sarah was kissing my neck and chest. I didn’t know how often they’d done this with other couples, but I didn’t care.

Chase kissed his way past my stomach and up to my face, and we made out. I felt him between my legs. I reached down grabbing his cock and guiding it inside of me, pushing the head against my lips.

He pushed against me and slid in and the size was shocking. I could feel myself stretching and grabbed his back. Sarah was staring at me. I grabbed his ass hard pulling him into me. He was staring in my eyes. When he filled me fully I felt like I was going to cry. It was intense. Sarah was running her hand through my hair, then grabbed it and yanked my head towards her. Chase fucked me harder. I gasped.

He was fucking me hard, one leg on his shoulder, Sarah had my hair wrapped in her hand and she pushed her mouth against mine. I was panting heavily and couldn’t breathe with her tongue fucking my mouth. Then, out of nowhere Chase made a yelping sound and came inside of me hard, he shook and clung to me. I was kind of surprised, it was fairly quick.

He pulled out and rolled off of me saying how he was drunk. Sarah teased him and kissed her way down my stomach. She pushed my legs apart and licked the loose cum up from my thighs. This wasn’t new for her, she had a technique and just went for it. Chase was kissing us both and she was focused.

It didn’t take her long to build me up, and I was aching and tingling all over, the orgasm pushing up inside of me. She dragged her sharp nails down my stomach and sides and it just added to it. My toes crunched up and I shuddered hard as I came. I fought to catch my breath. Sarah came up and cuddled next to me. Chase joined us. I felt awkward and didn’t know what to do with my body. I wanted to run away.

We laid there and they fell asleep pretty quickly, very drunk and snoring. I went to the bathroom and it didn’t disturb them. I sat there debating what to do and eventually grabbed my clothes and snuck out the front door. I didn’t know how to lock it behind me so I just left it unlocked and walked down the street. It was five a.m. and I was sobering up so I called a cab to take me home.

After that, Chase was pretty cold to me at work. He scheduled us apart so I never really saw him, then one day about two weeks later I was told he quit by the other manager. That was around the same time he blocked me on social media. I was bummed cause we’d been such good friends. It sucked.



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