A Day For Just The Two Of Us [MF]

I wrote about this lovely lady in my other story [[Link]](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/9lragy/burnedout_college_students_mf/). This one takes place over a year down the road.

Quick and dirty stats are as follows. She is a 6’1” slim figure woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes. I’m 6’1” in pretty good shape, dark brown hair, and blue eyes.

Somewhere around 8 months after graduating I lost my first “professional” job due to budgetary reasons. I was pissed, depressed, and lonely. I started a full time retail job soon after to pay rent. The rest of my time was spent job searching. My lady friend from college was in the same boat. We sent long emails back and forth every so often. I only saw her once since graduation. She ended up back home while see applied for work. During this time I lived outside of a large city, but still managed to get a place on a quite wooded road. One day, out of the blue, she calls me up. She had an interview not far from me and wanted to meet up beforehand. I managed to switch a days around at work, so we planned on making a day of it. She would show up the day before the interview, we would hang out and she would leave in the morning.

She showed up exactly when she said she would, which was not like her at all. She had on short brown shorts and a sleeveless T. Her long hair laid down across her back and shoulders. When I went out to meet her she jumped towards me and gave me a long hug. Despite her smiles and her embrace she seemed down. After a few words she kicked off her sandals and walked around the place without reserve. A task that took her seconds. The bathroom was directly to the right of the main entrance, the bedroom door was 6 steps in and to the right, to the left was the living room, straight back was the kitchen. You could spin around in one spot and see it all.

“You weren’t kidding, it is small. At least you keep it clean and it got big windows.”

She throws her bag onto the bed and goes to the fridge to grab some lemon aid. Following her into the kitchen as I reply, “Yeah, everything is basic as basic can be. I rented a small storage locker not far from here and trashed everything that’s not necessary.”

“It’s a stop in the road, not a destination.” she replies, “So how’s things outside of job prospects? Any girlfriends around here?”

“Nope. I hate going out alone. I just sit there, get depressed, and people avoid me like the plague. I did have the nerve to ask a redhead out, but she ended up standing me up. Twice.”

“Well thems the breaks when you have no game… like at all.” Was her snarky reply.

“Yeah, fuck my life. Anyway, what about you? How’s things with [insert boyfriend’s name]?”

She looks solemnly at me, “There isn’t anything. I haven’t seen him in almost 6 months. He doesn’t come up to visit and I don’t have the means to just drive almost four states to see him. Last time I talked to him we weren’t pleasant. Before I got my temp job I moved down there to look for work, but had zero luck. There was nothing there to do. I would never be happy living there like he was. We talked about him getting a job closer to anywhere else. After that I would come down and try to find work again, but he is still at the same place. Last phone call he basically told me that he doubts that he could ever happily live with me. I yelled at him asking what the point then and slammed the phone down. He hasn’t called me since then. That was almost two months ago. It’s safe to say we’re not together anymore.”

“Fuck. How long was it? Five years you were together? I was pretty sure you would move away with him and that would be that.”

She looks up from her lemonade, “Tried it. He didn’t want to accommodate me at all and I wasn’t throwing away everything, but we’ll get into that later. I been in the car for two hours to get here and don’t feel much like sitting around.”

Soon we were off to a local park. It was not a large one, but it had a long trail along a noisy river. It was one of my favorite hikes around the area and thankfully not many people were around today. We hiked for what felt like 10 plus miles before we stopped to rest and play in the water. After an hour or so we turned around and came back.

We both were pretty sweaty by the time we were done, so we headed back to my place to clean up. I was relaxing on the couch when she came out of the shower wrapped in towel that pushed her modest breast together. I stare at her without reserve. She sternly tells me, “Really, how many times did you see me in my underwear?”

“Come off it, we are beyond modesty. I can ogle you if I want. I was staring at your butt and bra most of the hike. No point yelling at me now.”

“Yeah I’m not surprised.” She replies as she walks into the bedroom to change.

I yell to her, “Don’t play that. You wore a bright colored bra with an open cut shirt. I could have read the tags if you put your arms up!”

“Shut up and get in the shower! I want get my burger!” she yelled through the bedroom door.

“Oh your get your burger and fucking like it!” was my reply as I slammed the bathroom door in keeping with our theatrics.

As I left the shower for my bedroom in a towel a little whistle came from the living room. There she sat in a loose white blouse and a light blue skirt that hung just passed the knee. After an eye roll towards her I went to my bedroom, got dressed and we were off. We went, ate, had two or three drinks, and returned. Typical evening for us, but with more flirtations than normal, because now we were both single and together for the first time ever. We got home after dark and we continued our conversations from earlier. We were both in better spirts now. At one point we found ourselves in a little waltz together in the middle of the living room, which had her giggly. I was happy to be holding her and making her smile.

Not long after she wanted another walk. My feet were sore, but I figured what the hell, this place can make anyone claustrophobic. Before I had time to put my shoes on she was out in the street swinging around to her own beat. When I met her out there she interlaced her arm with mine and we walked down the quite little street. I was near the end of a long road, it turned to gravel just past my apartment and crept downhill into the trees. Walking beside her I found her hips rocking against mine and if the night wasn’t so dark I’m sure I would see the coy smile a woman gives a man. I broke our hold to place my hand on her hips and slowly slide my hand down across her butt. She give me an agreeing little noise and leans over to kiss me. What I thought was going to be a gentle peck was her forcing her tongue in my mouth. We kissed in our starving passions. After our kiss was broke I took a cue from her and we walk arm in arm a little more.

We walked in pleasant silence as we approach the last of only a few pale street lamps. I looked over to her and confirm what I thought from her rubbing on me, “Where did your bra go? I never saw you take it off”

“I did. I’m just too sly for you to notice.”

Her blouse was practically shear. It hung loose all around, but kept to the shape of her breast as elastic brought it closer to her body just below them. Her nipples were noticeable through the fabric and I could almost see all of her breast in its wonderful entirety under the street light. Without reservation, I placed my hand over her breast and slowly pulled her blouse forward. She jumped aside and gave a few long strides forward leaving her standing just past the center of the street lamp’s light. She turned to look at me and lowered her blouse down to her waste exposing her entire upper body. She stretched her arms up as if she just shed some restraints. Most of the time this girl was reserved, but some times she would show how much of a nymph she could be, but this was far more than I was used too. I was shocked at her and she giggled softly at my reaction. Her skin carried goosebumps from the little chill of the night, her back was lean but muscular, and her nipples were pale and slightly puffy. When I reached her we kissed. She reach down and undid my pants to stroke me. I was beside myself. I’m sure she loved taking me off guard like that. She was grinning ear to ear and her movements were springy. So there we were exposed in the middle of the street; I looked over to the house just to the side of us. Thankfully, it was dark and no cars were in the driveway.

To the side of this house was a old picnic table that was just out of sight behind some pine trees (I knew from walking here previously), so I took her into the yard and around to the table. I sat her up on the end of the table, lifted her skirt and caressed her thighs gently. Without word between us she leaned back to her elbows raising her legs inviting me to partake of her. Her blouse still hung around her waste and now with her skirt up she was completely exposed to the night and too me. This night was unusually dark and I just barely saw her thanks to faint glow of the street lamp. She laughed mischievously as my tongue found her lips. I gave her hong slow licks at first, but only at first, we were having no subtleties, I quickly turned my attention to her clitoris. Her breathing started to pick up. She watch me devouring her then fell to her back. Her arms moved through the air as if she didn’t know what to do with them before they grasp the sides of the table. She moaned and wiggled her hips as if she was grinding on me. As her orgasm built she moaned louder until she screamed without restraint. Her legs pulsate in the air with her spasms. I stood and remove my shirt and lower pants. I slid her waist towards me and place my head at her lips. I enter her completely in one continues movement. “Oh my God!” was her reply.

I took out my frustrations out on her. I fucked her hard and steady. I could barely make out her breast swaying forward and back as she laid there. Occasionally, she looked up at my eyes and then down to watch me entering her. She moaned heavily, and told me not to dare to stop. I kept to her wishes for a time, but I had to slow. I changed to a slower and richer pace, we could feel each other completely as I moved deep into her. Again, she urged me not to stop. I continued, but I was cuming soon. I tell her. She pleads with me through her panting breath, “Please, please, please, please cum. Cum for me, cum for me, cum for me. I want it, I want it, I want it.”

I pulled her by her hips against me to lock us together as I released into her. I vocalized something between a growl and a shout. It took a few seconds until I remembered to breathe and straighten my back. I stood there intoxicated in our afterglow. I focus on breathing, the sensations, and her. She now wraped her legs around me and held me to her tightly. She sat up after a moment, clothes still around her waste, both of our bodies fully exposed to the night. She held me there for a short while kissing me repeatedly. She childishly refused to let me go, keeping me inside her. I didn’t protest. After a small time with her head on my shoulders she whispers, “I’m getting cold,” and bites me on the neck.

I jump back as she lets me go. She laughs and dresses herself quickly. I do the same and we head home. I kiss her again back on the street. As I turn on the lights to my apartment she turns to me and lifts up her skirt exposing herself to me and says, “Look at the mess you made of me.”

Even after making love to her I was still taken off guard by this woman tonight. She had fine long legs. She was cleaned shaven with the exception of a small trimmed patch of blonde. The mess was my cum on the inside of her thighs. I’ll happily admit to feeling satisfaction with that. I smile and tell her she is welcome. She then goes to freshen up. I look into the bedroom to see her strapless bra and panties thrown onto my pillow.

She came out of the bathroom naked to show me that the picnic table’s ruff surface made a number of red marks and scratches over her back and butt. She even had a couple spots of blood on her. I admitted how attractive her marks were as I led her into the shower and gently washed her. The rest of the night she spent bottomless as we talked. Randomly we would grope each other or go down on each other. After an hour or so she pushed me down on the couch and she pulled off my underwear (only thing I was wearing at this point). She kissed me all over and slowly puts me in her mouth. She sucks slowly as I rub her hair. A moment passes and I’m ordered to bed (she usually passive about things). I laid down on the bed. She throws her leg over me and guides me into her as she slowly lets her body down. She works up to a steady hard ride. She does her little purring whisper as her hair falls everywhere. I lay in bliss with my hand on her hips and breast. After not to long I feel her clenching as she cums. She lays there on my chest as I caress her back; sweaty from her exertions. She mumbles, “I want you to cum again.”

We keep at it for a least another half hour as we enjoy each other completely and well past exhaustion. In doggie style she got her wish and I came in her again. Not a moment later we were spooning and passed out. Her alarm woke us up unpleasantly early. She was all business now, the intimacy we shared the day before was gone. She spent the next hour getting ready in her underwear as I watched from the living room with a cup of coffee. After I got her clothes from the car for her she was ready to go. As she left she turned and gave me a long hug followed by a simple kiss.

“Good luck with the interview.”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ado6vm/a_day_for_just_the_two_of_us_mf

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