I knew Dayna from my freshman year of college. We lived a few doors apart in the residence hall, and became fast friends since we were both kinda nerdy, and liked anime and sci-fi movies. I was a bit shy about my love of nerd-culture, but she openly embraced it. Her dorm was always covered in anime posters, she excitedly chatted about episodes of Bleach and even dressed up to attend a few cons. Meanwhile, I ran with a bit of an in-betweener crowd, so while I shared my love of all things considered ‘dorky’ privately, on the outside I was athletic, played sports and hit the gym regularly. Youthful naivity gave me this irrational fear of being socially ‘outed’, so I never clued my friends into my real interests, and what I admired about Dayna was her open attitude. She knew who she was. College was a bit of a game-changer because I could finally be my ‘weird’ self and met other people who showed me being weird was ‘okay’.
Dayna caught my eye immediately because she was ‘one of us’, but with a different style all her own. Being a hot nerd-girl was just a bonus. She was tan, with shoulder-length black hair pulled into a ponytail. She was thick, with a body sculpted from years of farm-work, and a pair of thick-rimmed glasses sitting on her button-nose that reminded me of Velma from Scooby-Doo. She had perky breasts that filled a small C cup, but what really caught my attention was her wide whips, carrying a thick, round ass stuffed into a pair of jeans. She walked with that kind of relaxed ‘cowgirl’ strut, everywhere she went. It was completely unintentional, as she had grown up a nerd like me, but hadn’t realized how attractive she’d become. I often caught myself staring at her as she walked away.
We dated for a few months at the start of the school year but it was nothing serious, and nothing past some light groping and hot makeout sessions. We decided to part ways after a few months, and thankfully for our mutual friends, it wasn’t awkward to be around each other.
Three years later, during the summer leading into my senior year, I had submitted nude photos of myself to Playgirl Magazine, in hopes of being featured in their ‘Real Men’ section. Dayna and I were hanging out one night when I received an email from the magazine, accepting my submission but also asking for some better-quality photos to appear in their next issue. After a few drinks and against my better judgment, I brought the subject up to Dayna and she offered to be my photographer. What followed was one of the most erotic experiences of my life (until now), and that story can be found here;
[m/f] Playgirl Magazine Photoshoot PART 2 from gonewildstories
Now that you’re up to speed (for the most part) that brings us to earlier this year. It had been the better part of a decade since that photoshoot, and while I keep that memory stashed for private use, I did think of Dayna from time to time…considerably more after my girlfriend of 2 years dumped me. I was heartbroken, spending considerable amounts of my free time sinking into my recliner and watching sad movies to make myself even sadder. When you’re feeling depressed over a breakup, it’s funny how self-aware you can be, knowing you’re in a slump, but not wanting to do anything about it. I was somewhere into my third week of self-loathing, when I received an email from my old college. It was football season and the new school year was in full swing. As alumni I was being invited to the homecoming celebration. My sad heart was suddenly full of nostalgia; thoughts of my ex turned to memories of tailgating, the crisp fall air, the parties and old friends…and then Dayna. She still lived there, working for the college.
We’re still friends on facebook, so I shot her a note and let her know I was coming to town that Friday and staying through the weekend. There was a bit of excitement with planning things on a whim, the last few years of my life I had to secure a trip out of town weeks in advance, and jump through hoops with my ex’s work schedule. It was liberating to decide to leave whenever I wanted. Dayna wrote me back to let me know she was available and we could meet for a beer. That made me even more excited, and I’d be lying if I didn’t say that sparked a bit of nervousness, considering our last encounter had been so sexual.
That Friday I packed a travel bag and hit the road. It was only a 2 hour drive back to my old college town, but the journey was part of the experience. The town sits tucked away in the woods to the far north, so driving there takes you on all these windy roads through loops of trees, all painted a dazzling portrait of fall. Driving underneath them was like driving under a vibrant tunnel of orange and red. I arrived at the hotel later in the afternoon and checked in. The town had grown considerably since I had last been there, what used to be a modest downtown had blossomed into a renovated main street of new restaurants, bars and trendy coffee shops. Even stepping into a modern, polished hotel seemed so surreal and distant from the slum-like conditions I lived in with student housing nearly a decade ago.
Once I unpacked, I texted Dayna and we agreed to meet at a pub in town. It was another short drive through more nostalgia, and I found myself in the same bar I frequented as a drunk undergrad. Since then, the bar had become a bit more established [and respectable], more or less to my dismay. Gone were the rough-looking countertops and walls covered in Bud-Light banners and beer-stained show posters. The bar had been updated with classic framed prints of the college back in its earliest years, accentuating a more ‘refined’ look with polished countertops and stained wood floors. I picked a booth in the far corner, as far away from the quiet banter of the bar patrons and waited for her to arrive.
“Looks super different, doesn’t it?” Dayna mused. She took off her jacket and slid into the seat across from me. Ten years had made her face slightly rounder, though she still was youthful and vibrant. Her hair was still chopped at the shoulders, and she still had a same thick physique, albeit a bit softer with age.
“Way different,” I agreed. I could tell she had checked me out already, probably waited to see me go inside so she could watch me walk. I felt a small tingle of excitement in my pants. She looked good…maybe even better after 10 years, and the way her eyes ran over me, I could tell she was thinking the same thing. The waitress brought us our beer and we started chatting.
After college she moved away to the city, but only for a couple of years. She couldn’t stand all the people and the traffic, and her rent had started to skyrocket. She wanted to be a bit closer to family, so wound up renting a house back in her college-town while working at the local newspaper, saving some money and planning her next move.
I talked to her about the rise and fall of my design agency – see those NSFW stories [here] (https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/4ete72/mf_the_agency_naked_rollerskating_girls/), and how I had found success as a freelancer. Like her, I had moved around quite a bit and was just renting before I figured out where I wanted to go next. It was nice to talk to someone who could finally empathize with where I was sitting in life. Our conversation gradually shifted from our work lives to personal, where she talked about being on the dating scene and not enjoying the variety of college douchebags that were so prevalent on Tinder, followed by me reluctantly talking about my break-up.
“Really sorry to hear that,” Dayna frowned. “But you’re better off…you’re pretty much awesome, I don’t think you’ll be on the market too long.”
“Thanks,” I chuckled. “You deserve better too. It sucks that your most eligible bachelors around here are mostly just dumb frat guys.”
“Oh, god don’t even get me started,” Dayna rolled her eyes. “My bar is definitely a little higher, especially after my last few dates. I’m getting too old for this town, these early 20-something guys are all so nervous….they don’t have your confidence.”
I smirked, it was obvious what she was talking about. Dayna’s eyes cast to the polished wood table. Her cheeks were a little red.
“…So did you ever hear back from Playgirl?” She asked cautiously. I bit my lip. In all these years, I had never really followed up with her on it. Playgirl had wound up publishing one of the photos from our set into their Real Men section. It was tucked into the back of a October issue, I had kept it hidden at my apartment as a souvenir. Unfortunately I didn’t have the issue with me.
“That’s too bad,” She admitted. “I would’ve loved to see it! I guess my camera work was up to par.”
“Yea, the photos turned out great,” I agreed. I thought about the entire set with me gradually stripping off my clothes in front of her. I thought about how good it was felt to hold my hard cock, stroking it as she observed through the lens, marveling over me like a work of art. I was starting to get a little warm. I wiped my brow and did my best to keep my cool. I took another drink of beer.
“So how long are you in town for?” Dayna had finished her drink. She was digging through her purse for a few dollars.
“Just for the weekend,” I replied. “I thought I’d check out the festivities…y’know, get out of the house for a bit.”
Dayna tossed a few dollars onto the table. “I gotta go,” she commented. “But…if you’d like to come over tonight, maybe we can hang out more and….do an update to your shoot?”
I had just finished my beer, but my mouth was already a little dry. “What?” I asked, trying to conceal the tremor in my voice.
“Y’know, like an Anniversary Issue,” Dayna winked. She gave just enough pause that told me she was just as excited. “…That’d be fun, right?”
“Yeah…it would,” I nodded. Talking to Dayna made me feel like an awkward 20-year-old again, I was drunk on the nostalgia of mystery and intrigue of lost romance. We agreed to meet at her place around 8 that evening. Afterward I did a short walk through town to observe the Homecoming decorations, but I couldn’t take Dayna off my mind. I remembered being hot, sweaty and naked in her apartment, holding my hard cock in one hand while she snapped photo after photo. I thought about the end, where she set down the camera and I ripped off her clothes like an animal. Nostalgia shifted to thoughts of her bare ass in front of me, dripping wet and ready for me to slide in.
I shuddered. I probably looked like a lunatic, walking through town in a haze. The homecoming festivities were alluring, but not as much as the thought of a naked Dayna sprawled out on my bed. I went back to the hotel and showered, and cleaned up a bit.
After a shave, I did a brief pose-down in the mirror. I wasn’t as muscular as I had been in college, having traded a physically demanding job for one with a desk. I still did my best to maintain what I had, with long runs a few times a week, traded off with some weight-lifting in-between. Thankfully for genetics I still maintained a strong chest and shoulders. Maybe not quite centerfold material, but I still looked good naked.
I was nervous, but there was a bit of familiarity in this territory. It had been years, but we’re adults now, and I was horny enough to dismiss any feelings of doubt. I just couldn’t believe this was all happening again! I threw on a flannel shirt paired with some dark jeans and drove over to Dayna’s house.
She had rented a bungalow in the woods, off a dirt road just north of town. Her nearest neighbor was half a mile away. The property was only an acre, but from the seclusion she may as well have just owned the entire stretch of woods. I pulled up and parked my car. She left the porch light on, it cast a soft glow against the dark backdrop of the forest. The temperature had started to drop, I could see my breath. I knocked on the door and she answered wearing a loose black cocktail dress that went just above her thighs. It was cut low in the front, just enough for me to see her perky cleavage. Her hair was undone from earlier, it was a little more wild and free. Did I mention I love short-haired women? She knew what she was doing. She swirled a bit of wine in a glass and invited me inside.
“Do you want a drink?” She asked.
“Sure.” I took off my coat and looked around her living room. She had always had a keen eye for design, her living spaces always looked like something straight off the cover of Better Homes. The home was rustic, soft white walls adorned with classy photos of horses and farm life. There was a hardwood floor furnished with a woolish rug and thick leather furniture. A small gas fireplace in the corner crackled with quiet ambience.
“You designed this place?” I asked as I hung up my coat.
“I wish,” Dayna handed me a glass of wine. “I just rented it out…and made a few suggestions,” she smiled. We talked a bit more and she showed me around. Each room was delicately designed and furnished, like something out of a renovation catalogue. It was much nicer than my apartment, and I was secretly a little jealous of that. Despite everything, the home was quite modest, with one full bathroom, bedroom, living area and kitchen. Outside was a back patio looking into the woods. Perfect for a single playgirl (pun intended)
“But the real attraction,” Dayna mused. “Is this.” We stepped onto the patio and she patted a covered hot-tub. “When I saw this in the ad, I had to rent this place. I’ve always wanted a hot tub on-demand.”
“Well I’m impressed,” I said. “This is quite a nice place.”
“Thanks,” Dayna turned the knob on the hottub. It hummed to life. “For later?”
We walked back inside and she leaned against her kitchen counter, sipping her wine and looking at me coyly. “So you’ve taken care of yourself,” She observed. Now it was my turn to blush.
“Yeah, thanks,” I sipped my wine. “I try to get a good run in a few times a week…try and keep on top of the weights too.”
“I see that,” Dayna smiled. She set down her wine and traced the rim of the glass with her finger. “So…I was thinking about the shoot…”
The idea of stripping naked to Dayna’s commands nearly gave me a hard-on right there, but I had to keep my cool. She had a confidence in her voice that I needed to match.
“What if we did a theme for it? Y’know, something that tells a story. I was thinking maybe I’m a wealthy businesswoman looking to unwind…so I call a house stripper to come in and dance for me?”
“Sounds like you put some thought into this?” I laughed. Dayna giggled.
“Yeah…well, maybe a little bit…” she rolled her eyes playfully. With another sip of wine she looked at me.
“Well what do you think?”
“I think it’s a great idea, but I’m not a very good dancer,” I said. Dayna shrugged.
“You’ll find your rhythm.” She crossed the room to fetch her DSLR camera mounted to a tripod. “I thought it would be easier this time, I could set a timer for the photos. I like the idea of me being in the shot…”
Nervous excitement was coursing through me like steady waves of electric current. I wanted her to rip my clothes off and start sucking me off right there, but I wanted this build-up as much as she did. I watched her position the camera behind a chair in the living room. She looked through the lens, fussing with it a bit, before calling me over.
“So I’m thinking for this shot, I’ll be sitting here, and you can strip in front of me,” she pointed to the camera behind the chair. “The camera will see just the side of my face and shoulder…and all of you,” she looked at me, her eyes warm and seductive. The camera was staring at me like an audience waiting for the cue. I smiled, “yeah, that sounds good.”
“Great…I set a timer so the camera will take a shot every 5 seconds. So your performance is gonna have to be slow…” she said softly. I could practically hear her heart pounding.
“Well…should we get started?” I suggested. Dayna smirked and turned the camera on. She swirled the wine in her glass and sipped from it, lightly touching my chest.
“Well…if I’m paying by the hour,” she mused, sliding back into her chair. She crossed her legs and looked up at me with mild amusement. “Why don’t you show me what you got?”
Dayna’s confidence was a big turn on, I could feel my cock swelling in nervous anticipation. I heard the first ‘click’ of the camera shutter. This was it, this was happening. Dayna played some music off her phone; a smooth, lo-fi beat. I slowly started to move my hips in sync with the cascading tones of the bass and placed my hands on the arm rests of her chair, leaning in close so she could smell my musk. Dayna reached up and started to unbutton my flannel shirt, revealing my paper-thin V-neck underneath.
“Turn around for me,” she grinned. The shutter clicked again. I slowly turned around, moving to the beat of the music and I felt her hands caress my ass, running over the rugged fabric of my denim jeans. I felt a light tug from the back pocket.
“Just waiting to slide some dollar bills in,” she teased. I turned around to face her, bumping and grinding my hips slowly before her, gradually moving my hands toward my buckle. Dayna laughed in spite of her own nervous energy and sipped her wine in anticipation. I unbuttoned my jeans.
Click. The shutter rolled.
I slowly pulled down my pants, just enough for her to see my gray boxer briefs below. Dayna sipped more wine and her fingers were dancing along the glass. I slowly thrust my hips back and forth and leaned in close, to whisper in her ear.
“You want to touch it, don’t you?”
Dayna sighed in content, drinking in my words like the wine in her glass. Her free hand reached up to gently graze the bulge in my underwear. Her nails lightly brushing against my throbbing cock was almost enough to make me explode.
Her hands raised to go underneath my shirt, her fingers running up my bare stomach.
“Booo…” she pouted. “Take it off…”
In sync with the music, I slowly pulled off my flannel, and peeled the V-neck off my body. The gas was fireplace crackling behind me. The room was growing warm…or was it just me? I felt sweat running down my back. I was keeping my body posed and flexed as the camera shutter rolled, and performing in front of Dayna was a bit of a workout!
She giggled quietly and stuffed a dollar bill into my pants. I stifled a laugh and placed my hands on the arm rests, Dayna tucking her arms in to caress my warm, moist chest.
“Oooh, somebody’s getting a workout in,” she cooed. “I might have to put you in the bath later…”
I faced away from her, and lowered my hips onto her lap, rolling my butt softly over her thighs. She ran her hands up my sides and caressed my back, leaning in to kiss my torso softly with her pouty lips. I was so turned on I could barely think straight… but I had to keep my composure, the photoshoot was far from over and neither was my ritual of seduction.
Dayna was tugging at my pants now. The camera was clicking away. I lifted my hips off her thighs and pulled my pants down, revealing my boxer briefs. Dayna reached out and pinched each of my cheeks, making careful note to rub her hand over each one after. I turned back to face her, digging my thumbs behind the elastic waistband of my briefs. Dayna’s eyes were on my package, bulging and throbbing underneath the thin elastic fabric. Her eyes glanced up at me, almost as if asking permission, and then her hands groped my cock through the fabric, grasping it softly and rubbing it up and down.
It felt amazing! I moaned quietly, my hands resting on the chair as Dayna held me captive.
“I think Playgirl is ready for a full frontal…” Dayna gasped, sweat brimming her forehead. I smirked, teasing her was half the pleasure. I slowly started to tug at the waistband, my thumbs pushing down to reveal my bare hips. I took Dayna’s wandering hands and placed them on my chest, so she could grope and caress my muscles. Her eyes danced from my chest down to my underwear, as I gradually tugged them down further and further until my pubic hair was visible – trimmed short and neat, down to the neck of my penis, throbbing and pulsing within my briefs. I stopped just short. Dayna’s hands wandered down to my briefs but I stopped her, leaning in to kiss her gently on the lips. She closed her eyes, her tongue rolling softly over mine. Her hand grasped the back of my head, pulling me in as the kiss went deeper. I took off my briefs and held them in a wad to cover myself. When I pulled away, Dayna opened her eyes and smirked at my attempt to cover up.
“Is this gonna cost extra?” She mused, running a hand down my bare leg.
I said nothing and leaned back, placing my hands behind my head and letting my underwear rest over my cock. I moved my hips back and forth, teasing her. Dayna licked her lips and pulled the underwear off me, tossing it to the floor.
I’m not hung by any means, at full erection I’m probably 6 ½”. But my cock was semi erect and growing and by the look on her face, you’d think I was 10” long. I continued to dance for her, moving my body slowly with the beat of the bass as she set her glass down to run her hands over my body…purposely going near my cock, but never quite touching it. She was making me long for her touch…I could practically envision her wrapping her fingers delicately around my shaft and stroking.
Sweat was running down my torso, my heart was pounding. The camera was clicking away.
Dayna looked up at me and smiled, her hands closing in on my crotch, where my cock was erect and throbbing. She wrapped her fingers around the shaft, stroking it softly. My hands were still behind my head, I was helpless to resist.
“You’ve been a very, very good boy…” she cooed.
Dayna started stroking me softly. She leaned in and gave my head a light kiss. I wanted to cum all over her face right then, my cock was trembling within her hands. She could feel it, and reveled in the power she held over me.
“This is what we failed to get at the first shoot…” She purrred. “A bit of a woman’s touch…” She kissed the tip of my penis again and started stroking it a little faster, still in rythmn with the music. I was moaning in pleasure…her soft fingers on my hard cock was like a slice of heaven.
I felt her warm tongue caress the tip of my penis. Then, it rolled along the shaft and licked it lightly until her lips enveloped it completely. My knees trembled. I held onto the chair for support. Dayna licked and suckled on my cock like a lollipop, looking up at me intermittently, smug in her satisfaction. My cock trembled inside her mouth, each moment could mean I orgasm and fill her mouth with cum. I strained to keep my composure, I wanted this to last forever.
Dayna opened her mouth, a string of pre-cum dangling from her tongue.
“How’s that feel?” she panted.
“Amazing…” I gasped. Dayna fondled my balls with her free hand and dove back in with her mouth, suckling and licking every inch of me.
Dayna released my throbbing member and stood up to face me, resting her hands on my chest.
“How much for you to fuck me?” She panted, her hands wandering down to my crotch.
“That’ll be free,” I whispered.
“Good…cuz I’m not wearing any underwear,” she kissed my ear. My erect cock throbbing, I couldn’t lift her up fast enough. I hiked up her dress and lifted her up by her thighs. Her pussy was practically dripping, and I slid in almost immediately.
Dayna gasped, as though she hadn’t expected it, and clung to me. Her nails dug into my back and she moaned loudly.
“Oh…my…god…Ethan…!” she gasped. I held her elevated, resting only on my cock, sitting comfortably inside her as it throbbed with pre-cum. I laid her down on the couch.
“Fuck me,” she breathed. “Fuck me and let’s post the pictures in Playgirl Magazine for everyone to see!”
I started thrusting, slowly at first, gaining my rhythm. Dayna’s eyes were rolling in her head, like she was drunk off the pleasure. She clung to me like her life depended on it and I could feel her nails digging deeper into my back. Her pussy was so warm and inviting, it was dripping with her sweet juices and the smell enveloped me. I wanted to stay here forever.
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” she panted as my thrusting continued, gradually gaining speed. I grabbed her hips and raised them to get a better angle, and Dayna howled in pleasure. She was mine now. This was my territory. There was nowhere for her to go, she just had to lay there and get fucked, and she knew it. I felt like an animal.
But missionary wasn’t enough, the real present was that juicy ass of hers. I pulled out of her and my cock made an audible “plop” as it exited. Dayna looked mildly disappointed but giggled as I flipped her over. It was just then that I realized I wasn’t wearing a condom. My cock was soaked in her juices and dripping with pre-cum. Then again, amidst my horny mind I could barely care less.
Dayna’s ass, sprawled out in front of me, was even bigger than it was 10 years ago. This ass rivaled that of Kim Kardashian’s, it was so round and plump. Ripe for the picking. I wanted to bury my face in it, and I’m not even a big fan of eating pussy. It looked delicious. Combined with her being shiny from sweat, and you had something worthy of Playboy magazine. And I was living the fantasy.
I grabbed her ass aggressively, and spread her cheeks apart, sliding my cock in during the process. Dayna moaned as I went to work, thrusting in and out of her like I was going to die at any second. Feeling her wet ass slap against my crotch as I pounded her relentlessly was nearly enough to make me cum, but I had to clench through this…I wanted it to last forever. I had to hold back my cum as long as possible….it wasn’t easy.
I leaned over and grabbed Dayna’s tits as they flopped around, squeezing and pinching her nipples as I thrust in and out of her.
“Its okay,” Dayna panted, nearly out of breath. She could tell I was going for endurance. “Cum in me. I’m on the pill. Please cum in me.”
“Beg me,” I gasped.
“Please!” She howled. “Please, oh god…please cum in me! I want your cum! It’s all I think about! Give me your cum, please…..MASTER….”
That was it.
We hadn’t ever talked about any kind of safe-word or anything of that nature, but the paradigm shift from her being in control, to suddenly begging me and calling me master…
Oh my god.
I felt my cock release the proverbial floodgates. My knees buckled and I collapsed on her, my cock shooting my seed deep inside her, the both of our bodies erupting in a sea of pleasure.
“Ohhhhhh gooddddd….” Dayna rasped, practically drooling. “I can feel it….!”
My cock was throbbing and I was still cumming. I couldn’t believe it! I held on for dear life. If I was going to blow my load into her, I was determined to fill her up.
After what felt like an eternity, my balls felt drained and I pulled out of her, my cock soaked in her juices, and our collective cum. I collapsed against the backrest of the couch, breathing heavily as though the both of us had just run a marathon. Dayna’s ass was dripping with sweat and juices, and it was sitting on my lap. I slapped it just for good measure and watched her cheeks ripple. She squealed. I could do this all day.
The camera rolled its last shutter. The memory card was full.
“How’s that for an Anniversary shoot?” I chuckled.
“Oh, we’re not done with your centerfold just yet, mister…” Dayna said slyly. “In fact, we’re just getting started…time to hit the hottub?” she flicked her hair out of her eyes and looked at me with a sweaty grin.
End part One
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/aad6s3/mf_playgirl_magazine_anniversary_shoot_striptease