I [F] Spent Christmas Eve with someones married man.

It all started on Christmas Eve. Quite honestly it’s taken me this long to actually process and take in what happened. If you want to skip to the “Sex” part then there is a heading down below but if you want the scene to set then read it all!


I’m Jessica, 23 and currently living in the south of England. I work as a Veterinary nurse assistant for a small practice in my local area. It’s a nice little practice and I love working with everyone I work with so when any social event crops up I’m always the one to immediately say yes, as well as run around ensuring that as many people as possible are invited, as well as forcing them to come too. The more the merrier I always say.

So it comes to no shock that this year, we’ll be doing something for Christmas Eve, to celebrate the year we’ve had with each other, plus it seemed like an easy excuse to just get drunk and let our hair down. The veterinary practice only closes on New Year’s Day and Christmas Day. So I knew I had a day to recover from any hangover I got anyway.

So the plan was to finish work on Monday, go home, get ready and then hit a pub/club. The local one in my town. It’s nothing fancy but it’s a watering hole for boys and cheap drinks. What’s more has a girl got to wish for? I got into my standard going out outfit. A tight black dress that went halfway down my calf. Enough to cover me but to leave something for the imagination. I wore matching underwear, a black Lacey number which made me feel powerful and sexy. Even if I didn’t. I straightened my hair so that it sat down just above my breasts at the top of my dress enough so that if needed I could cover them with my hair. If things were getting a bit…. Serious.

I arrived on the scene at about 8pm, give or take a few minutes which in hindsight was probably a bit early even on my watch, but I was ready and literally poised to get that first drink in me. Passing the doorman checking I.D with no problems I went in to attempt to find some sort of table for the evening, one that was big enough for me and my two wing-women, Emma and Chloe.

I wasn’t sat at the table very long before they joined me. After a few “Where are you texts” and missed calls on their phones. The pub was already packed with so many people enjoying the festive season. Some people were enjoying a family meal in the seating area, the fire place lit in the corner giving the place warmth and atmosphere and as far as I can remember there wasn’t a single spacee at the bar to even attempt to order any drinks. But where there is a will, there is always a way.

The girls and I have a little game when it comes to ordering drinks, you don’t want to leave the table unattended so obviously one of you has to stay at the table, you also don’t want to leave that person lonely so, drawing the short straw means you’re the one going to the bar for drinks.

This instance – it was me.

**The Sex Part**

I made my way towards the bar, eyeing and analysing it for weak points. Where were there easy target men. Where were the empties parts. Then I spotted it, a man in a suit slouched around the side. Drinking what appeared to be some whiskey of sorts. A business man perhaps? Stopping over from his commute from London to home no doubts. I approached him and the bar, pulling my top down slightly to reveal more of the girls and cleavage, a trick you’re taught when you’re 18 I Slipped in next to him.

I remember the conversation with this business man, I was sober of course. There were exchanges of why we were both there, our plans for Christmas and the New Year with a lot of small talk in between. He must have been in his mid 40s early 50s, a bit under the weather and something was on his mind but an easy target when it comes to getting free drinks. After about 5 minutes he had the attention of the bar maid and was getting me a Southern Comfort and Lemonade. He couldn’t keep his eyes of my breasts though my tactic seemed to work but now he was just transfixed, every few words he’d quickly glance down and up. Obviously hoping to not get caught, but it’s a sense girls have. We know when we’re being gawked upon.

I got a text on my phone at some point. Chloe – “Where are our drinks”. I ignored it though, there was no way that I was getting this man to get them drinks too, and the bar maid had already moved on. I just remember sipping my drink and just getting lost in this man’s story.

He lived in Bristol not too far from London but the commute everyday was killing him. Working 89-5 but with two hours commute eitherside his day was becoming easily a 12 hour day and was causing some sort of relationship problems with his wife and daughter. I got lost in his words, this man seeking comfort from me about his troublesome woes. The drinks kept coming, everytime he ordered another whiskey there was another Comfort and Lemonade, before long we we’re surrounded by empty glasses and were talking with each other like long time lost friends.

Then he said something I never thought I’d hear. “I have a room upstairs, would you like to continue this upstairs” I was so out of it. I just said yes.

The room upstairs was time, the pub has been around for centuries and it’s old and atmosphere. The bed even had those tall pillar things on the corners. It was nice but I didn’t take it all in, I just collapsed on to his bed and propped myself up. The room was dimly lit with one lamp on the desk. It was enough to give us light to see but dark enough to cast almost completely black shadows onto parts of the room. He walked over, taking off the jacket of his suit and laying it over the chair, he then climbed on to the bed and laid next to me. He just looked at me in the eyes, I looked at him. It felt like a lifetime but it must have been a mere few seconds. Then I lifted my hand up to cup his jaw and cheek before pulling him in for a kiss.

Our tongues collided in our mouths, battling for space as we we’re lost in the passion, his hand began to explore up my left side round my stomach and up to my boob, cupping his hand under it he began to playfully grope. He explored them a lot, my breasts are average size 36Dd gives you a bit of an idea. I’m not the slimmest of girls but he didn’t really mind. He played with the flesh that was popped out the top of my dress, the flesh he could see and touch but he never ventured where the eye couldn’t see.

I just left my hand cupping his face. After a few minutes of just passionately making out with him I moved my free hand down to his waist, unzipping his suit pants I reached into the hole. We didn’t lose contact with the kissing and we didn’t stop exploring with our other hands, I reached in massaging and carressing his now hard dick through his boxer shorts. It was growing within my hand, he pulled away from my mouth for a second and let out a little moan of content only to go back to licking and sucking on my tongue.

I pulled his boxer shorts down revealing his dick to the light, pulling it out the hole in his pants I could finally see what I was working with. Jerking his dick up and down while we were once again lost in the lust. His hand exploring every inch of my body as I did this.

Then I pulled away from his face, our eyes opened and met each other’s, then I pulled my hand from his face and put my finger up to my mouth “Shhh” before I started to make my way down to his cock.

It was bigger than I though, honestly I couldn’t take the whole thing but I tried my best, I bobbed up and down on his shaft, licking and kissing the head as I did so, one of his hands made its way to the top of my head, as if to guide my speed while is other hand to my surprise has made its way down my back to the hem of my dress, pulling it up slightly to reveal my bare butt, groping and playing with it while I sucked his cock. He was very very hands on.

I must of sucked his cock for the majority of the night, my jaw was aching and my chin and his pubs we’re drenched in my saliva, his hand had been busy as he was able to reach all sorts of things from the position I was laid in, my asshole and Pussy we’re now drenched in my juices as he would travel between fingering my pussy and circling my asshole, he never penetrated that, which I was thankful for.

He must have got bored or the primal instincts took over because I was flipped over onto my back and was laying on the pillow once more. He pulled out his wallet and then a condom and frantically tried to put it on. I couldn’t help but get distracted and think why this business man who had a wife carries around a condom in his wallet, I clearly was not the first and that only added to my arousal.

We only did missionary that night, fully clothed, which was find by me because honestly anything else would have creeped me out he must have lasted about 10 minutes but it was minutes full of kissing, smiling and the occasional grope and suck of my boobs.

I stayed with him till Christmas Morning, we shared the bed clothed and didn’t do any cuddling or anything intimate again. I woke up Christmas morning with a hotel style instant coffee, still wearing everything from the night before. We both left the hotel room, he checked out and continued his journey home to see his family for Christmas day. I went home and spend Christmas with my family and now, here we are.

I feel guilty for making him cheat on his wife, but honestly I’m confused why he kept condoms in his wallet he clearly isn’t happy at home and I’m now just another potential pawn in his game of problems. I enjoyed the night and am glad I made him happy even for one night. But no strings attached and we’ll probably never see each other again.


**I wrote this on my phone so I want to apologise if it’s terrible, let me know if you have any questions. I’m new to this. If you have any constructive criticism or any advice on where and how I can improve it please tell me!**

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/a9ne44/i_f_spent_christmas_eve_with_someones_married_man


  1. Great story!! You made me hard with just with the description. Not skinny not fat just perfect !! ?I used to date a curvy limey girl! Damn I must say British chicks are underrated when comes to the bedroom they are filthy whores and I love them !!

  2. Meh, dont feel that bad, I see where you’re coming from for sure. Stop insulting your own boobs btw! 36dd is *plenty* to write home about mmm. Impressive even. Be proud of your amazing body, damn. I love that you licked the shaft and gave it little kisses all over. Crucial. You know what guys want and need. Bj foreplay is important and guys love it, I feel like it. You’re my kinda gal, tho. U gave that guy a christmas he’ll never forget and sounded like you got your as well. Good for u, baby. All ladies could use some dick from time to time and glad u got some

  3. Just read it and… damn that was hot! Don’t be sorry or confused… Things happen.

  4. Excellent story….very hot….I loved your word pictures and your ability to take me there into the room with you!!!

  5. Dear Jessica, married for 7 years. Birth control does not agree with my wife, nor do we wish for kids. So I always carry a condom… Might just be that

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