The woman they call babe [MF]

At the beautiful age of 18 I was fresh on the scene at my new home in beautiful shilo. Cold as fuck but I can finally drink , 18 for drinking in manitoba. Anyways we go to this real gem of a place called cecils out side the base. This place has since burned to the ground.

The night. I’ve been on the base for 2 weeks, it’s January and cold as hell. Like -47c cold. Yeah, perfect. We make our way to the cecils and proceed to get fucking wasted. Then she came out of the washroom . Not sure if she had been there all night (the bar). I make my way over and I’m rico fucking suave in my mind. We talk and next thing I know she’s honestly giving the shocks a workout in my friends car as we drive back to the base.

It starts getting hot and heavy in the shacks. In my little one room palace. She’s a big girl but I could give to shits. It’s fucking time. The only reason I’m not shitting myself is because I’ve had a ton of liquor and am wanting to bang this beautiful “babe”. We start fucking and it’s not horrible and she is having a good time and so am I. In the background “hey ya” by outkast. I start laughing as her ass giggles to the part “shake it like a Polaroid picture”. I pullout and hit repeat on the Xbox (real pimp lmao) . I ask “let me stick it in your ass” WHAT?, the balls on me to ask such a thing. Thank God for the alcoholic beverages in my body.

She says yes.

Hot dog hits brick wall.

No lube.

So that’s the anal fail but nice attempt. Ballsy but good job . We continue to bang and next thing a knick at my door. What the fuck it’s 3am . I answer the door with my condom on my dick naked and answer. It’s her friend crying. What happened next is the honesty to god truth. Because of the events that unfolded after that knock. My testimony helped clear my friend of raping this woman. That’s a whole different story and time.

TL:DR got drunk fucked far chick named babe and help clear friend of rape charge.
