[MF] Mid Term All-Nighter with my Best Friend

During my first semester of my freshman year of college my best friend was a girl named Rachel. We had actually gone to high school together too, but didn’t get close until we left for college and most of our friends went to the other state college that was closer to home. She had been held back a year when she was younger, so she was 19 and I was 18.

Back then, I had just finished 4 years of playing football as a linebacker and kept myself in good shape walking across campus every day with Rachel to work out. I lived in one of the dorms, but she lived in an apartment with one of her friends from high school. She’d drive to my dorm and we’d walk and workout. I’d do a circuit on weights and she’d jog the track, then we’d walk back. She was very fit. Tall, about 5’8”, and thin. She had long red hair and fair skin. She wasn’t a knockout, but definitely very beautiful in an innocent, girl next door way. I had been spending some more time with my ex from high school and Rachel had been seeing a frat guy she met at her sorority’s mixer, but we still worked out and talked all the time.

We had one class together and were coming up on our mid-term exams. It was a pretty hard class for both of us and the only one we really needed to study for. The exam was the next day at noon, so we decided we would pull an all-nighter to study together. She had her own room at her apartment and I shared one with my roommate in the dorm so we went to her apartment so that we wouldn’t disturb anyone. Picked up pizza and coffee and hit the books.

Soon after we got to her room she went into her closet to change so she could be “comfy.” She walked out barefoot wearing short cloth draw-string shorts that really accentuated her long legs and a tight long sleeve shirt, hair in a high ponytail. I knew she had a great body from working out together but I was completely stunned by how sexy she actually was without even trying and I briefly saw her in a way I hadn’t before. I told her it wasn’t fair that she got to be barefoot so I took off my shoes and socks and said she’d have to deal with it. She looked at my bare feet and turned her nose up like there were gross and laughed, pinching her nose closed pretending that they smelled bad.

This was our first all-nighter and it was hard to focus and stay awake. At about 1AM we decided to take a little break and watch a movie. She didn’t have any furniture in her room to sit on. The bed would have been awkward so we propped our backs to the foot of the bed, sitting on the floor, and watched the movie. Now, this was fall of 2005, so she wanted to watch every girl’s favorite movie at that time…The Notebook. Especially after I told her I hadn’t seen it. We ended up falling asleep less than an hour into it.

I woke up during the credits to her head laying on my chest with her hand sitting on the other side of my chest, my arms wrapped around her. It felt great and her hair smelled amazing. I’ve heard that pheromones released from the top of a woman’s head drives men wild. I don’t know if that’s true, but I certainly wanted her in that moment. I just laid there with my eyes closed, drifting back off to sleep, until I felt her wake up. She tilted her head up at me, her face just inches from mine, smiled and asked, “Did you fall asleep too?”

“Yeah,” I replied. “I’m just so comfortable,” I said with a smile. Neither one of us had moved. My arms still around her, her hand on my chest as she ran her thumb back and forth over my peck, our faces intimately close. “I’m sorry I missed out on your favorite movie. It didn’t seem like it was that much of a chick flick.”

She playfully slapped her hand on my chest and said, “It’s not a chick flick, it’s romantic. Noah is the sweetest,” feigning a whine. “Plus, you missed a really hot scene between him and Rachel McAdams. It gets pretty racy.”

“Oh, well we should rewind it then,” I say. She giggles then stares at me quietly. I can feel the tension building up, so I ask “Should we hit the books again?”

“Not yet,” she signs. “I’m pretty comfortable. I don’t want to move just yet.”

“No complaints from me.” In this moment I can feel that we are just both waiting on the other to make a move. I don’t want to be wrong. I don’t want to lose her as a friend if I’m wrong. I lean closer and she starts to close her eyes. As soon as our lips touch, she takes in a deep breath as she moves her hand to my face and I move mine to her waist. She moves her leg over my lap and I slip my hand down to the side of her butt.

My mind is racing. I’m trying not to think so far ahead. I don’t know how far this will go and I don’t want to push it further than she wants. It should feel awkward since we are such close friends but it feels so right. She pulls back and takes a breath. For a moment I’m worried that it’s already ended, but she looks at me and smiles and goes back to kissing me. She moves on top of me, now straddling me and places her hands behind my neck while we continue making out. I slide my hands down her back and gently grip her firm ass. She doesn’t stop me.

I’m getting hard, which makes me nervous. Will she feel it and freak out? Once I’m rock hard she moans and starts to grind on me. Sliding herself back and forth on my hard cock over our clothes, kissing me even harder. She reaches her hands to the bottom of my t-shirt and pulls it up over my head. She momentarily looks down at my muscular chest, and runs her hands over my slightly hairy pecks and smiles, biting her lip. “I’ve wondered what that looked like,” she said as she dives back in to keep kissing.

I grab her tiny waist and push my back up against the bed, standing us both up, and then fall back pulling her on top off me. We slide up towards the head of the bed and continue to kiss passionately. She’s still straddling me, knees on both sides on the bed, arms pinned down over my shoulders, still grinding on me. I pull up on her shirt; she sits up and pulls it off, cross armed, revealing her perfect breasts confined behind a basic black bra. She looks at me waiting for my reaction. “I’ve wondered what those looked like,” I quipped.

She then leans forward again, taking her hand and sliding it down my pants, grabbing hold of my stiff, aching shaft, giving it light strokes as she kisses my neck and squeezes one of my pecks with her other hand. I can tell that the restriction of my jeans is frustrating her and she sits up again and scoots back, then slowly undoes my belt, unhooks the button, pulls down the zipper, grabs both sides of my waistbands and jerks them down, my cock springing up towards her. She grabs hold again and strokes it while kissing me, then goes back to grinding on it.

I can’t take it anymore. I need to get inside of her. I have to get her shorts off. I have to feel her warmth wrap around me. I roll her over onto her back and start kissing her neck, down to her beasts, over her bra and down to her belly…and still down to her waist as she gropes at my hair. I pulled the drawstring of her shorts to undo the knot, loosening them and then pull them off. Then, I slowly slide my hands back up her thighs and pull down her white cotton panties. I want to admire her beautiful, hairless pussy, but I have to feel what it’s like inside of her. I climb back up as she welcomes me, spreading her legs, looking at me with desire in her sharp blue eyes. I glide my manhood into her with my hand, slowly sliding in to her tight pussy and feeling the warmth as she shutters and gasps. She places her hands on my shoulders while I plant mine on both sides of her. We crash together in a rhythm of pleasure. I focus on her as she focuses on me, breathing heavily as she repeats “oh” and “yeah.”

After some time, she leans up to kiss me again, wrapping her arms around my neck and rolling me over to my back as she swings on top of me, keeping me inside of her. She keeps kissing me as she is now rocking back and forth, fast and hard. She sits up, pressing both hands down on my chest and I move my hands to her tits, squeezing them over her bra, as they heave up and down with her rapid breaths. She’s starting to shake which sends me over the edge and I cannot contain myself anymore. I know she’s on the pill but I let her know I’m about to cum so she can decide what to do. “Ok, just cum inside me,” she whimpers. “It’s ok.” So I let loose inside of her. She slows down as her body is draining my cock completely, eventually to a stop. She smiles at me and giggles as she bends down to kiss me, then gets up and walks into her bathroom to clean up. I’m completely mesmerized and satisfied as I watch her bare ass walk away from me in nothing but a bra.

I find my boxers and pull them back up. She came back out and had put on some pajama bottoms. Then climbed back in bed and snuggled back up to me, kisses me and puts her arm across my chest as I wrapped mine around her back, grasping her shoulder. “If you don’t put a shirt back on, I might not be able stop round 2 from happening,” she warned. “And we have got to finish studying.”

“You aren’t making things any easier wearing nothing but a bra,” I reply.

She argued back, “I put on pajama bottoms!”

“Is there anything underneath them?”

“No…I couldn’t find my panties thanks to you!”

“I guess we’ll just have to be strong,” I tell her. “Why don’t we just rest for a few minutes, THEN we’ll get FULLY dressed and finish studying. The sun hasn’t even started to come up yet.” She was convinced and we lay there, drifting off.

She woke me up, frantic. The sun was definitely up now…and bright. It was an hour before our exam stated and we still had to get back to campus. We rushed to put our clothes on and got there just in time. With all the hurry we didn’t get to talk about what happened until later that night on the phone. It was an incredible night but we both valued our friendship and agreed we would stay friends. We also agreed that since we weren’t exclusive with the people we had been seeing that there was no reason to tell them and jeopardize anything.

So we stayed best friends, but that wouldn’t be the only time that passion took control of us.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/a8q2i3/mf_mid_term_allnighter_with_my_best_friend


  1. Going to the same high school, not being too close but becoming close with someone between finding out the mutual college destination and the transition into college is awkward.

    Having sex with a close friend is even trickier.

    Interesting story!

  2. Only thing that makes me think this is BS because he said she would drive to his dorm. There isn’t open parking spots ever on college campuses???!

  3. Had a similar situation with a friend, developed into a three year fwb which was fantastic…

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