The Ti[M]e I Took My Pro[F]essor’s Virginity and Dumped Her Cold

My last story, as long as it was, seemed to go over OK if the upvotes are any indication, so I thought I’d type up another:

When this happened, I’m about 22, went back to school at a city college part time. It’s my second or third semester and winter is closing in, good old cuffing season. I’m not really socializing with the students much because I don’t have much in common with them, but I get placed in a literature class with this adjunct who’s maybe 26. Slim body, nice legs, brunette of about medium height with one of those milky fair complexions. She laughs easily and dresses well but you can tell she’s pretty bookish and maybe a little bit of a lonely soul.

This is a poor college town and most of the decent girls are tied to the university somehow, so at this time I’m semi-seriously dating another grad student, a history major. This one’s a little curvier than I usually go for but DDD top-heavy and likes to be dominated, so she’s a lot of fun, but she’s getting needy about a commitment, has no real job prospects, and wants to move somewhere I’m definitely not going. It’s running on fumes and I’ve already started hanging out with a townie Puerto Rican MILF on the side who hates her boyfriend, she’s reasonably freaky, looks good hanging around in my t-shirts, and doesn’t ask for much, so whatever happens happens.

Either way, during paper reviews, the adjunct and I start making small talk about our personal lives and find out we have a little bit in common and enjoy joking around. Toward the end of the semester, over the Thanksgiving break, I’m cruising a dating site and see her profile there, so I send her a “wink”, then a follow-up message, letting her know it’s just for fun, but that I thought her profile was cute.

To my surprise, we exchanged a few messages teasing each other about dating sites, she added me to her social media and I gave her some shit about a couple of slightly inappropriate pictures at a costume party, she gave me some shit about how she had thought I had a girlfriend and how I was the only student allowed on her profile. Then we agreed to meet up for a beer after the semester.

Of course, that didn’t last. It only took about a week before we’re laughing about something from class and she mentions a lecture she’s attending tonight and that she thought I’d enjoy, too. I show up, and she invites me to tag along to the dinner after-party for the guest speaker. We end up late because we’re making out in her car in the parking lot. After the dinner, I suggest we go ahead and get the beer now, pick a dive bar near my apartment, then invite her up to see the place.

I’ve got a decent apartment, a third-floor walkup downtown with a nice queen-sized mattress in the bedroom, but it’s on the floor. Ideal pad for a broke student, I guess. Either way, pretty quickly I’ve got her down to her black bra and panties as we’re rolling around on it in a pile of our clothing. Her body is actually killer. She dresses well, but conservatively, and I didn’t realize she was in such good shape, but when I go to get the panties off, she stops me and drops the bomb.

“This is going to sound like I’m really weird and I don’t want you to be disappointed, but I’m a virgin.”

Turns out, she’s such a bookish loner that her sexual experience has consisted entirely of drunken makeout sessions on dance floors and a few handjobs. She’s never really gotten into a relationship. While we’re kissing, I ask her a few probing questions about her experience and what she wants from me, then she reaches down and pulls out my cock, starts stroking it and kissing my stomach and thighs.

She tells me she wants me to get off, and I end up unclipping her bra, then kneeling between her legs and shooting all over her stomach and chest while she leans back on my pillows, rubbing herself with one hand down her panties. I can smell her fresh wetness while she’s fingering herself and, combined with the fact that I can hardly believe this zany scheme came together and I’m not only about to bust a load on one of my teachers but might take her virginity, it’s a powerful way to cum.

She grabs a few kleenex from the box by the bed, wipes herself off, then sits up to put her bra back on. It’s a cute scene, the streetlight outside coming through my tall blinds is casting striped shadows over her body like an old film noir as she reaches behind herself to clip it, then she freezes, like she’s just realized something.

“So… Um… We’re going out now, right?”


I probably should not have said that. Either way, she’s happy with that and we make out for a bit before we finish getting dressed and I walk her to her car.

We start spending too much time together, no sleepovers but grabbing a beer after school more weekdays than not and ending up at her place or mine. She gets used to sucking my cock and being eaten out, but mostly wants me to finish on her because that’s what she’s used to doing, and we spend a lot of time indulging in foreplay and a few little games. She quickly comes to the uncomfortable realization that she likes to be spanked, even though she wishes she didn’t.

About three weeks in, we’re hanging out at her place, fooling around in her twin bed, and she decides she’s ready. I take her missionary with her legs wrapped around me, work my way in slowly, and as soon as I’m finally balls-deep, blurt out something corny about her being a virgin.

I always remember the cute little lip bite when she started laughing nervously as she tried to get used to it. “Not anymore!”

I take it easy on her and we take our time, just a little dirty talk about her being my professor, but after that first night, she can’t get enough. She’s committed to learning all the basic positions, and the first time she tries to let me cum in her mouth, on her knees in front of my couch, it startles her so bad she spills it all over my lap and has to run to the sink.

I couldn’t help but laugh while she apologized repeatedly, and I tried to smooth it over and let her know she did a great job. “I’m sorry! It’s just you moaned and I felt it twitching and it was like there was nothing and I thought this isn’t so bad, and then there was ALL OF IT AT ONCE. I’m so sorry!”

When Christmas rolled around, the adjunct went to visit her family, and the history grad student somehow talked me into spending it with her family. Stupid move on my part, and we couldn’t make much noise in her bedroom at her parents’ house, but whatever. When I got back, I picked up my routine again and that January on a Sunday morning, I managed to score my only hat trick:

Waking up with the Puerto Rican girl who’d crashed out in my bed the night before, I did another round with her missionary position before I sent her home. She knew I had a brunch date and wished me luck, so I hit the gym, got washed up, and met the adjunct at the restaurant behind my apartment. Nice, private outdoor table with a heater, then brought her up to warm up spending the afternoon sucking and fucking, came with her riding me. Sent her home and went to the curvy history major’s apartment for a home-cooked dinner without even showering, came that night banging her from behind and reaching down to tease her nipples and pull her hair, then sent her off to class that Monday morning after she gave me a soapy titjob in the shower spewing some really vile dirty talk.

To this day, I still wonder if the history major could taste or smell the literature adjunct on me when she went down on me after dinner. Good times. Took the bus home, realized I had a nice text message from the adjunct about how she turned in her grades and I’d gotten an A-. Cool.

Fast-forward to Valentine’s Day. The adjunct wants to make me dinner at my place, and, again, stupid move on my part, I let her. We make out while it simmers, then while we’re getting our meal plated, she drops a new bomb.

“I think I’m in love with you.”

“I love you, too.”

Aw, fuck. Why did I say that? As soon as I blurted that out, I realized that I was going to have to let her down soon. Not tonight, though. What kind of a monster would I be to break her heart on Valentine’s Day?

After dinner and dessert, we opened a second bottle of wine and spent the night screwing each other senseless. She was high on the moment and whatever she thought the future might look like, and by the time it was over and she was passed out cuddling my pillow with a blanket only sort-of covering her naked body, there were two used condoms on the floor next to our wine glasses and a load of my cum drying on the small of her back. I picked up, put the dishes away, and fell asleep beside her, the only time we spent the night together. Then she sucked me off in the morning, and even swallowed without incident, before I had to kick her out for “an early appointment”. She bounced out the door looking proud, giddy, and optimistic.

Yeah, this had to stop now. I should have stopped it earlier. She was just too nice and if it went on any longer, I’d just be making it even more destructive than it was already going to be.

Around lunchtime, I did what was probably the most cold-blooded thing I’ve ever done to a woman. After she gave up her virginity and declared her love for me, I dumped her by text. At the time, it just felt like I needed to rip the band-aid off so we could move it along instead of having a dramatic scene.

“This isn’t going to work. Our lives are going in two different directions and I don’t see where we can have a future. You’re a really cool person and a special woman, and I’m sorry.”

As soon as I sent it, I realized what a shitty solution it was. I really was sorry, though. She never replied, but a female friend on campus who she poured her heart out to told me she took it about like you’d expect.

She moved away for a job opportunity, and years later, came back, still chronically single. We’re on each other’s social media and exchange ‘likes’ and sarcastic comments once in a while, but never talk. The history major got unexpectedly anxious about wanting to start a family urgently, so she had to go. She eventually got a job teaching in another state and married almost immediately, Skyped to show me her boobs and exchange dirty talk a few times, then fell off radar to have a bunch of kids. I have no idea whatever happened to the Puerto Rican woman, I cut her off after the rest of her sex life got too weird for me, but I saw her on the news once with neon hair talking about food deserts for some non-profit.



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