Izzy & Mr.Pie [FM][Age Gap][Bestfriend Daughter] [Dedication] Part 1

*I can verify this event if need be via text messages but this story is dedicated and based on my Mr. Pie. Certain things have been change to protect identities. I lost my virginity in college but wasn’t pleased with the amateurs. I wanted the real deal*

With shiny black dress shoes, well tailored tux, and a devilish demeanor Mr. Key was completely ready to go. His counterpart, Izzy, still sung along to the songs in the shower. He’d hoped Izzy would have at least been dressed by now rather than just singing show tunes and whistling, of all things!

“We still need to beat traffic dear, I don’t exactly know where I’m going?!” He hollered while relaxing across the bed of white pillowy soft sheets.

Izzy didn’t hear a thing. She kept on singing. Mr. Key chuckled then his eyes traced up the wall to the painted ceiling above him. His mind began to wonder. The curves of the painted lines above aroused him for some reason. They beckoned him to their mystery.

Izzy pointed out the “painted lines’ placement” when they checked over the room. He hadn’t even notice it. Yet, now waiting for his date the lines kept him company. His mind, confused, coiled the curves from their stationary spots.

They curled like snakes into the form of Izzy’s heavenly shape. His heart began to race and the blood drained from his face. Urges filled his mind but departed with time. The game they were playing is risky. He hadn’t been this nervous in a while.

Izzy, on the other hand, was completely comfortable. In fact she was so comfortable that she decided now was the best time to have a little fun. She had waited for this day for what seemed like a long long time.

The door to the bathroom was slightly cracked open after her shower. She was finally finished with what seemed like days of bathing. The steam from the bathroom filled the bedroom. Warm sweet air greeted Mr. Key on the bed and snapped him out of the trance.

“If we are late it’s not my fault Mrs. Beauty-Queen” Mr. Key teased knowing she couldn’t hear him over the fan in the bathroom.

The door was cracked just enough for Mr. Key to steal glimpses of the girl. Still daze from the lines an angel seem to have landed in his presence. A heavenly body danced before him while he rose up and sat up on the bed. In response to the temptation Mr. Key clasped his hands together into his lap.

He knew better than to distract a woman while she was getting ready; it’s bad luck too. Izzy was already taking a long time to get ready. He couldn’t afford to spare anymore time. He planned to be civil and ignore the naughty naked nymphet in view.

Izzy, on the other hand, continued with her premeditated plan. She quickly covered her body with a towel and stood in front the vanity mirror. Florescent white light bulbs lined her reflection as she dotted dots of creamy product around the outline of her face.

Holding a towel while trying to apply moisturizer is tough; poor Izzy didn’t stand a chance! While massaging her moisturizer across her face her grip loosened around the towel. She didn’t even attempt to catch it once it started shimmying towards the tile floor. She merely reached for the blush and brush instead.

“Oops” she echoed from the bathroom as she continued on naked, wet, and exposed. When Mr. Key heard the “oops” he initially tried to resist looking but quickly caved in.

His eyes shot down to the towel then back up from the floor to a teasingly luscious brown body. The towel had to have been bone dry because she was so wet. Rivers and streams flowed off her curves into little ponds beneath her feet. The water sparkled against her smooth skin. All those curves and dips were right there exposed for his hungry eyes to explore. For the first time, Mr. Key saw Isabella and nothing else.

His fingers escaped from his lap then jumped under his thighs. The blood began rushing from his head. Izzy seemed to enjoy putting on the show. She want him to admire her body. This was a body she was proud of.

Mr. Key struggled to keep his hands to himself. If they were going to make the show on time he needed to stay strong. He had to be strong. The temptation was there and things were so easy, no too easy! Half the work was already done.

Those milky full tits and yummy thick thighs were there finally in his full view. Her firm little ass begged him for a spank. Mr. Key dug his fingers into the bed. His strength was fading with every second longer he stared at her. He just couldn’t pull his eyes off her.

Mr. Key’s hidden hands emerged and unzipped his pants to release the hard-on he could no longer confine. His hand reappeared with a thick cock within its grip. As he held the shaft of the cock he watched the precum surface on the head with each pump. All it took was seeing her wet body and he was puddy in her hands. Izzy continued to appear oblivious to his stares while Mr. Key was grateful for the peek while he pumped.

In one swift move the little brown ass that was standing now poked out. Izzy rose up onto her tippy toes and leaned into the mirror with her cunt exposed. Curling eyelashes takes a close eye and Izzy was just trying to make sure she was getting the best angle.

The caresses along Mr. Key’s cock caused him to crave more than just the distant peek. The bed was no longer a comfy seat. His shoes crept close to the bathroom door trying not to alarm his doe.

“A peek at Izzy and then back to the bed,” Mr. Key planned in his head still unaware that Izzy planned for his peep.

Mr. Key grabbed the door to open it wider but nearly slammed against the wall when he caught a closer glimpse at his nymphet. It took time for him regain his focus. There with a closer look Mr. Key realized something new about Izzy.

She shaved her pussy in the shower. Her black curly hair no longer hid the pink sweat treat hidden within it. It now was on full display; ready for someone to devour it. Sweat began to raise on Mr. Key’s flustered face.

“What time is it Pie?” Izzy cooed while continuing to curl her lashes. She didn’t need to look at Mr. Key. She knew the hungry lion stalked her yummy ass. A smirk curled from her lips as she basked in his stunned silence.

Mr. Key couldn’t answer the question nor did he respond to his pet name. Like a panther in the jungle approaching its prey he was silent.

“Hey Pie, whats the time? Let me know so we won’t be late.” Izzy sung out.

Poking and rallying up a rise out of him was her plan. She’d figured “make his blood boil and then he’d show her why she shouldn’t poke the bear. The bear always pokes back.”

The blood rushing from Mr. Keys head must of caused his ears to malfunction. Again he didn’t acknowledge Izzy’s questions nor the pet name nor the music playing softly in the bathroom. He only watched Izzy’s hips swaying to the sweet songs as she sung them to her reflection.

Mr. Key felt powerless spying on the nymphet enchanting him. His hunger called him to grab and ravage her right there on that very bathroom floor where she teased him but he couldn’t. Izzy deserved more than just a violent floor fucking for their first time together. She, the dear daughter of his best friend, deserved the world.

He’d watched Izzy grow from an annoying bratty teen to now a seductive young lady. Never in a million years did he think that same young lady would ever be naked inches away from his throbbing cock. This was his best friends daughter; someone he helped raised. All of the years of loyalty tossed away in a months time.

The young lady contacted him out of the blue last month. She intended to tell him about her first semester in college. She sent him a long message. It seemed she had learned a few extra things her first semester away from home.

Never before did she attempt to seduce or tease Mr. Key. In fact their relationship was pretty sore all the way until she left for college. Mr. Key used to critique and correct Izzy’s high school work whenever he would come by their house.

Unfortunately for her he visited quite frequently. There were countless corrections made over the years; Izzy hated each one of them. Often times she’d lie about her work just to prevent Mr. Key’s dreaded red pen marks all over her sheets of homework.

It wasn’t until she passed her first college exam that she valued Mr. Keys correction. Her paper was an A and the rest of the class failed. Izzy regretted being sour to her fathers best friend. His constant correction made her a better student. He had helped her start her freshmen year on a positive note.

When she came home for winter break she sent her gratitude along with some other updates in a message to Mr. Key on Facebook. To his surprise the message not only thanked him but also ended with a proposition.

The proposition was simple. Izzy was no longer a virgin but despised the guys from her school. Though a novice, Izzy knew she wasn’t getting the proper fuck she needed. Her suite mates constantly bragged about older men and how experienced they are at sex.

After countless failed fucks Izzy decided to plague a familiar face, Mr. Key, with the challenge. Once he finished the message he immediately closed the browser. Sweat dripped from his forehead as Mr. Key tried to rid himself of the initial naughty notions that surfaced in his mind.

He thought about alerting his bestfriend of Izzy’s promiscuity and proposition but didn’t. Widowed Mr. Key hadn’t seen nor felt a woman’s touch in so long. He selfishly wanted to show Izzy what she was missing.

Yet, when he thought about the young lady Mr. Key couldn’t help but wonder why he was picked of all people. He was thirty years her senior. She could have asked a professor from her own university or any guy she wanted on a dating site. Young pussy like hers doesn’t have to look for sex.

Yet, when he thought longer on the subject he understood her decision. A family friend is trustworthy and less likely to cause harm. Plus Izzy saw before from the corrected school work, Mr. Key had her best interest at heart. The fantasy turned into a possibility.

After a couple of rewrites Mr. Key finally sent off the plan for her proposition. It was from those messages that lead the couple to their first taste of each other. The possibility turned into a reality.

The first real tease resulted after a few late night messages; the pair decided to test the waters. The nickname, Pie, was earned that night. Mr. Key came over to visit her family as he usually did. This night he had a plan.

Izzy stomped downstairs complaining she needed something. Since Mr. Key hadn’t made his plate yet he volunteered to chauffeur her. While everyone sat for dinner they ran to the store.

Mr. Key couldn’t pull out the driveway fast enough but tried to keep his cool. They planned the store run days before. He anxiously wanted to know if the girl was serious. Mr. Key knew he wasn’t going to make the first move.

He wanted to be sure Izzy wanted it. He was ready for what ever way she went. They drove past the neighboring houses in silence. His heart pounded away in anticipation.

Things didn’t become real until Izzy pulled down her cute Christmas leggings to reveal a full bush of hair. Her thick thigh kept her pussy closed away tight. Mr. Key eyes sparked as he watched her fingers rub into her wetness. He could hear the little cunt smacking.

She raised two fingers to show him the sticky juices. Seeing the sticky strains almost caused him to swerve. They finally found a shaded tree and parked under its protection.Izzy smiled at Mr. Key before grabbing his face and kissing him madly.

His lips were the first place she wanted to taste. Their breaths mixed as their lips exchanged kisses. She couldn’t wait for his hands any longer and pressed them on her body. His grip was firm against her soft skin.

“Explore me” she cooed in his ear as they fondled each other.

Mr. Key knew he didn’t have long before they needed to be back. He didn’t want the family suspicious before their real date next weekend but damn Izzy looked delicious. Those chocolate brown thighs begged him to spread them wide. He wanted to taste the strawberry in between.

After a few more minutes making out they agreed on just a thirty second preview then back to house. Each would have a chance to offer a tiny sample of what was to come. Their nasty late night messages made both of them curious. This allowed them satisfy some hunger but not spoil their appetite.

“Ladies first, show me what you got” Izzy teased while tracing the outline of Mr. Keys throbbing cock with her fingertips.

He smiled at the young girl and proceeded to unleash the aching cock he kept buried in his lap. Once out for air Izzy took no time in swallowing the cock whole. She moaned as it sunk deeper down her throat. The vibrations from her full lips made Mr. Key forget about starting the timer. Izzy reminded him once she finished her warm up.

For thirty seconds Mr. Keys fought the urge to shove the young lady’s face deep into his lap and fucking her face silly. She used her tongue to toy with him all along the thick shaft of his cock. She swirled her tongue sloppily around the head and then sunk back down to the base near his balls.

After the timer rang Mr. Key gave Izzy no time to catch her breath. He wanted to taste her. While rubbing the soggy cunt he realized she made a small puddle on the car seat. The wet patch underneath her formed from her sucking his cock.

Feeling it only filled him passion. He grabbed the chair and pulled it straight back. Before Izzy could get her balance he grabbed her thighs and cracked her legs wide open. Her hands tried to shield her pussy but his tongue slivered through them and onto her exposed wet pink pearl.

Mr. Key attacked her pussy like a hungry dog at dinner; slobber, juices, and spit went everywhere. Izzy too forgot to set the timer but Mr. Key didn’t bother to alert her. He continued to suck her clit, spit, then slurp it back up.

It wasn’t until Izzy began to shake from cumming that the pair realized thirty seconds turned into three minutes. Once clothes were on Mr. Key rolled the windows down to cool them off and to release the sex funk. He was unsure how the night went. Izzy rode the rest of the way back speechless.

By the time they returned home the family was just finishing up dinner. When asked about the store run Izzy only commented that Mr. Key took longer because he too busy buying sweets. He replied joking about his bad sweet tooth habits. Izzy couldn’t hide the glow on her face nor could Mr. Key wipe the sweet smell fully off his. They both ate their dinner in silence.

It wasn’t until later that night that they were able to talk freely about their “store run”. Mr. Key praised Izzy’s skill and she proceeded to explain why it was the best oral she’d ever had. She described it was like being “a pie at a pie eating contest”. All she could do was lay there while she was devoured mercilessly by him.

Mr. Key couldn’t help but lick his lips while he read that message. After that night she named him “Pie”. She was even clever enough to come up with a “fake story” for the new nickname. She claimed Mr. Key was sour like Key lime pie. Mr. Key loved the cute nickname but now the word pie brought him a hard on.

“PIE!!” Izzy yelled from the mirrored hoping to finally grab his attention.

Mr. Key finally snapped out of his trance. All evening while getting dressed Mr. Key worried. He was unsure whether or not he’d actually sleep with his best friends daughter. Their tasting a few nights prior was heaven but he worried about fully indulging in their desires.
Questions filled his head about the deed. Izzy could destroy his life if word ever got out.

The consequences piled on top of each other the more Mr. Key thought. His thoughts burden him until he saw her there in front of him. After watching the innocent angel for sometime he had finally made up his mind. Mr. Key grew tired of trying to do what he thought was right; he did what he wanted.

In one swift move Mr. Key charged the bathroom and grabbed as much of Izzy as he could. His hands yearned for her soft warm skin. Izzy was going to he his. Their bodies bumped against the sink while Mr. Key’s hands journeyed around her skin down to her ass. With one cheek in each hand he spread Izzy wide and exposed her pretty pink pussy.

Hairs on Izzy arms shot straight up and electric shocks trickled down to her fingers. The eyelash curler fell from her hand as she desperately reached for something to hold on to. She needed something to bare down on. The pleasure surging her body was stronger than she was use to. Now with full range the “store ride” before seemed mediocre. Izzy body shivered each time she came.

Mr. Key watched her struggle as he continued to slurp around the sweet little slit he spread open with his fingers tips. His tongue slid in circles towards her opening. Wetness greeted his lips as Izzy grew excited from the attention. All night she wasn’t sure if Mr. Key was going to take her bait but now his passionate mouth and tongue fully welcomed it.

Izzy moaned in ecstasy as her pussy was sucked and spat on. The folds of her pussy lips were explored in great detail. Mr. Key swirled his tongue around her pink clit until she cried for relief. Instead of relief she felt him forcibly sink his face deeper into her pussy.

The mirror was cold against Izzy’s face as her body contorted her close to her reflection. Mr. Key’s tongue needed a better angle on her hole. He needed to dig deeper. His hunger for her juices never subsided no matter how wet she got.

Mr. Key added his fingers so she got wetter. With his tongue and fingers he demanded more of the sweet honey Izzy’s pussy dripped. Simultaneously his fingers and tongue attacked her cunt. Like a grizzly bear Mr. Keys fingers fished around the hole for more of the yummy goo.

“Fuck” Izzy whined while she tried to catch her breath.

Against the mirror she had no where to run. She had to take what he had for her. Her moans began carrying cries. What started as licks and sucks turned into face fucks.

Mr. Key’s tongue pressed wildly inside her pussy. Izzys pussy squirted time after time he dug at her clit. Like a dog Mr. Key lapped up the juices squirted at him and within her walls. He then shook his face violently all over her wet clit and went back to work.

“Pie, your shirt is gonna be soaked stop it!!!” Izzy blurted out from the constant rush of pleasure. She had planned to say that a while ago but was caught speechless between orgasms three through five.

Mr. Key recognized his pet name but payed it no mind. No matter what she said “Pie” wasn’t going to stop. He continued to pretend he couldn’t hear Izzy’s whimpers. He only cared to taste more of her.

“God…oh please…Pie..no…wait!” Izzy begged as she tried to push his face off her sensitive slit. Her tender pussy ached from the constant pleasure.

“Pie please, we’ll never make it there on time!” Izzy sighed as she shook from the wave of the next orgasm. She thought he would never stop but he did. Stunned by the abrupt stop Izzy didn’t understand why she was being peeled off the mirror.

“You’re right honey. I’m sorry, you should finish getting dressed.” Mr. Key responded calmly while wiping his face with a nearby towel. He only wiped some of her wetness off his face. No cologne compared to smell of her cunt.

Mr. Key reluctantly released her from his ravaging grip. He knew if continued to devour Izzy their entire night would be locked away in the room. Mr. Key wanted to give Izzy the full experience. She deserved to be wined and dined before being wined and dined on. It was hard to stop though. Izzy’s naked body taunted Mr. Key as she climbed down off the counter.

“What a naughty girl you are to tease a hungry horny man. I guess I’ll have dessert sent back here tonight then?” he questioned while he wiping cum stains from his pants.

The heartbeat in his cock pounded. It was hard for him to think. His hard-on raged on under his dress slacks. Mr. Key contemplated skipping the show for a third time. Once again he decided against it; Izzy deserved a full night.

Izzy stood in-between Mr. Keys legs trying to keep the runny mess between her legs contained. Watching him watch her made waves of pleasure tingle down her pussy lips. Her pussy began to cry for his return. Izzy want to skip the show as well.

She thought about running to the bed, spreading her legs as wide as they’d go, and call him over to her tight hole. She’d rub her pink pearl and call Pie over to finish what he started. She knew if she asked him to, he’d cancel the reservations, especially if it meant he could destroy her holes sooner.

With both feet planted on the ground Izzy could see the lust raging in his eyes. Fucking now would be heaven but they both knew after a night full of teasing, fucking later would be Hell. Mr. Key pressed his lips passionately on Izzy’s, tonight would come soon enough. He went back to his spot on the bed to wait another thirty minutes before Izzy was ready. With no time left to spare the couple grabbed their tickets and things then headed out the room.

Down the elevator with their hands by their sides the pair of lovers journeyed down to their planned evening. Once on the first floor the crowded elevator dispersed and Mr. Key grabbed Izzy’s hand. He led her through the sea of shoulders out to the marbled lobby where her heels clicked and clacked across the tiles.

Mr. Key couldn’t help but to let out a smirk. Everyone was staring at the girl he pulled along. Izzy felt all the eyes searching up and down her body. She wondered “why all the stares?”

Was it because of their contrasting skin colors, the obvious age gap, or was it just because her damn good looks? The dress she wore was glorious but the bomb ass body she banged out in the gym all semester long was better. Izzy didn’t give a damn what the reason for all the sudden stares.

So far this was the best date she’d ever had and it hadn’t even started yet. She proudly walked across the lobby hand in hand with her newfound lover. No one else could have mattered in that moment. Mr. Key was honored to offer his help in making that moment. Izzy was thankful he’d agreed to fulfill her wish miles away from any familiar faces. Here they made the world their playground.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/a7i0yk/izzy_mrpie_fmage_gapbestfriend_daughter