Playtime. (M/F BDSM-focused short story)

(I wrote this a couple of weeks ago and I’m only finally getting up the nerve to post it publicly. Still somewhat unsure if this is the right place for it, so I’m sorry if I’ve goofed somehow.)


Hannah’s naked body was illuminated through the dim purple light above her, and the two flickering candles placed a couple of meters away, making the shadows dance across her skin, which glistened with droplets of sweat, scented oil, and her own drool, which carelessly dribbled from her mouth, kept open by the firm plastic ball gag sitting between her teeth.

She was in somewhat of a predicament, blindfolded, gagged, her wrists bound together with heavy duty leather cuffs, and chained up above her head, pulled tight, and her legs spread an almost uncomfortable distance apart.

While her legs weren’t bound, she had to stretch her toes to keep balanced on the small wooden pedestal under each foot, standing about thirty centimeters off the ground.

Slipping off of the pedestals resulted in her hanging helplessly, squirming around in the air like a fish out of water, until she could find her footing again.

Her situation would have been easily managed, were it not for the fact that every few seconds, the sound of leather connecting with skin rung out through the room, followed quickly by a quiet yelp from Hannah as her bare ass was struck firmly with a belt.

It was impossible to prepare for, or predict when the random strikes would land, sometimes a few seconds apart, sometimes longer, even up to a minute between lashings.

Each time, it caught her by surprise, and occasionally she would lose her footing, which resulted in an immediate, harsh belting across her ass, causing her to cry out as she kicked her legs, trying to find her footing again.

On and on this had gone, being forced to keep her balance, and constantly tested to see if she could keep it.

Her ass was stinging and bruised, her jaw hurt, her arms hurt.

And her cunt dripped in excitement.

Her exposed pussy glistened in the candle light, and two or three strands of her wetness were strung between her cunt and her thighs, creating a tiny spider web of lust, on display between her spread legs.

She heard movement around her, the sound of the belt being placed down on a nearby table, and little chains clinking together. A brief moment later and her nipples were being pinched by little clamps, each having a chain that ended in a hook with a weight attached to it, and while her drool coated breasts were considered little more than a handful of fun, the weights still pulled on them, and she was almost tempted to squeeze her thighs together to apply some pressure to her needy cunt.

Gloved hands caressed her naked body, roaming up her sides, before breaking out into a brief, but unexpected tickle, causing Hannah to convulse and laugh, shaking around the weights attached to her breasts.

Her Dominant reach up around her head, unclasping the straps of the gag forced into her mouth and removing it.

Hannah stretched her jaw, closing her mouth for the first time in near an hour, and speaking her first words in just as long.

“Please may I cum?” She asked. She was desperate, her cunt ached to be touched and satisfied, but it had remained untouched the entire time, which was the cruelest thing for her so far.

“Open your mouth.” He replied.

Hannah went to speak again, but He interrupted her.

“Open your mouth.” He said again, as calm and relaxed as the first time.

Hannah knew being asked twice was already one time too many, and decided to limit her punishment by complying, opening her mouth and immediately receiving a thick dildo inserted into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat.

Straps were secured around the back of her head, and she barely breathed around the thick dildo He had pushed into her mouth.

He let her struggle to breathe for a few seconds, before twisting the plastic cock and pulling it out, releasing it from the metal ring which now served as Hannah’s gag, leaving her mouth vulnerable to Him.

He pushed her legs together, leaving her dangling in the air, before lifting her up to take the weight off of her wrists, and unhooking the chain from the cuffs around her wrists.

He lead her across the room, and she trusted Him completely, following His grip.

He lay her down on a padded leather frame, shaped to support her torso, limbs, and head, but allow easy access to her cunt.

Hannah was quickly, and tightly, strapped down, and in her new position, the weighted clamps on her nipples were now pulled to either side of her torso, however once her restraints were secured, the weights were disconnected, and instead, the end of the chain was now linked to a rope, which fed through a pulley system above her, with weights on the end of the thin rope, now tugging her nipples firmly, her bindings making it impossible to arch her back and relieve any tension.

Hannah was left to squirm and test her restraints for a minute, while the straps were adjusted accordingly, eliminating as much free movement as possible, she was soon restrained to all movement, with the exception of a centimeter of wiggle room in any direction.

A new plastic cock was inserted into her mouth, locking into the metal ring which was forcing her mouth open, filling her mouth and trapping her tongue to the bottom of her mouth, not quite large enough to stop her from breathing, but still effectively muffling any noises she would eventually make.

Flashes of colour appeared behind Hannah’s eyelids as hot wax dripped onto her skin, initially catching her by surprise as the droplet of hot liquid landed on her stomach, making her squeal and wiggle around as more droplets followed, barely seconds apart.

Her stomach muscles contracted and she tried twisting and turning in her bindings to avoid the hot wax, but it was no use, she was forced to lay there and endure it as the droplets crept up her stomach and onto her breasts, and back down again, all the way to her waist, stopping just shy of her pubic mound.

Her fingers and toes curled with each drop, and although it didn’t burn her skin, it was still hot enough to cause a second of pain- mostly due to the fact that her nerves were on high alert due to her vision being removed by the blindfold still fitting snugly to her face.

Finally the droplets of wax stopped dripping down onto her skin, and she breathed a sigh of relief as she felt the heat of the candle move away from her skin, back to the table it had been sitting on.

Hannah felt His fingertips touch the soles of her feet, ever so gently tickling, making her toes curl and her feet wiggle around, and He continued up her legs, His fingertips grazing against her skin until He reach her knees, where His hands pressed against her thighs, gently squeezing them as He grew closer to her cunt.

She felt His hot breath against her skin for a moment which seemed to last forever, before she was snapped back to reality by His teeth digging into her thigh, holding her skin in His mouth for a moment before moving her her other thigh, biting into it, too, leaving a perfect ring of teeth marks and saliva on either thigh, then catching her entirely off guard by licking upwards through the folds of her cunt, passing over her clit and forcing an animalistic moan out of her as her cunt was finally given the attention it so desperately ached for.

His tongue lingered at her clit for a few seconds, lashing against it and making her body quiver as she released a series of quiet whimpers, muffled by the dildo gag in her mouth, but still somewhat audible.

Hannah did her best to grind her cunt against His tongue, but the restraints made it impossible, and she was forced to lay there and endure the overwhelming sensation of His tongue focused entirely on her clit, keeping her trapped in a state of overstimulation until He finally moved down and let His tongue explore her soaking cunt even further.

The break from stimulation directly to her clit let her finally release the breath she hadn’t been aware she was holding until her lungs screamed for fresh oxygen.

While His tongue explored her cunt, His gloved hands squeezed her thighs, kneading and massaging them, sending electrical tingles through her thighs and cunt, amplifying her sensitivity, taking her to new heights as He pressed His mouth more firmly against her cunt, His stubble brushing against her skin.

Hannah’s eyes rolled back in her head as she whimpered, gasped, and moaned, her hands balling up into fists as His tongue and mouth sent her hurtling towards satisfaction, her back arching as much as possible, causing the leather straps to groan as she strained against them, rapidly approaching the orgasm she so desperately craved, only to be left unsatisfied as He pulled His mouth away, and instead replaced His mouth with a firm, sharp smack downwards across her cunt, causing Hannah to scream in pain and frustration, shaking and groaning in the restraints as she was left trapped on the edge of such a satisfying orgasm, interrupted by the pain stinging through her cunt and preventing her from achieving satisfaction.

“You nearly came without permission.” He said, His voice cutting through the haze of fog which had formed in her mind, vibrating through her ears and into her very core.

Hannah’s cunt still burned from the sudden slap, but also burned with a renewed desire to cum, more desperate than ever, but she knew He was right, she hadn’t been given permission to orgasm, and she knew there was no way she would until He allowed her.

For a moment, she heard nothing but her own heavy breathing and thumping heart, still trying to regain her concentration as He removed the clamps on her nipples, and sucked each one into His mouth, swirling His tongue around it and making her shiver with delight as her aching nipples were teased, making her wish she could again squeeze her thighs together to ease the tingling sensation deep inside her groin.

He pulled away again, and Hannah listened for His movement, hearing Him move across the room, and shuffle through something in the shelves.

A moment passed with silence, followed by the soft crackling of a record player needle scratching against vinyl, crackling and popping for a short few seconds, then drowned out by the mellow music starting to pour through the speakers.

He hummed along to the tune as He walked back to her, reaching under the frame and lifting a lever, causing the frame to lower to the height of His waist.

A shiver traveled up Hannah’s spine as she heard His belt unbuckle and rub against the fabric of His pants as He pulled it away from His waist, and the shuffling of fabric as He stripped Himself.

Seconds felt like hours as she waited, and finally she felt His bare skin against her thighs as He directed His cock towards her cunt, slowly pushing Himself in deeper, releasing a quiet sigh of pleasure, barely audible to Hannah over her own racing heart.

His fingers kneaded her thighs and waist as He found a rhythm, following the beat of the music still crackling in the background, and Hannah writhed in raw pleasure as He filled her.

“You may cum.” He growled, almost breathlessly, His thrusts occasionally off beat with the music, while Hannahs body convulsed as an orgasm rocked her body, her cunt quivering around His cock.

Hannah slurred out a muffled thanks, hardly able to talk through the gag or the post orgasmic haze clouding her mind as His cock continued to pound her, His hands working their way up her body, tenderly gripping her throat, leaning over her as His hips still bucked back and forth. His grip tightened, and Hannah’s delirium doubled, grinding her hips as best she can as a second orgasm shook her body.

Hannah gasped, filling her lungs with oxygen, and His grip tightened, trapping her breath in her chest during her orgasm, rocketing her into another stage of orgasmic deleriousness, holding her there briefly before releasing His grip, allowing her to empty her lungs. Her head was still spinning when she felt His cock slip from her cunt, pressing up against her and spasming as it shot hot cum onto her stomach.

He breathed heavily for a moment, before walking away, returning a matter of seconds later and gingerly wiping Hannah’s stomach clean with a wet wipe.

“That’s a good girl” He whispered in her ear, releasing the clamps on her nipples and gently suckling on them to ease the ache.

“Now let’s get you cleaned up and rested.”


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