Having sex while on the phone [FM]

So, my husband loves when I tell him stories and he’s been encouraging me to write them all down lately. Once we shared one here, he got kind of hooked on the responses and we’ve been chatting with a few couples as a response – we’re even meeting up with one girl who read something I wrote and wants to hang out.

So, because of the overwhelmingly positive response we wanted to keep going. I always wake up way before the baby so I have some time to work and shower and stuff. The last few nights I’ve been waking up to a note by the coffee maker telling me what story to write about.

This morning the note said: Tell the story about the time you had sex while on the phone!

Well, it’s happened twice, but I think he only has heard the one story about a college boyfriend and I, pretty sure he doesn’t know the other one.

When I was a freshman in college, I kind of went crazy cause I had a pretty pent up childhood and really didn’t start exploring my sexuality until the end of high school. I was drinking way too much and doing way too much mdma at the time. I have way too many stories.

Mike was a guy who hung out in the gym a lot, he was on the lacrosse team and I was on track so we were there a good amount and always crossed paths. We ended up getting coffee together a few times and chatting and texting. He was a total meat head, and to be honest kind of dumb, but he was super attractive and had an amazing body, and I was 18 and didn’t really care about anything else as I was exploring that whole side of myself.

We started hooking up pretty quickly, after the second time we got coffee we went for a long walk talking about school, he was a senior, he said goodnight and I went in my dorm. He started texting me about an hour later asking if I wanted to drink at his dorm since his roommate was away for the night. I went to his dorm in my pajamas, and an hour later I was getting fucked on his desk.

About two weeks later my roommate dropped out and I had an empty room for a while. He basically moved in and we were hooking up non stop and he was there all the time.

One morning my cellphone starts ringing non stop, I usually have it on Do Not Disturb, so it has to be family to even get through. Mike starts waking up, and we’d fallen asleep naked, half drunk, under a tiny sheet.

I look at the phone and it’s my mom. With a sudden panic, I tell him to shutup and answer.

“Hi, is everything ok?”

“Yeah, I was wondering what you wanted for Christmas? I’m just getting a list together for you and your sister.”

I look at my clock and it’s almost 10am, way later than I thought. I ask if I can call her back in a little bit, and she says she wants to put this together now so she can mark it off her list – she’s super anal about this stuff. I plug in my headphones to chat.

So, I lay back and start talking, hoping she doesn’t realize I have a boy in the room with me. Mike drapes his arm over my naked tummy and seems like he’s content to just chill.

After a few long minutes of talking about clothes and stuff she starts asking about Christmas dinner and when I’m coming home, and all of that. Mike meanwhile is now wide awake and running her fingers up and down my stomach and it’s a huge distraction. He’s just dragging his fingertips from the tip of my pubic hair up to my nipples, around and back down. And it’s SO distracting.

When he slides a finger along my wet pussy lips, I jolt and mouth STOP at him and stick my tongue out. He pulls the sheets back and I see his cock standing fully erect and he’s slowly stroking it with his left hand. I mouth NO and keep talking about mashed potatoes.

He starts kissing my tummy and hips, making loud smacking sounds, and works his way down to my pussy. As he licks and sucks on my clit, rubbing his hands over my hips, I wiggle and fake knee him in the side.

“Is everything ok there?” my mom asks.

Yep, just fine, sorry I’m cleaning and you’re on my headset.

Mike has me arching my back and fighting to pay attention. I smack the top of his head when I start to gasp a bit. I roll off the bed and keep talking to my mom. He makes a pouty face, and I stick my tongue out at him.

I’m looking out my window at the soccer field talking and I hear the bed creak. Mike is smiling and slowly walking towards me, hard cock leading the way, like he’s stalking prey. I ignore him and keep chatting.

He holds me from behind, his dick digging into my backside. I push back playfully. I set the phone down on the window sill, afraid to drop it, the earbud wires dangling up to my face. I can see two guys in the distance jogging on the field.

With one hand on my hip, he enters me from behind. While Mike’s everything is pretty large, his dick is fairly below average, but he makes up for it with stamina and effort. He’s slowly grinding deep against me, and I have to grab onto the sill to support myself.

“Oh,” I yelp.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m … cleaning. Folding clothes.”

Mike is quietly, but forcibly jackhammering away at me as my breath picks up fast and my mom is asking me how electronic gift cards work and if I like Amazon clothes.


“You like Amazon clothes?”


“What’s that noise?”

“The … I’m walking … umm. Down the laundry. HOLD!”

Without waiting for a response I push the mute button on my phone and practically scream as I orgasm and Mike cums deep inside of me. I’m panting and crumple to the floor. I take a second to catch my breath as Mike is cleaning himself off with a towel and smiling at me.

I reach up and grab my phone to unmute it and I see the mute button isn’t lit up and my heart just sinks.

“Hey, sorry.”

“You alright over there?”

Oh. My. God.

“Yeah, I was loading the dishwasher, it’s high up, sorry.”

“It sounded like you fell down or something,” she says.

My mom is pretty clueless, but not that clueless. She has sex, hell I’ve walked in on them not too long ago and she’s told me some crazy pre-dad stories. The sounds I made were unmistakable.

“I’m okay, sorry, got wobbly for a second,” I didn’t know what to say and just wanted to hang up and throw my phone across the room. I can’t imagine what she was thinking.

“You got wobbly?” Kill. Me.

“Yeah, I thought I was going to fall over.”

“Have you met any boys yet at school?”

Fucking. Kill. Me. “Yeah, one, he’s nice.” Kill. Me.

“What’s his name?”

“Mike,” he looked at me with fear in his eyes, like he was in trouble.

“I’m your mother, I have to ask, are you and Mike using protection?”

I look down at my lap. His cum is matted into my pubic hair and dripping across my thighs, “Yes, of course we are.”

There was a long pause.

“In the future, don’t answer the phone if you’re busy. Just call me back.”

Kill. Me. Now. She did hear it all.

“Ooookay.” I didn’t know what to say.

“Love you, gotta go,” she quickly hung up or died from embarrassment like I just did.

Mike thought it was hilarious. I was mortified.

Late on my wedding night, six years later, my mom asked me if I was having sex on that call. Drunk, and not caring any more about it, I told her I was. She told me she knew it! She heard everything and she was totally shocked, but she thought I was probably a virgin then and wouldn’t do that. I told her it was an accident and we proceeded to share embarrassing sex stories for the next hour to my dad’s horror.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/a79zhg/having_sex_while_on_the_phone_fm


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