The Struggle for Love (1st Person) (pt1) (Stalker/Suspense)

Hello, I dont know if this is allowed or not, but this was roleplay that I had created with a partner. Names have been changed to protect identity. It is in 1st person, so I do apologize that it probably doesnt fit the typical format. I’ll post the first bit here and if there is enough demand, I’ll post the rest. Let me know what you all thing!

The 2 main characters are my character (Jaxon) and my partners (Katrina). Text from Jaxons perspective will be in bold.

Setting: Saturday night, Michael’s Restaurant.

**I am waiting tables and a group of three women walk into the restaurant. The greeter seats you in my section.**

**”Great, I can already tell these ladies are going to get drunk and be obnoxious” I comment to Miguel, the waiter of the section next to mine, as we overlook the restaurant. “Good luck bro! This might be your last table of the night; maybe you can finish your night by getting a number” He replies. “Right” I reply sarcastically with half a smirk as I make my way over to your table.**

**”Evening ladies, my name is Jax and I will be your server for the evening. Welcome to Michael’s Restaurant. Our specials this evening are veal parmesan, smoked salmon and our cobb salad. You ladies look like you could use a drink, and we have a few drink specials as well. All our mixed drinks are $2.00 off and we have a margarita pitcher for $10. Here are some menus for you ladies, take some time to look over them and I will go get some waters to start you off with.” I innocently place my hand on your back as I lean over to pass out the menus. My hand brushes your hair as I turn to walk away.**

I did not want to do this. Summer and Autumn, the two other girls with me on this adventure, pushed me to go and try to live my life in the moment for once. “C’mon, Katrina it is just a drink. One drink. God will understand you need to live a little,” Autumn pep-talked me as we were seated. There was something in the air and it wasn’t just the smell of good food. There were lots of people in the restaurant, some alone while others had friends or significant others with them.

I was busy in my own thoughts, trying to bring myself to ‘live a little’, not paying attention to what you were saying while seating us. The sudden touch on my back made me come out of my thoughts, my eyes focused on you for a split second before I turned my attention to the menus placed in front of me. Summer blurted out after the you left, “He.. was a hottie. Katrina you gotta give him your number. I would in a heartbeat. Then I’d bend over the table-” Summer was shortly cut off with a slap on the hand by Autumn. “Fuck off, I’m going to buy Ms.I’m a good Christian girl here, a couple shots of straight vodka,” Summer shot back at Autumn. I sat there silently reading the menu.

**I get back to the waiter area to grab your waters and Miguel greets me there “how’s it looking? Any of them worth pursuing” he asks. “yeah actually all 3 of them are pretty cute, but look at that tiny blonde, she is fucking sexy. Plus I love smaller girls I bet she’s nice and tight and would be a good fuck” Miguel chuckles “haha go get it then bro”.**

**I return to your table with your waters and position myself to your right, being not so subtle about checking out your cleavage. I hand the waters around the table and mostly ignore your friends and give my attention to you. I place my hand on your back again and lean over closer to you, “Are you ready to order miss…. I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name…”**

I looked up at you with big, innocent hazel eyes. My voice came out with hesitance coated on my tone, “..Katrina. Katrina White. I’m just.. going to get a some of.. That.” I looked down at my menu, a red blush spilling upon my cheeks when I pointed at a drink on the menu. It was a beverage with a majority of Vodka in it. Summer clapped, blurting out while you were still around, “Virgin girl isn’t going to be so virgin after that kind of drink.” Autumn rolled her eyes and the two ordered their own drinks for the night. I never let my eyes leave your face subtly, watching your reactions and whatnot. Honestly, you seemed like a nice guy. Why not give you my number? I begun to ask myself while I was thinking

**”Great Katrina, I’ll go get those drinks put in for you” I hear your friends comment as I’m walking away and I turn and shoot you a smirk. I go and put your drink orders in and Miguel runs up “soooo??” “So I was right, they are getting white girl wasted, a couple fruity drinks. Wish I had a fucking roofie or something to shut her friends up though, they are kind of annoying.” Miguel chuckles and replies “Dude you cant be saying that shit too loud. But if you need someone to take one of them to the bathroom and put their dick in her mouth to shut her up, I’m your guy” I laugh “shit, I wouldnt do that to you bro, pretty sure she wouldnt stop talking even with your dick in her mouth”**

**I grab the drinks and return to the table. “Alright ladies, here are you drinks” and I pass the drinks out. “And Miss Katrina, the bartender owed me a favor, so he accidentally poured a little too much vodka in yours. You ladies enjoy. I’ll be around, so flag me down if you need anything else, otherwise I’ll come check on you in a little bit.” I turn to walk away.**

Summer and Autumn both drank their beverages quickly, they seemed to want to get wasted. I waiting a little bit before Summer finally threatened me to drink it or she’ll force it down my throat. Finally, I took a quick sip and cringed. It tasted absolutely horrible, too strong for me since it was my first drink. Autumn snorted when she saw my reaction, she was the first to get tipsy at most events involving alcohol. Since she is such a lightweight. I took another sip, but this time it was longer and after that, I wanted more. The burning in the back of my throat didn’t hurt anymore, truthfully it felt nice.

Half an hour later, Autumn and Summer were being obnoxious and loud. Disrupting peace in the restaurant as they would run back and forth to the bathroom and their seats like little girls. I just finished my drink and I was sitting there numb. I watched the two of them run around like idiots and laughed a little when Summer tripped over her own two feet. Being the determined woman I was, I wasn’t going to get completely wasted from one drink. So, I waved you over as polite as possible while drunk.

**I watch as your friends make their way back and forth to the bathroom and trip. I look over at Miguel, “Fuck dude, I told you they were going to be annoying, fucking lightweights.” “Hey at least your girl seems to be pretty chill”. I look over at your table and see you waiving me over. “Oh fuck, what now, hopefully she isnt calling me over to tell me her friend puked on the table or something”. I make my way over to your table “Hey Katrina! What can I do for you? How did that drink taste?”**

I look up at you with a flirtatious smile. “It tasted lovely after I got over the burning. Hey.. Want my number?” In some kind of Spur-of-the-moment thing, I picked up my phone and revealed my number to you without waiting for your response. Summer and Autumn were both heading for the front door, screaming bye to me as they had ended up snagging a couple of guys somehow. I stared blankly, a feeling of betrayal overcame me and I left my phone open on the table. “I.. uh.. Uhmm.. apologize for their shit,” I mumbled under my breath.

**”Hey, that would be great” I reply. “I actually have a little time off the next couple of days so maybe we can get together”. I pull out my phone and save your name and number. “Oh dont worry about your friends, we get obnoxious drunk women in here all the time. But it’s pretty rare that we get a woman like you that can actually handle her liquor like you did. Someone so petite and small and sexy…Ahem, sorry, I’m just impressed at how someone of your size handled her liquor so well. ” I shoot you a smile and wink. “Oh hey! The good news is your friends picked up the tab before they left, so they may be obnoxious, but they arent complete assholes. Anyway, Katrina, you have a good rest of your night and I’ll text you tomorrow”**

**I head back to the waiter stand and meet Miguel there “Dude I am so getting laid, she gave me her number! Fuck! What a great night, she actually seems pretty cool, so who knows, maybe she will be more than just a good fuck.” Miguel gives me a fist bump “Holy shit dude that’s awesome! I know you are off the next couple of days, so text me and let me know how it goes.”**

For the rest of the night, I drank. I drank until I thought I was going to literally die. My body was so numb I could be ran over and never feel a thing. My family had Alcoholic genes, which made me prone to want to drink more than the average person. At this point, I wouldn’t remember a thing tomorrow. After I finished drinking away my thoughts, I got up and called a cab quietly. My family is full of two things; emotional drunks and sexually aggressive drunks. When I was picked up by the cab and soon dropped off at my apartment, I began to cry. Not over anything in particular, I just cried.

The next morning, I woke up with a hangover that made me want to commit suicide. I laid in bed, holding my head in my arms and groaning. The silence of my apartment was dreadful, especially since I could hear myself groan and echo. I pulled my phone out from under my pillow and looked over it. Noticing how my phone was blown up with texts from both Autumn and Summer.

**After the restaurant closed, as was tradition all the wait staff and kitchen staff got together at the bar and had a few drinks together to end the night. I was feeling fantastic, I got your number, and I made pretty good tips that night. “A round of shots on me!” I shout as the other staff clap and cheer. “Damn did someone get laid tonight or what?” “Not yet” I chuckle. “I just had a good night, okay, dont question it!”**

**I get a little tipsy, just enough to feel good but I’m still okay to drive home. I get home and lay in bed, feeling good and thinking about you I get myself turned on. I reach down and unzip my pants and pull my cock out of my boxers. “mmmm Katrina, you want this? mmmm, yeah you do” I think about you and moan your name as I finish myself off. I clean up and lay down and go to sleep.**

**I sleep in a bit the next day since I didnt have work. I pull out my phone and have a few texts from Miguel, which I reply to and then I see your number in my phone. Oh yea, lets see what Katrina is up to. I open up my messages app and put in your number. Hey Katrina smiley Did you have a good night last night?**

It had been awhile since I woke up, I was standing in the kitchen in my underwear cooking breakfast. My cat was sitting on the counter watching my every move. The sound of birds tweeting signified I got a text. I opened my phone while chewing on some bacon I just cooked. Autumn and Summer both were asking me details about last night with some guy. Which confused me, I never remembered a guy and doing stuff with someone. I buried my fears, but they were brought back up to the surface when I read the text.

In a state of panic, I called the number. Quickly I turned off the oven and placed my plate full of bacon and pancakes on the counter next to my cat. When you answered, I suddenly blurted out without hesitation, “Who is this?” I tried to remember last night the best I could, but all I remember is Summer, Autumn and drinking. “Listen, I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what happened last night. I need to know if I ended up.. having sex.” I explained to you quickly, pacing around my house now.

**After my text I set my phone down and it immediately starts ringing. I look down and see that its you that is calling. I excitedly answer “Hey!” You immediately interrupt and ask who I am. “Katrina, its Jax, remember? From the restaurant last night.” You are speaking so fast I can barely get a word in. “Katrina, calm down, what are you talking about? What do you mean you dont know who I am or what happened last night? It’s me Jax. Did we have sex? What are you talking about, no we didnt have sex. Did your friends tell you that we had sex? Fuck, they are assholes! I promise I didnt spread some rumor to your friends that we had sex. But, I thought we hit it off pretty good last night, so I wanted to see you…What do you say?”**

“I don’t.. remember you. I apologize deeply. I just needed to make sure I didn’t lose my virginity. I would be devastated to lose it that way..” I explained, sniffling. I was panicking so much I almost started crying. My hangover and friends didn’t help either. “Im sorry.. but I don’t know if it is a good idea if we see each other. You sound like a lovely guy and I wish I could remember last night but I don’t. I hope that doesn’t upset you. I bet youll find a great girl who will blow your mind soon enough. That just.. isn’t me.” I rambled on, my guilt starting to become clear. Truly, he did seem like a nice guy but something was telling me there was a red flag. I mean, maybe it was in my head? Maybe I should give him a try. “If you can tell me what my last name is, I will see you.” I finally offered, a little worried about this.

**Confusion sets in as you speak, how could you not remember me, not remember flirting, giving me your number, it just didnt make any sense. I cant get a word in as you speak, “Katrina,… I,….. wait,…. what,….wait….Fuck, I see so many people every day, how am I supposed to remember your last name? You gave it to me! You had 2 friends, I dont remember their names, but you had friends, and you gave me your last name, I just dont remember it. wait, wait wait wait…” Your soft voice replies “Sorry, bye” “Katrina, wait, no, no , dont hang up.” Your phone cuts out as you hang up, “Fuck!” I immediately call you back and am greeted with “This number is no longer accepting calls” I slam my phone down, “She fucking blocked me!! What the fuck!!”
I pick my phone back up and call Miguel “Jaxon! My man, whats up? You already smash with that bitch or what?” “Katrina!” I shout back. “uhhh what?” he replies. “Her name is Katrina, Miguel, not bitch, not chick, not ho, its Katrina. I told you she might be more than just a good fuck, so if she starts coming around, you are going to need to treat her with some respect.” Miguel is silent on the phone. “uhhh, okay man, whatever you say, sorry. So did you hook up with Katrina or what? Tell me whats going on.” I start pacing around my apartment as I talk to Miguel on the phone. “No we didnt hook up, I dont get it, I texted her, then she called me, and she pretended she didnt know who I was, then she fucking blocked my number.” Miguel holds back but I hear him chuckle on the other end “Sorry, dude, you got played. She either gave you a fake number last night, or she woke up and realized she didnt want shit to do with you. Sorry bro, it happens to all of us” “no, no, no, NO, I did not get played. I think she is just confused. We really had something special last night, I could feel it.” “Dude, you waited on her for a couple hours, thats it, nothing special” “Oh fuck off, you wouldnt know shit. I’ll fucking show you, dont worry, I’ll get her back, she was just confused and she just needs to realize that we could have something special together” “ehhh okay Jax, and how are you going to do that?” “Dont worry about it, I’ll figure something out.” I hang up and toss my phone on the couch.**


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