[M]y Best Friend’s Wi[f]e — Part 1.5

# PART 1 IS [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/a5pz7r/my_best_friends_wife_part_1/) IF YOU MISSED IT

**For clarity:** This is Part 1 written from female Jordan’s perspective. Actually one of the reasons she and I became close is that I am also named Jordan. So when you see “Jordan” in the below, we’re thinking me, the guy who wrote Part 1. She did not want to create her own account and asked me to post this under my throwaway.

THERE WILL BE A PART 2… it has already happened… ;)


When I met Dominic I never thought my life would end up as crazy as it is. We’re married and polyamorous. So we can both see other people. Enter my husband’s best friend, Jordan. Tall, dark hair, and beautiful blue eyes-a combo I’ve always been a sucker for. He also has a relentless ability to tease people. But, on the flip side is one of the most caring and sweet people I’ve ever met. Me? I’m nothing special. Medium height, blonde, curly hair, and carrying a little bit extra. I’m a touchy type-the kind that will give you a hug after meeting you two hours ago. When Dominic and I began dating I knew who Jordan was. I didn’t realize how important he was to my new boyfriend… Until I threw him a surprise birthday party. You see, at the time, Jordan lived nearly ten hours away. I invited him and another friend near him just on a whim, thinking there was no way they’d come. But Jordan threw it together and made it down for his friends party. I think it was in that moment that I realized how much Jordan loved Dominic. After that, or maybe before, Jordan started making an effort to talk to me and get to know me. Years passed and I eventually considered him as much my friend as Dominic’s. He was there through the ups and the downs of life to support us both. I’d developed a real affection for this man… and a propensity to flirt with him. Now Dominic and I have not always been smooth sailing. We had a huge breakdown in our relationship. Polyamory was rocky and physical touch was pretty much thrown out the window for the time being. So, on that fateful game night, I was craving physical affection like no other. It also doesn’t help that alcohol makes me a little (okay, a lot) frisky. Jordan showed up late to the game night after ditching us for some chick. I mean, we’d only had this gathering planned for a month. I’d been texting him while we was driving about how frustrated I was with my limitations. I understood why, but they were still frustrating. When he finally arrived he seemed very focused on me. I propped my feet on him while playing games. Laid on him once we’d all moved to the living room. The tension I was feeling was crazy and I knew that I was going to have problems resisting. So much so I texted my friend to talk me out of it. Luckily for me, she failed. Dominic, Jordan, and I were all lounging in the living room after everyone had left or gone to bed. The boys had the couches and I was laying on the floor between them. The three of us hanging out was comfortable. Eventually Dominic gets up and goes to bed. I sit up and lay my head on the couch near Jordan, mentally urging him to touch me… and he does. He played with my hair, rubbed my neck and shoulders seemingly endlessly. I snuggled closer feeling elated at being touched. However, I wasn’t completely convinced in going much more than that with my husband’s best friend. So when he said good night, I took that chance to go to my own bed. I curled up under the blanket and feeling happy, though craving more. I get the urge to text Jordan. Just to thank him for the sweet caresses. And of course Jordan says the thing that I just could resist: “I kind of hoped you were going to lay on the couch with me for a little bit.” At that I crawled out of bed and crept down the stairs, walked gingerly to the couch and took a spot as the little spoon. I let out a sigh of contentment. Feeling Jordan pressed up against my back, his arms around me, and hands caressing up and down. I hadn’t made any decision on whether actually do anything with Jordan, but my body seemed to have made the decision for me. It relaxed at his touch, seemingly all the tensions in my body leaving. The innocent caresses soon turned to teasing caresses. He’d tease just under my waistband, and then move away. It was driving me crazy. I could feel myself getting wet, but refused to be the first person to act. If he wanted this, he would have to show me he did. Finally, he pushed his hands beyond the boundaries of my pants but avoided my sensitive areas. His teasing made me buck my hips in frustration. He pulled away, making me groan. When he did return his touch was fairy light, barely any pressure to his touch at all. I moved my hips trying to entice him further. When he finally applied enough pressure, I groaned uncontrollably. He played with my clit until I was just on the edge of orgasm. He inserts his hand in me and it finally comes. I’m basking in the pleasure that’s taken over my body. I’m moaning and grasping for anything to ground me to the real world as the pleasure coursing through my body takes me somewhere else. But Jordan’s slowing touch brings me back down. He’s back to teasing me. I never thought he’d be as relentless in physical teasing as he was verbally. He works me up to the brink and holds me there just long enough to make me crazy. I don’t know if he knew he was doing it, but it definitely added to my pleasure. Right before I’m about to go, he grabs my neck and chokes me. My body pressed up against his. Powerless to move. The orgasm hit me in a full body wave. I writhed against him until I had no more energy left. He finally released his firm grasp and exchanged a few lazy kisses. I snuggled down into a relaxed sleep. A sleep that continued the night in a dream with Jordan sweetly carrying me up to my bedroom.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/a6lyhs/my_best_friends_wife_part_15