Revenge on my high school bully [Mf] [oral] [masterbation] [spanking]

There’s a man looking over photos of young girls. Teens. 14 years old. Blondes and brunettes. Redheads. Girls with devoloping breast. Girls with small breast. Girls who looked like they were already 18. Finally, seeing the girl he wanted. Nicole. A cute brunette. Toned body from soccer. Nice developing breast. She likes to take selfies. Very confident girl in her photos.

“Finally, found you.” The man in the darkness says.

The next day. At the local coffee spot. It’s eleven am. Sunny and the coffee shop is bustling. Nicole is about to enter but is pushed backed by a random stranger with a hoodie on.

“Asshole.” She yells as she enters the establishment.

She hugs her friends and has some small talk then waits on line to order. She orders her extremely sugary and high caffeinated beverage. She looks for her wallet but it’s missing.

“No, I’m sorry. I have it. I swear. This can’t be happening again. No, no, no.” She panics.

The barista and the cashier look at her very sternly. This happening before.

“It’s okay, put it on me. “ a man who’s dressed casual in jeans and a white t shirt places a twenty dollar bill on the counter.

“Keep the change.” He smiles.

“Oh no, you don’t have to do that.” She says, but doesn’t really believe.

“It’s already done. Nicole.” Pointing to the iced drink.

“It’s my pleasure to help out. This day and age it’s not every day I can act like a prince and save a princess in distress. “ he smirks.

She blushes and shies away.

“Thank you. I’m so clumsy, this is the second time this month I’ve done that. “ upset as she talks.

“Well I’m Matthew. If your ever in trouble you can contact me.” He Pulls out a card like magic.

Nicole takes the card a bit shocked. She stares at the man as he walks away and leaves the store. Finally looking at the card.

“Matthew Houston. Consultant for any needs you have and any desires you want.” She tucks the cats into her pocket and sits down with her friends.

It’s night time and Nicole is finally home. She enters her house late cause it’s not the beat environment. Her parents are always fighting. Honestly, it scares her. He yells and can get physical. This is way she spends the whole day out. She puts down her pocket book and the bag of clothes she bought.

“Listen you bitch, I’ve had enough of this. Stop being useless. If you didn’t have such a tight ass I get rid of you. “ he yells walking into the living room. Taking a chug of a beer.

“This one too. More shit. You buy and buy. Clothes and make up. You stupid girl. Boys aren’t going to fuck you if your a slut. Especially if your body isn’t bangable. Lose some weight and go do something useful.” He sits down on the couch after staring at her.

She cry’s grabbing her stuff and running up stairs. She enters her room and just crashes onto her bed crying into her pillow. That’s where she falls asleep. Exhausted from her day. It’s still dark outside as Nicole wakes up. Shes in a daze. Her head hurts from crying. She gets up and undressed. She grabs some make up removal wipes from her desk. She turns on a small light on it. After wiping her face down, she then undressing herself. Just in her panties now. She folds her clothes and puts them in the hamper. She goes through her pockets to empty everything out. She pulls out Matthews business card. Thinking about about how sweet he was. Calling her a princess. He was older and so sweet.

“Why can’t you be my dad.” She whispered.” Thinking back to earlier that day. He was cute. Older but not ancient. Causal dressed, not trying to hard. Was he hard? Was her next thought. He was handsome and looked fit. Looked and spoke like he was a man. His arms could keep her safe from her asshole of a dad.

“You were so kind to me. Let me return the favor. “ she wIpers.

Laying down in bed she runs her fingers over her body. Her stomach to her neck and down over her breast. She pinched her nipples and lets out a moan.

“Let me be a good princess and reward my prince.” She’s touching herself with one hand as she holds the business card with the other. Her hand massages her breast and slides down to her panties. Her index finger just slowly slides between her wet lips and then she gently rubs her clit. She bites her lip letting out a moan. Now picturing holding Matthews cock in her hand. Stroking it so it’s as hard as it can be. She licks the tip. As she strokes her his shaft she just sucks the tip. Making a slurping sound each time. She takes his cock deep for the first time.

“Yes, yes, such a nice cock. Can you tell if this is my first time. Am I good at it. Yes, yes it’s tastes so nice. I’m so wet.” Nicole whispers.

Now running her clit furiously as she imagines gagging on his cock. Making him cum in her mouth. He’s manly hands groping her breast as he shouts a big load in her mouth. Nicole whimpers and holds back her scream as muah as she can as she gasps and her body shakes as her orgasm shakes her body.

“Why can’t you be my daddy.” She says as she drifts off to sleep.

Sunday. Nicole’s favorite day. She’s home alone as her dad is off drinking and cheering football. Her mom is with some other group of bitches doing their nails. All day by herself. She spends the morning eating and lounging around her room. She talks to a few friends making plans for the afternoon. It’s around 2pm. Nicole getting dressed. Putting on a skirt for a particularly warm day for fall. She’s wearing a low cut top showing off a little cleavage she has. After her three am self touching session. Nicole felt great. Very empowered. She wanted to go out and flirt. She had just finish apply makeup a bit more then normal when the doorbell rang.

“Who the hell is that.” She runs over to her parents room and looks out of the window.

“Oh my god it’s him. It’s Matthew.” She’s surprised. She cautiously walks down. Says hello.

“Hi, I’m sorry to come unannounced. I found this wallet….”

Before he finishes his sentence the door swings open as a very sexy Nicole stands in front of him.

“Oh my god where did you find it.” She says excitedly.

“Outside the coffee shop on the curb. I saw you bump into a gentleman right. Must’ve falling out and got kicked over there. “ he explains.

“Wow. Oh my god, thank you so much.” She leaps towards him and hugs him.

“You have no idea what this means.” She hugs him tightly.

“Hey, no worries. I’m just happy to help. You looked all dressed up. Where you going?” As he pandered over her outfit.

“I was going to meet some friends my parents are out right now and I love the quietness.” She says not with a bit of shyness.

“Well I’m glad you’re going out and not on your phone all day.”

Giggling. “ no I’m not one of those girls. Ummm… do you want to come in and use the rest room?” Nicole surprised by her own forward ness.

“Sure. That would be nice. “ he steps inside.

Nicole leads the way to the bathroom and Matthew steps inside after once again saying thanks. Nicole paces back and forth wondering what she’s going to do next.

Theirs a flush and water running. Then Matthew exits the rest room.

“Hey Matthew. Thank you for being so kind to me. Really. I’m I would like to pay you back in some way. Really. Unfortunately all I can do at the moment is hug you.” She spreads her arms wide.

Matthew smiles and hugs her. Nicole being shorter raises in her tippy toes and sneaks a kiss. Matthew hesitates and kisses her back. They are in a heated kiss. He lifts her up and her legs wrap around him. His hands on her face then her waist and then her ass. She grinds against him. Finally she bites his lip. And he grunts. He slams her against the wall. He lifts her arms above her and head and shoved his tongue inside her mouth.

He stops kissing her. Turning her around. He pulls her hair. She’s scared now.

“I can’t do this right now. call me later. But first . You been extremely bad. Kissing me like this. Inventing me in. I’m a stranger. So for that you find out what happens when you invite strangers inside. “ he smirks.

He lifts her shirt up and starts spanking her. One cheek then the other. Pulling her hair

Whispering in her ear. “If I had time I would rip this red thing off if you and I make you taste yourself on it.

Nicole is training up a bit from each spank. She’s also the most aroused she’s ever been. After ten spanks he stops.

“Have you learn your lesson?” He asks.

“Yes sir. I have.” Shes out of breath. She whispers it barely able to talk.

“Have a nice day. Enjoy yourself. Definitely call me later.” He tells hers.

She nods her head in a daze. She slips against the wall and watches him leave. After pulling herself together she master bates and cums with a growl that she never knew she could do.

“Matthew, your my daddy.”

to be continued…
