A security check at the convention [FM]

It’s been a busy time for me, so I’ve only just had time to write about my latest convention experience, at my last convention of the year a couple of weeks ago. It was actually an event I’d entirely forgotten about for a while, until a friend messaged to remind me that it was on and ask if I was going. As it turns out, she had room to spare in her hotel room as nobody else she knows was going, so I took her up on her offer of sharing to make things cheap and arranged to travel over to the weekend event by train.

I arrived nice and early on the Friday – too early in fact, as my friend was held up so I had to wait what seemed like forever before she arrived to check us in, which led to a fun evening of catching up over a few drinks. While doing this, of course I couldn’t resist pulling out my phone and swiping through Tinder as is my habit these days.

My most interesting match was a guy in his early 50s, who say I was attending the convention and informed me that he was working as overnight security staff for the event’s hall all weekend. Given that he was bored keeping watch over an empty hall, we chatted quite a lot online throughout the evening, and by the time I called it a night and went to bed I already had a plan lined up for the following day.

After breakfast the next day, I took my time changing into the day’s cosplay – Chitoge from Nisekoi ([https://imgur.com/ww7Nzw6](https://imgur.com/ww7Nzw6)), wearing a blonde wig with a red ribbon in it, short-sleeved white and light blue blouse with a neck tie, short blue skirt and black thigh high socks with simple shoes. This matched my friend’s Onodera outfit (yes, she’s featured in some of my previous stories but was on her best behaviour this weekend), which proved to be a pretty popular combination during the day as we were stopped for photos and by people wanting to chat with us plenty of times. That aside, it was a very easy-going and uneventful day, which made for something of a pleasant change from the chaos of some of the busier events.

Not too long after leaving the event floor early that evening, I got a message from my Tinder match telling me that he was starting his shift soon, and we kept in touch as me and my friend stopped off for food and returned to my hotel room to chill out, with neither of us in the mood to take off our cosplay just yet (although I also had other reasons for keeping mine on)…

By about 8PM, the online chatter between me and my match had reached its peak, and the coast around the event hall was apparently clear, so after being told what outside entrance he was in charge of guarding I made my excuses to my friend – getting a knowing nod from her, as she clearly figured what I was up to – grabbed my bag and set out off out of the hotel.

It was quite a cold night, especially for wearing a short skirt and short-sleeved top, so between that and my nervous excitement I walked quickly and – after almost getting lost – I eventually saw the large sign showing the entrance I was looking for. After sending my match a message, I soon saw a small door open close to the sign, and a balding head peered out. Spotting me, he stepped out and waved me over. Once I was at the door, we exchanged hellos, and while looking me up and down he told me in his somewhat thick regional accent in no uncertain terms how much he liked how I looked in my cosplay, causing m to blush and giggle while I thanked him.

We continued to stand outside making small talk about the event and how I’d found it, how boring he’d found guarding the hall last night, and what movies he’d watched on the laptop he’d brought with him to pass the time. With the chatter running out, and me standing there with arms folded and practically stamping my feet to keep warm (I should have worn a coat, but didn’t want to spoil the effect of arriving in cosplay!), he took the opportunity to ask me straight: “So did you want to come into the warm and have a bit of fun?”

“Uh-huh” was my quiet reply as my throat went dry and butterflies floated up in my stomach, as he smiled, holding the door open for me and beckoning me in. Once inside, he carefully shepherded me to the left, and a very short walk along the wall, before turning through another door and inwards towards a stairwell. “I’ve worked here loads of times, I know where the cameras and the other lads are” he explained, “we won’t be disturbed here” as we stopped here. “Sorry it’s not very glamorous though” he added as he saw me glancing around the nondescript area we were stood in.

He looked visibly relieved as I told him I didn’t mind (in fact, there was something exciting about meeting illicitly here after the show was closed). “That’s good” he told me, “I’ve been thinking about what might be under that little skirt all day. Don’t think I got any sleep!” Giggling, I asked if he wanted to see, to which he responded in the affirmative of course, and so I coyly took the hem of my skirt in my hands and slowly lifted it up until my knickers came into view. He started speechless at the white cotton fabric covering my pussy for what seemed like a long time, before he finally chimed in, while pointing, “Want to sit yourself down on those stairs?”

Moving over to the stairwell itself and knowing what he probably had in mind, I placed my bag down before I sat myself down a few stairs up. He duly followed, moving over and kneeling on the first step before beckoning my down a little closer. I shuffled down one step and could almost hear the excitement in his breathing as he placed his hands on my knees, touching me properly for the first time. “I love your legs in these black socks” he commented, running his hands up and down them for a while before letting them drift higher – first to my bare thighs, which caused us both to sigh, and then under my skirt. His hands rubbed up and down the outside of my legs for a while, before smoothly moving inside of them so that he could gently part my legs and open them up to him. Pushing my skirt up, I gasped as he kissed my inner thighs. He teased me for a moment, but not for long before I felt those kisses move over the fabric of my underwear, feeling his tongue pressing against me through the cotton.

Again, this didn’t last for long – one of his hands reached up to take a whole of the material covering my crotch to pull it to one side, and I lifted my hips slightly to help him move it out of the way. Now exposed to him, he couldn’t resist tasting me for the first time with long licks of his tongue that made me shudder as he first made contact with my pussy. After a spell of kissing and lapping at me, he went to work properly, exploring and finding my clit and focusing his tongue there as I began to moan quietly.

Pulling his lips away for a moment, he asked “mind if I use fingers?” I told him that was fine, and quickly felt a finger running up and down my wet slit before carefully pushing inside me. I sighed and moaned a little more as he began to move it in and out, and again when he added a second finger. He was slow and methodical in his exploration with his fingers, and I enjoyed the feeling of them inside me, while he watched my face as he fingered me a little faster, occasionally allowing his thumb to brush over my clit.

Eventually though, his head returned between my open legs, and this time he redoubled his efforts on my clit with his tongue while his hands stroked my thighs, held my hips, or groped at my breasts through my top. He pressed his head further between my legs as he worked harder at getting me off, his tongue pressing hard against my clit as it flicked and stimulated my pleasure centre. It was doing the trick too – I was breathing hard now, moaning more regularly, and clawing with my hands for something to hold in the wake of the stimulation. I could only hold off for so long before surrendering myself to an orgasm, involuntarily squeezing his head between my thighs as I arched my back and moaned loudly (not too loudly in this echoing stairwell, I hoped) while I came. He kept up his efforts on my clit until I couldn’t take any more, and I had to push him away, breathing heavily and no doubt flushed. “You liked that then?” he asked with a grin, “Do I get a turn now?” Give me a second, I asked him between breaths, realising that how cold I was outside was now a distant memory even in this far from warm passage.

After giving me a brief moment to recover, he was soon unzipping his black trousers, and rummaging in his briefs to produce his erection – it was about average, but very much ready for attention. “Do you want to scoot a bit closer?” he asked, and so I moved down a couple of steps until I was face-to-face with his cock. At this point he stepped closer to me, and after reaching out to take his penis into my hand, it was an easy matter for me to lean forward and let most of its length slide into my mouth. He moaned in utter enjoyment as my lips closed around his cock and my tongue flicked around it, and I didn’t waste any time before starting to bob my head, sucking and licking as I went to work on him.

Given his relatively loud initial reactions to my work I was expecting him to cum quickly and for that to be the end of it, but that wasn’t the case – I wasn’t sure whether I wasn’t doing a good job or if he was just someone who didn’t cum that easily from a blowjob. Either way, I felt like I spent a long time sucking, licking and trying to find the spots and techniques that brought the most reaction from him. Eventually, my focus was interrupted by his voice: “You want me to finish like this, or do you want me inside you?”

I don’t recall actually verbally answering his question – all I remember was pulling my head away from his member, standing up and moving over to open up my bag and fish out a condom before handing it to him. “I thought you might” he responded with another grin as he took the condom from me, directing me to bend over and get comfortable. Standing at the bottom of the stairs, I leaned forward and found the most comfortable step to put my hands on, while I heard him tearing condom packet and waited for him to move into place behind me. It wasn’t long before I felt his hands on my legs, pushing upwards to flip up my skirt. This time his hands grasped the waistband of my knickers, pulling them quickly and easily down to my knees to expose myself to him. After massaging my buttocks for a moment, I felt his fingers reach out to trace my pussy lips – “You’re still so wet” he exclaimed, before shuffling up behind me and asking me to open my legs wider.

At last, I felt his cock against my entrance, and after a brief pause he sank partway inside me as we both groaned in unison. After another pause, I felt him pull out, then slide more fully into me, and after a few strokes he was comfortable inside me. I could soon feel and hear him moving easily in and out of my wet pussy with slow, deliberate movements, each one of which brought a sigh or a small moan from me. It didn’t take long for those movements to become faster and harder, and he was soon immersed in fucking me, my moans coming consistently as his body slapped against me.

Our breathing, moans and slapping sounds were all that could be hear in the passageway for the next 5 minutes or so, as he concentrated on fucking me while he gripped my hips, and I focused on the sensations of his cock stimulating me as he fucked me. I was still some way off any semblance of an orgasm when I heard him gasp “Do you want my cum in your mouth?” At that moment, I didn’t want to forgo the experience of him inside me, so told him to carry on until he came. This was his cue to fuck me harder – I felt his grip on my hips tighten, and his thrusts speed up, before he fucked me faster still as his breathing came in gasps while I moaned every time his cock pushed into me. His gasps soon turned to moans as he came inside the condom until he was spent, stopping his thrusting and then pulling out, still panting as his cock softened.

He found the breath for some expletives and complements as he tore off the condom and I pulled up my knickers, and we stood in the stairwell wordlessly for a while before he quipped that he should probably get back to work and that my friend would be wondering where I was. Agreeing, he cautiously opened the door out into the hall and took a look around, before beckoning me out on the same route we entered, opening the outside door and letting me out with a wave and a thank you.

I returned to my hotel room quickly, feeling warm and flushed in the cold night – in fact, my flushed face was commented on slyly by my friend, smiling slyly as she said “Was it nice out there?” “Yeah, quite cold, although I managed to stay pretty warm somehow” was my reaction, unable to hide my grin in response. Nothing more was said, or needed to be said. I was hoping the security guard might be staying on for the following evening, but as the show was all packed up he was no longer required – maybe they’ll hire him for the next event I go to though?…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/a4p4d0/a_security_check_at_the_convention_fm


  1. My goodness, Elle. Come to a convention close by so we can sneak off and be naughty.

  2. I’m a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

    – [/r/u_297257006] [A security check at the convention [FM]](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_297257006/comments/a4tl1e/a_security_check_at_the_convention_fm/)

     *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don’t vote in the other threads.) ^([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*

  3. That was very erotic. The possibility of getting caught in the stairwell must have added to the excitement. Thank you for sharing. :)

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