Revenge Fuck with [M]y Ex’s Best [F]riend on Her Desk
This got longer than I expected but I wanted to do justice to one of the most satisfying fucks of my life.
College was for me, as I’m sure it is for so many people, the best time of my life. Now I do very high-pressure high-stress work and it has left me reflecting a little on just how good some of those college times were.
My Junior year of college had some particularly fun times especially, as it was the year I felt like I finally came into my own, and started feeling truly comfortable in who I was. It was a year of hard partying, my college was a particularly party-heavy school, so my weekends were spent assembling my stereotypical college collection of empty handles, and broadening my horizons experimenting with hallucinogens and other fun substances, just some hippy degenerate stuff really but I loved it.
I’d also spent the summer before the year started really trying to transform my look. I’d always had a body-type generous women might describe as toned, but other (less-kind) people would call scrawny. I did a lot of running and played plenty of soccer so I always had great cardio, but for most of my life I looked like a stiff breeze might blow me over. The summer before that year started I decided that I was finally sick of feeling insecure about it. I started lifting and going bouldering a lot, and mainlining protein powder like the world’s healthiest junkie. I’d started working out at the tail end of my sophomore year, but it really started to pay dividends in July-August, and when school kicked back off in September I had managed to cultivate a real climbers body, complete with a six-pack, and I was feeling great. I rewarded myself with a chest tattoo, and for the first time in my life was really getting compliments on my appearance.
I am six-feet tall on the dot, and at the time had long curly dark hair. I’ve got a decent set of tattoos, and in college was really going for more of that tattoo’d crunchy hippy vibe. Also I know it is a stereotype of gonewildstories posts, but my dick is pretty solidly above average. Length is better than most but nothing that really wows, but I’m about 6 inches around in circumference at the thickest, so for all my previous insecurities that didn’t have to be one of them. With some muscle on my frame finally and an actually enjoyable workout in bouldering, I was loving life.
Nobody was seemingly more into the “new-me” than my girlfriend at the time, Jenna. We’d been dating for about two years when this story takes place. She was about 5’7, fiercely red hair down to her waist and striking green eyes. They lit up her face, and like so many redheads, she was a loud, extroverted, life-of-the-party type girl. She ran in a lot of different groups at our college, hopping from friends to friends, sometimes leaving burned bridges in her wake. She had a nice body, a little on the stocky side, but I was all wrapped up in her hair and laugh and was more than happy to try to drag her away from any party to bed at the end of the night. Her best friend that year was a sophomore named Kristen, a petite 5’1 girl, who mostly tagged along, piggybacking of Jenna’s active social life, she was a little quieter, but had a quick wit and an even sharper tongue, and after she’d slashed you with it she’d smirk and do her best to look doe-eyed and innocent. Jenna always complained that Kristen was half her size but had bigger tits. She also did a lot of climbing and had the perfect climber-girl ass, toned and firm, which when she’d been drinking she loved to brag about, and at any given party she’d likely be rocking some form-fitting outfit.
Most weekends us three would wrap in our other friend groups and drink, dance, and otherwise waste away the hours, but that year Jenna started to become more possessive of me. She’d always been a little insecure, as despite the pretty face and red hair, she worried about being a little flat-chested and not having the most toned ass. I’d always tried to reassure her I was super into her, and I was, but as the semester went on she got more and more grabby with me at parties interrupting my conversations, or alternatively instead going off on her own to have flirty conversations and then pretending nothing had happened. I’d started to get fed up with it and complained to Kristen about it, who promised she’d talk to Jenna about it and rein her in.
So imagine my surprise when I walked in on Jenna half-naked on top of some random dude in her dorm. I got a lot of “it isn’t what you think” and “it didn’t mean anything” and “I didn’t even suck his dick”, and I wish I could say that I handled it with grace, deleted Facebook, and hit the gym, but I was heartbroken. It was my first real relationship and my first time being cheated on, and I spent some good time wallowing, smashed some bottles with bros, did some weird drugs, blocked her number, and after a bit managed to convince myself it was for the best.
But part of me was still so pissed, I’d finally improved myself, gotten better looking and more confident, and that was when she decided to cheat on me? All our mutual friends were obviously on my side, and she sent me tons of messages about how sorry she was, but it wasn’t enough, I was still mad.
But still, when Kristen texted me few weeks later to ask “how’re you holding up?” I didn’t think anything of it. We chatted for a little bit and she told me she had some of my stuff to bring back so I told her to swing through my dorm. A few minutes later there was a knock on my door and I opened it to see her lugging a big duffel bag.
“Oh my god you look ridiculous, isn’t this a little dramatic?” I asked.
“Well you know Jenna can be a little on the dramatic side” and she tossed the bag into the doorway with a resounding thump.
“How much shit could you have possibly left in her room?”
“Alright don’t give me that, just come in while I sort through and see if all of this is even mine.”
I dragged the bag into the living room where my roommates were watching Game of Thrones, and they gave me an inquisitive look, so I decided better to not dig through my literal dirty laundry in the middle of an episode. I gestured to Kristen to come to my room and we settled into my futon as I unzipped the bag. Inside were a whole host of clothes which I pulled out, a deflated air-mattress I kept stored under Jenna’s bed for when her sister came to visit, some other random shit, and a little black Victoria’s secret pouch.
“What’s that, your drug baggie?” Kristen giggled and grabbed it out of the duffel. “I didn’t know you had a Victoria’s Secret streak.” I powered through her mocking and snatched it.
“Well you’d better give that back to her but I guess I’ll take the contents.”
I quickly unzipped it and dumped out a pile of condoms, lube, and a pair of fuzzy handcuffs.
Kristen scoffed and grabbed a condom off the top of the pile. “Wow high opinion of yourself Mr. Magnum XL huh?”
I wasn’t really in the mood to banter, and I was thinking about how Jenna must’ve thought this was such a dramatic gesture, sending me back our sex stuff, so I must’ve looked a little irritated as I stood up with all the sex-crap and swept the pile into a drawer.
Kristen followed me and touched my shoulder “Hey, sorry. I don’t mean to be a bitch, I just kinda miss our verbal spars, you know?”
“Don’t try that sweet and innocent act on me now, I know you’re not a softie.” I smirked at her and she grinned back at me, before putting both her hands on my chest and shoving me back. I stumbled a bit and she laughed.
“Well I’m glad just cause some bitch cheated on you you aren’t totally boring now.” She chirped and stuck her tongue out, but I just raised an eyebrow.
“Alright Jenna has been a total pain since you guys broke up, she just wants to mope and act like the victim even though she’s the one that cheated, I’m getting sick of having to make CVS runs for wine and tissues.” She plopped back down onto the futon and sighed.
“Well I’m sure she appreciates you being her friend right now.” Kristen rolled her eyes.
“OK but yeah, you should’ve known Jenna leads a drama heavy lifestyle, just now she vents to you and not me.” At that Kristen laughed.
We shot the shit for a little while longer before I needed to run, she gave me a hug goodbye, and then ran off. I still didn’t have any untoward thoughts at the time, other than feeling a little vindicated that Jenna was pissing other people off as much as she had me, until later that night when Kristen texted me:
“Hey it was fun hanging out, I’ve missed having someone to insult around.”
I shot back “So sorry to have spoiled our relationship too, no big loss for you though, I’m boring now. Just lounging around in my pajamas drinking in my room.”
She didn’t respond for a bit and I figured that that was it, but then I got a Snapchat notification. I opened it up to a picture of her lying in bed, in a big billowy shirt. She was on her back with a wine bottle next to her, with the caption “nothing wrong with drinking in pajamas.”
— Now as an aside, I had just gotten out of my first real relationship, and prior to that had mostly done the high-school fling-thing, so I didn’t have a ton of experience reading the signs. Also I had only recently felt good-looking enough for women to go out of their way to hit on rather than me having to pursue, so just forgive how slow on the uptake I am. —
I snapped back a video of me taking a pull of my Gentlemen Jack (I know I know go ahead and judge me) and she responded quickly with a video of her sipping wine, with her decidedly un-pajama’d legs peeking out from under her sleep shirt.
And then I thought, ITS NICE THAT WE’RE FRIENDS STILL, turned on Dark Souls, got tipsy and went to sleep. Yup, really at my best and brightest. Fucking idiot.
I rolled out of bed the next morning, with the stench of whiskey heavy on my breath, and saw a Snapchat waiting for me from Kristen sent at 2:30am. It was her on her stomach in bed, the wine bottle empty, captioned “wine all gone and now I’m bored” with an obligatory winky face emoji. Her shirt was falling haphazardly a bit and damn if in those 5 seconds I didn’t catch her ass rising perfectly into frame in the background. Then the snap expired, my morning wood really kicked in, and all at once I realized what was happening.
It was a Friday and I spent the day drinking with friends, went to the gym, then did standard stuff till the evening rolled around. As every Friday at my party school, when 8PM rolled around we all started to get ready to go pregame wherever, and taking a few pre-pregame shots. I jumped in the shower, got out with my hair wet to go for my best ‘Long-haired Thor look’ which I definitely can’t pull off, threw a shirt half on and unbuttoned so my chest tattoo was showing, and sent her back a snap.
“Hey if you’re still bored from last night I promise tonight I can keep you entertained.”
Within a minute she’d responded, it was her in a figure-hugging dress “no pajamas tonight so my standards are higher.” I swore she was pushing her tits together for the shot. We kept sending snaps and texts sporadically during the night, but I got wrapped up in friends and beer games for a bit. Finally I looked at my phone and saw a text.
“Help Jenna is being a total bitch and I’m done dealing with it tonight.”
I shot back right away “Let me rescue you!”
She told me where she was partying and I walked over quickly and texted her I was outside. She came down to meet me and skipped over to where I was standing outside the dorm.
“Promise you wont bore me?”
“I think I can handle you.”
She smirked, and leaned in for a hug. Feeling the burn of the liquor in my veins, and with the memories of her ass arching up into the air in her bed, I reached down and cupped her chin. She looked up at me, doe-eyed and innocent, and I ran my hand up her jaw around to the nape of her neck, grabbed a handful of her hair, and slowly tightened my grip. My other hand ran down her side to resting right on her waist, steadily running around to the small of her back. Her innocent look transformed and her eyes went heavy, she let out a soft gasp and I pulled her into an aggressive kiss.
My hand on her back pushed lower, running up under her dress, till I had a handful of her perfect ass. I squeezed it aggressively and pushed her back into the wall, before I broke free from the kiss. She tasted sweet and a little syrupy, like some fluorescent vodka, and I gave her ass a satisfying smack as I pulled away.
“Evening entertainment to your liking?”
For once she didn’t have a response and I smirked triumphantly, before she reached up, grabbed my face, and pulled me down, where she sunk her teeth into my neck. Then she playfully slapped my face and whispered in my ear.
“Don’t get too cocky yet.”
We made out for a while longer, hungrily against the outside of the dorm, before we figured out we needed somewhere to go. Unfortunately I realized that my dorm room was chock-full of partying juniors because we were hosting for the evening, and her roommate’s brother was in town so her place was a no-go too. My mind was racing with that special horny ingenuity when I realized.
“You know, I just thought of the perfect place…”
“Shut up and take me.”
We half-walked half-jogged towards the academic side of campus, with me dragging Kristen by the hand, stopping every few buildings to run our hands over the other persons body and tug at each others clothing, before refocusing. Finally, we arrived outside the Life Sciences building.
The Life Sciences were a flagship program at our college and as a result had all the fanciest equipment and nicest classrooms. They were always locked to keep out debaucherous students like myself, but luckily, I had an in. The best students got their own study rooms with 24 hour access with a key card, which I just so happened to have. I got us in and quickly guided Kristen down the corridors and staircases to the study spaces. Once we got to that floor she realized.
“Oh my god, you didn’t.” This time I really grinned and gave her ass another forceful spank.
“What? You did say she was being a bitch lately.”
You see, I wasn’t a life sciences student, but Jenna was, and a pretty successful one at that. Good enough to have her own little study room, which I happened to still have a key card to.
I opened the door and gestured grandly for her to come in. It was a little windowless room with a cushioned rolling chair, and a big heavy wooden desk. Kristen looked at me a little apprehensively, but I stepped forward and kissed her again. As she pressed into me I pulled her into the room and closed the door. Hearing the door slam closed and the lock catch, I paused.
“Hey. No pressure of course.” I stepped back and rested my palms on the desk, leaning away from her. “I want you to feel comfortable.”
“Shut the fuck up” and we were back at it.
My hand immediately went to the zipper of her dress, which I practically tore of her once it was down. She stepped out and looked absolutely stunning in matching baby-blue lingerie. Her body was petite, but still so curvy, I ran my hand along her sides admiring the incredible ratio from chest to waist to hips. Fuck she was soft. Fuck I needed to fuck this girl. I reached down and grabbed her under her ass and picked her up bodily. I spun her around and pushed her back onto the desk and she giggled as papers scattered about.
She was just small enough and the desk just deep enough that she could lean all the way back. I pushed her down onto the wood and kissed her, trapping her body between me and the desk. Slowly, I kissed my way down her body, lingering and tracing it with my hands. I wanted her to ache so badly for me to get to her pussy, I gingerly traced around her panties with my fingers, tugging ever-so-slowly down over her hips, before finally I knelt in front of her, and delicately let my tongue run around her. She squirmed and her fingers were taught in my hair, her breath panting loudly in the enclosed space. When I finally let me tongue press against her, and let my fingers push into her she gasped. I kept building and building the pressure my tongue put on her clit, probing harder against her g-spot, letting my hands grip her tits and ass more roughly, wanting her to feel the intensity. Finally she started to buck beneath me before she roughly pulled my head up and kissed me, hungrily pushing her tongue into my mouth and tasting herself.
“I want to cum when you’re fucking me” She managed to pant out, and she sat up and angrily clawed at my pants.
I quickly unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down around my ankles, not having time to take my shoes off I just let them bunch there as she yanked my boxer briefs free. She wrapped one hand around it and marveled at how her fingers barely touched.
“Gonna make fun of my Magnum’s now huh?” she smiled back greedily.
Even when I was most insecure about my skinny-ness, I could always take comfort in the fact that I had a thick cock. She spit on her hand and rubbed it up and down my dick slowly, and I did the same. Then I pushed her back onto her back before grabbing both her legs and tucking them over one of my shoulders, wrapping my arm around them, and folding her back so she was pinned beneath me.
Slowly, I pressed the head of my cock into her, steadily pushing deeper and deeper, every inch or so abruptly pulling back again, before next getting deeper still. She started to moan out.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.” Softly and breathily.
Finally I pushed as deep as I could go and flexed fully, burying myself in her incredibly tight pussy, feeling her whole body convulse underneath me.
“Oh my god oh my god just stay like that fuck fuck.” I gave her a second to collect herself, and then began to hammer myself into her.
I pounded harder and harder as the desk shook. I could see Jenna’s papers and books shaking around us as Kristen’s wetness dripped onto the desk. She reached out and braced herself against anything she could grab as her moaning got louder and louder. She then suddenly snapped up, and grabbed my head, her fingernails digging deep scratches into my neck and then down my back.
“Don’t stop baby oh my god I’m gonna cum fuck fuck fuck” She practically squeaked out, as if the words could barely escape from inside her, before she clasped both hands over her mouth as she screamed with her orgasm. I pushed myself as deep as I could possibly go and pressed against her clit with all my might, feeling wave after wave clamp down on my cock, it took all my focus not to bust deep inside her, but I couldn’t be finished yet.
I barely gave her time to collect herself before I pulled her body off the desk and flipped her around. She stuck her ass up and I spanked her full force, leaving a bright red hand print, and she yelped before pushing back against me again. Seeing the jiggle of her perfect ass was almost too much for me, and I grabbed a hold of her hair in one hand before angrily pushing into her again. This time I could be even rougher, and watching her ass shake with every thrust I was consumed by the knowledge that I was fucking Jenna’s best friend, Jenna’s hotter best friend, Jenna’s hotter best friend that made her insecure and I was fucking her on Jenna’s desk, and she was begging me to fuck her harder and spank her and moaning that she was going to cum on my cock again. The moment was such ecstasy, I stopped thrusting for an instant feeling like I was close, and Kristen turned back and looked at me desperately.
“Fuck me rougher I want you to cum on my ass.”
I didn’t need to be told twice, and I went back to pounding her like my life depended on it. Hearing her say that was enough that a few thrusts later I bent over her and groaned in her ear how close I was.
“Fuck me baby I’m gonna cum again fuck.”
Knowing I couldn’t last much longer I reached around and pressed my fingers into her clit while I fucked her, grasping at her swinging tits with my other hand, mashing our two sweaty bodies together as close as I possibly could, and when I felt her shake with ecstasy again I buried myself deep for an instant, before pulling out and spraying rope upon rope on ass and up her back, with some stray shots spewing out across the desk.
I collapsed back onto the chair exhausted, my legs weak, and Kristen’s legs gave out too and she sank onto the floor. We just sat there for a few minutes gasping for breath, the tiny room sticky with our sweat, the smell of sex and alcohol filling the air. Finally, she broke the silence.
“So, we’re kinda bad people huh?”
“Yeah… worth it though, right?”
“Fuck yes… Can you get me some paper towels?”
Awesome story. Nothing better than a girl you can banter with in public and fuck in private
What an awesome story. Was this only a one off with Kristen? Would like to read more. :)
I went into the house where I used to live before my first divorce; ex was out of town with kids. Fucked my GF on the kitchen table everyone used every day. That table is now is her house with her new husband. Sweet, sweet justice.
Is there going to be more of you and Kristen? I would love to read more
very hot story
Ok Fantastic story! We need a little update. Did you two ride off into the sunset or what?
You’re a really good writer, and set a hot fucking scene.
That was hot and well written
damn.. that was hot and you sound hot as well :D
Gonna need more of Kristen.
I just wrote this up kind of on a whim as a break from my crazy work shit, glad it got a warm reception!
Since people seem to like it I’ll try to write up another one or two Kristen stories when I get the time, and if people enjoy my writing style I’ve had some other fun times that might be worth sharing.
I feel like if you’re going to make multiple references to your giant cock, you should at least post proof lol.
!remindme 2.5 days
V hot. V hot indeed
!RemindMe 3 months
Love your story! Makes me wish I was the best friend! :)
Did you ever cum inside her?
Ah, the old “I didn’t even suck his dick” routine.
Just curious, how do you drink with your friends and then go hit the gym.