The Christmas Present – Part 2 [F-solo]

As her present buzzed into life she was positively surprised. It wasn’t giving off the obnoxiously loud rumble she had expected, but rather a soft barely audible hum. The source of this sound was however far less tame than it might have suggested. Even holding the base, the vibrations traveled down her entire hand and into her wrists. Her eyes widened slightly at this intensity. The warmth in her stomach grew at even just the imagination of what sensations this kind of stimulation might cause. Curious as ever she pressed the button on the base again… and again. She discovered that what she had been greeted with was but the low setting and that two presses conjured up the maximum intensity her present was capable of. This setting set tremors far past her wrist, her entire arm tingling and shaking. The warmth moved a few inches south. She swallowed hard, wondering how long she would be able to bear this level of stimulation.

After staring wide eyed at the buzzing object in her hand for a few moments, she took a deep breath. “Come on, just how intense can it be!?” She mumbled to herself. Nevertheless she pressed the button once more, to return it to its more docile, lowest setting. Pulling her covers up to her chest, she shuffled down until she was lying flat on her back. Her eyes closed. Then, slowly, almost cautiously, her hand holding the present delved under the sheets. Slightly parting her legs, she slid the vibrating tip between her thighs and lightly rested it against the crotch of her sweat-pants. As soon as the soft purple silicone made contact with the fabric, stretched tight over her lips, she gasped and her eyes opened wide. “Oh… my…” Another gasp. The sensations were unbelievable. As if she had poured oil on the embers that investigating her present had awoken in her stomach, her entire body was set alight by a fire. Tingles radiated outwards from the small point of contact all the way to her belly.

All of the sudden her breaths seemed insufficient to fill her lungs with air and she began to gasp. Her heart followed suit, picking up its pace and pounding against her chest as if it wished to escape. Within less than a minute she felt the familiar tightness in her chest telling her that under her shirt, her peaks stood stiff atop her mounds, aching for Alex’s lips. As that thought entered her mind, the giver of the present that was affecting her so profoundly came to her mind and she smiled. Reluctantly she removed the tip from where it was doing so much good and placed the purple wonder next to herself on the mattress. A quick shuffle and her sweat pants were pushed down to her ankles; she was feeling to lazy, or more likely too impatient, to completely take them off. She didn’t bother to check whether their crotch had grown damp, the sensations between her thighs left no doubt about that.

Eagerly she grabbed hold of her present again and slowly eased the shaft between her legs again, laying it first lengthwise along her lips. The sensations returned immediately and even stronger than before. As did the gasps, which quickly grew louder and more rapid. She closed her eyes and cast her mind back to that days morning. As the tingles spread and grew in intensity, she recalled waking up, feeling Alex’s lips on her neck, his hand stealing under the sheets and between her thighs. The faint buzzing faded away and she could hear her giggles from only a few hours ago, as his hand woke her as well as his present had, even through her pants. The tingling reached her peaks and waves began to emanate from under her belly button. Her gasps quickened and she conjured up the moment she had knelt on the bed in front of him after having told him to get up. How she’d removed his boxers and freed the one part of him she was a complete slave to. She pressed harder against her lips, twitching slightly as the waves began to develop sharp crests, the shock of which she could feel down to her toes. In her mind she was looking up at her lover as she took him into her mouth, his hands in her hair, slowly, gently coaxing him towards the biggest he could be.

As the scene was playing out in her mind, she began to feel the tightening knot in her stomach she was all too familiar with. It suddenly occurred to her that she was climbing up that delicious mountain far quicker than she normally could when she was on her own. Taking a deep breath she recalled being thrown on her back, Alex climbing on top of her, her legs parting to give him access to her. Without realizing, her body mimicked every motion, her pelvis tilting up to meet him, though her wasn’t there. Now fully playing the part of her boyfriend with his present in her hand, she relived how he had slowly found his way to her entrance. Her hand guided the tip accordingly. As he let his weight push himself into her in her mind, she gently eased her gift along the same path. Though she had vowed to stay quiet, without any chance of holding it back, a single almost desperate sounding moan emerged from her lips as their lower sisters parted to give way.

The boundary between her memories and the sensations she was feeling now slowly dissolved. Soon enough the feeling of being expanded, stretched, filled as far as she could take it took over her body, which no longer knew or cared which force found her innermost nerves. It was Alex who was taking her, she could feel his weight on her, his heat inside her, his breath on her neck. But soon it became clear that there still was one difference between being with him and what she was doing now. The tingles has reached the farthest corners of her body and tidal waves with crystal peaks of sharp delicious crests now quickly threatened to envelop every inch of her flesh too. She could feel the edges of the now starting to come loose. This morning there had been many breathless, joy filled minutes between when she first gave herself to Alex and when she felt these final, foreboding sensations.

Not wishing to let the illusion of being with him again crumble, she quickly relived as much of those precious moments as she could and brought her minds forward to when she had started to feel the beginnings of the end this morning. She was barely aware that it was in fact the arch pressing against and delivering the most direct stimulation possible to the bulb of nerves sat atop her lips which was hastening her demise. In her mind she could feel his powerful thrusts, rocking her, pressing her deep into the mattress as his length probed her innermost boundaries. She heard his moans in her ear, calling her name as he too came closer and closer to plunging off the cliff they had ascended together and falling into the sweet abyss waiting below.

Then the knot started to loosed. Her mind went blank, but for the memory, the sensation of being with him. Her muscles tensed, her pelvis rose even further, edging to meet the release that lay within. With each turn of the knot that came undone white bolts of fiery lightning arced through her body, setting it alight all over. The final loop of the knot unwound itself. Her back arched off the sheets, her thighs snapped shut around her hand. Every fiber of her body died and was reborn in pure, unbearable pleasure. Somewhere far, far away she could hear her own voice. “Alex!! … Oh Alex!” Calling out for him, but even though he was miles away sat on a train, in that moment he was here with her. In her. Throwing her off her cliff, plunging her into the abyss. Her body shook violently as waves and lightning coursed through her veins, white lights shimmering like diamonds before her closed eyes.

When she finally returned to the world of the living and regained control of her limbs, she slowly uncrossed her legs and withdrew her present. Her insides ached, protested, demanded its, or rather Alex’s return, but for now her mind could not take any more. She managed to hold down the button on its base until the buzzing ceased and dropped it on the bed next to herself. Her last ounce of strength was taken up by shuffling back into her pants, before her mind drifted off, to dreams of her lover.

The next morning, when Alex awoke, still groggy from the long train journey home, he found a single text on his phone.

*”He” is not bad, but I want you!! Miss you! Love you so much xxxxxxx*


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