The Christmas Present – Part 1 [F-solo]

When she got back from the train station, she sank onto her bed and grabbed a pillow for a tight hug. As usual she felt like never did she miss him as much as now, just after he’d left. Their weekend together had been almost perfect, but time flies by and now, she found herself alone again. She scanned her desk for a take-away menu, planing on curing her melancholy with some pizza, when her eyes fell on a rectangular parcel of garish Christmas wrapping paper. She smiled, they had agreed on no big presents this year, but clearly Alex hadn’t listened. Her mood immediately lifted, she abandoned the comfort of the pillow, rose up and snatched the present, only to fall back onto her bed, looking up at it.

A small, folded card was stuck under the ribbon sneaking across two opposite corners, adorning the respectable wrapping effort with a simple bow. She pulled out the card and unfolded it. In Alex’s somewhat chaotic handwriting it read

*Something to keep you company while I can’t ;) Love Alex*

Her smile broadened as she imagined his big, usually not to dexterous fingers struggling to scrawl in the small space the card provided. She placed the card on her nightstand, facing the bed. She’d be reading it again before going to sleep, his words keeping her warm when he couldn’t. Curiosity now mounting, she quickly pulled open the bow and sent the ribbon flying over the side of her bed. Her fingernails made short work of the small strips of tape holding the wrapping paper together. Soon said paper joined the ribbon on the floor. She was now holding a matte black box, probably plastic, with a hinge on one side. Feeling giddy, almost as if she was a child again, rushing to find her presents under the Christmas tree, she opened her surprise.

Whatever she had been expecting, this wasn’t it. Her eyes widened as their gaze fell on the long, purple object, nestled securely in the black velvet lining of the box. It took a moment for her to realize what she was looking at, but as soon as it passed, she felt herself blush, though there was no one to see it. The shape that her purple gift took, though not entirely true to anatomy, was unmistakable. The single button on its white base suggested that this particular example at the very least vibrated. She swallowed as more and more of the small, but undoubtedly very effective details of its design became apparent to her. The gentle curve, the bumpy, texture of ribs over its surface, the smooth, leaf shaped protrusion that arched back over the main body just above where the base began… As she noticed each she immediately knew what they had been designed to do and she felt her heart rapidly picking up its pace. Even the length seemed perfect, just like Alex after she had devoted some time to getting him to full attention…

Suddenly, as if jumping under a not entirely needless cold shower, her mind snapped back. That’s right, she thought, Alex! Setting the box aside for a moment, holding it with only her fingertips as if touching a gross bug, she retrieved her phone from her pocket and texted the culprit.

*I just opened your “present”! WTH Alex??*

She wasn’t kept waiting long. He was of course still on his train home, so she had expected a quick answer.

*What you don’t like it? ;)*

She briefly furrowed her brow, before remembering that he couldn’t see her.

*Well, I don’t think it’s a typical Christmas present, is it now, your pervert!*

*Pfft, typical is boring. Plus let’s not kid ourselves… We both know what you do during the week, when I’m not there… ;p*

She blushed again. While it had never come up between them, and she certainly would never have brought it up, he was of course correct.

*… Ok, you got me there :P But still… This is a bit much, isn’t it?*

*Nah, it’s fine. Plus, who says you get to use it when you’re alone?”*

That sent a slight shiver down her spine. She could only imagine what he planned to do with her that could involve the object in question. Before she had time to respond and downplay just how excited that suggestion had gotten her, the phone pinged again.

*I’m about to run out of battery… “He” is fully charged though… ;)*

Another shiver, accompanied with a slight warmth in her stomach.

*Well that’s great. I’m going to bed now!*

*YES YOU ARE!! ;)*

She groaned, hearing his mocking voice in her head as she read his last text. Unable to come up with a witty response she simply dropped the phone onto the mattress next to her and pouted a little. Soon enough she realized however that similar to blushing, pouting wasn’t nearly as effective, or for that matter at all, when there was no one else there. She sighed, and picked up her phone again.

*Good night my pervert! Love you xxx*

She tossed the phone onto the night stand and grabbed her pajamas, before heading to her bathroom. When she emerged, hair tied in a ponytail, wearing the extremely attractive combo of sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, she picked up her phone again, but found no reply. So his battery did run out after all, she thought to herself. Following her normal routine, she set an alarm for tomorrow’s dreaded Monday morning, plugged the charger into the phone and slipped under the covers. The lights went off and the phone took its place on the nightstand. She closed her eyes and replayed the weekend in her mind, hoping to drift off to sleep remembering all the best moments.

Unfortunately the moments that immediately pushed themselves to the front of the line were all those that had happened that morning, right in this bed. With memories of the events came others of the sensations and soon enough, there was no thinking of sleep. And then an even more unwelcome thought crawled its way from her subconscious, all the way up until it seemed to occupy every inch of her mind. A thought about what was sitting on her nightstand, next to her phone, apparently charged. Even as she tried to force that thought back down from whence it came, others took its place. Curiosity mounted as the shape, the size and every little detail she had noticed about her present suddenly came crashing back down on her. And with those thoughts came the tingling feeling down her spine again. Though this time once it had traversed its length, the sensation seemed to move around and, with deadly precision, settled in her lower half, under her belly button, quickly warming regions she was desperately trying not to think about…

“Damn it Alex!” She mumbled, more to herself than her obviously absent boyfriend, and with slightly shaky fingers she fumbled for and soon found the object of her now undeniable desire. With her fingers wrapped around the shaft, she could not help but notice that while similar to her lover in length, the girth of what she was now holding definitely felt more substantial. As that observation made its way through her mind, excitement, embarrassing as it was, mixed with a nervousness. Holding up her present in front of her, though she could barely see it in the dark, she swallowed. “Oh come on!” She quietly cheered herself on and, with a deep breath, pressed the button on the base… (TBC)


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