[MF] Spring break and being walked in on by her dad.

Let me set the stage. 19, freshman year of college, spring break, young and wild with a closet freak of a new girlfriend. We were at her house but had told her parents that we were at the gym or some other pathetic excuse.

She was butt naked on her bedroom floor with her ass up on a pillow and her back arched while my fingers did their thing. I was in my bright pink boxers excited to get some tail after she hit her O we had been building up to. That sweaty and excited kind of passion you only get when you have to constantly sneak around to get naked.

LITERALLY as soon as she had cum did I hear a car door slam in the driveway.

My heart immediately dropped into my stomach. She got the biggest eyes I have ever seen on a blonde outside of dragon ball Z. As I jumped into my clothes and pulled my shirt over my head I heard the front door swing open.

Before I had my shirt on all the way on she had:
1)Grabbed all of her clothes
2)Ran across the living room
3) Locked herself in the bathroom by the kitchen

So I find myself hurriedly walking out of her room as I hear her dad call out “So y’all are home?” I turn the corner into the living room to meet him and respond with “Yep! It was too crowded and we figured we would go for a run instead.”

In true Texas fashion he responds with “Alrighty then, hope you can stay for dinner!” And sticks his hand out for me to shake.
Now remember that part where my (ex)girlfriend had just cum? Well, she was a lady that never needed to use lube. In other words when she came she CAME ALL OVER MY HAND. My hand wasn’t a little wet, like it was almost dripping wet.

My internal monologue went like this “Dude, if you shake his hand you will be done for, there is no way around it, you will be killed and buried in the pasture.” Then a little voice I had never heard before came on in my head “Don’t be a bitch, shake the mans hand, and let him deal with it.”

I shook his hand. His eyes went wide and his breathing slowed. Just at that moment she came out of the bathroom and squeeked out “Hey daddy” and we both looked at her. He turned back to me and said “Take care” then went to his room for the rest of the evening.
Needless to say I didn’t stay for dinner that night or any other night after that.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/a0ldxv/mf_spring_break_and_being_walked_in_on_by_her_dad


  1. I have a memory of my ex father in law shaking hands, and my immediate think was “yes, I am screwed” so he face me and never speak again of this, it was a weird week, I did the same to his dog and he never try to bite me again. :D

  2. Was she butt naked on her bedroom floor or in the middle of the lounge? ?

    If in her room, why was she running across the living room?

  3. For future reference, if you ever need to get out of a handshake, fake a sneeze into your hands and excuse yourself to go wash your hands.

  4. Shiiittt, that’s not being walked in on. Being walked in on is when you’ve got your girlfriend’s prom dress and bra on the floor, and you’ve got a handful of panties, tugging them off, when dad opens the bedroom door to say good night.

    You didn’t hear him coming up the stairs because you were lost in a sex haze and focused on getting her naked.

    So he marched you out of the house, tightly gripping your shirt collar, while describing all the painful torture he would indict if you ever came back.

    Or so said a friend of mine.

  5. I laughed my ass off and not that it’s helpful now but I’m pretty sure you could’ve gotten away with it by giving her a dad a hug (not a hug where you shake hands and then bring it in but a full on hug).

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