Don’t Make Me Do This

“Don’t make me do this.”

I sat in front of my so-called friends at Southway bar in absolute resolution. There was no way I would do what they were asking of me. I had pride. For the love of God, I had pride and self-respect. I would never put myself in that position again.

“Jessie, please. You are the only one who can get through to him.”

The pleas from my supposed best friend. My *ex*-best-friend after this.

“How could you ask me to do such a thing, Robyn? You were there with me when it was all over. You know how I cried. Yet, here you are, asking me to do this? Why do you think this is okay?”

My heart felt torn apart. Every part of me hurt.

“This is not just on Jess,” Frank piped up. “This is all of us. We wouldn’t ask you to do this if it wasn’t absolutely necessary.”

I rolled my eyes. Frank was in love with Robyn and would do anything she wanted. Even though she was completely INSANE in what she was asking of me.

But the worst was that Dave was involved. Robyn knew why. Oh, fuck you, Rob.

“Jess, I know this sucks,” Dave began. “But if it works out, you basically save us all.”

I waved for the bartender to bring another vodka martini. I hated all of them at this moment. Even Dave. His earnest blue eyes and crooked smile. Oh, Dave. How I had wanted him for years. But now I could only think of my disgust for all of them.

“I know it’s a lot to ask,” said Robyn. “But, if you could just talk to him…convince him not to…”

“NO! I won’t do it.” I crossed my arms. “This is not negotiable. I won’t see him again, and I won’t plead with him on your behalf. I can’t do it!”

I gulped the martini. “Besides, he hates me. He wouldn’t listen to me. It would just be humiliation for me and I won’t do it.”

Robyn, Frank, and Dave all slumped in their seats.

“Well, I guess that’s it then,” Robyn said gloomily. “He’ll pull out of the foundation and all of the children we’re trying to help won’t get their scholarships.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s it,” Frank said, pushing aside his beer. “Miguel was really counting on this. He’s a brilliant young scientist. But I guess he’ll go to a local community college. His parents can’t afford anything else.”

“I don’t think Elisa will be that lucky,” Dave said sadly. “She’s already talking about cleaning homes, as her mom does. A math genius cleaning homes because she can’t afford to go to school. That’s a real tragedy.”

I clenched my fists. “I hate you all so much. Fine. I’ll talk to him. That’s it. That’s the best I can do.”

My friends cheered and tackle-hugged me in happiness. I pushed them off of me. “You guys have to know that Colin and I broke up on really bad terms, so this is a long shot. I *cannot* be the reason this program doesn’t get off the ground. Do you hear me?”

Robyn nodded. “I absolutely understand. All we want is for you to try to get him to see reason. That’s all.” Frank and Dave nodded in agreement.

“All we want is for you to talk to him,” Dave reiterated, peering at me with those crystal blue eyes. “Are you really okay with that?”

I sighed. Fucking Dave.

“I’ll try to talk to him tomorrow and I’ll let you know what he says. Don’t expect a miracle, is all I’m saying.”

Colin Wentworth, III. The former love of my life, the current bane of my existence. We had dated for two years after meeting at one of Robyn’s parties. If there was such a thing as love at first sight, it had happened between us. I had gone there to be closer to Dave, whom I had crushed on for ages, and I’d left enamored of Colin.

It was wonderful for a long time. We took walks on the beach, talked about our dreams, our goals. He was being groomed to run his parents’ electronics company; I wanted to be an artist. We tried so hard to make it work. Perhaps we didn’t try hard enough.

In the end, I could not deal with his jealousy and insecurity regarding my art. We fought. Over and over. And one night I told I had had enough. And we were done.

I had been trying to forget him for so long, and now this. My friends were involved in a scholarship program for low income families that his company felt wasn’t worth continuing to invest in. So they wanted *me* to talk to him.

And here I am, standing at the front door of his penthouse, awaiting the worst. I rang his buzzer.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me.” *Your long lost love. You’ve probably forgotten me by now.*

He buzzed me in.

I took the elevator up to his penthouse. The doors opened, and there he was.


God, he was beautiful. He’d always been beautiful. Dark curly hair, green eyes, muscular build. My heart flipped, as it always did at the sight of him. I wanted to run, but somehow I didn’t.

“I know I’m intruding, I can come back another time if–”

“No, no, this is great. This is wonderful.” He mouth curved into a slow grin. “I’m happy to see you.”

I took a breath, and walked into his apartment.

“I won’t take up too much of your time. I just wanted to talk to you about the scholarship program your company has. I’m hoping you won’t pull out of it.”

He laughed hollowly. “And here I was, thinking you wanted to work things out.”

I looked at him speculatively. “Do you really want to work things out?”

“Of course, I do!” He threw up his hands. “I haven’t stopped thinking about you since we broke up.” He grabbed my wrist and pulled me close to him. My heart did a somersault. “Do you not know how much I want you?”

I gulped. I felt intoxicated by how close he was to me. I wanted to give in, to drown inside of him. But I had a mission to accomplish.

I wrenched my wrist from him and moved away. “I came here about the scholarship program,” I managed. “We need you to keep it afloat for the children.”

Colin moved the window, averting my eyes. “Fine. I’ll keep it going. For you. Anything else?”

“No…thank you.” I wanted to walk toward the door but instead I found myself next to Colin. I placed my hand in his. “Thank you.”

“No sweat,” he said coldly, staring out the window.

“Okay. Well, I’ll be going, then.” I felt tears building and I didn’t know why. This was just a business meeting. Why did it feel as if my heart was breaking?

As I walked to the door, Colin grabbed me by the waist. “Don’t go. Jessie, don’t go.” His mouth devoured mine, and I gave in. I lost myself in kissing him. We drowned in it. Our hands went everywhere. We both started tearing at each other’s clothes, in a half-crazed frenzy.

“I still love you so much, baby,” he murmured, through his kisses.

I greedily opened his pants, and his bulging cock was hard as a rock. I knelt and took it in my mouth, slurping and sucking it. He fell to his knees.

“Oh baby! YES! YES! YES!”

He pulled me up and began licking my breasts, toying with my nipples. I moaned happily. “Yes, Colin! Fuck me!”

He slid his cock into my hot wet vagina. In and out, his bulging hardness plunged deeper into my awaiting vaginal lips. Up and down, faster and faster. We gyrated together, soft and hot and wet and beautiful. He moved the tip of his cock to my clit, and I screamed in complete ecstasy.

He made me come and then he came, his white liquid spewing all over my thighs.

We collapsed on his bed, in happy exhaustion.

“You’re mine, Jessie,” Colin said quietly, pulling me close to him. “Not fucking Dave’s. Mine.”

“I’m yours,” I replied. “That’s all I ever wanted.”



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