An almost reached goal [MF]

Hello GWS! This is the first time I’m posting something here and English is not my first language, so please forgive me for any faults on my storytelling. This happened to me last night and I really wanted to share it with someone.

*No real names.

I (19 y/o) went to a close friend’s birthday party last night and for quite some time I was trying to get to know his (20 y/o) brother Hugh* better. He’s very fuckboyingly charming and sparks flew the second we’ve met (2 years ago), but we only (and rarely) met on their family’s celebrations, in places and circumstances where it was impossible to sneak out. When the chances began to appear though, he entered a relationship that lasted for almost a year. Needless to say, he’s not in this relationship anymore – for a good while. In this time he had a fling with another friend of mine and our meetings became even more scarce. Whenever we met during this period, things often got a little colder between us, as he seemingly had no interest in me anymore and I had to pretend I completely got over him.

Yesterday was different though. The aura that stood over us was almost the same one from 2016. He was more receptive and we talked more. He told me about the end of his relationship, and as I went through a very similar experience recently I was able to offer him some compassionate sympathy. Now fast-forwarding a bit: towards the end of the night we both got the level of drunk that gets you courageous. Me, the close friend, the close friend’s girlfriend, yet another close friend (I’m going to call him Close Friend 2 for now) and Hugh were staying in the same small room of the close friend 1’s house (the brothers didn’t live together), organizing stuff so we all could sleep there. While the others did almost all the work, I caressed Hugh’s hair and he almost slept on my lap. Close friend 1 went to sleep with his girlfriend in the bigger bed, close friend 2 slept on the mattress with me and Hugh was alone on another mattress. The mattresses were really close, so I was practically in the middle of them both.

As the lights turned off, we all began to drunkenly discuss politics in the dark. As we talked about our president elect, Hugh began to caress my hand, and I returned the favor. My hands went to his chest, then to his nipples. His went to my hips, then to my butt. After the conversation died down, we started to kiss. A sleepy but intense kiss. I think we had an audience to please, but we tried to be discreet anyway. ?

Things began to get more heated. His lips made a kiss path to my neck then to my breasts. He took my bra off and took my nipple in his mouth as he began to finger me, me slowly masturbating him at the same time. ”I want to fuck you so bad,” he whispered, voice super small so the others wouldn’t hear us. “I wanted to fuck you for a long time, but I have no condom on me right now. What about Plan B?”

“I’m way too paranoid for this shit. But we’ll have other opportunities, won’t we?” I answered.

“Yes, we’ll have. Fuck.”

Then, I licked and kissed and bit my way to his cock. Started slow, then sucked him off with all of my might. As his breathing gets heavier, he firmly grabs my hair and pulls me to his mouth before he finishes. After he feels his taste on my tongue, he tells me he wants me to come first.

Roles inverted, now he goes down on me. At first his tongue moved in an experimental way, but as his movements deepened, my hands, buried in his short curly hair, brought him even closer to my pussy. “Come for me” he commanded, and I came on his mouth on spot. And gave him a successful handjob right after.

“Thank you baby.” We went for a kiss again and went to sleep, seeing as we were sleepy this entire time and it was 4 AM already.

So yeah, things are more than great between us now. ? This is my first time writing about a personal sexual experience, so again, sorry for any mistakes this might have. I’ll certainly update this if we manage to go all the way through, which may be a little tough as he lives in another city and college is even worse at the end of the semester. :/


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