Root Canal Relief (l o n g)

One afternoon, I woke up sharply from an unplanned nap to a searing pain in my back molar. The hot, focused agony was unique in its strength. I’ve certainly felt sensitivity in my teeth before (a childhood spent loving sweets taught me all about that), but this was clearly different.

I rushed to the bathroom and downed 4 Extra Strength Bayer, the cool tap water causing a fresh sting on the way. I breathed sharply through clenched teeth. This was a nightmarish pain that I needed immediate care for. I did a long, thorough rinse with Listerine and that helped a bit, but it was evident I needed medical attention.

I pulled out my phone and ran a search for nearby dentists. Through some miraculous stroke of fortune, I had only recently acquired dental insurance through my job. Despite the pain I was feeling, this revelation caused me a needed emotional boost.

The search had found a few well-rated dentists nearby, but in my post-nap, ache-plagued disorientation I had failed to notice that it was 5:30. Nearly all of these were closed. One had hours until 6:30, so I grabbed my keys and rushed out the door.

Dr Khanna’s office was relatively close, but it required a highway route and rush hour was in full swing. As I sat in traffic, jags of debilitating pain would rocket to my tooth. The combined frustrations were driving me insane. I watched the clock on the dash tick away as I sat in start/stop car jam. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw a joint tucked behind my ear that I had rolled before my nap and completely forgot about. Near tears with joy, I lit it up and inhaled deeply, thanking my past self.

Almost immediately, traffic got going again. I toked and drove, already feeling better about everything. The exit for the dentist came up a few miles later, and I was happy to learn it was connected to a strip mall right off the highway. I pulled into the almost empty section of lot where Dr. Khanna’s office was located and found a spot right in front of the entrance. I put out the joint in the ashtray and saw that it was 6:20.

I entered the office and was immediately greeted with the icy stare of a young woman at high-walled desk. She was putting her coat on and stringing her purse over her shoulder as I walked in, and the look of disgust on her face was palpable.

“Hi! I’m really sorry to be coming in so late, but is there *any* chance that I could see a dentist?” I pleaded, eyes as baleful as I could possibly achieve.

“Ugh, hang on,” she replied.

She loudly dropped her bag on the desk and walked to the back of the office behind where I could see. I sat on one of the cute red leather chairs in the waiting room and suddenly realized how high I felt. I saw brief flashes of dots of lights as my head spun from the mix of feelings and drugs.

The receptionist came back a moment later with a beautiful young Indian woman in a lab coat. She was in her mid-to-late twenties, with a gorgeous brown complexion and lustrous, silky black hair. Her eyes were a reptilian emerald green and the stylish thick-framed black glasses she had on only accentuated their brilliance. She approached the desk.

“Hello, sir. What can we do for you today?” She smiled warmly.

“Hello! I’m so so sorry to bother you so close to closing, but I’m in agonizing pain. I don’t know what exactly it is, but it’s just unbearable. Is there any way I could get a last-minute appointment?” I said, the receptionist giving me the death stare all the while.

“Well, it is late, but you do seem like you could use some care,” she replied. It could have been my imagination, but I swore she winked at me then.

“Margie, you can go home. I can take care of Mr..”

“Anderson. Brian Anderson,” I helped.

“..Mr. Anderson, here. We’ll be fine.” She finished.

“I mean, I *guess* if you’re okay,” Margie said, just a fountain of sarcasm. “Then ok!” She smiled genuinely now.

“Have a good night, Margie. You can lock up on the way out.” Dr Khanna

“You too, Dr. Khanna! I’ll see you tomorrow.” To me, now: “Bye.” Just a peach, Margie.

She gathered her things and left out the front door, locking it as instructed. Dr. Khanna walked around the desk and opened a door that led to the various workstations for her practice.

“So, having a good night?” She said to me, looking coy.

“Eh, not really hah.” I replied, suddenly remembering that I probably reeked of weed. “Oh..ha, yeah. Sorry about that.” I put a sheepish look on my face.

She laughed affectionately. “Oh, you’ve nothing to be sorry for. I am a great fan of cannabis.”

“You *are*?!” I replied, truly aghast.

“Very much so. It has many curative properties. I definitely enjoy a therapeutic smoke every now and again.” This woman was incredible.

“Well, wow. I gotta say that’s pretty amazing, doc. I’m so happy to see the stigma of weed is falling away. I mean, ‘Reefer Madness’ is hilarious, but it’s silly to think so many people though that was what weed did to you.”

“Yes, those scare films did probably befuddle quite a few old codgers that then became lawmakers.” She giggled. God, she was so easy to talk to.

We arrived at a room with a plush-looking dentist chair surrounded by various apparatus connected by metal arms. She led me to the chair and I reflexively sat down in it, akin to an extended easy chair.

She put on gloves and grabbed a bib connected by a small metal chain. “Sit up, please,” she asked nicely. She reached behind my head and connected the clasp on the bib. Her lab coat was open, and for the first time I noticed her v-neck shirt and the lovely breasts contained within.

“Now, let’s see what the trouble is. Open, please.”

I opened my mouth and she began to look at my teeth with a prodding instrument and a tiny mirror. Quickly she noticed the trouble.

“Oh, yes. Ouch, that looks painful,” she made a pursed lip face, and I fell I little bit more in love with her.

I nodded, sad-faced.

“Well, normally we’d do an x-ray to see for certain where all the trouble lies, but it’s clear that you need a root canal. There is a certain look to rot that permeates the molar beneath a filling, as is the case with your 2nd molar here. This is unquestionably the root of your pain and I have the antibiotics here to stop the infection.” She smiled. “That will stop the pain. Oh, any do you have any allergies that I should be concerned with?”

“Oh, great. I mean, a root canal sounds terrifying, but I’m glad the antibiotics will help with the immediate relief. And no allergies, as far as I know.”

“It won’t be *too* bad,” she reassured me, another adorably dodgy smile on her face. “And good!”

“Yippie, tooth drilling,” I retorted.

“Ha Brian, you’re a delight. Now, let’s get those meds and get you scheduled for that super-fun invasive procedure!” She was enjoying this for sure.

I laughed. “Dr. Khanna, you’re amazing. Thank you so much for helping me out today.”

She looked appreciative. “My pleasure! And it’s Prisha. Dr. Khanna’s my dad hah. Now, you sit tight, I’ll be right back.” She turned comedically, and left the room.

I was smitten. She was such a cool dentist and I couldn’t believe my luck. This doc was for sure getting a crazy-good Yelp review. My pain had subsided somewhat, but still intermittently would remind me that it was present. I clenched my teeth when it would rear its head, waiting for the agony to subside.

Prisha appeared a moment later, holding a hookah in one hand and a trio of pills in the other. My look of surprise must have been legendary, because she nearly fell over with laughter. I smiled, wide-eyed, in complete disbelief.

“I thought we’d approach the problem with a multi-tiered attack,” she said gleefully. “I know what is best for my patient,” she said, putting on an official-sounding tone.

“Well, doc’s orders!” I said pivoting my body out of the chair to go to her.

She handed me the pills and set the rather large, three hosed, opulently golden-colored hookah on a nearby table. She filled a small plastic cup with some water and handed it to me.

“Now, we have a much-needed antibiotic and a much-fun painkiller on the menu today. It’s imperative that you take all of the these immediately and then come sit on the floor with me and enjoy some very heady Indica,” she said, her hands on her hips in faux-important fashion.

“Yes, Prisha. So very much yes.” This was a dream. It had to be.

I took the pills and swallowed them down with a gulp of very cold water. It was instantly refreshing and painful, as the cool water quenched my dry mouth and irritated my tooth. I shook it off and smiled, knowing it would be better soon.

“Both of these medications are very fast-acting. You should begin to feel nearly instant relief from the pain with these OxyContin, and by the time those wear off, the antibiotic will have done the rest of the work.” She was such a cool doctor. “Now, let’s ease you into those painkillers. Come, sit with me.”

She sat on the office floor and and gestured for me to join her. Over the moon with happiness, I jumped a little and rushed over to her. She was already heating the coal to adorn the hookah and enable one to smoke from it.

“Well, this is easily the best dental experience I’ve ever had,” I said, my face almost hurting from smiling so much.

“I aim to please!” She laughed.

“You sure fuckin’ do, P,” I said. “You’re incredible. Thanks again.”

She smiled, her magnetic eyes glistening. She was insanely hot.

She grabbed a coil, handed me one and we touched them in a mock toast.

“Cheers,” I smiled.

We inhaled deeply and took huge smoke into our lungs. She had mixed the weed with a fruity, mint tobacco and the two created an aromatic explosion of flavor. We exhaled in unison, instantly galaxy eyed and relaxed.

“Wow, this is surreal,” I said. “I can’t believe I’m living this right now.”

“We’re just getting started,” she said, removing her lab coat. Her violet v-neck t-shirt quickly revealed her lovely breasts, now very clearly apparent. She had on no bra. Her perky nipples were erect and perfectly outlined.

“Oh?” I said, my eyes cartoonishly open.

She began to crawl across the floor to me, meeting me nose-to-nose. Our eyes locked and our lips touched. We held the kiss for a second before we separated, holding the gaze.

“Is this okay?” She asked, somehow unsure.

I narrowed my eyes, and dove in with an open-mouthed kiss. We embraced and swirled our tongues around one another in a spark of intense passion. I held her face in my hands and kissed her deeply. My hand stoked her hair as we alternated between smaller lip touches and throaty tongue battles, seemingly trying to one up one another’s tongues with sheer force.

I pulled my lips away and began to kiss her neck, from her jawline down to her throat. I would lick my way back up to her ear. I bit it lightly and tongued its outer line, before kissing her on the lips again and back to her neck. She oohed and sighed and softly said “Yes,” throughout.

I began to touch her breasts over her shirt as I was kissing her neck, then quickly reached down and began to pull it off. She raised her arms, coyly looking to the right in an “Oh, *oh*-kay,” gesture.
I laughed a little and took it the rest of the way off.

Her breasts gently fell out and bounced once in a tight little jump. They were statuesque in their perfection: just over a B-cup, just over a handful, perfectly round beauties. I marveled at the sight of them for a moment before I began a trail with my tongue from her neck down the center of her chest, just between the breasts. I took the right one in my hand and gently squeezed its outer perimeter. I licked across the top of it; around the right side, underneath it. I avoided her nipple at first, and watched it rise in anticipation.

Then I quickly licked across the nipple fully and felt its edges over my tongue. Prisha jumped at the sensation and let out an audible moan. I began to suck her right nipple as I cupped her left breast in my hand, massaging its nipple at the same time. She writhed and squirmed, loving it. Her hands ran through my hair and pulled me closer to her tit as I sucked it deeply. I switched them, sucking the left breast and kneading the right.

After a moment, I began to lick a trail down her stomach, stopping to tongue her bellybutton once. Quickly I went back up to kiss her on the lips briefly, my hands moving to unbutton her pants. Our eyes locked and we smiled blissfully at one another, our minds connected.

I resumed kissing her stomach, working a trail downwards. I had removed her pants now, which had revealed a pair of delicious, silky red underwear. There was a dark spot at her pussy, clearly saturated.

I kissed her pelvis just above her panties as I slowly began to remove them. She reflexively lifted her butt up to make it easier for me, but I teased her and took them off slowly. She gave me a playful slap on the side of the head and we both laughed as I pulled her sexy underwear off and tossed them away.

I spread her legs and licked a long line up her inner thigh, watching the goosebumps form in real time. She moaned again and pushed her pelvis toward me. I got a look at her gorgeous pussy then in full view. She had shaved it today for sure, leaving a sexily thin line of pubic hair over her mound. Her vibrantly pink pussy glowed against her olive-brown skin. It looked very tight and picturesque. Perfect, soft, velvety folds glistened with her wetness. It looked like an inescapable void of pleasure.

I licked up her leg and around her pussy, intentionally avoiding it. I licked back down the right leg and kissed my way back up its inner thigh. I licked around her pussy, framing it with saliva. Suddenly, I swiftly licked across it sideways, emitting a gasp from Prisha. She tasted wonderful; like a sweet, citrus explosion. I went directly for her clit then, licking it quickly in up and down, side-to-side, and in circular motions.

She grabbed the back of my head and pulled it deeper into her her, thrusting into my face. I licked more furiously for a moment and got her close, then pulled back. I stuck my tongue out, and pushed it into her soft opening, bringing up my thumb to manage her clit. Her moans increased in intensity and she began riding my face hard. I tongued her deeper and more swiftly while I increased my clit stimulation. She paused for a second, then erupted in a shuddering orgasm, shaking and twitching with the pulses of its power.

I slowed down my licks to a few here and there, each one met with a convulsive bodily reaction from Prisha. She cooed and softly aahed as I kissed my way back up to her face, using my hand to wipe away her juices as I kissed her nipples again and she recovered.

“Wow,” she said, out of breath. “You are good at that.” I laid next to her, and cradled her in my arms. We sat like that for a moment, then her hand went to my cock. “Now, it’s your turn,” she said, a sexy grimace on her face. She slapped my chest sightly. “Stand up, big boy.”

I stood up, and she reached down and lifted up my shirt up. I raised my arms and completed taking it off as she began to unbutton my pants. I kicked off my my sandals and she pulled my pants down. My 9” cock had created a graphic outline in my briefs, and Prisha stopped and licked it through my underwear, sending a wave of pleasure through my body.

Prisha got on her knees and looked up at me. “There’s ones thing I need to tell you before we go any further, Brain.”

“What’s that? Is everything okay?” I asked, worried.

“Yes. It’s just that..oh, how do I put it?”

“It’s okay, you can tell me,” I reassured her.

“It’s just that..I have to swallow your cum!” She laughed, reveling in her power.

I doubled over laughing. “Ohhhhhhhh! Well, if you *must*!” I shook my head, still sure this was a dream.

She yanked down my briefs and my cock sprung free like a catapult. It nearly slapped her in the face. She reeled, wide-eyed with excitement.

“Oh BOY, Brian! This is gonna be fun.” She licked her lips.

Prisha lifted my cock up a gave it a few soft strokes. Pre-cum sparkled on the tip and she flicked her tongue quickly and lapped it up. It sent a shock through my body, and I jerked at the sensation. She smiled and descended to my balls. Quickly taking the whole sac in her mouth.

She swirled her tongue around my balls and sucked them into her mouth. She would lick one and nibble on another, pulling the skin taught and giving them more firm licks in between. She continually was stroking my cock as she did this, slowly working her way up from my balls.

She licked a line along the base of my cock up the underside vein all the way to the tip and back down. She began licking circles around the head, flicking the hole with her tongue randomly. I was aching to feel her warm mouth, and she sensed it, quickly engulfing half of my cock in her mouth at once. My knees buckled and I grabbed the table for balance, the combined drugs and sensory feelings nearly making me faint.

She grabbed my ass then, simultaneously steadying me and taking my cock deeper into her mouth. The sensation was immaculate. She sucked me with surprising rhythm, alternately using her hand and mouth to effectively pleasure me. I was near coming already, so I eased her back a bit so I could enjoy this rate experience as long as possible.

“Is everything okay,” she said, momentarily breaking the blowjob spell she had on me.

“Oh *god* yes! I wanna give you this load to swallow, just not yet,” I said, breathless from the pleasure.

“Hehe. I have an idea. Come, sit down.” She led me back to the dentist chair and had me sit in it. She turned her back to me and began fiddling with some knobs. I took a moment to appreciate her gorgeous physique. She was a petite wonder: about 110 maybe, 5’4 or so. Gentle, supple curves hugged her form. Her shape was like a violin.

She turned back to me holding a face mask. She raised one eyebrow and said, “Put this on.”

I smiled and let her adorn me. She turned the knobs again and I felt the heady rush of Nitrous Oxide overwhelm my brain. Everything got wiggly and bright; trails of images leading back to Prisha now taking my 9” cock deep into her throat.

In my haze, I grabbed her hair, pushing deeper. She gagged and pulled off quickly, a long line of saliva leading from my cock to a huge smile on her face.

“Sorry!” I said, muffled by the mask.

She shook her head in an obvious sign of acceptance, put my hand on her head and engulfed my cock again, intentionally gagging herself. I took the cue, and began facefucking her harder. She gagged and moaned and drooled all over the chair, occasionally stopping, mascara-lined tears down her face, to smile and jerk me for a moment.

I removed the mask and kissed her passionately. We tongued one another for a moment and I caressed her breasts. I touched her clit to check her wetness, found her to be fully drenched, and brought her up to my lap.

She positioned herself over my cork as we continued to lock lips and kiss one another’s necks. I rubbed my saliva and pre-cum covered cock against her clit, following its folds. She quivered and let gravity guide her downwards, my cock sliding along her pussy to her vaginal opening. My head slipped in with a wet ease and before I knew it, she had fully impaled herself with my length. The warm feeling was indescribably enveloping. She tightened her vaginal muscles and I thought I would cum right then.

She paused for a moment and let my girth stretch her tight hole. She grinded softly and wiggled her ass a bit to find the right angle, then quickly began to bounce up and down on my rigid cock. We both were audibly moaning ferociously now, our bodies perfectly harmonious and synced. I would have to slow her down occasionally to prevent an early release, the pleasure filling my every nerve with electricity.

We got up from the chair and I led her to the table nearby. “Bend over,” I whispered, kissing her neck from behind.

She cooed and complied, her bend a sensuous right angle. Her perfect ass in the air, I bent down a licked her asshole, reaching around to massage her clit with one hand and a breast with the other. She pulled my head into her as she whined and softly yelled and built towards another orgasm.

“Get back into me!” She pleaded.

I stuffed my cock into her pussy forcefully, her moans keeping time with my thrusts. I could tell she was close, so I sped up and push harder and deeper. I grabbed her hair from the back, and gave it a firm pull as I plowed her. She tensed up, I put my foot on the table for more leverage, and I jammed deeper still into her.

“Unnnnnnnnnnggghhhhhhhhhh,” she wailed, her body convulsing in the throes of orgasm.

I pulled out and rubbed her clit to maximize her pleasure. She grabbed my cock and placed it at her asshole. She rubbed the tip against it, my saliva and her secretions making it properly lubed. She stuck her finger into her ass and quickly fucked it for a moment, before replacing it with my cock. She pushed back on it.

“Fuck my ass, Brian.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I replied. She gave my leg a slap. We laughed.

I slowly pushed my engorged head into her tight hole. I didn’t want to hurt her, so I would go in a bit, then pull it out some. Deeper every thrust. She was ferociously rubbing her clit as I began to get in there properly, the tightness squeezing my cum to the very edge of eruption. The feeling was intoxicating. Her walls hugged my girth like it was meant to be there. I had to go slowly to prevent filling her hole with my load.

After the feeling relented a bit and her ass loosed to accept me, I began to increase my speed and depth. I didn’t want to go fully in for fear of tearing, but I was sufficiently pleasured. That’s not fair; I was fucking this crazy-hot doctor’s ass, high as a kite by her design and the feeling was supernatural. I’m pretty sure life doesn’t get any better than this.

As the speed of my pumping increased, I knew I had to cum. Prisha once again sensed my body’s language, pulled herself free of my probing and turned around. She again got on her knees.

“Now, about that thing we talked about earlier.” She opened her mouth, pointing to it. “Cum, please.” She smiled, trying to be as innocent as possible.

I laughed, putting my hand on my hips, thrusting my pelvis toward her. “If you must!” I said, like I was doing *her* a favor.

She grabbed my cock and sucked it deep into her mouth, letting her saliva spoil over it. She released it, quickly dipped her head underneath my balls, and jammed her tongue directly into my ass. I moaned in pleasure as she began to jerk me quickly, the feeling immaculate. She flicked my asshole with her tongue with medical precision, finding my erogenous zone immediately. My body stiffened.

“Fuuuuuck I’m gonna come!” I exclaimed.

Prisha zipped back up and placed her open mouth just beyond the tip of my cock just as the first spurt of cum shot from me. It landed directly in her mouth with and audible “mmmmm” from her. A steady stream of semen erupted from my attentive cock into Prisha’s awaiting mouth, occasionally veering wildly off course onto her cheek or chin. I came longer and with more volume than I can remember ever repeating. White, viscous torrents of my cum filled her mouth to the point she had to tip her head back to prevent it all from spilling out. Some did, and ropey globs would fall onto her breasts and legs. When the major bursts had relented, Prisha took me again into her mouth and sucked the remaining drips from my now fully drained member.

Her mouth overly full, it took two full swallows for her to get it all down, which she took great care to savor. She smiled at me. “That was delicious! Thank you!” She began kissing and cleaning my cock, looking me in the eyes as she did.

“Thank YOU, Prisha. That was simply incredible. So unbelievably hot.”

She was scoping up the globs of cum from her breasts and sucking them into her mouth to to swallow down. “Can’t miss any,” she winked at me.

I leaned down and kissed her deeply, tasting one another. We hugged and lay on the floor, her cradled in my arms atop me.

“Feeling better?” She said, wide-eyed.

“Ohhh yeah. Let’s schedule that root canal like *now*”

She laughed. “Yeah we’re gonna definitely have to do this again.”
