Riding My Uber Driver… Part 2 [MFM]

*In the previous story (*[*link to the Reddit post*](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/9zburx/riding_my_uber_driver_mf/)*) – I had an Uber Pool driver named Amal, who was a strong, tall black man, and reminded me of a Michael B Jordan. Not intimidatingly fit, but 100% attractive and charismatic. I’m a 26 year old, 5’4″ brunette with green eyes, and on my ride home with him I couldn’t stop myself from telling him to pull over in an alleyway, pull down his pants, and then suck his cock and ride him until he came.*

I had thought about Amal in the days since, and couldn’t stop myself from texting him just the next night, as I was getting ready to go out with a girlfriend…

Me: Hey stud.

Amal: Hey sexy, what’s up?

Me: Just getting dressed.

Me: Going out with some friends.

Amal: Where? Let’s meet up.

…I told him. It was a bar in my friend’s neighborhood, and we were planning to start there, maybe go to another place with dancing, then who knows.

Amal said he’d text me, and I headed out.

At the bar, my friend Megan showed up a few minutes after me. She had also been at the dinner the night before, before I met Amal.

Megan was cute, came off as a bit prudish, but a curvy, 5’7″ blond, with a cute smile and easy laugh. I had told her how I fucked Amal in his Uber, leaving out a few details like the car horn and my lack of regard for condoms, and she was fascinated. Definitely more fascinated than judgmental. Apparently she had the same fantasy, but had never been bold enough (or drunk enough) to act on it.

We had a few cocktails, and were about to move on when Amal finally texted me.

Amal: Where are you?

Me: Teardrop Lounge.

Me: Probably leaving soon.

Amal: We’re coming. My boy Andrew is hanging with me tonight.

What… “We’re coming?”… “Andrew?”…

I was momentarily disappointed, but then realized this could be fun. I told Megan that Amal might be bringing a friend to hang out with her too.

She was delighted (I could tell, I’ve known her for years), but she tried not to let on, looking down at her drink and saying something about how we’d have a good time.

I texted Amal that Megan and I would stick around, and he and Andrew were welcome to grab a drink with us.

They didn’t take long.

15 minutes later I saw Amal’s stunning frame in the doorway, and a surprisingly… white… friend followed him. Andrew was white, in the sense that a Brooks Brothers store is white.

He just seemed almost too square to hang out with the Amal that I knew. But perhaps that’s because I just associated Amal with the rough and dirty encounter we had.

Amal greeted me with a hug, and it was awkward for about a second, before he offered to get us the next round. I stuck to my manhattan, and he got whiskey neat for him and Andre, and Megan said she was still working on hers. Megan said hi to Andrew, and they started trying to make small talk.

After a few minutes we settled into a mode where Amal and I were chatting, and actually getting to know each other a bit (we certainly hadn’t learned much about each other stripping off our clothes in his car). But also we kept looking over at Andrew and Megan, hoping they were going to hit it off. They were doing fine, but it didn’t seem like the chemistry was anywhere near the electric experience Amal and I had.

Pretty soon, Megan excused yourself to the bathroom, and when she came back, she grabbed her coat and said she was going to leave.

Soon it was just Amal, Andrew, and I. I suggested we check out somewhere else, and we wound up walking down the street to a more of a dive bar, There were fewer people in it, but more dark corners, and we found a circular booth near the back to settle in to. Looking back, it probably wasn’t an accident that I wound up squeezed in between them Andrew and Amal in the booth. Even then though, I was deeply aware of all the attention that I was getting from both of them.

Andrew got up from the table and went to the bar to grab us a round of drinks, leaving Andrew and I just sitting there.

Andrew turned to me, and we had nothing to say, so we just laughed at the awkwardness. But then Andrew just blurted out, “so I heard that you and Amal had an interesting night last night!” I must have been blushing, but I laughed and said, “yeah, haha.”

I could tell he wanted more, so I gave him permission: “ask me anything you want about it.”

Andrew asked, clearly drunk, “So tell me, do you think Amal is pretty big?”

I threw my head back laughing, clearly drunk at this point, and said yeah he’s pretty big.

Andrew looked straight at me and said, “would you believe I’m actually bigger?”

It took me a beat to realize what he was actually saying, but then it hit me. I started laughing, thinking he was just bragging about having an epic dick.

But then I realized, as my face turned to shock and awe, that Andrew and Amal had not only seen each other, but seen each other hard.

I had a million questions. Did they just compare dicks? Were they bi or something else? Do guys jerk off together? 

As Amal returned with the drinks, it started to hit me that I might be in for a more interesting night than I initially realized.

With Amal back, the sexual tension was mixed in with a bit more of a familiar comfort, but the tension was still ramped pretty high.

We laughed and downed two rounds of whiskey, and I finally stopped holding back my curiosity, and asked Amal, “so how is it that you both know how long each other’s dicks are?”

Amal glared at Andrew for a second, and then dipped his head, laughing at the situation and my question.

“Tell her, Andrew. You apparently brought this up.”

Andrew looked back at me, and I suddenly noticed again how close we were all sitting, although it definitely hadn’t escaped me that their legs were rubbing against mine, and that Amal’s hand was on my thigh, and Andrew’s was only a few inches away.

Amal said, “we’ve had some threesomes, mostly with Andrew’s ex-girlfriend.”

“Mostly?!” I gasped. I’m not sure which part of it all was most surprising. But I felt more alert suddenly than I had all night, and my heart was pounding in my chest.

“Well, his ex, and some girls from Tinder and Bumble,” Amal explained.

I took a minute. “Wow, good for you two. And lucky girls…”

We all paused for a second.

“Should we get out of here?” Amal asked.

“Yes,” I half whispered.

We took an Uber back to Amal’s place, which was nice in a barely-sufficient bachelor pad way. Probably nothing in the fridge, but a loose semblance of furniture and a few books. A flat-screen TV that was way too large. No one needs a 65” TV. I’m not sure how I was thinking that at the time, but somehow I was able to have some thoughts outside of just Andrew and Amal’s sexuality.

Andrew excused himself to go to the bathroom, while Amal poured another two glasses of whiskey. I sat down on the couch, and he joined me with the drinks. He immediately leaned over and started kissing me, and I suddenly wanted more of him than I thought I could physically get. I pushed him off of me, and mounted him, straddling him, kissing him deeply, feeling his tongue with mine, squeezing his torso between my legs.

I had even forgotten about Andrew.

But just for second.

I knew he was coming back. I just didn’t know what would happen after.

As I straddled Amal on the couch, I felt Andrew’s presence behind me before I felt his strong hands on my shoulders. He began by massaging me, but his hands soon drifted down until he was at the base of me shirt, pulling around the edges, and then pulling it up. My arms almost automatically raised above my head, and I felt the shirt around my neck, then coming up over my face and breaking me away from Amal.

He looked down at my breasts and stomach. I looked at him and realized, “you actually haven’t seen this before, have you sexy?”

I knew I looked good. 32C cup, a flat stomach, never the clear Instagram abs I wanted but always a nice combination of slim yet soft femininity all over.

“No, I hadn’t seen you like this. But I’m never going to forget it,” he looked almost stunned, and I felt intoxicated by the power that comes from commanding the full attention of a man at a moment like this.

…actually, the full attention of *two* men.

I turned and looked behind me, and saw Andrew taking off his shirt. Where Amal was strong and large, Andrew was slimmer, but cut, and he definitely had that Instagram ab definition that I never could achieve.

I stood up, leaving Amal on the couch, and put my hands against Andrew’s chest. He took my face in his hands and started kissing me. I felt so warm, and overpowered. Andrew tasted different, and it was disorienting and delicious and thrilling all at the same time to experience these two unbelievable men so close together.

I felt Amal on the edge of the couch, reaching for my jeans, and starting to unzip them and then pull them down even as Andrew was all over me. I felt my jeans sliding down, and my green lace panties coming partway down with the jeans. With my jeans around my ankles, Amal stood up and was behind me – putting me in between these two panting, hot, deeply sexual men.

He deftly unhooked my bra, letting it fall to the ground, and reached around to cup my trembling breasts. I was suddenly aware of how hard my nipples were, and the warmth of our bodies was amazing.

I turned to face Amal, who by this point had his shirt off, and I looked down, “I need this so bad right now, you have no idea…” I unzipped his jeans, pushed them down with his boxers, and was greeted by his thick, throbbing cock, which jumped up to attention. I grabbed it immediately.

What happened next almost made me cum right then. The wrongness and intensity of it was so… so hot! Amal reached up and put one hand on my shoulder, then his grip strengthened and he started pushing down.

At first I resisted, unsure, but then I bent my legs, and his other hand pressed down on my head until I was kneeling at his feet, his cock in my hands and heading towards my mouth.

Andrew moved around me until he was standing next to Amal. He had somehow taken off all of his clothes while I was focused on Amal’s dick. Andrew was gorgeous – my eyes followed his slim athletic body all the way down to a large, cut, perfectly straight cock.

And then I realized, it did indeed look slightly larger than Amal’s dick!

As my lips parted and I wrapped them around Amal’s throbbing dark brown cock, I reached out automatically for Andrew’s cock. He moaned as my warm, eager fingers wrapped around it. Soon I had Amal all the way in my mouth, his dick pulsating with my movements, and his hands on my head guiding my head back and forth.

It was one of those moments you knew could never last long enough. The abundance of hot bodies, perfect sexual chemistry, and being able to act on the tension that had been building all night… I knew in that moment I would do anything.

(This is getting so long – I’m sorry, but I’ll post the rest tomorrow!)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/9zu2rp/riding_my_uber_driver_part_2_mfm


  1. Sorry for splitting it up into two parts – I just didn’t want to rush through it, or make it too long! I would love feedback on the length, level of detail, etc!


    Also – these are real stories, but I’m also thinking about posting some fantasies I’m going to write out. Should they go in a different subreddit?

  2. Dammit I was getting there, panting, and it was cut off. Ugh hurry up woman I want those dirty juicy details. Don’t let this sister hanging!

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