How it started [MF] [cheating]

So my husband and I had this couple we were really good friends with. We live interstate so they’d come and visit us and we’d go visit them every few months over the course of a couple of years. The husband (let’s call him B, we’ll call me S) came to our state for a business trip and stayed with us while he was here. Things were perfectly normal and platonic until he went back home…. he’d left some stuff behind so I text him about it, which was suprisingly our first one-on-one contact.

To paint you a picture he’s a good looking guy but not *my* textbook ‘type’ blonde hair and clear blue eyes, whereas I usually like dark and brooding, he’s only slightly taller than me but his body is ripped from long hours in the gym and he oozes charisma. He’s a fun guy and super easy to be around. I’m 5’5, and I’ve got huge boobs and curves. I’m not pretending I’m curvy when I’m actually fat, I’m CURVY as in 14 inches between my bust and waist and 12 between my waist and hips. I’ve got a pretty face and we’re both in our late twenties (at the time)

So, we text back and forth and he mentions how much he enjoyed staying with us this time around and how he hopes we can all catch up again soon. This innocent texting starts us on a friendly conversation that goes on over a couple of days… somehow (and I swear I can’t even remember how) the conversation gets round to the topic of sex and we make a couple of lighthearted remarks about swinging next time we all catch up. We spend a few more days talking ‘fantasy’ about it and how we don’t think my (kinda awkward and reserves) husband would be into it nor his (low sex drive) wife. We start joking that we’ll go off into seperate rooms, they can watch a movie and we’ll fuck like rabbits. Ha-ha.

Then it turns serious…. it was like someone flicked a switch. Everything that we’d been joking about suddenly seemed like a real possibility, why shouldn’t we just have sex anyway? He’s hardly getting any and what I am getting is really unsatisfying, I couldn’t tell you the last time I came not on my own. Neither of us want to leave our partners, it would just be ‘harmless’ fun, no strings, no feelings.

By now it’s after midnight and our SO are in bed as we sit up texting. He’s really into this and lays it out there that if I’m comfortable with it he’s 100% on board. I tell him the idea excites me, to which he replies ‘really?!?’ I don’t know what came over me but I decide there’s no better way to prove it than to show him so, I slip two fingers into my dripping wet pussy then pull them back out. I hold them up in the light and spread my fingers into a V. Snapping a pic of them shiny and wet with a glistening string spread between them.


S: Yep.

B: Holy fuck, I wish I was there with you now…

*attachment arrives*

A pic of his gorgeous cock straining in his hand. Oh my girth. Wow!

I cannot wait to see him in person again. Somehow we eventually pull ourselves away from our phones and finally go to bed. I don’t know about him, but I hardly slept a wink that night.

Do you wanna hear more?



  1. hand prints that last five fucking days on your ass! I’m all ears S. And that pic of your fingers in a “V”…. Mmmmmm

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