The Maiden, The Witch and The King (FF, MFF)


Saga watched as the flames climbed the funeral pyre and began to delicately lick the maiden’s cold skin leaving patches of black char across her alabaster body. Her eyes sought the King’s face. He was standing on the hill above them all, looking down on the burning body of his young wife, staring resolutely into the flames. His strong brow set in grief. When Saga looked back at the pyre the flames danced as tall as the Upsaal behind it. You could barely see the maiden’s blackened silhouette inside the house of raging fire. The farmers and villagers took their turns bowing before the pyre and again before the king. Then they respectfully retreated to their homes and their daily rituals. Saga stayed and bore witness until the last of the commoners and nobles departed, until the King himself bowed his head and mounted his horse and rode away. Saga waited until the flames shrunk, and the smoke blew away with the salted wind, and night fell, and the embers cooled. She looked up into the night sky and saw the planets in their perfect alignment. Four celestial bodies perched in a line in the vastness of space. She set about her business.

Hours and hours after the first torch set the pyre alight Saga approached the pile of ash and bones where the maiden used to be and swept armfuls of the inky dust into her leather satchel. She fished through the ashes, her fingers hunting for choice bones and added them to the bag. Then she slung the bag over her shoulder and headed east, into the deep woods.

Saga walked in silence into the heart of the forest. It was black as pitch here, but she did not need her eyes in this place. She had walked this path before in dreams and out of them. Her purpose led her to the clearing at the center of the hemlock grove. Her purpose dug the hole and spread the ash and bone. It stripped her clothes away, unsheathed the knife and cut her hair. It scraped and scraped until her head was bare and blood soaked locks softly carpeted the hole. Saga dipped the knife into her vein and fed the earth more blood. She whispered words of power, but could feel it’s hunger still. The land craved consummation. She laid down in the grave of blood and ash and let her filthy fingers find purchase in her cunt. She pumped and writhed as the night air pricked her skin. Her muscles tensed in pain and she held herself on the edge of creation for a few delicious moments. Then she was dipping, diving into some great pleasure. Milky liquid poured out of her and seeped into the earth. It was satisfied. She was not. She could have come again, but knew better than to introduce greed to ancient magicks.

In the morning Saga returned to the clearing to find the reborn maiden sitting placidly in the little makeshift grave Saga had dug and fucked herself in. Her face was calm and clear. Her body porcelain, untouched by disease, misfortune or age. Saga reached out her hand and the maiden took it without hesitation. She rose to her full height and Saga felt jealousy, that insidious creature, overcome her. The maiden was golden haired, full breasted, her hips sat high, her stomach was soft and angelic. She looked like she had been fed fresh goats milk and dandelion wine her whole life, while Saga had been kept in the corner of her mother’s hut, picking the dirt off roots and mushrooms. Her wiry little body was tense with envy. Without really thinking about it she reached out and pinched the maiden’s breast, hard, digging her nails into her rosy nipple. To Saga’s surprise the maiden smiled. It was a knowing smile. There was something old and sour underneath the girl’s vacant expression that was clawing to get out. Saga threw a robe around the maiden’s naked body and led her to the hut.

Once inside Saga brewed a tea of maca and red clover.

“This will ready you for your duties,” Saga growled. They both drank of it. Saga didn’t need to, but she enjoyed the peak.

The tea roiled in her stomach for an uncomfortable moment, but then the fire moved south and she could feel the blood rushing in her clit.

“If I told you to fuck me, what would you do?”

The maiden looked up at the question without a shred of recognition. Saga slapped her hard across the face. The immaculate white skin was now a mottled red and it made Saga’s blood pump faster. The maiden smiled again.

Saga stood and tightened her hand around the mass of golden hair at the nape of the maiden’s neck. She pulled back her head so that the maiden was staring up at her, the girl’s soft lips parted. Saga bent to kiss her but stopped just short of contact. The maiden arched her back, straining forward, eyes closed. Saga forced her fingers into the girl’s mouth instead. Feeling her warmth, invading her. She pressed down on the back of her tongue and felt a wave of pleasure as the maiden gagged and choked. The sad little sounds she was making, gurgling for breath, had Saga dripping wet.

She pushed the maiden’s head down until the girl fell off her chair and onto her knees. Then Saga guided the girl’s mouth to her own swollen cunt.


The maiden latched onto Sagas clit and did as she was told. She was voracious, the pressure was intense. Occasionally she would lose focus and her clumsy tongue would venture inside of Saga. Saga pushed the maiden’s head father into her and rode her face for a few glorious moments before guiding her back to the clit. The pressure was so much tighter now and Saga could feel teeth, but the pain was exquisite and she couldn’t tear the girls hungry mouth away. Everything felt sharper, crystallized. Saga collapsed backwards onto her bed, bringing the maiden down with her. She tightened her thighs around the girl’s head and bucked her hips underneath her as she came hard with a bright white flash of pain. When she opened her eyes she saw fresh blood between her legs and dripping from the maiden’s mouth.

Saga was enraged. She threw the girl onto the bed face down with surprising strength. She reached for a dowsing rod and began to whip it across the maiden’s legs and ass increasing the speed and force with every hit. The rod sang a sharp tune as it flew through the air. The maiden whimpered sweetly into the bedclothes. Soon her firm, white skin was covered with red welts. Saga kept whipping until they opened and hot, crimson blood flowed in little rivulets to pool in between her perfect legs. Saga stopped and licked her ass clean while the girl squirmed underneath her tongue, convulsing when Saga reached her aching holes. When the maiden started to moan with pleasure Saga began the whipping again. She ceased when the maiden no longer whimpered. She had passed out from the pain. Saga let her sleep for a long time.

When the maiden awoke it was the morning of the second day of her new life. Saga was packing. Throwing provisions and arcane relics into her leather satchel. Saga smiled as the maiden rose from the bed wincing and gasping from her wounds.

“Let me heal you. We’ll be riding all day today.”

Saga wasn’t sure what the maiden could or could not understand, but the word riding seemed to provoke some deep acknowledgement in her and she laid across the bed obediently in response. Saga dabbed a salve on her open cuts and bandaged them gingerly. The maiden seemed relieved after. As she worked Saga could see the bruising was already fading and the open skin starting to knit back together.

The ride was silent and steady. It was dusk when they spotted Trelleborg, the ring shaped fortress of the king. As they approached the gate Saga motioned for the maiden to throw back her cowl so that the guards could see the young queen reborn. They parted to let the two women pass and it wasn’t long before they were ushered into the King’s chambers.

He stood before them, still in his robes of mourning. He lifted the maiden’s chin, ran his fingers through her hair, pushed her lips back from her teeth. He was examining her like a horse he might trade for, not like a lover returned to him from the dark plane. Saga began to feel uneasy. Her plan was not playing out as she had hoped.

“She is yours my king. Your beloved.”

“She is changed. Her eyes are cold. What have you done, witch?”

Saga could feel the situation slipping out of her control.

“She is not cold, my lord! You should feel her warmth. Show him! Show him what I’ve taught you.”

Saga whispered a command into the maiden’s ear. The young queen let her robe slip to the floor and dropped to her knees. The king took a step back but fled no further. The maiden began to move his robes aside searching for his cock. He seemed apprehensive but again made no attempt to push her away. She found it and started sucking with ravenous force, all pressure, no motion. She was trying to take it all in. To consume him, to feed. Saga saw the maiden’s eyes and recognized that same ancient awareness. That dark hunger. She remembered the bright blood spread across the maiden’s face after she had pleasured Saga. This was not the way to convince the king of her use. Saga threw the girl backwards by her golden hair.

“Foolish bitch! Not like that! Like this.”

Saga dropped to her knees. She licked his cock starting underneath the base trailing upwards to the tip. She stopped at the tip and circled it with her tongue, teasing him. She could hear him exhale softly. He was still completely stoic, but she could feel the pleasure pulsing through his veins. Then she went to work. She pumped his shaft in twisting motions with her hand while bobbing up and down on the tip of his cock. It was hard as iron now. She took her hand away and took it all in, until it hit the back of her mouth. He grunted and placed his hand on her bare head. She could feel his strength in that grip. Knew that he would take what he wanted. Then she relaxed her muscles and went further, feeling him pulse inside her throat. She rode the length of it with her mouth, long strokes of pleasure, punctuated by wild moments of unbridled throat-fucking. When she could feel him edge toward release she remembered her purpose here. It hurt her to pull away because she adored the feeling of a hard cock in her throat and the force of it had her soaking wet. But she was here to make a trade, not to taste his seed.

Saga pulled back. The king looked disappointed until she beckoned the maiden closer. Saga put her mouth on the side of his cock towards the base and gestured that the maiden should do the same. They slipped their hot mouths up and down his shaft together, their tongues meeting occasionally. Saga locked eyes with the maiden as they worked the king. The girl looked to be in a trance. Thirsting for something more than what was offered. Saga drew back and let the girl take him in. This time Saga grabbed the maiden’s hair and guided her head up and down. At first softly so she could learn the movement. And then harder. Shoving the girls mouth down on his cock. Holding it there until she heard that sweet little gag. Bobbing it up and down until the maiden arms started to flail and she began to push off the king, desperate for breath. Saga saw his cock distend the maiden’s throat. She saw it pulse from inside her. Saga held her down as she sputtered and retched until the King gripped the maiden’s head, pushing Saga’s hands away. He pumped himself into her mouth as the girl twitched and spasmed. He groaned deeply and then staggered backwards collapsing into a chair.

The maiden retched on all fours. Thick spit and cum drooling from her mouth. Her eyes were streaked with tears and her nose ran. She was a mess of fluid. Saga saw anger flash in her eyes, but she had not time to address it. Saga stood.

“There. She has proved her talents. I will give you back your wife. Your whore. But I want to sit at your right hand. Dismiss your soothsayer. He is old and feeble. I have the gift. I will lead you true.”

The King nodded. He was somewhere else, reeling in the aftershock. Saga turned to leave. The deal was made. The maiden was on her own now.

“No,” His gravelly voice cut through the quiet, “Stay here. Take off your robes. I want both of you.”

Saga had not expected this. How long had she imagined his powerful body pumping inside of her? Since girlhood at least. She tried to hide her excitement as she let her robes slip to the floor. From the corner of her eye she spotted the maiden trying to crawl away. Saga scrambled after her, grabbed her ankle. Pulled her towards his bed with surprising strength. The maiden clawed at the stone floor, desperate for purchase, but Saga ripped her shoulders back, pushed her upright and onto the King’s massive bed. The maiden struggled now, tried to push Saga away, that alert anger flashing behind her eyes. But she was brand new and weak. Saga straddled her and held her slender arms above her head. Taming the writhing beast underneath her. This otherworldly piece of meat, fighting for her freedom.

“You are his. You are mine. And I will fuck your rotten cunt until you beg me for more.”

Saga plunged her fingers into the Maiden’s cunt. It was tight. The maiden bucked upwards, kicking, scratching, shrieking unearthly evocations into the cold, stone room. Saga dug deeper and faster while grinding her own dripping hole against the maiden’s thigh. The king as at her side now, rock hard again. He moved Sagas hand aside and pulled the maiden to the edge of the bed. He thrust inside the captive girl to the hilt. She arched her back and shrieked in pain. Or so Saga thought. In the next few seconds the maiden had lurched forward and wrapped her arms around the King’s neck. She was sitting almost upright and grinding her cunt into him furiously. He picked her up easily and held her poised above his cock. Then he slammed her down into him again and again while he tossed his head back and laughed throatily. The maiden was making more noise than ever now. Screeching and crying in a high pitched animalistic tone. Saga was starting to feel left out.

Thankfully the King collapsed back on the bed and let the maiden ride him. He grabbed Saga’s thigh roughly and pulled her towards him. Barely comprehending this incredible shift of power she straddled his face. She could feel his beard brush against her reminding her constantly that this was the King! This was the King that was fucking her holes with his tongue. She leaned forward and found the maiden still undulating in ecstasy on the King’s cock. Amidst all the movement she found the maiden’s face and finally kissed her. Kissed her hard and deep as they both felt royal blood inside them. The maiden kissed her back, their tongues exploring. Both so hungry. Saga could feel his tongue dancing on her clit while her tongue danced inside the maiden’s mouth. She couldn’t help but grind against his face. Making circles, stars, tracing ancient incantations on his soiled mouth. She sucked and nibbled the maiden’s neck leaving her mark and when she came she bit down hard. The maiden’s scream echoed through the air.

The King was up again and he had a plan. He laid the maiden down and had Saga lay on top of her. They fell back into kissing. Saga was bewildered. It was all she wanted now. To taste, to know, this scrap of flesh she birthed from nothing and almost sold for a minor title. She wanted more of the maiden, more and more. She wanted to climb inside of her. She wanted to fuck her soul.

From where the King stood behind the writhing mass of woman he saw Saga poised above the maiden. He looked at their bodies and saw their ruined holes in their perfect alignment. Four celestial bodies perched in a line in the vastness of space. He plunged his cock into The maiden’s ass.

She didn’t scream this time but moaned from deep within like some tortured eldritch beast. Saga covered her mouth with hers and breathed in her pleasure and pain. But it wasn’t long before Saga felt it manifest like a knife as the King withdrew and penetrated her instead. Gods he felt massive inside of her. She thought she might split in half. It hurt so much but beyond the pain was a deafening, suffocating pleasure.

He alternated from hole to hole until the witch and the maiden both begged for his attention. More. More. More. Each dying to be the one he came inside. Saga bit the maiden’s lip hard. The maiden forced her tongue into Saga’s mouth until she tossed her head to side to side to escape. Saga reared up and began to choke the maiden. She was winning. The King was fucking her ass harder now. The veins in the maiden’s eyes were enlarging and reddening. And still Saga saw something there. *I see you. I know you.*

The King viciously tore into her ass, focused only on her now. Saga shook with the pain. The maiden convulsed underneath her, losing strength. Saga only squeezed tighter dominating the struggling girl as she was being dominated by the King, completely. The King pushed her head down into the maiden’s breasts and she arched her ass upwards as he thrust into her once, twice more with incredible strength before emptying his hot potion into her most filthy hole and rolling off of her, satisfied.

Saga loosened her grip on the maiden’s neck and cuddled into the King. The maiden was somewhere next to them but separate. Saga could feel the angry, unsatisfied heat coming off the girl’s pale skin. She paid no mind to it. Sleep found her easily.

Saga awoke to caustic smoke in her nostrils and a far away screaming. Someone was clawing at her arm. She shook off sleep and tore her eyes open. The King was next to her, gripping her arm in desperate fear. His throat was ripped open and blood soaked the bedclothes underneath them. His sad little gurgling sounds roused her from the dregs of sleep. She lurched upwards. The bed curtains were on fire, the room around her ablaze. At the foot of the bed through the flames she saw the maiden, blade raised, grinning as the flames licked her. She crawled towards Saga. The maiden’s beautiful white skin peeled away under the heat revealing a boundless void. Saga was frozen with fear. All she saw was blinding white eyes, white teeth and darkness beyond that. The blade found her. Thrusting up inside her guts. Long, bony fingers with sharp yellow nails found their way into her mouth and down her throat. She could barely open her eyes with the pain, the smoke and the tears, but through swollen slits she saw a horned figure bring the blade down one last time. *Master… I didn’t know it was you.*

In the onyx sky the planets shifted slightly and darkest night spun on.
