Space Grace: Butt Bot (Long, Lesbian, Anal. SciFi) (FF)

“ Maaan it’s so nice to be back home. I forgot how nice it is to go for a walk and not have to worry about anything chasing you” Grace stretched her arms out and spun around as her and Olivian walked down the sidewalk. “ The sun feels really nice too…” Grace turned back to Olivian. “ You can feel that right? I mean I figure you would in your physical form but it’s hard to read you sometimes”

“ Yes Miss. My physical form is as realistic as it can get….if you’ll remember that very intrusive medical exam you put me through…” Olivian gave Grace a somewhat unpleasant look. “ Uhh..heh.. w-well I am your commander and it’s my duty to understand my shipmates physically and mentally” “Of course Miss, but I do believe that all that fondling is uncommon practice” Grace gave her friend a guilty smile as they continued down the street. “ You know ever since that huge free will thing went into affect you’ve gotten a lot snarkier. I’m not gonna lie, your kinda pulling off the deadly blonde thing and I love it” Grace looked across the street to see a little stand full of candy. “ Oh shit! Not as much as I love those chocolate pop things though. I forgot how much I’ve been missing out on around here” Grace lead Olivian over to the little stand and started to look over all the candy treats.

“Hmm…It is common to take notice of the little things you take for granted when you are away for extended periods of time” Grace smiled as she looked back at Olivian. “Yeah well whatever it is, i think its gonna be a good day. Candy and shopping and man, just everything I have planned’

“Miss..” Olivian looked concerned. “ You’re not taking me to somewhere indecent today are you?” Grace laughed as she started to fill a bag with chocolates. “ No. Well maybe one or two places you might not enjoy but they are just clothing stores” “ Are you sure Miss or do I need to start researching every store before you take me into it” “Well I mean they have like sexy lingerie and stuff but if you don’t want to try them on with me I won’t bug you about it…too much. Although I still think you should trust me. You’re a hot box of rocks Olivian and I could make you into..uh… those shiny rocks with like.. the gems and shit”

“ I believe you mean minerals Miss. Although I don’t think I fully understand your poor metaphor” Grace faced her friend to cartoonishly roll her eyes and put her hands on her hips. “ I’m saying you’re fucking hot. You’ve got a cute face, beautiful hair, massive tits and while you couldn’t rival my amazing ass i guarantee in something tight you’d be popping dicks just by walking by”

Olivian blushed. “ I-I may be attractive Miss. However popping dicks as you put it, Isn’t something I strive to achieve” “Well you don’t need to strive for anything. You could give the driest handjob using cold sand as lube and I bet you could make a guy cum in ten seconds” Olivian paused for a moment.“ You are always filled with colorful scenarios Miss. I must compliment you on that. However, I’m just not sure I’m ready for those kinds of activities yet. It would be for the best to get fully adjusted to my new self, so i may discover my needs and wants at a natural pace”

“But once you figure it out you’ll tell me right? I mean I don’t mean to brag but i am an intergalactic sex officer” “ Miss that title is not real..” “Well no, but I mean you know what we do. I’m an expert with all things dirty” “While you may have the experience Miss I may decide to keep my sexual awakenings to myself” “What?! Whhyyyyy, I’m your best friend. You can tell me anything” “ Yes, however I fear you may not be able to control yourself. If you find me as attractive as you say I am” “ Well..i’m not…” Olivian smirked. “ Who knows I may be unable to controls my own desires. You wouldn’t want me to injure you” “…You..You’re fucking with me!” Grace playfully shoved Olivian. “Awww I’m so proud of you” The two shared a quick chuckle. “ Maybe I’ve rubbed off on you….hmm or maybe you’ve been sexually active for a while now. I mean you have eyes and ears all over the ship..” Grace moved very close to Olivian. “M-Miss?” “ Yeah, you know who’s to say you weren’t watching me rub one out all those times” Olivian’s face went red. “ Of course not Miss, I have never been a peeping tom..” Grace moved back and laughed. “ I guess you can dish it out but you can’t spoon it in yet. ” I- oh…“ Olivian smiled. ” I suppose not Miss. I must say it’s difficult to fully understand these new emotions and feelings I have. “ “You’ll learn. I mean i can’t really describe what it’s like to be human, but I can tell you even I had an awkward phase. You just sorta grow the more you do stuff”

After stocking up on candy the two headed back down the street to continue shopping. “….Is that why you decided to work in breeding studies and solutions Miss? To do more stuff as you put it” “It was a part of it but there was a lot more to that..” “I get the feeling this may be a sensitive subject for you. If you’d like to change the subject, may I say that I have located many clothing and additional accessory stores to the east of our current path” “Yeah..I guess we could check out the mall there but it usually sucks” “ While it is not suited to your style choices miss, I must say that i would like to try a variety of clothing options. I am thankful that you could lend me your clothing for this outing but in scanning my own body i have determined casual dresses, skirts and more fitted clothing will be more visually appealing on me”

Graces eye lit up. “Oooh you would look good in a dress. You could get something with some deep cleavage with a a strapless push up bra. Add some tight underware…. You could get like a farm girl thing going too. Yeah let’s go check it out I have some ideas for you”

After countless hours hopping from store to store the two went back to the ship to unload all of their new clothes.

Olivian sat on the bed. She smiled as she stared at the floor. “ I-I must thank you for today Miss….. It has been a wonderful experience getting the first of my own belongings and discovering more about my new self. I’m grateful that you would plan such a day for me”

“ It’s no problem Olivian. You’re my friend and you need someone to show you the world and how it is. Plus, it was great for me too. I got all kinds of sexy outfits to wear, a comfy fucking blanket and……where is it” Grace started to look around in all the bags. Eventually she pulled out a little black one. Olivian looked puzzled. “I do not recall that bag Miss. It’s not from any of the stores we visited today”

Grace smiled. “ Well any of the stores you visited. I happen to slip in here while you trying things on. It was this weird little shop that was tucked away” “M.H. Love shop…” Olivian read the bag. Her green eyes flashed for a moment. “ I see…it is an adult store. So I may i be correct in assuming you have acquired some sort of masturbation aiding device”

“ You may” Grace reached into the bag and proudly presented her new toy to Olivian. “ I got a butt plug. Well two actually…I’ve been really into anal stuff latey but I haven’t gotten around to replacing all the toys I had to get rid of. So I figured I’d pick up a few things.” Grace set the bag on her nightstand. A wicked grin came across her face as she grabbed her belt. “ Wanna help me put it in? I feel like testing it out” Grace started to sway her hips back and forth as she undid her pants. “M-Miss, that is..a very.. indecent….” As Grace slid her jeans down to reveal her hairy pussy Olivian couldn’t help but stare. While seeing Grace naked was nothing new to Olivian something about this interaction felt different. Before she became autonomous, she had gotten annoyed with her commanders lewd antics. However she felt a strange sensation in her chest. Olivian blushed and looked away. Keeping up the act of being annoyed.

“oooh come on Olivian. You’re not the least bit curious to watch?” Grace chuckled as she teased her friend. “ A-Absolutely not Miss. That is very indecent of you to remove your clothes in front of me” “ It’s not like I haven’t before. Hell I remember a time when you even cuddled me when I was naked. Right in this bed” Olivian was blushing even harder now. However Grace was too busy to notice.

Bending over just slightly to put her ass in front of Olivian, Grace prepared her anus. “ I guess I’ll just go ahead then. Don’t mind me”

Before Grace could put her toy in Olivian spoke up. “M-Miss I-I do believe p-proper cleaning and lubrication is required as to not harm yourself” “ uhg, of course how could I forget that. I guess I was just having to much fun”

Grace let her pants hit the ground and stepped out of them. She went over to the bathroom and washed her new toy. She then came back and pulled out some complimentary packets of lube that the shop had thrown into her bag. Olivian started to sneak glances at her commander as She tore the packet open with her mouth and then squirted a glob of lube onto the top of her butt plug. She then pushed more out into her hand and tossed the packet to the side.

Grace rubbed the lube in her hand. “ You know Olivian I think it’d be fun to go for a drink after this. I know this old style pub downtown that has pretty good drinks”

“Miss could you please finish up before we discuss other plans” “I’m getting there. I gotta relax a bit first. This things pretty big. I guess I should change too…hmm what would look nice..”

Grace went over to her mirror. As she looked herself over trying to think of something to wear out she squatted down and began to rub lube over her asshole. Olivian watched from the bed as her commander slowly fingered her big round behind.

Grace held the buttplug under herself and as she began to put it in she noticed Olivian watching her. A wicked grin came across Graces face as she decided to put on a little show for her peeping friend.

Pushing just the tip inside of her Grace started to fuck herself with the buttplug. She made sure to let out little moans and gasps as she slowly pushed it in and out of her. After a minute of fucking herself, Grace started to push the toy deeper inside her. Olivian watched as Grace let herself fall onto her toy.

Now sitting on the floor Grace spread her legs and started to play with herself in front of the mirror. “Mmmm.. you really don’t know what you’re missing out on Olivian. This feels great”

“I-I cannot a-a-approve…this behavior Miss. It is indecent and should be done in private” Grace turned and looked Olivian dead in the eyes with a devilish smile “ Then why are you still watching me?” “I-I..” Olivian’s face was red. “” Olivian stood up and started to leave. “ Olivian?” Grace got up, now more concerned for her friend then her dripping sex. She followed Olivian, jumping down the hall of the ship as she put on some pants.

Olivian was sitting on a stool near the main controls. “ Hey..are you alright? ……. Olivian?” Grace walked around Olivian to see her eyes shining green. “What are you looking up?” There was a long pause as Olivian continued. “ Come on Olivian, one minute you’re stuttering as you watch me and the next you’re a statue”

An even brighter flash came from Olivians eyes. “I am processing and cross referencing these new emotions that I’ve acquired. I see now my mistake was not doing this immediately after my programming had been freed”

“…but you’re oka-” “ I am perfectly fine Miss, I apologize but I must put my focus into my research as there is a lot to go over” “ ummm…oookay..” Grace stepped a bit closer, then hugged her friend. “ Just be safe, okay?” Olivian wrapped her arms around Grace. “ I am thankful for your concern Miss.” Something sharp poked into Grace’s back. “ Ahh! What- Olivian what the fuck is that” Olivian tightened her grip. “ I must apologize again Miss, I have come to the conclusion that I need to have complete silence for this process” Grace struggled “Fucking Olivian! Fu-fuck….ah..” Grace started to feel weak. Her legs started to wobble as she fell more into Olivian’s embrace. “ Do not be afraid Miss, you willnnnnnooooot….beeee haaaarrr-” Everything started to go black as Grace passed out.

Grace sprang up. “FFFuck I-” She was in her bed, covered in her new fuzzy blanket. The bags of clothes had been organized and put off to the side and her room had been tidied up. Grace turned to be met with Olivian sitting on the other side of her bed.“ Gah-Fuck!” Grace jumped back and fell to the floor.

“Oh my, are you alright Miss?” Grace backed up a bit then stood up. “ Fucking-No! I’m not all right! You fucking drugged me!” Olivian looked a bit upset. “ I apologize for my actions Miss but I needed to be alone for that process”Dah-I-FUCKING” Grace threw her hands up in the air. “ I was leaving you alone! I would’ve left after hugging you but you fucking stuck me with a needle!”

“I understand Miss and again I do apologize. However given your behaviors and tendencies, you would have most likely wanted to check up and be apart of my research. I could not allow that unfortunately”

“ So you drug me?!” “ It was the best option at the time, and I assure you that I was quite gentle with you as I put you to bed” Grace huffed.“ ….That still doesn’t make it okay.” “ I understand your frustrations Miss. I do apologize…. perhaps you’d be happy to hear about some conclusions I’ve come too as a result of my research”

Grace crossed her arms and huffed again. “ And what would those be?” Olivian started to blush a bit.“ Well…I have discovered…t-that I am attracted to women. It is why I could not…help myself earlier.” “Along with that….I have decided that, while I am not fully prepared for full sexual experiences. I would like to try a few things….and if you would be so kind as to help me in this time of self discovery, I would be more then grateful to you…”

There was a long silence between the two. Grace looked angry. She stomped her foot in frustration. “ THAT’S NO FAIR! I’M TRYING TO BE MAD AT YOU AND NOW YOU’RE TELLING ME YOU LIKE GIRLS AND YOU WANT HELP..AND..AND YOU LOOK SO…..FUCKING CUTE AND SAD AND…FUCK.”

Grace sat back down on the bed. “ I’m supposed to be mad at you right now, but how can I be” Grace turned back to face Olivian. “ I guess I can let the whole drugging thing go but you have to come to a bar with me tonight aaannd you have to try to be a bit flirty with someone there”

“I… I am unsure of my ability to flirt Miss… perhaps you could be the one flirting while I analyze your techniques” Grace shook her head.“That’s not good enough. The price for drugging me is that you now have to get out of your comfort zone”

Olivia looked down. “ Perhaps we can come to a compromise and find another task to take me out of my comfort zone, I do not think I am ready to try and seduce another” “ Well…it wouldn’t really be seducing, more just a casual thing….but I guess we can think on it” The two sat in silence for a moment as they pondered different activities for Olivian.

“M-Miss…. You told me earlier that you acquired a few products from an adult store today. Perhaps we could look them over and…..and see if we could make use of something…” Graces eyes lit up and a big devilish smile came across her face. “Oooohhh That’s a great idea… I’m surprised you would think to do that”

Olivian blushed. “ T-The idea…of…using such things had crossed my mind when you first showed me the bag… however it was never anything more then a thought”

Grace dumped the black bag onto the bed between them. “ Well now it’s reality. We’re gonna see what we can make use of” Grace spread out all the toys in a row. Olivian looked down the line of sex products to see two remote pill vibrators, nipple clamps, a bottle of water based lube, as well as complimentary lube packets and a buttplug similar to the one Grace currently had in her.

Olivian spent some time looking over the items. “ I-If you could give me your input on what you think would be best Miss that would be very appreciated”

“ Wellllllll….” Grace looked over the items. “ I think we can set aside the vibrators. If we’re not set on getting off. Nipple clamps could be good but you might be to sensitive for that….and then there’s this little guy” Grace picked up the butt plug. She started to look over the packaging. “ It’s pretty comfortable. Mines been in for hours and I’m feeling pretty good”

“ Well, you do however enjoy anal stimulation Miss…I cannot say if I am the same way” Grace stared to open the packaged plug. “ You must enjoy it, I don’t think they’d give you an asshole for no reason. Well…we actually do know why they gave you one…..Miss recycled parts”

Olivian blushed. “I believe we agreed never to discuss that again Miss….” “ Well I believe you haven’t paid up for drugging me yet so I guess until you do I can still give you a hard time”

“F-Fine…let us…let us use this device” Olivian grabbed the butt plug from Grace. “However I retain the right to end this… experience… Whenever I see fit” “ Fine, but we’re still going out and I’m at least getting a good buzz before we come back to the ship”

“ Deal, now if you’ll excuse me Miss…” Olivian got up and went over to the bathroom. She looked back at Grace who gave her a smile and a thumbs up. The door shut behind Olivian and Grace laid down waiting for her to come out.

After a few minutes Grace heard a muffled squeak come from the bathroom. After that there was silence and after about ten minutes Grace got up and went over and knocked on the bathroom door. “Everything okay in there? You didn’t put it in the wrong place did you?” Grace waited but there was no reply. “ Olivian? Are you-” The door opened to reveal Olivian standing there holding the toy. Her face was red and she was looking down. “ I-I seem to be having some difficulties Miss..” “ Oh… well what’s the problem?” “ I…it is embarrassing to say that…I appear to be very..well sensitive down there…and that I may require………………………. i may require some assistance in this matter”

“ Oh, well alright that’s no problem. Here give me the toy, and get on the bed” Olivian handed the buttplug to her friend then went and sat down on the bed. Grace stood in front of Olivian, staring at her. after a minute she crossed her arms and spoke. “ I can’t really get to your ass if your sitting on it you know” Olivian stood up feeling foolish “ Oh. O-Of course Miss”

Olivian looked down and fiddled with her hands, awaiting for Grace’s next move. “ Now tuuuurn arooound….” Olivian turned around. “ I swear to god Olivian you’re the smartest person I know and yet you don’t understand that to put something in your ass you need to bend over for me”

“I apologize Miss, I suppose I’m a bit out of focus due to being nervous” Olivian Crawled onto the bed, staying on her hands and knees she looked back at Grace. “ Perfect, just stay like that, I’ll handle the rest”

Grace reached around and unbuttoned Olivian’s pants. She slid her fingers around the waist band then carefully pulled them down to expose Olivians big behind. Letting Olivians pants hit the ground, Grace ran her hands along her friends bare ass. Spreading her apart to expose her tight asshole and to Graces surprise, dripping pussy.

“ It looks like someone’s enjoying them self” Grace teased as Olivian buried her face in a pillow. “ This is quite embarrassing…”

Grace let go of Olivian’s behind “Do you want me to stop?” Olivian hesitated to answer but after a minute, she sheepishly spread her legs wider. “ P-Please continue Miss….”

“Alright. I’m going to lube you up now” Grace opened a packet of lube. She then held Olivians ass apart as she started to pour the liquid over her asshole.

“hhhm” Olivian shivered as she accidentally let out a muffled moan. “You’re doing good, I just need to spread it around now” Grace pressed two fingers against Olivian’s backdoor, eliciting another moan from her robotic friend.

Grace circled her fingers around, causing Olivian to squirm. “ Wow you really are sensitive..” “ I-I-It is… quite the…the sensation Miss” Grace chuckled softly. “ I bet..” She could feel herself getting excited from playing with her shipmates ass. “ Take a deep breath now Olivian” “M-Mi-haaaaa” Olivian moaned out as Grace pushed into her ass. Her whole body shook as Grace started to finger her tight butt. “ha…haMi-Miss..” Grace stopped, just holding her finger inside Olivian as she tightened around her. “ Yes?” “I-If…haaa w-wanted to… relive myself.. how would…what would be the best way.. to go about such an.. activity?”

Grace slid her hand between Olivians legs. “ You’d touch down here” Olivian let out a sharp gasp as Grace touched her. Quickly finding her friends clit, Grace began to masturbate Olivian. “ Ooooh M-Miss-thathaaa” Grace started to finger Olivians ass again as she massaged her clit. “ I’m not gonna lie Olivian, I’ve thought about fucking you a few times but actually doing this might be too much” Grace huffed. “ Like I’m fucking soaked and we’ve barely even done anything. ..”

“I-I_haaa….” Olivian could barely get out a word. She shivered and moaned as Grace carried on. Finally Grace took her fingers out of her friend, quickly but gently trying to replace it with the black buttplug. Grace continued to circle her friends clit as she began ramping up in pressure. “ha-ha-M-M-MI-MI-” Olivian shuddered and squirmed. She could barely contain herself under all these new sensations. Grace quickened her pace as the plug began to push into Olivian.

With a quick push Grace got the buttplug into her friend. As it slipped in Olivian raised her head letting out an ear piercing howl. Her pussy spraying femcum as her entire body shook. Olivian’s voice robotically scaled tones as she came, becoming a quick static before she collapsed.

“Holy shit…” Grace looked at down at her soaked hand and bed sheets. Olivian huffed and heaved as she lay on the bed. Grace sat down beside Olivian and rubbed her back. “ That must have been pretty intense huh?” Olivian turned her head towards Grace. “hhh..hai…I…” Grace chuckled. “ Yeah…just let it pass”

After a few moments Olivian opened her eyes. She smiled and rolled onto her back. “That was.. very exhilarating Miss. I cannot believe how incredible these sexual sensations can be” Grace let out a little laugh. Amused at the whole experience she was having with Olivian.  “ Yeah, They’re pretty great. You can see why i enjoy it so much” “Indeed Miss, it was very wonderful” Olivian sat up. 

Grace gently grabbed her arms. “Now…tell me. How the fuck did you squirt like that!?” “ Oh- Miss-I-” Grace lightly shook her friend. “ Come on! I wanna know how, that looked fucking awesome” Olivian blushed. “ I’m not quite sure Miss, It just happened…” Grace sighed. “Fine, but next time pay attention..I really fucking wish i knew how to squirt”

“Noted Miss” Olivian smiled. She hesitated for a moment and then hugged Grace. “Thank you for today Miss. Once more i am grateful for everything you have done for me. It has helped me feel like so mush more then what i am…..what i was…” Grace hugged her friend back and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “ I’m happy to do it. Now” Grace unbuttoned her pants. “ Its my turn, after all that i really need to cum” “Mi-Miss Ura? May i watch?” Grace smiled. “Certainly”




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