[MF] [MT] My Thailand Ping Pong show adventure

For warning, this is a long story.

While I served in the US Navy I had the opportunity to travel all over the world. One such place is a far away magical land called… Thailand. I know what you might be thinking and yes you’re probably right. Before I get too far along I will assure the reader my story does not include any underage sexual encounters.

It all begins on a US Navy aircraft carrier called the USS Abraham Lincoln. And a young seaman who was T.A.D. to the Chief’s Mess (that’s me). Through some tomfoolery, I had accidentally broken my thumb. Well, more than just broke it. I had broken the tip of the bone clean off and nearly severed the flesh completely. Why is this relevant to a ping pong show in Thailand? Well, this all happened just a week before the ship made it to Pattaya and this horny sailor was prescribed Vicodin. Did I abuse my prescription? Some would say not enough.

As soon as I walked off that ship I pulled as much Baht (Thai currency) out of an ATM as I could. I climbed into a tuk-tuk with my shipmates and the driver already had a cooler filled with Tiger beer and Singha beer. We didn’t need to know how to speak the language. The driver took us straight to an area called “walking street”. It was absolutely beautiful. Bar after bar after club after club. The street is filled with moni songs who are willing to show you their girls who are working that night. Beautiful women and beautiful ladyboys.

My friends and I wanted to drink and see a ping pong show. We started bar hopping and ended up in a Russian ice bar. Everything was made of ice. The countertop to the glasses. The Russian girls were beautiful as well. We were already pretty drunk. Especially me while on, what may have been too much, Vicodin.

I saw this bottle up on a top shelf at the bar. It had this Cobra in it. I have no idea what it’s called but I wanted it. I bought the bottle for about 3,000 Baht, maybe more. I wasn’t keeping track of my money. I took a shot of that cobra whiskey (keep in mind I’m already wasted and high on Vicodin) and my whole perception of reality changed. It’s difficult to put into words. My vision was a swirl except for a small clear center. I felt completely numb. It was hard to walk or even use my hands. Yet my mind operated with a different kind of clarity if that makes any type of sense.

Now that I was properly fucked up. I went a ping pong show with my friends. There was one right next door. I walk into this place and I can remember the room was long and somewhat narrow. It was lined with mirrors that had benches all around the room. There was two side by side stage platforms in the center with two stripper poles on each stage. The place was packed with people. My friends sat me down at the end of a bench. The music was loud. I couldn’t make out words from anyone. The lights dimmed and then the show began.

The first act was six to ten Thai women on stage barely wearing anything. Their breasts and vaginas were exposed in these outfits. They were doing some kind of traditional Thai dance. Ok, I thought, something classy before something horrifying. Then, in unison, they reached down to their vaginas and started pulling something out. Whatever it was at first it was shiny and tied to one other by a string. Then I quickly realized that they were razor blades tied to one other being pulled out by a string! Like a magician pulls out handkerchiefs! I don’t know how they do it without hurting themselves. Not one drop of blood on that stage. I knew right then that this is going to be the greatest show earth.

For the next act, they do two going on at once. One on one stage the other on the second stage. I was right next to the first stage. Two beautiful topless Thai girls grabbed me and pulled me to my feet. Then they handed me a cup attached to a stick. Much like the ball in a cup toy. I was confused and didn’t know what to do with it. The two girls gestured towards a beautiful lady who was completely nude on stage. She was sitting on the stage. Slightly leaned back. Legs propped up and spread eagle. The two girls gestured the cup I was holding to hold it upright and in front of me. Then out of nowhere a banana rockets out of the woman’s vagina on stage straight at me! I froze in disbelief and she almost made into the cup I was holding. The crowd went wild with amazement. I was stunned and impressed. My buddy was next in line to hold the cup. When that banana rockets out at him, he catches it with his bare hands and then continues to eat it! Saying, “I don’t give a fuck!”.

The other part of the second act is when they blow up some balloons, enough for anyone who wants one to have one. A few women are up on the stage, completely nude. They assume a position very similar to the talented banana rocket lady. Each one has an assistant dressed in a skimpy outfit or simply a thong bikini. These assistants start rolling what looks like little cones. And then assists in inserting the cones into the ladies on stage vaginas. What is about to happens next? All o the sudden balloons start popping and I don’t know why. Until one of the assistants helps me hold out the balloon at arm’s length. I see one lady on stage crab walk into position, spread she helps herself by pressing down on herself below the belly button. I am staring directly into her whispering eye. When suddenly this dart shoots out! It flys across the room and pops my balloon! I’m completely amazed by the accuracy of this Thai woman!

The next act is another twofer. Some ladies dressed in skimpy outfits hand out blank pieces of paper. We’re instructed to write down a name or word or statement. Ok, let’s see happens next. I didn’t know what to write so I put KING KONG. They took my piece of paper back to a nude lady on. Then she inserted a thick black sharpie into her vagina and in a crab walk position, she wrote KING KONG! In better handwriting than my own! Or is it pussywriting? I don’t even know.

Next, they pulled out a big tin bucket filled with ice and beer. I could see people paying for beers. I didn’t want to lose my buzz by any means. So I flagged one the ladies down to pay for one. As soon I handed over the money I saw a nude woman on stage opening beer bottles with her vagina… And you know what? I drank that beer. It kinda turned me on. I don’t know why. Maybe it was the fact I had been at sea for several months without sex. Maybe it was the fact I was surrounded by nude beautiful women. Maybe it’s was the Vicodin and cobra whiskey.

Suddenly, more than ever before, I needed sex. I looked around wondering with which one I was going to have sex with. That’s when I noticed a Japanese man talking to a moni song and choosing a girl from a what looked like a lineup. I managed to stand myself up and walk on over. I go straight the moni song and hand over a handful Baht and say, ” I want your pretty one with extra, extra on the side!”. Remember I’m pretty wasted.

She laughs and then gestures to the girls available. I immediately hone in on a beautiful Thai girl. She’s a bit taller than me, probably the stilettos, wearing a thin red string outfit. It begins as a “V” from between her legs and goes up to barely cover her nipples. Then back down, coming together in her butt cheeks. I took her by the hand and made her twirl. My lust for her skyrocketed.

I don’t know what came over me but I had this overwhelming desire to eat her ass right there on the spot. I ran my hands up and down her smooth body. I grabbed her ass and then made her bend over and spread her cheeks. I dropped to a knee and grabbed her by the hips and yanked her towards me. I could tell she wasn’t expecting it by the way she giggled and almost lost her balance. I buried my face in her ass and immediately started pushing my tongue in her asshole as far as it could go. She grabbed me by the hair and assisted me by pulling me in deeper. With all the chaos going around us I could still hear her moan. This was going to be one wild night.

The moni song pulled us apart with laughter and said something in Thai. I replied by giving her more Baht and saying, “don’t be afraid to send more my way!”. The girl in the red string outfit took me by the arm and led through a doorway I hadn’t noticed before. Through the doorway and up some stairs. There was a long narrow corridor with rooms on either side. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what’s going on up here.

She leads me into the first room on the right or I stumbled in. I’m not too sure but what happens next I’ll never forget. We instantly start to kiss. I hold her close by squeezing her ass. She is already undoing my pants. She rips my pants down, my cock already standing at attention, she grabs my ass and forces my cock deep into her throat. It’s at this moment I realize I can barely feel anything! Damnit! Did I take too much Vicodin or drink too much whiskey!? Or both!?

I take this moment, while she is swallowing my cock, to a quaint myself to the current surroundings. The wall to the right has exposed pipes, a deep sink for mops and such janitorial cleaning purposes. As well as a big barrel. Not sure what for but red flags over here. To the left is a lavish bed adorn with pillows and blankets and see-through fabrics hanging from the ceiling. Green flags other there.

I then remove my shirt and pull her head off my dick. I stand her up and then gesture her to the bed. She removes her stilettos along the way. When she reaches the bed she crawls on to it on all fours with her ass towards me. She looks back at me with a smile on face. As I am walking toward her on the bed. I am kicking my pants. As soon as I reach her. I smack her ass. She assumes the ass up, face down position.

I simply move that red string to the side and start tongue fucking her asshole. She moans as she grabs me by the hair and pulls me in deeper. I can’t believe I’m doing this. I never wanted to eat ass before. I couldn’t tell you if it was the booze or the Vicodin or just when in Rome. I could barely taste anything but my mouth watered. I could smell her and she smelled great. Her smooth and cool ass cheeks up against my warm face cheeks. My warm breath creating a sauna in the little space that was in between my open mouth and her tight asshole. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I was in heaven.

I continued to slobber all over her asshole. Pushing my tongue deeper inside her. Licking upward as I would exit. Then repeat by starting closer to her pussy. With one arm wrapped her hips. I used my other hand to start fingering her. She was already dripping wet. She quivered at first but immediately relaxed. I used this opportunity to try and put my thumb in her ass. With a quick slob on the thumb and spit to her ass hole. I drove my thumb in as deep as I could go. With the rest of my hand, I tried to squeeze as much ass cheek as I could. I used my thumb in ass hand as a base so I could finger her harder and deeper in her pussy. She began to rock her body back and forth. Grabbing what she could to use as leverage to push my fingers deeper into her holes.

I couldn’t wait any longer. I grabbed her hips and gave her ass hole a final wet kiss. I stood up and turned around to lay down on my back. I realize then that this bed must be made of plywood. I gesture to her ” 69″ by taping my right hand to my left elbow and my left hand to my right elbow. She eventually figures it out.

I don’t know what it is about a woman repositioning to the next sex position that is so incredibly sexy. She lifts herself up to where she can maneuver on her knees. With a quick move of her hands. She pulls her hair behind the ears and then straddles my body. Her ass is on my chest and she begins to massage my cock while gently pulling on my ball sack. Oooh… I love that! I couldn’t believe I hadn’t figured that before. It was like finding a treasure that has been hiding in plain sight my whole life.

I wanted to taste her pussy now more than anything. I yanked her by the hips to bring her in closer. She fell forward but caught herself by placing her hands on my thighs. She said something Thai with a giggle and propped her hips up on her to scoot back to where I could reach her pussy with my mouth. Without using her hands, she started to suck on one of my balls. Oooh, it felt so good. I could feel my cock throbbing up against her chin. I began to lick deep in between pussy lips. She was so wet I had to swallow some of her pussy juice. I latched my lips around her clit and began to move my tongue, in a circular motion, around her clit. Again without hands, she sucked my dick into her mouth and began to attempt deep throating me. With each attempt, she would gag herself. Made me feel like all that was a man.

The time was time now. I wanted to fuck her ass. I had to. I felt an overwhelming desire to. With a quick smack on her ass and gentle push of her hip. She was off. She stayed on all fours as she turned around. She went back to the face down ass up position. She said moaned something in Thai as she fingered her own ass. I positioned myself and slowly slid my cock into her tight wet pussy. My God, I could feel her all around me. Yes, this felt good. I still wanted to fuck her ass though but I felt obligated to pound as hard as I could. She removed her finger to use both hands to brace herself. I held on to her hips and pulled her into me as I thrust my hips toward her. I could the tip of my dick hitting something. I knew it probably hurt her but she didn’t seem to mind. Maybe she gets off on a little pain. I didn’t know. To honest I didn’t really care at the time. I felt too good. I had been deprived of sex on board ship for what seemed like an eternity.

The urge to see her face and tits bounce as I fucked came over me. I slowed my pounding to a gentle lovemaking rhythm. Like a locomotive from the old west stops at a station. I slowly pulled out. Putting pressure in an upward motion allowing my cock to bounce out like a doorstop. We were both breathing heavy.

I then laid down on my back and made her straddle me. She gently places her hand on my chest as she uses the other to guide my dick in her wet pussy. A big part of me still wanted to fuck her ass. I figured I still had plenty of time. When my cock finally made it inside her she began a gentle rocking of her hips. She would push on my chest for leverage. I ran my hands up and down her smooth legs. This is a drastic change from what I was doing. She was quivering a little with every motion.

Oh no, suddenly I felt worn out and tired. Oh jeez! I thought. If I pass out there’s no telling what could happen to me. I could get robbed or wake up with some missing organs or worse miss ship movement. Which is basically a career ender in the US Navy. I panicked and made her slap me. At first, she did a gentle, playful slap. Then I made her slap me hard. She thought it was funny and began to really get into it. She started to really slap me around. I really felt the last few.

Now that I was awake. I realized I had a time limit. I wanted to fuck her ass, get off and then make it back to the ship. So I aggressively through off and laid her down. I got off to the side of the bed and pulled her towards me.

At that time the moni song from before came in with another attractive girl. I thought whatever. Better late than never. Now that I’ve been slapped around and back on my feet. I wasn’t worried about passing out.

I had the first girl pulled towards me at the edge of the bed. I had my back facing the second girl who just came in. I was lining myself up to attempt to fuck the first girl in the ass, finally. The second girl didn’t waste time getting naked and then pressing her breasts against my back. As I was squeezing the tip of my cock into the first girl’s ass hole, I felt a little something unexpected poking my ass. With my broken thumb hand holding on to my cock, so as not to lose any progress I’ve made entering the first girl’s ass. I use my other hand to investigate what’s going on at my back door. As I fumble around with my other hand I grab ahold of a little, yet throbbing hard, little penis. This wasn’t a girl behind me at all, it was a ladyboy.

So here I am, my bum hand holding my dick trying to perform anal on this Thai chick. My other hand reached around back holding a ladyboy’s dick trying to perform anal on me. But instead has decided to simply work with my firm grip on her (the ladyboy) and is currently having sex with my hand.

I’ve got nothing against ladyboys or the western transgender community. If you’ve read my previous story? You should know that. I just wasn’t ready to receive anal from someone.

So I decided to switch places with the ladyboy. I pushed her into the first girl. At this point, they are both giggling. They speak to each other in Thai. As the ladyboy begins to have sex with the first girl. I take a knee behind the ladyboy. I spread her ass cheeks and spit and begin to eat her ass. Her ass is smacking me in the face as she humps the first girl. I give one last sloppy lick and spit to her ass hole, stand up and give myself a couple wet spits to my hand to lube up my dick. I begin by rubbing my dick in between her ass cheeks. She leans forward a bit and arches her back. The classic “I’m for you to fuck my ass” position. I give us is one final big wet spit. Perfect Aim by the way. I grab her arms just above the elbows. With a slight movement downward and straightforward… I slide right in. She’s no stranger to this I could tell. Yet she was still tight.

Oh, it felt good. But I was a little angry that I wasn’t fucking the first girl’s ass. So I decided to go hard on this ladyboy. I pushed deep inside her ass, forcing her to push deeper into the first girl. I brought the ladyboy’s elbows closer together behind her back. I made her arch her back and began to fuck her ass hard. She moaned and screamed a bit. The sound of my hips smacking her ass only turned me on more. I went a little faster. I let go of her elbows she flung her down on top the first girl. I grabbed the ladyboy’s hips and continued to hate to fuck her. That’s when she said in broken English, “Ah! Yes! Fuck my ass!”. Oh yeah, that did it for me. Out of nowhere, I felt the tingles jingles. I don’t know if I ever came so hard before in my life. My legs shook, I buckled over on top the ladyboy. I just pushed as deep as I could go. Letting my throbbing cock release inside her ass hole. I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed a little bit. Which made her tighten her ass a bit which made me quiver a little.

Finally, I was Finished and satisfied. Now I was really feeling like I was about to pass out. I also realized it was about time to start heading back to the ship by our curfew. It also sank in that I didn’t tell my liberty buddy where I was at. There’s no telling where he could be and I can’t go back without him.

As I started to panic the Thai girl and ladyboy led me over to the deep sink and barrel and washed my gentles with cold water. It was a little sobering. As soon as they were finished I quickly put my clothes back on. When I turned around I was stunned at what I saw.

Standing in the doorway was an older Thai woman with her hands on the shoulders of a young girl. I had no Idea what she wanted. Her gesture seemed to be like she was wanting money. So I just gave her the rest of my Baht I had on hand. I just got out of that situation as fast as possible.

To wrap this story up I found my shipmates after we all had our own separate misadventures and we barely made it back to our ship b4 curfew.

Let me know what your thoughts are of my story. Thank you.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/9xiyvj/mf_mt_my_thailand_ping_pong_show_adventure


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