My older [F] coworker and I [M] messing around on the clock

A few years ago i was working in a restaurant/bakery. We were open until late in the evening, and i usually worked the closing shifts. There was a lady, in her mid 50’s that used to work the bakery area of the restaurant, and she too closed most evenings. Where the bakery area was, happened to be in a fairly secluded area, and to get to it you had to turn the corner of a big wall that gave you enough privacy and notice if anyone was coming.

Once summer hit, it was very hot inside, as well as outside, and we had to wear certain uniform shirts that werent the most comfortable. At the end of the shifts during clean up, it was very normal for people to take those outer shirts off, and just finish in the under shirt you had on. I noticed that Sue (not her real name) would take her outer shirt off every shift, and to my suprise, was always wearing a very simple tank top, and no bra. I thought this was a one time thing, until every closing shift, she took her shirt off, and under was a tank top of different colors, but never wearing a bra. I started taking notice, as when we closed, we would have to go into the walk in to put food up and such, and every time she would come out, her nipples were always rock hard, and very noticeable through her tank top. Nobody every mentioned anything so she never changed her way of dress. 

One evening i was working the bakery area with her, and my hornyness got the best of me and i started flirting with her a little bit. When it came time to close, and she took her outer shirt off, very blunt i just looked at her, and as soon as her outer shirt came off, just said “well hello there, Sue” looking down at her tits with a smirk on my face. She knew exactly what i was refering to, and just laughed and smiled, and said, “well its too damn hot to be wearing a bra, on top of this uniform we have to wear, so i dont bother.” I just told her by all means, please dont. and im sure nobody here minds. Either nobody cared, or just didnt say anytihng because even after i mentioned something, she still kept coming in like that.

The next shift i worked with her, we were once again cleaning up, and she was bending over cleaning some of the pastry cases. I noticed her shirt came foreward enough to see the top of her breast, and while looking down, i noticed she had a tattoo on the top of her right breast. Once again, being horny, i waited until she stood up and just asked her. “was that a tattoo that i just saw on your chest?” She got a little shy, and laughed while saying yes, that she had got it when she was much younger. Pushing my luck, i asked her to see it, which by this point i think she had caught on to my flirting and checking her out, so teasing me, she just pulls her shirt down enough for me to see the entire tattoo, but not enough to see any further. It was a quick show, so wanting to see it more, and again, i said wait a second, that was way too fast and i didnt see it! She rolled her eyes at me and pulled her shirt down again, and this time left it a little longer. I pushed my luck again, and said, woah, hold on, i still cant see it all, while giving her that sexual smirk. She had finally caught on to what i was trying to get at, and catching me off guard, she just pulled her tank top all the way down, revealing her entire right breast, nipple and all, in a quick flash and then putting it away. She smiled at me and said, “now did you finally see it all? ” I was shocked at this point and didnt know what to say, other than “i did this time!”. She just laughed and we went about our cleaning but now all i could think about what getting to see them again, and knowing that she was that open with me, and being just as flirtatious, i knew the future had some fun in store for me…

That was the beginning of a few months of fun that we had. Some more of the story to come if people are intereseted in seeing where it went.



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