Mild initiation of a young girl to the BDSM lifestyle [Mf] [long]

Let me preface this by saying that the events in this story are part fiction, part fact. The story and the events are based on real life, while the conversations and personal details have been suitably modified for a better flow and in the interest of anonymity.


I used to work at a big finance firm a few years back. Our company hired many junior undergrads as summer interns who were invited to work on certain projects for a few weeks. Based on their performance and abilities, they would be later extended a full time position (or not). One of the things I used to love about this program was the eagerness and enthusiasm of those young undergrads to please their superiors. I have always had a dominant streak in me, be it inside the bedroom or otherwise. Setting up rules for someone to achieve their goals, training them with the discipline they need to develop in themselves, pushing them out of their comfort zone, are some of the things I have found that I enjoy that naturally come to me. Being a mentor for a small team of these summer interns would mean taking the responsibility to guide them through their project, and cultivating these skills in them. Besides, their willingness to learn was the cherry on the cake.

This one particular year I was supposed to handle a team of 5 interns. 3 young men and 2 young women : David, Tyler, John, Diane and Susan. They were intelligent, smart, and ambitious young students who wanted to make their mark. It was obvious from their interactions with me as well as with each other that these weren’t your typical spoilt and entitled college kids, but people who were willing to work hard and put in the effort to achieve what they wanted.

I must admit, even though I was always professional with them in our meetings and discussions, there was a great deal which I could’ve never openly admitted to any of my colleagues lest it was interpreted in a way that could damage my reputation. However logical the human brain might be in its rational moments, the primal part of it can’t help but feel the emotions that naturally arise. Looking at Susan you would say it was no surprise that I fell for her charms and feminine beauty. A petite brunette, naturally beautiful breasts, a rather supple derriere, she was the object of desire for every male set of eyes on the floor and the object of envy for every female. Smart and sweet. Giggly and friendly. She was a breath of fresh air for anyone she came to interact with. The geeky glasses she used to wear and the way her eyes turned wide when she was confused when I talked about some intricate concept in detail were only some of the little things that added to her delightful presence.

The interns went back to their hometowns to finish their senior year in college at the end of summers. David, Diane and Susan had made the cut. They received their full time position offers a few weeks after the internship ended, and all three of them had accepted it. That evening Susan texted me saying how excited she was to get the position and thanked me for the mentorship and how it wouldn’t have been possible to get there without me. This was the first time that we talked after the internship was over. I replied her back saying all that she achieved was due to her own effort, my role in it was minimal. We texted back and forth for a while that night, before she had to go back to her assignments and we said our goodnights.

Over the next few months, the frequency of texts from Susan increased. Initially it used to be about logistical issues, questions pertaining to the position of new hires in the company, or something related to moving to the new city etc. Over time, it gradually proceeded to more personal happenings from her life, like how she was having a bad day or if the new assignment was giving her a tough time or how Kelly was being a mean bitch to her. Conversations with her were always interesting. She was a curious young mind who wanted to know and experience as much as she could about the world. At the same time, she was still the naive and innocent young one, who was still in the phase of that delightfully carefree adolescence when you had very few responsibilities which burdens so many adults from being fun. We texted about inconsequential things, yet nothing sexual so far. It was my self imposed policy to never initiate a relationship of that nature with anyone in my workplace.

The year passed and the fresh hires were ready to join. Our team had planned of throwing a little house party to welcome them to the new job. It was decided that for the sake of convenience of everyone, the party would be held at my place. My home was the nearest to the office, and that way no one would have to travel much. Sure, I didn’t mind.

That Friday we (4 of my colleagues, the 3 new hires, and I) headed back to my apartment after office. We had ordered food and some drinks and were generally having a good time sharing some of the stories from our first year experiences working at the firm. We were sitting in the living room all this time. About an hour into the stories Susan had the urge to go to the washroom. When she came back, she looked at me with a confused look in her eyes and at first I couldn’t figure out why, nor did I bother to find out more. She took the seat nearest to me and after a few moments, leaned in to whisper something into my ears

“I have so many questions! Why do you have that *inscribed* dog collar in your room, when you have no pets?”

Her emphasis on inscribed made it clear that she had read what the collar said. That was the moment I realized what had just happened. When she went to the guest bathroom, Diane was already using it, and so Susan had went to the one inside my bedroom. Unfortunately, (or fortunately?) I didn’t get the time to clean up my room after a regular play session with one of my subs the previous nights, and Susan had accidentally stumbled upon that collar.

From the tone of her voice, it was clear enough that she was as yet not exposed to this world of kinks. I had to make a crucial decision at that time. I could either brush off the question, or take this as an opportunity to take a curious mind and introduce it to an interesting world of perversions. Her eyes were looking into mine, waiting for an explanation, while I was taking my time to contemplate how best to answer it.


This was getting too long and I had to break it at this point. Let me know in comments/PMs if you’d like me to take this further. If this generates enough interest, I will continue with the rest of the story.



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