A country summer, Part 1 (NSFW, golden showers, anal, mf, tg, mm, incest, transgender, gay, MILF, GILF)

Dear reader, the following story is a work of fiction based loosely on a true life events, so there’s a nugget of truth in everything I wrote. In the end, it’s an amalgamation of memory and fantasy. I hope you enjoy! ^_^

I’m 18 years old and had just graduated high school in southern California. I was an inch under six foot tall, about 175 pounds, short reddish-brown hair bleached by the sun, bright blue eyes and well-tanned from living at the beach and pool. I had spent the last 8 years on city and school swim teams and took up surfing when my family moved to Cali eight years before. I worked part-time since I was 14 as a lifeguard and swimming instructor at the same pool my team trained in. Needless to say, I spent a lot of time wearing a speedo and was very comfortable in my skin.

I was due to attend the Art Institute in the fall to pursue a career in illustration and drafting, but had decided to take the entire summer off before I went out and joined the rat-race! My parents come from a small town in northeastern Oregon, they married and left almost immediately but we visited Union twice a year for as long as I can remember. It was their suggestion that I visit for a week or so that summer, because who knows when I’d be able to make it back after I started college and work.

I liked the idea, both sets of grandparents, aunts and uncles and nearly all my cousins still lived in the area. I tapped into my savings and with a little help from my folks and my dad’s parents, booked a round trip to Pendleton, the nearest airport to Union.

My grandparents, Marge and Dan, picked me up from the airport and we spent the trip back to Union catching up with recent events and speculating about how things were going to go in college. Their pale green ’77 Cougar sailed down the highway smoothly like the all-metal, land-yacht it was!

Grandpa was about five foot, a bit pudgy and had a full head of bright silver hair, he was the town’s gruff high school math, history and shop teacher. He also coached the wrestling team. Pushing 60, he could still easily crush your hand in his manly handshake.

Grandma was a half a foot taller than him, with short, curly, salt and pepper hair, a bit further on the plump side than her husband, but she wore it well. She was raised by an English mother and was every bit the old-fashioned housewife, gladly waiting hand and foot on her family and guests.

Arriving in Union, memories came flooding back of numerous visits and holidays spent with family. The town is a bit cliché, but it actually has TWO traffic lights, but they both were just a single light blinking. The main street was paved, but all the side streets became gravel a block from Main Street. The town had a population of 2,300 in its heyday, but had dropped to around 1,200 when the lumber mill closed. It was small, quiet and friendly. It was nestled in between two mountain ranges at the southern tip of the triangular Grand Ronde Valley. A decent snow fed creek ran through the town from a canyon on the East side.

We pulled up to their place, a single story home build at the turn of the century which had been updated some and a second floor had been added to the back of the house. That was where I stayed, through the family room, past the guest bathroom with the sticky door, up the narrow stairway with the too-short steps, to the large bedroom on the left. I normally got stuck with the tiny room on the right, but since I was here without my parents, I got the nice one with the low, king-size bed! The ceilings were low and slanted near the sides, following the shape of the roof, making the room cozy and quaint.

After dinner, Grandma ran a bath for me in the guest bathroom. I told her I could take care of myself, not wanting to burden her.

But she just patted my cheek and said, “Of course you can dear, of course you can!” and bustled off on her way.

The tub was old-fashioned, but not like a claw-foot tub or anything, just white, large and square, in an avocado-green, tile surround. It was about half the size of a hot tub, and Grandma had filled it with almost-too-hot water and it smelled vaguely of sandalwood. I had a good long soak and by the time my fingers and toes had pruned up Grandma knocked quietly on the door.

“Honey? I’ve brought a nice warm towel!” she announced through the door.

“Oh! Um… can you just leave it outside the door?” I replied, surprised.

“Nonsense!” she exclaimed. “Cover up with a washrag, I’m coming in!”

She struggled with the door sticking for a second, it could be a pain, and just as draped a miniscule washcloth across my waist she came in holding a large, fluffy, neatly-folded towel. She shuffled over and set the towel on the little garden shelf at the foot of the tub and settled herself on the lid of the commode as if she were in a parlor, getting ready to gossip with her friends. As comfortable as I was in my skin, this was still a tad unnerving as she asked solicitous questions about my upstairs room, and when I’d like breakfast and reminding me that they had arranged for me to go horseback riding the next day at my great-uncle’s place.

Concluding, she said, “Well, I need to get going before your towel cools off!” and she stood, her simple ankle-length linen house-dress flowing loosely about her.

I couldn’t help but notice that she was absolutely bare beneath the dress as she bent over while getting up, the gaps between buttons and the neckline gaping open as the fabric shifted about her plump features. The glimpse of a fat, dark nipple and her surprisingly dark bush caused an involuntary response from my prick!

As she headed for the door she said casually over her shoulder, “Mind the washrag!”

I could hear the amusement in her voice as I quickly glanced down and noticed the washcloth had floated clear and was no longer doing the job I had set it to perform! Silently cursing the errant rag, I hoped that Grandma hadn’t seen my rapidly hardening tool set in my neatly-trimmed pubes. The damn thing had a mind of its own and continued to stand erect at seven and a half inches all through the draining of the tub and my drying off with the luxuriant, warm towel!

Later, as I drifted off to sleep, those images replayed in my mind, unbidden, but not unwelcome.


The next day started off normally, Grandpa was off before I woke up and Grandma was in her same house-dress and fixed my coffee and a soft boiled egg and toast, gently rebuffing my attempt to fend for myself. She genuinely took pleasure in serving others and gave no indications that last night’s bathroom hijinks had affected her at all. I did, not-so-accidentally, notice her fat nipples tenting the fabric over her low-slung ladies though!

She puttered off to get dressed as I finished eating. As I walked from the kitchen through the family room, I spotted the door to her bedroom which opened on the family room, slightly ajar. As I walked by, my view panned across her room through the gap and I was unintentionally treated to a full-frontal glimpse of her nude body via her reflection in a full length mirror. I half stumbled as I fought my body’s impulse to stop and stare, and continued through the room and up the stairs to my bedroom to change. The little dictator in my shorts wouldn’t let me forget the vision of her plump curves and I couldn’t help but admire how well her features had endured what had to be getting close to 60 years of living. The biggest signs of her age were the happy wrinkles on her face and her somewhat saggy boobs, which if I was being honest with myself, actually turned me on considerably!

I was ill prepared to dress for riding that day, having only packed shorts and tennis shoes for this trip. I would have preferred jeans and boots at least, but hoped I wouldn’t be too uncomfortable. I ended up coming downstairs in denim shorts and a “Bill the Cat” t-shirt. Grandpa had taken his Ford truck, so Grandma and I rode a few miles out of town which was surrounded by fields, pastures, ranches and farmhouses. The old Mercury sent up a plume of dust on the gravel roads that hung in the air for minutes in the still, hot, summer air.

We arrived at my great-uncles and Grandma re-introduced me to the family, it had been a while since I’d seen them and she left me in their care and would return around dinner-time that evening to pick me up. My Gr-uncle informed me that he’d be unable to take me out riding that day, as he had business in town, but that my second-cousin Alice would take care of me for the day.

We hopped in his truck and he drove me down another road a mile or so to their horse-shed. He introduced me to Alice who was on break from the community college in La Grande, the next biggest town in the valley.

I confess that I was glad for all the experience I had in keeping my prick from getting hard while wearing speedos, because the vision of Alice would have caused an unmistakable bulge in my tight denim shorts as I drank her in with my hungry eyes!

She was 20 years old, about five foot two and maybe a hundred and twenty pounds of tanned, fit and smiling rancher’s daughter. Her sharp facial features were topped by a jet-black pixie-cut hair and she was wearing a button up plaid shirt under denim coveralls. She had been preparing the shed for the horses, which were out to pasture, with fresh hay and getting the tack ready.

She wiped her sweaty hand on her coveralls and grasped his hand firmly in an enthusiastic handshake.

“How-do-y’do!” she greeted me warmly. “Looks like Califor-nee-ah treats ya well!”

“I like it well enough,” I replied. “But I love coming to Union to get away from it all. Thanks for taking me riding today!”

“No prob-lem-o!” she grinned. “I’m certain it won’t be too boring for ya though!”

“Come on you two!” my Gr-uncle called. He had two halters for the horses and was climbing back into the truck.

Alice and I piled in next to him, she was sandwiched between us in the small cab of the truck. She was sweaty from working in the shed, but she smelled pleasantly of fresh hay, and I think, lemongrass.

He dropped us off at the pasture about a half mile from the horse-shed and gave a last few instructions to my cousin, mainly where she’d take me riding and then headed off to town, leaving a trail of dust to slowly settle in the lazy heat.

The half dozen horses trotted up in a friendly manner to the gate when Alice called to them and she quickly hopped over and haltered two. I helped her lead them through the gate and after ensuring the gate was secure, she sprang up onto the horse bareback.

“Let’s go sweetie!” she called. “I ain’t walking back!”

“You bet!” I cried. But I’ll be damned if I didn’t have performance issues that morning! This was not my first time on horseback, nor bare back riding, but that mare was determined not to let me hop on her back! Alice laughed long and hard and my face got red but she assured me she wasn’t laughing at me. I decided to lighten up and laughed with her, all the while that mare just kept circling away from me whenever I got set to hop on.

“Come on up sweetheart,” Alice offered, extending a hand to me. I gave her the lead for my horse and she secured it around the pommel, then she reached down again and I easily swung up behind her.

She spurred the horse into a slow walk back to the shed and I tried to keep a little space between us. I guessed she probably wouldn’t want me mashed up against her and our height difference might be intimidating to a little lady alone with a boy.

The circumstances were working against me however. Without a saddle, the motion of the horse kept me sliding forward, so I’d lean back and try to slide back, only to repeat the maneuver again.

“Honey, WHAT are you doin’ back there?” she exclaimed. “Don’t worry about it, I don’t bite and I’m not scared of boys!” she finished with a laugh.

So I sat up straight and inevitably my front-side ended up smashed against her back-side. Only slightly distracted by her idle chit-chat, the sensation of my package grinding between her cheeks in time to the horse’s rhythm overcame my best efforts at self-control and my prick began to swell, pressed firmly against her rump.

Her chatter slowed to a stop and we rode the last third of the distance to the shed in awkward silence. When we got to the shed I quickly slid off the horse and kept my back to her as I led my horse through the doors and into a waiting stall. I didn’t meet her eyes as she told me which saddle and bridle to use and while I was picking out a horse blanket I asked her where I could go pee, as I didn’t see a specific place for that kind of thing.

“We just use the last stall on the end down there,” she gestured. “Feel free to pop a squat, er, guess guys don’t have to worry ‘bout that,” she laughed.

“Just kick some hay over it when yer done,” she explained. I finally met her eyes during this exchange and they glittered with glee and I found no trace of resentment for the impromptu dry humping.

“Kay,” I answered. I decided to finish prepping my horse before heading to the back stall myself and lost myself in the task of saddling my horse. She was feeling ornery and kept holding her breath when I’d cinch the saddle. Finally getting things settled the way I wanted, I headed back to the last stall. I was almost there when I spotted Alice squatting in the stall through the wide slats in the partition. I stopped, but failed to avert my gaze before witnessing her standing up, bare from the waist down, and pulling up a tiny pair of white lace panties, covering the tidy “landing strip” adorning her mound. I then saw her pull up a pair of white denim short-shorts and she came around the corner tying up the bottom half of her plaid shirt, baring her mid-riff and wrapping her perky A-cups snugly. She stopped short seeing me there and paused for a second.

“All yours, sweetie!” she beamed, lighting me up with a broad, gorgeous smile. I couldn’t help stopping and admire her, there was no concealing the slow up-and-down I gave her and she responded by kicking her hip out to the side and posing with her hands on her hips.

“Like what you see cowboy?” she teased.

“Y-yes. You bet!” I managed to croak. She was the most frustratingly amazing package of adorable and sexy combined!!

“Good!” she said, and sauntered past me to go tend to her horse. She was as much a vision from behind as she was from the front, her firm behind clearly outlined by her tight shorts swaying side-to-side, her tan legs disappearing into her cowboy boots… whew!

I stepped into the stall and encountered my next problem, I was hard again and I couldn’t convince my prick and bladder to cooperate and let me pee! Fuckers!

Well, working normally took my mind off things and I went back to meet Alice and lead our horses out of the shed to go for our ride. The ride through the hills behind Union was gorgeous and we rode along alternately in companionable silence and light banter. I also pried her for details of what life was like in college and she shared stories of roommates, boyfriends, gal-pals, parties and unreasonable professors. All-in-all, the afternoon was so great we didn’t even miss the lunch we didn’t pack!

We returned to the horse shed mid-afternoon and began the process of putting away the tack and grooming the horses. Luckily this time we would leave the horses in their stalls, her dad and brother were going out to check on some fences the next day.

By the time we’d wrapped things up, my bladder reminded me it had been hours since I last needed to pee, and still hadn’t gone. Things were getting urgent! I scooted down the aisle to the last stall in a hurry, turned the corner and froze in my tracks…

Alice was already there, squatting with her legs apart, shorts and panties completely removed and sitting nearby in the hay. Her face was an angelic expression of relief as pee gushed forth from her pussy, jetting into the hay between her boots. I guess she would have heard me coming if I’d been wearing boots, but my sneakers had lived up to the name and I’d snuck right into this intimate moment!

My eyes were locked onto her spread pussy, enthralled by the spectacle, but my feet had the presence of mind to begin slowly backing out of the stall. I looked at her face and became transfixed when she opened her golden brown eyes and stood up, never losing her smile, not breaking eye contact and not stopping pissing!

“Where do you think you’re going, honey?” she purred, as the stream between her legs finally began to wane.

“I was just, uh. I didn’t mean to, uh. I’m sorry, I…” she shushed me with a finger to her lips and reached out and grabbed both my hands, pulling me back into the stall until her naked rump was pressed against the manger. She continued pulling until we were face to face and she reached up and wrapped her lithe arms around my neck, looking me in the eyes.

“I was flattered by your hard dick against my ass earlier,” she confessed. “I spent the rest of the day tryin’ to figger out what I was goin’ ta do about it.” She concluded with a grin like the cat that ate the canary.

She proceeded to kick off her boots and untie the shirt covering her tiny, firm titties. The sight of her miniscule breasts and hard nipples covered in the mere token of a bra was all the incentive for me to peel of my shirt and drop my shorts and briefs!

“My, my!” Alice uttered, as my cock sprang to attention between us.

My cock was pressed against her navel as she pulled us together to kiss me passionately, probing my mouth with her small, slick tongue. I managed unclasp her bra and bare her chest, which I began to massage and gently roll her nipples between my fingers.

She moaned into my mouth and grasped my cock with one hand and used the other to hop her butt up on top the edge of the manger, guiding my rock-hard cock to her still piss-slick pussy lips.

“Oh yes!” she cried, as she grabbed my ass with both hands and impaled herself on my prick.

“Holy fuck!” I responded, as her hot, burning pussy slid down my shaft to the hilt.

We began to move against each other in the ancient rhythm as our mouths, lips and tongues sampled one another’s lips, faces, ears, necks, shoulders… the wet sounds of our sex mingled with our heavy breaths. We really began to get into it, slamming into one another in mutual lust, but she put her hands on my chest in a stopping motion.

“Wait! Wait, we gotta stop,” she said apologetically. It wasn’t easy, but I complied! “I’m not on the pill, you can’t cum in me like this,” she explained.

“Don’t worry,” she smirked. “I think you’ll like what’s next!”

Alice guided me into a sitting position on some clean hay with my back against the manger. She then straddled my hips and reaching behind her, swiped the head of my cock a few times along her wet slit, before stopping with my prick resting against her butthole. She pressed her forehead against mine and gazed fixedly into my eyes as she pressed her ass down onto my slick cock!

This was my first time doing anal and I memorized every sensation! I felt my head “pop” into her ass, and surprisingly felt it again as she continued to sink onto my pole. As my head popped through the second time I felt engulfed in an even hotter slickness that almost defies description! She was tight inside, but not as tight as the ring of her asshole gripping my cock like a little fist!

She slowly began to rise again, pausing and sinking back down. Her arms were now wrapped around my neck, her forehead still against mine, eyes now closed, her breath against my face, her long hard nipples dragging up and down across my chest.

“Uhn!” she grunted in a most feminine way. “Uh, um, ah, uhn, um, uhm, mmm-hmm!” On and on she chanted, singing to me an intimate song of utter abandonment, her total surrender to the world of her sensations!

“Come for me baby!” she whispered. “Oh please cum in my ass!”

“I… I… I can’t!” I lamented. With that she stopped, coming to rest with my cock buried balls deep in her petite ass.

“Why not?” she asked, looking hurt. “Is this too dirty? Do you think this is nasty? I know some guys think anal is nasty,” she said, looking like she might cry.

“God no!” I almost shouted. “No, I fucking love it! But, I’m embarrassed! I can’t cum because I have to piss so bad!’ I admitted, almost choking up.

“Oh! Oh, it’s okay baby!” she cooed. “It’s okay.” She slowly raised up off my cock and came down again settling on my groin, her pubic bone resting against mine. My cock was resting between her ass cheeks, the tip up past her tail bone, pointing almost straight up.

She nuzzled her face into my neck and instructed me to “Go ahead and pee now,” she whispered. “Go ahead baby, do your thing.”

“Seriously?” I whispered back.

“Yes! It’s okay baby, you can do it,” she encouraged me…

I closed my eyes and tried to relax, mentally trying to unlock the urgent flood, concentrating on the need to piss… I felt a few drops escape and run down between us, down her ass crack and my cock.

“That’s it baby, let it go,” she continued to coo.

The floodgates slowly lowered and the drops became a trickle. The trickle a stream, and the stream into a jet shooting up her back, and over her back. My piss showered down on her head and my face, I closed my eyes against the stinging, burning liquid and there was no stopping it now!

I had needed to go pretty bad before we’d even left to ride, and the sensation of relief now was almost as pleasurable as an orgasm! Alice lifted her head and tilted it back, letting the jet of piss splatter against the back of her head, soaking her short hair. She straightened to kiss me deep and hard, the salty taste of my piss mingling in our mouths as she began to grind her clit against my pubic bone. Piss was running down her back, through her hair, over our faces and between our bodies. Everything was a burning hot, slick, erotic mess!

My bladder had apparently found the relief sufficient, because my cock suddenly sprang back to full hardness and the diminishing shower cut off immediately. Alice’s body suddenly stiffened and became rigid in my arms as her orgasm overcame her. I held her tight, my cock nestled between her trembling ass cheeks almost enough to make me cum right there!

When her spasms had subsided, she reached back and rose up, “Your turn sweetie!’ she grinned.

Placing my cock against her asshole she began rocking her ass onto my cock in little steps. I’d get a little way in and then get squeezed back out, we got so far as to her the head all the way in once, but she was just too tight now to get past the second “ring.”

“Sorry!” she pouted, with a disappointed tone. “Would you please stand up?”

I carefully climbed to my feet from beneath her as she remained kneeling. Raising up slightly and grasping my ass cheeks, she pulled my cock and balls to her face and began to lovingly, tenderly suck and lick the piss off my cock and balls. She made show of licking her stringy cum from my short pubes.

“Oh god!” I cried as she settled in to go to town on my cock. She slipped the head in her small mouth and began to bob her head in earnest while stroking my cock with one hand and massaging and tugging gently on my balls with the other! Her petite physique could only get a little over half in her mouth and the sight and sensations of her lips stretched around my prick did the trick in mere seconds…

“Ung! Oh god, here it comes!” I warned.

She took my cock from her mouth with an audible ‘POP’ and pulling my cock down, stroked blast after blast of thick white cum out onto her tiny titties!

My knees wobbled and she said, “Hang in there tiger!” with a wide smile.

“Very nice!” she declared. She kissed the tip of my cock and gave it a little suck. She then climbed to her feet, then used one finger to gather a large glob off her tit and licking it off with her tongue.

“Sweet!” she said, licking her lips and leading me by the hand out of the stall down to the front of the shed where we used the spigot and hose there to rinse one another off in the goose-bump inducing cool water.

We had just finished struggling back into our clothes, the fabric clinging to our damp flesh, when we heard a vehicle pull up outside the shed! We quickly give one another a once over look and decide we’re presentable and head out of the shed to see who’s there.

Grandma’s stepping out of the old Mercury as we’re walking down the ramp and she proceeds to tell us that I won’t be able to stay for dinner, her dad had swung by the house in town and let her know that they had to take the family to La Grande that evening. All the while I could see Grandma looking from face-to-face, looking us up and down and as she turned to get back in the car she pursed her lips in a half-grin while shaking her head just a little, it was subtle, but I caught it. We’d be fools to think that we’d be putting one over on that wily woman!

We dropped Alice off at the house and I thanked her for the wonderful time! She held both my hands and stood on the tips of her toes to give me a chaste peck on the cheek and whisper in my ear that she’d not soon forget me.

“In fact, I’ll prolly be thinkin’ of you t’night, if ya know what I mean!” she said with a wink and turned to go into the house.

My blushing face was clearly evident as I sat in the car and Grandma barked out a quick “Ha, ha!” laughing and shaking her head as she backed out of the drive.

“Did you enjoy yourself today?” she asked, with a sideways glance in my direction.

“Yes ma’am!” I declared, enthusiastically.

“Indeed,” she reflected. “I hope not too much though, her being your cousin and all!”

“Oh! Umm…” I stammered.

“Well, second cousin, anyway,” she said, under her breath.

“We made sure she wouldn’t get pregnant!” I blurted out, following it with “Shit,” and slapping my hand over my mouth, realizing I’d let the cat out of the bag.

“Oh honey,” Grandma chuckled, “I was born in this valley and I’ll probably die in this valley, there isn’t anything you youngsters are doing that I haven’t seen played out a hundred times!

“Though you should be careful who you’re schtupping, no telling who you may upset. You wouldn’t want to make too many of these big country boys mad because you’ve looked at their sweetheart the wrong way. Hmmm, I guess you do have the advantage of leaving in a week on your side though…” she trailed off at that point and we finished the drive home in a fairly comfortable silence.


When we got home Grandma drew me a bath again, telling me I smelled like a barn and there was no way she’d let me come to dinner like that. I decided to stop protesting her waiting on me, she was going to do things her way no matter what I said anyhow. I quickly shut the door behind her as she exited and hopped into the bath, with my shirt off I could smell the lingering odor of pee and sweat, plus by that time I was starving.

I couldn’t help thinking about both the first time doing anal and piss play on top of that. My relentless libido had my prick standing at attention in seconds and I lay back in the tub and raised my hips so my cock was above water and began to stroke it off quickly. Within half a minute the little tyrant was spraying sticky ropes across my belly and chest with a few drops hitting my chin. Instinctively I adjusted aim and opened my mouth, scoring several direct hits. This wasn’t the first time I’d tasted my own cum and I rather liked it from time-to-time. This time however, as I looked at the little sideways ‘mouth’ at the tip of my dick, I longed for the rush that came with the kinky sex Alice had shown me.

So, with a little concentration, I released the mental locks and coaxed a weak stream of piss from my cock and played it back and forth across my belly. It was so hot! I gave it more effort and the stream strengthened and I directed it over my chest, then my neck and onto my chin and lips. The same impulse that drove me to open my mouth for my cum, parted my lips for my hot piss. I let my mouth fill up and the spit it back out across my chest, swallowing the last little bit. God! That was so dirty!

“Oo, that’s dirty!” I thought I heard… my heart skipped a beat. Did I say that out loud? I quickly looked over my shoulder at the door. It was shut tight. “Huh. I’ll have to be careful to not think things out loud!” I thought to myself.

I cleaned myself up again and drained the tub then found my own towel in the cupboard. I missed the heated, fluffy towel Grandma brought before, but figured she was busy with dinner. I wrapped myself in the towel, opened the door and headed upstairs to throw on clothes for dinner.

Grandma called Grandpa and I to dinner as I was coming downstairs and we sat down to a simple home-cooked meal together. “Ah, the simple pleasures!” I thought.

Grandpa was sharing about his day and Grandma wasn’t eating much, her elbow was on the table and she was resting her chin in her hand and was watching me eat with a ‘Mona Lisa smile’ expression on her face. I looked up when I noticed her smile spreading to a full-on grin. Wondering, I had to think for a moment before I recalled the last thing Grandpa had just said.

“Sorry it took so long, but I finally got around to fixing that sticky bathroom door!” he had said.

Come to think of it, it had shut behind Grandma effortlessly before I got in the tub, and had opened smooth as silk when I was done and went upstairs!

My fork slipped from my numb fingers and clattered to the plate as realization came rushing upon me. I looked across at Grandma and she was leaning back in her seat now, covering her smile with a hand and nodding to me slowly.

“You okay?” Grandpa asked. “You look white as a sheet!” he was peering at me and not Grandma thankfully.

“I… I, just remembered…” my brain scrambled for an excuse. “I forgot to call Mom and Dad today! They wanted me to call today and check in and let them know how the flight here went,” I lied.

“That’s no problem,” Grandpa said. “I talked to them yesterday and told them you were settling in. Feel free to call them after dinner,” he offered.

“Th-thank you sir!” I replied. I stared at my plate and finished dinner quickly, though my appetite had fled completely.

Shortly thereafter I cleared my plate and scurried to the family room to surprise my parents with a phone call they weren’t expecting. I made my excuses afterward to retire to my room under the pretense of wanting to go to bed after an eventful day.

I carefully replayed the whole incident, taking into account Grandma’s expressions, and even our conversation in the car earlier, and concluded that even though it was monumentally embarrassing, I had nothing to fear. Grandma wasn’t an ignorant hillbilly, and though she was very traditional in some ways regarding women’s roles in the age of feminism, she’d always marched to the beat of her own drum. No one was going to tell her how to act or what to think! Everything she did was her own decision, not someone else’s. She even made Grandpa wait to get married while she finished college before they got married, practically unheard of at the time!

My heartbeat began to slow down and I guess I experienced an adrenaline crash, because the next thing I knew, sunlight was shining on my face through the window and it was the next morning! I had slept where I lay, fully clothed, sideways across the foot of the bed.

(to be continued…)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/9te0u5/a_country_summer_part_1_nsfw_golden_showers_anal