[FM] Things have gotten serious with the security guard! (Part 5)

Hey, sorry to those who were expecting an update, I was without my phone for a few days and I couldn’t access my account without it.

So, an update with my security guard.

I couldn’t see him Friday night, he wasn’t working. So I went out and got drunk with some friends. I continued to chat to a few Redditors and became a bit worried that my security might not have just been being professional, he may have had a wife/gf or something like that.

We arranged to meet up for an early lunch and talk about things. I think he thought that request was a bit off from me as I think I’d made it clear to him it was just about sex, which I’m not being funny, originally it was.

We met up and he started explaining about his life and his past, and that he was just being professional and that he’s not had a GF for years since a bad breakup. He did say he had a couple of regular FWB’s though.

This didn’t bother me, at first, but the more we spoke and the more I got to know him, the more I thought about it in my head, I realised I actually don’t like the thought of him with another woman and I think I’ve got more feelings here than I should have.

He had to go to some martial arts thing, but text me asking if I wanted to meet up again before work, about 4.30.

I jumped at the opportunity, I got really nervous though beforehand, not knowing where we were going, what he wanted to do, what I wanted to do.

I was very confused.

– I didn’t really want a BF, I just wanted good sex. Which I’m not being funny, turned into REALLY good sex.

– Now I wasn’t comfortable though at the idea of ‘just’ sex with him. I was craving more.

– After what he told me about his Ex, I was worried that if I said I wanted more, he’d not want anything to do with me again.

– Whilst I don’t want to have just sex with him anymore, I also do not, and I mean REALLY do NOT want the sex to stop.

I’m not being funny, but I was feeling very messed up.

Anyway, he picked me up and we went to a local park and had a bit of a chat, not really about anything, just a chat.

He asked if I wanted to go back to his place for a bit as it was getting cold and he offered me dinner.

I’m not going to lie, I was really nervous now. When we got to his he asked if I wanted a drink, he got me a glass of red. As he handed it to me though he did something new, he moved in to kiss me.

This was him initiating things, I’m not being funny but all my nerves and concerns were gone in an instant and my sex drive went and took control. We kinda just sorta mauled each other a bit whilst trying to strip off.

He ended up doing that thing with both his tongue and his fingers again, he held me down and made me cum over and over again, it was incredible!

We ended up having sex again, this time though he did wear a condom as he had some there and I said I really couldn’t go and get another pill.

We dozed off for a little bit, but were woken by his phone as it was 5.45.

He then didn’t say a word, he just went down on me and made me cum again, before he got up and got dressed for work.

I got dressed quickly too, and he kept his promise about dinner and brought me a Mcdonalds on the way to work to make up for not cooking me anything. I’m not gonna lie, I love Chicken Nuggets so I was happy.

Anyway, after we got back I went and a shower and a sleep whilst he worked.

I woke up through about 1 am, and saw a text saying “If you’re up and want to come back to mine again, meet me by my car just after 3”. Well, I’m not being funny, but I was now too excited to go back to sleep so I tried to get a bag ready but kept finding myself distracted by thoughts of him and ended up masturbating again.

I finished getting my back ready and waited by his car for him just before three.

He turned up, hurried me into the car, and drove off back to his. He tends to drive one hand on the gear stick all the time, so I put my hand on his and interlaced our fingers slightly.

We didn’t talk much, once we got into his we didn’t waste a lot of time before we were naked and fucking again.

He fucked me really really good from behind, and gave me one of the longest orgasms I’ve ever had this way. It seemed to go on for ages.

After he came too, he then used just his fingers to bring me to orgasm another couple of times.

We both fell asleep cuddled up together, I woke up really thirsty quite late in the morning.

After getting a drink, I replied to a couple of Redditors who had messaged me for an update, one suggested I should wake him up with a blowjob. So that’s what I did, I loved feeling him harden up in my mouth again, he woke part way through and soon I had him shooting a load into my mouth.

He then sat up and put me down on the bed firmly, before going down on me like he does, fingers and tongue producing orgasm after orgasm.

I’m not being funny it’s almost like he can make me orgasm on demand, it’s incredible.

We ended up fucking until exhaustion again, although I couldn’t seem to make him cum again, he said it was because of the blowjob and that he enjoyed making me cum more than he did cumming himself. I still felt a bit bad though.

We woke up a bit later and he cooked some lunch, I’m not going to lie, he’s a really good cook too.

We then sat down and spoke and things got a little serious.

I told him how I felt, and he told me that I’m the first person he feels comfortable enough with to actually try a relationship again. He admitted he was concerned about our age difference, but I told him I wasn’t bothered by it.

He was also concerned about his ‘professionalism’ claiming it doesn’t look good for the security guard to be hooking up with one of the students at the accommodation. I’m not going to lie, I personally find the sneaking about a little bit of a thrill and I admitted that to him. I said we can keep it discreet for as long as he wants to.

After this, we sat together watching something on TV, but that didn’t last very long, I couldn’t help but start running my hands all over him again and before long he was doing the same back to me.

Things ended up going much the same as before, lots of orgasms, lots more sex, really really good sex.

I’m not gonna lie, by now I was sore, exhausted, and actually had a bit of a headache.

He told me I was probably dehydrated and he made me some horrible blackcurrant drink that had a bunch of rehydration stuff in it. He had to go to work and told me I was more than welcome to stay at his, which I did.

I told him that he better wake me up when he gets home.

I watched a bit of TV before deciding I was going to try and get some sleep so I was well rested.

I ended up getting all worked up and frustrated again in his bed though as it smelt of him, so I ended up seeing to myself again but for the first time in a long time I actually found it really hard to cum. I ended up giving up and went to sleep eventually really frustrated.

Then, I’m not being funny, but the best thing happened, I woke up to find my legs spread and his tongue lightly teasing me. I looked down at him and he just said “hi” and gave me the sexiest smile ever, right before sliding a finger in and going to town on me again. I had a huge body shaking orgasm very quickly, I don’t know if it was because of all the frustration, the fact I’ve wanted him to wake me like this, or just that he was so good at it, but it was one of the most intense and most enjoyable orgasms ever.

He didn’t let it stop there, I found my body was resisting him as he tried to carry on, every light brush was just too sensitive but he overpowered me and just forced me to orgasm a couple more times.

I’m not being funny, but I actually felt a little bit high after this, things were just all a bit enhanced if you know what I mean.

He lay down next to me and started to tease me a little, he ran his fingers lightly over my thighs and my belly, this felt so intense after those orgasms, almost like a very tiny orgasm with each touch, aftershocks kinda.

I then made my regular mistake again, caught up in the moment I guess, I wanted his cum again and I climbed on top and started riding him raw again.

He asked if he should put a condom on and I told him not to. Even then the voice in the back of my head was telling me “Yes he should” but I ignored it.

I didn’t ride him for long before I was cumming on his dick, at which point he then took over.

He put me on my back, put my legs over his shoulders and began fucking me really slow and deep again. After those previous orgasms I’m not going to lie, each stroke felt absolutely amazing.

He soon made me cum again, a small one this time, but he didn’t speed up like normal, he kept going until I had another larger orgasm, he then sped up which made it both so ridiculously good and yet almost impossible to bear at the same time. I wrapped my legs around him as tight as I could whilst he did this to slow him down a bit, but he stopped all together and groaned as I felt him emptying himself inside of me.

That right there was the best sex I think, ever! It was unreal.

We spent most of Sunday resting and just talking, although just after dinner we ended up having sex again. I told him I wanted him to be rougher with me this time and he ended up fucking me really hard from behind. It felt great but I was actually really sore afterwards, and actually, I felt a bit sick.

He left me here again when he went to work. This wasn’t a smart idea as I had lecture Monday morning.

He didn’t wake me when he came back, I don’t think he came to bed, he woke me up and took me to my lecture. Although I was rather uncomfortable all through it and couldn’t really concentrate.

I actually got a taxi from the Uni back to my accommodation even though it was only 15 minutes walk.

When I got there, I found he’d been to the chemist, brought me another pill, some painkillers, a bottle of Lucozade and some flowers, with a note saying to rest up.

I’m not being funny, but I actually thought although not the most romantic of gifts, the gesture was really sweet.

I went to text him which is when I realised I’d left my phone at his.

Anyway, I spend most of the day resting, trying not to move, until he started work. I snuck down and left a note for him to meet me by the bike sheds in an hour.

He met me, we had a chat, he said I better come back and get my phone after work.

We snuck a little kiss and a cuddle whilst it was quiet and then I went and tried to get an early night, knowing I’d have to be up at three.

We went back to his, I got my phone and despite wanting to I knew I was too sore to have sex again. We ended up staying awake for hours just talking though and he agreed properly that we can try it out, I am not an FWB, I am his girlfriend now.

It’s not what I planned, nor what I wanted, and I’m pretty sure my mother won’t be happy about it, but I am absolutely ecstatic about it. I genuinely couldn’t be happier.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/9sp4u6/fm_things_have_gotten_serious_with_the_security


  1. I’m not being funny, but i think without realising it you were actually looking for a relationship even thouh you positioned it as a preference just for sex!

    Delighted that you’re happy – keep smiling ;-)

  2. Just a heads up, imo you use the phrase “I’m not being funny” so often that it becomes distracting to the rest of the story.

    Love the story.

  3. Great series! I get that people don’t like the repeated “funny” or “lie” but for me knowing cultural vernaculars are real and you’re real puts a lot more credence to the story.

  4. Why do you keep saying you’re not being funny? Nothing about what you said is funny. Seems serious to me. Overall good read!

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