Want to create a digital erotic story magazine!

What would you guys think about stories being edited and formatted for a book format. Then put in a collection of erotic stories. Maybe even go as far as making different magazines for certain kinds of stories. Like all BDSM, all lesbian, etc. So if you have a certain taste, you can go straight to the magazine that has your interest.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/9sgudx/want_to_create_a_digital_erotic_story_magazine


  1. Are you talking paid magazines? If so, how would you share the revenue? Also, what kind of license do you have in mind? Would you take previously published work or only new stuff? Exclusive deals? Preferred length?

    In principle, I would love to contribute. Extra exposure never hurts and my Literotica portfolio could use more eyeballs, but it all depends on the terms of the contract. I mainly write kinky SF and Fantasy, with a few forays into other genres. I tend to write longer pieces, 15-50k words. Been active on Lit since 2012, so I kinda know what I’m doing.

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