Me and my cousin had been close since we were kids. We would hang out for hours after school, we would go to the movies, stay up all night talking, and even once she showed me what it was like to kiss. It was childish stuff but I had a major crush on her.
I was disgusted in myself that I would masturbate over pictures of her and that time I stole a pair of her panties and came on them. Oh what I would do to see her curvatures body perched on my hard cock. I had many fantasies of fucking my cousin but that’s all they were, fantasies. Until that faithful night.
I was 18 and sat at home alone playing xbox when I heard a knock at the door, I looked through the peeper to see Holly’s beautiful face soaked with tears. I opened the door and she slumped into my arms I guided her into the living room and sat her down next to me. Through a shaking voice she told me about how she’d argued with her parents about something so stupid it’s not worth going into detail about. We sat there for a couple of more minutes after she took her coat off to reveal a tight top with her petit nipples poking through.
Disaster, I got hard quicker then I can explain and I know she felt my penis caress her thigh. She looked up with devilish smile on her face “I have an idea”. And without warning she grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs and into my room. Once in there she shoved me onto my bed and told me to lay down, my heart was racing I had no idea what was happening. My head said “DON’T YOU DARE SHE IS YOUR COUSIN!”
My heart said “but you love her more then anything else in this world”
And my dick said “do it. You’ve always wanted to haven’t you?”
While I was having a battle of organs she had stripped down to her nickers and bra. I layed back and unbuttoned my pants while she pulled them off she climbed on top of me like an excited puppy and started kissing me. Her lips were so soft but I wasn’t focusing on them I was determined to remove her firm pointed breasts from their incarceration.
Once I had freed her tits she pulled away from kissing me as I removed my shirt and resumed once I was done she began kissing my neck something that made my stomach flutter. She worked her way down my body all the way to my underwear that was propped up by my hard, throbbing cock. She took them off and was amazed at her little cousins big firm dick inches from her beautiful, well constructed face, she went to work she would suck the tip, then she would deepthroat it, she she’d suck my balls while stroking it.
I tried so hard not to cum and I succeeded when she signaled for me to turn us over and get on top which I did. I postured up to see my half naked cousin breathing almost as heavy as me with a child like grin on her pretty face. I looked down at her panties and saw they were soaked right through. I took them off so quick it was like my life depended on it i kneeled there over her examining her perfect creamy pussy. It was unbelievable, I could of died at this moment and I would have died the horniest and happiest man to ever live.
“Put it in daddy” an order which I followed instantaneously I felt her warm insides rap around my veiny cock, her thick vagina walls grabbing my penis further in. I layed on top of her and began to move my hips in accord to her after a while she began to quicken and pulled me close to her wrapping her warm legs around my waist as if to tell me she didn’t care wether I pulled out or not; as if she wanted to tell me she wanted her cousins thick cum inside her. She almost ripped my back to shreds with her nails while whispering “ohh daddy I’ve wanted this for so long”.
After 5 or so minutes she was screaming my names and I was moaning hers I felt my cum leave my body and enter hers. The deed was done I’d fucked my cousin and there was no going back.
Calling your cousin “daddy”… *whew*
So how did this all play out the day after, and beyond?
You two didnt have sex again! This story sounded so cute. You should take her out sometime or just hang out alone or something!