How I [M] 31 thought my colleague [F] 35 was way out of my league (part1)

I started working at a new job in the studio department upstairs. Downstairs in the reception was the offie manager, I remember the day I came to hand in my application for the job vacancy, as I handed it to her I knew right from that very moment that she was the sexiest woman I had ever laid eyes on. A stunning petit blonde, with the cutest of smiles & amazing eyes.

Over the next few months I try find every excuse to be in the office downstairs around her, I am usually a shy person & would get flustered around her. She had been at the company for a fair few years & she was always so professional & really well presented. I was if I am honest a little intimidated by her, her beauty & her mannerisms. I got the impression that she was way out of my league. But it did not stop me trying to get a peek down her top, or try figure out from the smallest of glimpses of a waist band what underwear she was wearing, I would then use this as I jerked off later that day. Sad but true. I lusted after her for months. I looked forward to once a week when we would work on a project together. We would sit side by side. So close, she smelt amazing.

Approx 7 months in & we had begun to send a few jokey, more friendly emails on works system…..this one day in particular I got particularly brave & started to attempt to flirt…..nothing too forward, just adding in some innuendos or racy comments.

That same day we had a customer come in to query one of my jobs, we were together in the factory discussing the job & she bent over to get a closer look, my eyes nearly popped out of my sockets & my cock nearly poked someone’s eye out I was so turned on! She had on a low cut red top & as she bent over I got the perfect view of her breasts all neatly snug in her bra. It wasn’t a quick view either, it was as though time had stood still for me. Once the query had been dealt with I went back upstairs & she returned to her desk downstairs. I knew I was pushing my luck but I was ballsy & emailed her not long after saying something along the line of ‘I really like what you are wearing today, was that view I got on purpose?’ God it sounds cheesy when I write it down but it kinda worked, it broke the ice a little & we flirted some more….

About a week later after a little more flirting & getting closer I confessed that I wanted to kiss her. I asked her to meet me upstairs in the meeting room away from everyone else, she called my bluff saying I wouldn’t do it, testing me, thinking I would back out.

I walked into the meeting room & she was sat at the desk reading some papers, I walked straight over, put one hand on the desk & the other on the back of the chair, she looked up at me & I kissed her, it was like fireworks going off inside my stomach, a whirlwind inside my head. It was one hell of a kiss, it was like our mouths were meant for one another. Instantly knowing what to do.

We parted for a second & she told me to go close the door, which I did, and as I turned back around she’d followed me, we were now stood in the middle of the meeting room & she leant in to kiss me, we embraced once again, it was so passionate, the sexual tension had built between us & the lust we shared for one another was plain to see in our actions….then I don’t know what came over me, in my head I felt like this was a once in a life time opportunity & this kiss, this embrace would never happen again, so I went for it…I slid my hand into the waist band of her trousers all the way down, through her neatly trimmed hair to find the sexiest, wettest pussy ever. She was soaked, was it from the kiss? Was it from the build up & flirting before hand? I don’t know but she was soaked! It was the best kiss of my life & I didn’t want it to end. But for fear of getting caught it did. We said our goodbyes & that was it….As it turns out it was a weekend, a long weekend at that & we were not going to see each other for 4 days.

The weekend felt so very long & we had no way of contacting each other away from works email at the time. Eventually the working week came around again & we were both in early, before anyone else. I was sat at my desk checking my emails & she appeared through the door behind me. She said it was just a bit of fun….it had to be just a bit of fun….I could tell she had been thinking about it as much as I had….and no sooner had we agreed that it was only to be a bit of fun, nothing serious I stood up & pushed her against the door & we kissed again. Fuck I needed it. It was equally as hot as the first kiss. I cannot remember if again I slid my hand into her trousers or not but I know our hands were all over each other.
