[FM] My on going pursuit of the sexy security guard. All 4 parts so far…

So for some reason no one has told me why, my posts have been deleted from r/stupidslutsclub
Therefore I’m reposting this to a couple of other subs that hopefully won’t delete my posts.

This is my on going and successful pursuit of the sexy security guard that works at my student accommodation block.

I originally signed up just to try and get his attention, as I was sure I caught a glimpse of him on the SSC sub Reddit.
I then found I really enjoy posting about my sex life.

So here it all is so far
Post one:
Hey, I’ve basically created a Reddit account to post this.

I’m a student in the UK and our apartments has a very sexy guard who works the evenings.
When you were distracted last night by those girls at the door I snuck a peek over the desk and 80% sure this sub is the one you had open on your phone. I really hope you read this.

So, you’ve not responded to me flirting with you, or taunting you. I’ve caught your eyes on me though. I know you’re very professional.
I want this though. I want you. You can let yourself into my dorm. You can meet me in the gym, laundrette, bike lockup, anywhere. We can go offsite. I want you to fuck me hard. I can’t get you out off my head.

I wanted to be extra risky tonight and while you were away from the front desk I borrowed your drinks bottle.
I also dropped a present over the desk onto the floor for you. I hope you find them. With luck they’ll still be a little wet. ??

Please come get your bottle back…

Then earlier this week I finally had some success.
Post 2:

I managed to get slutty with the security guard from my dorms, and it was lush!

Basically, I’d been flirty with him for weeks but I think he was trying not to give in since he was at work.

Through my own conversation with him, and overhearing others, I found out which gym he used and that he liked to go early in the morning when it wasn’t busy.

I signed up to the same Gym, I needed to anyway as the one onsite is rubbish! I started making sure I got there early too, the 3rd day he was there too.

I flirted with him when I could, we often chatted and laughed, joked, etc. Once he lightened up he was a lil bit chopsy.

Watching him work out just got me so worked up. I had to do something about it in the showers afterwards, almost got caught the second time.

After a few sessions there with him, we had a morning where it was just us in the gym. I asked him if he’d help me as I’d not done free weights before. A lie, but he didn’t need to know.

I asked to try dead lifts, he stood behind me to ‘watch my form’ so I backed up and made sure to stick my bum out so it pressed into him as I did this.

I turned and apologised, being sure to bite my lip. I wasn’t sure what was holding him back but the look in his eyes told me this was working.

I didn’t see him at the weekend much, but I knew he was going to be at the gym early this morning.

I decided something would happen and dug into my draw to find this old pair of black skin tight shorts. These shorts are very thin, and are fairly see through for which they don’t get worn often.

This was the perfect use for them though.

I got to the Gym and saw that it was just him in there again, before entering I decided to go the whole way, I popped back to the changing room, and slipped out of my thong and put just the shorts back on.

He was sat there working the low row machine. I went over and gave him a friendly squeeze on his shoulders, before hopping onto the cycle machine next to him. When he got off I pounced on the opportunity and asked him if he’s spot me squatting. I did a nice low weight so I could really control the speed I went up and down, this was giving him a perfect view of my bum with almost nothing to his imagination. I glanced in the mirror and he was definitely staring.

A couple of older ladies entered the gym, I’ve seen them a few times, they just listen to music and jog on the treadmill, I decided they wouldn’t ruin my plan.

He went to use the shoulder press, which is directly across from the abductor machine. I sat down and set myself up. I knew that through a combination of my sweat, getting wet watching him, and spreading my legs open and closed directly opposite to him would give him a great view of my pussy through these shorts.

I stared at him the whole time, trying to give my best fuck me eyes, probably just looked creepy though, it wasn’t long before I noticed his eyes glance down a few times, he was clearly not as focused on his work outs.

I then went for it, I copied a move straight out of some porn I’d watched before. I pretended to have cramp, really bad cramp, in my thigh.

He stopped what he was doing to make sure I was OK, I asked him to try and work it out for me. He hesitated at first, but then put his big firm hand on my thigh and started to knead and rub my muscle. His hands felt lush on my body, I think I could have came right there from him squeezing my thigh. I told him it still hurt and asked him to help me to the stretching area.

There is a little room in the corner with just a doorway, no door, with mats for stretching, gym ball, etc.

He helped me over to the room and sat me down in the corner, I don’t know if he was on board or making plans himself, but he placed me not in the nearest corner, but in the one directly under the CCTV camera, in it’s blind spot.

I was glad he did because it gave me the confidence to what I did next.

As he went to stand up I grabbed his beard and pulled him in for a kiss, my other hand went straight for his dick. I could feel it through his shorts, already slightly hard. He didn’t pull away, his hands found there way to my body, one began to rub me through my shorts. I pushed him off and quickly pulled his dick out, I gave a quick glace to check the ladies couldn’t see us. I spat on his dick before putting it into my mouth. He wasn’t completely hard which was perfect. I loved feeling him grow and harden in my mouth. His dick wasn’t the biggest I’ve ever seen somewhere between 6-7″ but it was really thick and nicely curved.

I knew we had to be quick, I sucked up and down, paying lots of attention to his head, and stroking his balls with my other hand. He started to moan, his legs must have been getting weak as he put an arm out to support himself on the wall, whilst the other one firmly took hold of the back of my head. That turned me on something crazy, him taking control and holding my head there whilst he groaned and shot his load into my throat. I swallowed it down, licked my lips and then teased the last few drops out of him with my tongue.

I bit my lip and said hopefully I’ll see you later and left him there.

I headed into the shower and quickly gave myself a lush orgasm very quickly, before getting dry, dressed, and rushing back to try and make my first lecture (I was late).

Hopefully I’ll see him later tonight, maybe I’ll have to report an intruder in my room? ;)

Then more success later that night:
Post 3:
I know lots of you wanted an update, sorry it’s taken a while, I’m not being funny but I’ve just been really tired and busy.

So, Tuesday night, me and a couple of friends were going out to some event at a local club that she wanted to go to.

To make this easier, I’m just going to call her Louise for this post.

I said I’d go but insisted I couldn’t go until after 7. I knew my sexy guard started then and I had a plan.

I had a search around and found my sexist dress, I’m not going to lie to you, it’s a really hot dress. I made myself look my best so that when we left I was able to make sure my guard saw me walking past the front desk. I looked over to him, I gave him my sexy smile, where I kinda bite the tip of my tongue a lil bit. Louise noticed and when we were out laughed at me. She commented about how I was being daft and that lots of the girls on site have tried it on and gotten nowhere with him. I just nodded, silently smirking to myself thinking “Yeah, well they didn’t have his cock in their mouth this morning!”.

We went to a pub first as the club didn’t open their event till half 9. My friends were just chatting a load of rubbish and I was struggling to focus on anything but my sexy guard, fantasising about him and what he could do to me.

This was only made worse by sneaking a peak at reddit, the comments, the messages you’d all sent. That and the fact I wasn’t wearing any underwear, not just because it was sexy/risky, but this dress has high side slits and it’s hard to find underwear that doesn’t show through it.

I did excuse myself a couple of times whilst I was out with my friends to, take care of business but that only relieved me for a few minutes, then that itch would come back worse.

We got back about 2 in the morning, he wasn’t at the front desk at this point, so I leaned over and grabbed a pen and paper.

I wrote “come see me” and made a kiss mark with my lipstick and left it on the desk for him to find.

I’m not going to lie, I was a bit surprised I did that, as it was totally spontaneous. I hadn’t planned for that.

Now the next part I had planned. Our block is kinda set out with door you have to use a fob to get though, then we have a shared bathroom and a shared kitchen, then each of our own rooms which you need your fob to get into.

I went and had a shower and afterwards tried to make sure my long wet hair looked as sexy as it could before wrapping myself in the smallest towel I had, that still covered everything, just.

I’m not being funny, but I figured I had to take the gamble to pull this off, and when I left my room I did leave my fob in there deliberately. I called the front desk knowing it was almost 3 and he’d be finishing soon.

When the phone was answered my heart sank. It wasn’t the sexy guard, it was the really fat old guard.

Incredibly disappointed, and upset at the prospect it was going to be him staring at my body, I explained I’d left my fob in my room and couldn’t get back in.

He protested, (Not wanting to walk anywhere probably) and tried to get me to check in my bag etc. Then I heard in the background on the phone.

“It’s OK ***, I’ll go and do it before I leave, what’s the room number”

I’m not being funny but I think my heart practically leapt out with excitement. He was coming up.

I said thanks and hung up.

Daftly I tried out a few poses to try and stand there as sexy as I could, before realising I probably looked silly.

It seemed to take years for him to get there, when I heard the main door unlock and he came in.

He looked a little surprised and said “Oh, it’s you” with a smirk on his face. Despite his best efforts, his eyes were all over my body.

I just gave him, or at least tried to, give him a naughty look and said “I forget my key, please let me in!”

He hesitated, staring at me, his eyes still so hungry. When he opened my door as I walked in I dropped my towel whilst grabbing his tie and pulled him into the room with me. He could easily have resisted, he must be twice my size at least, but he didn’t.

“Bloody hell, what are you doing to me girl? I’m at work!” I remember him saying.

I just glanced towards my clock which now read 03:04 “Not anymore” I said, as I dropped to my knees undoing his belt.

I very quickly had his dick in my mouth again. He was already a little hard, but he soon got harder and harder.

He put his hand lightly on the back of my head and pushed me a little deeper on him, I looked up and guided his other hand and encouraged him to grab my hair instead, trying my best to smile at him with a mouth full of dick.

He got the message and took a firm hand full, forcing my head further onto his dick, I gagged a couple times which I actually like a little bit. I began to tease his balls a little bit again, he soon took a firm grip of my hair with both hands and held me in place again, fairly deep, I continued moving my tongue as much as I could and without warning there was a grunt and he came down my throat again.

This was a bit of a surprise, and initially a disappointment.

I’m not being funny but my past experiences with *men* – I guess none of them really were men, was that this would be it, now he’s come that would be it.

He soon changed that, he pulled his trousers back up, then he lifted me off the floor with ease and put me onto the bed before parting my legs and eating me out.

I’m not being funny, I’ve never had a guy who was able to make me cum this way, only ever another girl once, and I can actually cum pretty easy. This was something else entirely.

It gets a little bit hazy here as he put his fingers in me to and just kinda kept giving me orgasm after orgams from both fingers and his mouth. He would give me a few moments to recover from each but then just put his free hand firmly on my belly and just held me still till I could control myself better.

They were the lushest orgasms I’ve ever had.

He was doing this for ages, it must have been about 40 minutes I’d guess. I was exhausted and really thirsty, and also really wet, I was drenched down there from both his mouth and my cum.

He got up, and told me to wait there, he nipped out of my room and came back with a glass of water for me.

I drank it while he stripped naked, he put a condom on he had in his wallet and then lay me back on the bed again. He lifted my legs up slightly onto his shoulders and slowly entered me.

I’m not being funny, but this was the lushest cock I’ve ever had. It wasn’t the biggest, but it was probably the thickest, and he had like a perfect curve in it. He just filled me better than others I’ve had.

Everything was obviously very sensitive still and he just continued to fuck me slowly, every time he pushed it in felt amazing. He soon started fucking me harder, still slow, but hard, really firm. I’m not gonna lie but nobody has ever fucked me quite like that. I’ve had hard and fast, and slow and gently, but never hard and slow. It was incredible.

I soon started cumming and he then changed pace and started fucking me faster too, I think I had another orgasm instantly, that’s what it felt like, kinda two at once sort of thing which was also a bit new for me too.

He turned me over and I put my head down into the pillow whilst he took a firm hold of my hips, he slid inside and started to fuck me from behind, same again, slow, slow and hard, then as I started to cum, he fucked me really hard again, I remember hearing him groaning as I came the second time, he stopped thrusting and reached his hand around to my clit and quickly rubbed another orgasm out of me.

I don’t think I’ve ever come so much in my life.

We just lay there for a bit after that, exhausted, exchanging a few odd words with each other.

My body began to ache, I think from the workout it had just had. He ran his firm strong hands all over my body, he gave me like a mini massage which felt both incredibly relaxing and arousing at the same time.

He fell asleep just before 8am and I quickly had a drink and then snuggled up next to him.

Fortunately, it’s an “Independent Study/Reading week” so there wasn’t a lot of lectures/classes on for me to miss. I woke up just after 12, chucked a big T-shirt on and ran down to the kitchen to get a drink.

Louise was in there and gave me a look, she’s two rooms down from mine and said she’d been awake since 4 and couldn’t get back to sleep since someone was moaning the whole block down. She knew it was me, I could tell by the look on her face.

I just told her I’d tell her later, grabbed some water, flashed Louise a grin and ran back to my room.

It stank of sex. Which just started to turn me on again, I sat there on my little stool and started teasing myself, masturbating to his face, his broad shoulders, the memories I had from just a few hours ago.

I soon found myself cumming again, I’m not going to lie, it wasn’t quite as comfortable as normal, I kinda had a crampy ache in my gut, a bit like you get in your muscles after a hard workout.

I don’t know if my moans disturbed him, but he rolled off his side and onto his back, at which point I could see he was pitching a tent. ;)

I’m not being funny, but I figured he wouldn’t want to waste his morning wood, and I certainly didn’t want to waste it.

I fucked myself with my fingers a bit to loosen up, then I carefully climbed onto the bed, sat over him and lowered myself onto him, putting his bare dick inside of me.

Now, I’m not going to lie, in hindsight I realise this was a bit of a stupid thing to do, but at the time I didn’t have any condoms and I really wanted his dick again.

He woke up as I pressed myself down taking him all inside me. He jumped a little and protested a little, but I just put my finger to his lips and started grinding on him.

I was cumming all over his dick again very quickly, he then flipped me on my back and began driving himself deep into me again like last night, it wasn’t long before he made me cum again, then like before starting fucking me faster again, I came again, and as powerful and as lush as it was still a bit uncomfortable.

He started to groan a little, and I’m not quite sure what came over me but I wrapped my legs tightly around him and pull him as close to me as I could, it’s daft, and it may have just been me not thinking straight from the orgasm, but I’m not gonna lie, I really wanted him to cum inside me. (I’d never let anyone do that before)

He groaned louder and held my thigh as if he wanted to pull out but didn’t. He filled me up and then we both kinda rolled together so I was lying on top of him again, his dick still slightly inside me.

We just kinda lay there for a bit, whilst his cock went limp and slipped out by itself.

We just kinda lay there for a while again and dozed off.

We finally both got up late afternoon. I managed to sneak down to the shower with him.

We showered together, and he fingered me in the shower and I gave him another blow job once we got out.

I then made sure the coast was clear so he could try to escape the block (and ideally get off site without being seen).

I went to make some dinner since I’d not eaten since yesterday, went back to my room to eat it. I got a knock on the door and it was Louise, who also commented on how much my room stank of sex.

She’d seen my sexy guard leaving via the Bike sheds, not the main entrance, at this time, and put two and two together.

I confessed it all to her, she berated me a little, saying it was silly and risky, and I’m not being funny, but I actually think she heard it all and was just a little jealous more than anything.

I spent most of last night hanging out by the security office and chatting with him when he was there.

He didn’t see me last night in my room, but we have agreed to go to the gym together tomorrow morning.

I’ll let you know if anything more happens…

And finally this morning’s events:
Post 4:
My poor guard had a bit of a rough night at work last night, I kept spending as long as I could chatting/flirting with him but he kept getting called away as there are some idiots that keep causing trouble in one of the blocks.

I’m not gonna lie, I was really hoping he’d come and see me after he finished, but I had fallen asleep by then and he either didn’t visit, or didn’t wake me.

We’d made plans the day before to go to the Gym together this morning, he was picking me up at 6am (ugh) to go, but I had something to do beforehand. Something very risky.

About 5am I got up and began working myself up wearing a small pair of pink panties.

After getting myself worked up enough, I stuffed them. ;)

I chucked on a hoodie and some joggers and snuck down to the onsite Gym. This is not very popular as it’s a pretty poor excuse for a gym, but it was the only place onsite where I thought I could get away with this.

I crept in and hugged the wall so I could slide down to the corner and unplug the CCTV camera.

I’m not being funny, but I still wasn’t quite comfortable like this so I dragged the heaviest kettle bell against the door in case someone tried to come in.

I then propped my phone against some equipment and checked it was in place.

I then stripped off and did a little twirl so you could see I wasn’t wearing anything.

I did then did the side splits and once I was down I slowly leaned forwards and put my head down, I then pulled the pants out of myself and put them into my teeth. I then turned my head up to face the camera, smiled and gave a wink with my soaked underwear between my teeth.

I’ve now saved this video for later.

I then quickly got dressed and ran back up to my room to get ready. Despite the cold weather, I put my thin black see-though shorts on again and a black T-shirt before heading outside to meet my sexy guard.

I met him outside and climbed into his car, leaned over and gave him a kiss. He seemed a bit coy again, hopefully just because we were at work and not that he was having second thoughts.

He was wearing a black pair of everlast shorts, which formed really well around his bulge. I’m not being funny, but it took a lot of will power not to pounce on him then.

We chatted a little whilst we drove the short drive to the gym, but I struggled to think of anything other than him fucking me again.

When we got the the gym, we were disappointed, it is usually really quiet in the morning but today it was not.

I asked him if he’d take some photos of me doing some squats so I could check my form myself later.

He agreed, I didn’t unlock my phone, just enabled the camera. This way he couldn’t see my video in the history. I then did some squats knowing he’d be staring at my bum the whole time, I knew the lower I squatted the more stretched the shorts would be the more he could see through them.

He tried to get us on track with some workouts, but I kept trying to distract anyway I could.

I felt a bit silly making so many innuendos but it seemed to be working, that and I was trying to give him a naughty look whenever I could.

I’m not going to lie, my heart did a little jump next, as he said to me “It’s too busy here, I know somewhere else we can workout if you want?” I agreed and ran off to the showers as quickly as I could to change, unfortunately my change of clothes was just a hoodie and some yoga pants but I’m not being funny, I think I’d already seduced him again enough by now.

I made time for a quick warm up in the shower whilst no one else was there, would have been caught if it was 5 minutes later.

I hopped back out to the car and saw my opportunity, he was putting his back in the boot so I ran to me seat quickly and slipped something out of the side pocket of my back into his glove compartment.

We started driving away and went out of the city and onto some country lanes. I asked where he was taking me and he told me there were some fields he sometimes ran through and did cardio.

I was becoming a bit concerned now he actually did just want to go and work out.

Not being funny but I thought I had to act now, so I placed my hand on his lap, the shorts he was wearing now were not as thin as his gym shorts so I had to slide my hand under the waist line. I thought I might as well go all the way and slipped my hand into his boxers too, and began just holding his cock.

He protested, and said he was trying to drive, but never made any effort to move my hand. Changing gear did appear to be a bit of a problem.

I could feel him getting harder in my hand so I started to stroke him slightly.

I then had to slip my free hand inside my own pants and started masturbating next to him, it didn’t take me long before I was holding onto his dick firmly and cumming right next to him in the car.

He exclaimed, “fuck it” before roughly pulling over into a lay by/entrance to a field. He turned to me and slipped his hand down there instead whilst kissing me. We continued to kiss whilst he teased another orgasm out of me.

He then told me to get out, he went and opened the boot of his car, he has a people carrier but the back seats were folded down so there was lots of space.

He asked me if I had a condom as he hadn’t got any on him. I realised I left the ones I’d normally carry behind.

Now, I’m not being funny, but I actually think I may have done it subconsciously, because as much as I berated myself for it being stupid the other night, I did really enjoy him cumming inside me.

I told him not to worry about it, he hesitated for a moment, before he kissed me again, turned me around and bent me over into the boot of his car. He pulled down my clothes enough and entered me from behind. He started fucking me like he did the other night, really deep and slow until I came again, he then increased his pace and pulled me into him firmly by my hips.

I came again and he kept fucking me through my orgasm until he stopped and held me as close to him as he could. I felt him twitching inside me, his warmth filling me up again, I loved it, hearing him grunt and moan as he emptied himself into me.

He then pulled out of me, firmly pulled me up out of the car and kinda leaned me back into him, holding my body tight with one arm he then used his free hand to quickly tease my clit again until I had another orgasm.

We then both just sort fell into the back of the car exhausted and laughed a bit. We got cleaned up and he drove me back.

It occurred to me that in out little ‘quickie’ if you can call it that, and I’m not being funny, but this man had made me cum more times than most of my ex’s had in a proper session.

He dropped me off back at the accommodation before going back to his place to sleep.

It then really occurred to me just how embarrassed and how much of a slut would I feel going to the chemist for another morning after pill just a few days after the last one.

Oh, and what I put is his glove compartment was my underwear from the video, complete with my number written inside them in marker. When he text’s me, I’ll show him the video.

Hope you all enjoy!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/9rl1hl/fm_my_on_going_pursuit_of_the_sexy_security_guard

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